The oil lamp on the table was about to burn out, and the light in the room was dim, like a scene back in a small mountain village.

In the dark and dim environment, it was impossible to see clearly the expression on Zhiyuan's face.

But I can still imagine that her face at this time should be expressionless and calm.


The sharp piercing feeling just now is still vivid in my mind. Is it an illusion?

Lin Jiangnian was confused, but didn't think much more, turned around and prepared to leave.

But just when he turned around and took two steps, the icy coldness behind him hit him again.

Lin Jiangnian almost shuddered from the cold.

It feels right!

It was indeed cold.

And the source of this cold feeling is... the paper kite!

Lin Jiangnian stopped again, turned around, and frowned: "You..."

"Anything else?"

Still no response.

At this time, the oil lamp in the room was completely extinguished and plunged into darkness.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes darkened for no reason. There was an indescribable coldness in the silent room.

"If nothing happens, will I really go back?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke.

As always there was no response.

Lin Jiangnian turned around again and just took a step. Sure enough, the coldness hit him again.

As the footsteps gradually approached the door, the coldness became stronger and stronger.

A pair of solid eyes stared at him from behind. Although Lin Jiangnian had a good psychological quality, he was still frightened.

Feeling extremely uncomfortable all over.

Lin Jiangnian stopped again and turned around, and the cold gaze quietly dissipated.

Lin Jiangnian stood there and gradually realized something...

He raised his eyes and could vaguely see the figure in the darkness still standing there, like a sculpture.

An incredible thought suddenly came to Lin Jiangnian's mind. Could it be...

She doesn't want him to go?

When this idea first came up, Lin Jiangnian felt a little ridiculous at first, but then he thought deeply about it. He looked at the cold figure not far away again, hesitated for a moment, and walked up to her.

In the darkness, Lin Jiangnian quietly stared at Zhiyuan's face.

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes and did not look at him.

But the closer he got, the more he could feel the biting coldness on her body.


"My prince suddenly remembered..."

Lin Jiangnian stared at her and said tentatively: "The room hasn't been tidied up yet, and there is no place to go tonight. It's getting late now. Do you think... you can take my son in tonight?"

Very lame reason.

It's even a bit full of flaws and extremely funny.

Even if Xiaozhu came, he could see through Lin Jiangnian's excuses at a glance.

How come the prince, Prince Tangtanglin, has no place to sleep?

It's just an excuse.

Can't believe it!

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and landed on Lin Jiangnian. She looked at him quietly for a while, then withdrew her gaze and said calmly: "No."


The cold tone was without any ripples.

The smile on Lin Jiangnian's face froze slightly and he frowned.

Could it be that he got it wrong?

Are you being too sentimental?

While Lin Jiangnian was thinking, Zhiyuan ignored him and turned around to walk behind the screen.

Soon, a rustling sound came from behind the screen.

Something sounds familiar.

Lin Jiangnian looked up and could vaguely see the beautiful figure behind him through the screen.

On the bed not far away, Zhiyuan had already gotten on the bed and lay down.

Beside the bed, there is a pair of pure white lace embroidered shoes.

And on the bed...

A look of surprise gradually appeared on Lin Jiangnian's face.

She is...

You say no, but your body is quite honest?

When I was in a small mountain village, I stayed at the house of an old couple. There was only a small bed, and the two of them had to sleep together.

Now when I return to Xunyang City, the bed in front of me is very big and soft. But at this time, on the bed, the paper kite was still leaning on the bed, leaving a large space outside the bed.

No matter how stupid Lin Jiangnian is, he still realizes something.

In the darkness, Lin Jiangnian's eyes became brighter and brighter.

After returning from the small mountain village, Zhiyuan spent most of the time angry with him, making it difficult for Lin Jiangnian to figure out what this woman was thinking.

But looking at it now...

It seems that it is not that difficult to figure out?

Lin Jiangnian walked slowly behind the screen and came to the bed.

On the bed, Zhiyuan was already lying down, curled up in the quilt as he had done in the small mountain village, with his back to Lin Jiangnian, with only a head of thick black hair exposed, scattered casually.

very familiar.

Very dazed!

Everything is exactly the same as in the small mountain village.

Sure that so?

After standing by the bed for a moment, Lin Jiangnian took off his coat easily, got on the bed, lifted the quilt, and got in...

The movements are skillful and done in one go.

Getting into bed, I felt a familiar warmth wrap around my body.

Very warm, very fragrant, very soft!

The familiar faint fragrance on the quilt, the warmth inside the quilt, everything feels so familiar.

The only difference is that the scene has been changed.

But the person has not changed.

Lin Jiangnian turned his head, and in the darkness, he could only see the back of a delicate head.

Lin Jiangnian felt somewhat regretful.

This bed is too big...

The bed in the small mountain village was very small, and the two bodies were almost touching each other, and they could feel each other's heartbeat and breath.

But the bed was so big that there was some distance between the two of them.

Not very conducive to emotional communication and warmth!

Lin Jiangnian was thinking about having this bed thrown away tomorrow and replaced with a smaller one.

Thinking wildly, Lin Jiangnian didn't feel much sleepy. Staring at the girl's hair scattered on the pillow.

If we say that in a small mountain village, it can be explained by the fact that the two of them were in trouble and had no choice but to squeeze into the same bed.

So, what now?

What does she mean by what she did tonight?

What is it implying?

It seems that the hint is already a bit obvious?

Lin Jiangnian thought about what happened during this period, thinking about the changes in the kite, and gradually narrowed his eyes.

It's quiet at night.

Occasionally there is the rustling sound of the breeze beating the branches outside the window.

The room was dark and silent.

On the bed, two figures covered under soft silk quilts, each with their own thoughts.

in the dark.

Zhiyuan, who was wrapped under the quilt and only half of her face was exposed, slowly opened her eyes. Her originally clear eyes seemed a bit confused. She stared at the wall, not knowing what she was thinking.

She didn't turn around, but she could feel the familiar figure behind her.

Very close!

Even though the bed was huge, it was still very close to her.

It was so close that it was hard for her to calm down.

Even though they had been "sleeping together" in the small mountain village for several days, now...

Very different situation.

She just stared at the cold wall, feeling neither sleepy nor thinking, as if there was a short circuit in her mind.

I don’t know how long it took, but there was sudden movement behind me.

Before Zhiyuan could react, in the darkness, a dark figure approached from behind on the bed and stretched out his arms to hug her.

Zhiyuan's delicate body trembled suddenly, her clear eyes widened in vain, and a panicked expression emerged.

What does he want to do? !

The hot breath came from her back, very close to her.

Zhiyuan's delicate body tensed up instinctively, and she subconsciously wanted to resist.

"do not move!"

A warm voice came to his ears, and the hand Zhiyuan just stretched out was grabbed by an even hotter big hand.

The big hand wrapped around her from behind, hugged her slender waist, and held her tightly.

At this moment, Zhiyuan's mind went blank.

Almost lost consciousness.

When he finally came to his senses, he felt ashamed and angry.

"Let, let go..."

The voice was very soft, with a bit of embarrassment and trembling.

But it seems to be a little more flirtatious and lingering.

"If you move again, I will move too!"

Lin Jiangnian's warm voice came to his ears again, a bit brutal, a bit domineering and unreasonable.

Feeling the heat lingering in her ears, Zhiyuan's delicate body trembled slightly due to stimulation, and emotions of shame and anger suddenly surged into her heart.

He immediately wanted to shake away the prince behind him who was 'bullying' him, but for some reason, his body seemed to be honest and motionless, allowing the 'disciple' behind him to hold him wantonly.

His face was hot, his breathing was rapid, and his thoughts were confused.

In the darkness, she remained motionless.

Lin Jiangnian raised his head slightly and stared at the delicate profile face that was vaguely visible in front of him, with a touch of pride on his face.

His judgment and guess were indeed correct.

Quietly hugging the girl's soft body from behind, feeling the girl's restless and trembling body and the thumping heartbeat.

Very urgent!

Lin Jiangnian could even feel the unsatisfactory and violent heartbeat of the girl in his arms in the palm of his hand, which showed that she was very emotionally unstable now.

But she didn't resist.

what does that mean?

it goes without saying.

Lin Jiangnian did not continue to push further. He could feel that reaching this point was already Zhiyuan's limit. If we go further, I'm afraid it will be counterproductive.

Lin Jiangnian is still very clear about the principle that haste makes waste. Being able to determine Zhiyuan's thoughts and intentions is already the biggest gain tonight.

As for what’s next…

Everything is much simpler.

early morning.

A ray of sunlight shone into the room. On the bed, Zhiyuan slowly opened her eyes.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I felt someone beside me. His body was instinctively vigilant, but the next second he realized something, he was startled again.

He raised his eyes and saw a familiar face.

Delicate and handsome, with his eyes slightly closed, he was sleeping soundly.

Staring at this face, what happened last night gradually came to mind, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, she seemed to realize something, lowered her head, and a blush appeared on her fair face.

Her body froze slightly, and she froze in place for a moment, then gently removed the big hand covering her body.

Then, he sat up.

Outside the window, the sky is already bright.

Zhiyuan sat on the bed, hugging her legs and looking to the side. Lin Jiangnian was still sleeping soundly and soundly.

Zhiyuan stared at it for a long time, and what happened last night came to mind.

Her eyes gradually became confused.

It wasn't until a long time later that I didn't know what I thought of, and a blush appeared, but it quickly disappeared.

She bit her lower lip lightly and looked at Lin Jiangnian sleeping soundly on the bed with his eyes still closed, feeling a little angry for no reason.

Inexplicable impulse!

Even she herself didn't know what was going on.

Pulling the quilt gently, she couldn't help but kick him twice. Seeing that Lin Jiangnian continued to pretend to be asleep, Zhiyuan took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

Get up and get ready to get out of bed.

However, just as she got up and was about to step over Lin Jiangnian and get out of bed. Lin Jiangnian, who had been 'sleeping soundly', suddenly opened his eyes. Unexpectedly, he reached out his hand and took the paper kite in front of him into his arms, hugging him tightly.


Being attacked suddenly, Zhiyuan struggled and spoke in shame and anger.

Lin Jiangnian refused to listen. He turned over with Zhiyuan in his arms and pulled her into the quilt again. Looking at the delicate, blushing and panic-stricken face in front of him, he couldn't help but want to lean in for a kiss.

However, Zhiyuan was already prepared. When he realized that Lin Jiangnian was approaching, he immediately dodged in shame and anger: "Let me go!"

"Let me kiss you twice!"

"No, no!"

"One bite?"

"No way!"

"Just a kiss?"


"I won't let go until you kiss me!"


early morning.

On the bed, two figures were entangled in a stalemate.

Don’t give in to each other.

Lin Jiangnian looked at the blushing face of Zhiyuan in his arms and wanted to kiss her.

Zhiyuan was vigilant and struggled desperately, not giving him a chance to take advantage.

Just as the two were in a stalemate.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside the room.

"Sister Zhiyuan?"

Lin Qingqing's voice sounded.

In the room, the two people on the bed were startled when they heard the sound outside the door.

Especially Zhiyuan, her delicate body trembled, and a look of panic appeared on her delicate face.


Lin Jiangnian looked down at the paper kite in his arms and asked doubtfully, "Why did she come to see you so early in the morning?"

Zhiyuan was also confused at this time.

At this time, Lin Qingqing's anxious voice came from outside the door: "Sister Zhiyuan, are you still awake?"

The voice was urgent, as if there was something important.

"Yes, is something wrong?"

Lin Qingqing, who was outside the door, heard Sister Zhiyuan's voice coming from inside the room. It was a little light, a little trembling, and seemed a little strange.

However, Lin Qingqing did not pay attention, but said anxiously: "Sister Zhiyuan, my subordinates just received an urgent report from outside the city and need to deal with it as soon as possible..."

She just went to His Highness's room, but learned that His Highness was not there, so she hurried to find Sister Zhiyuan.

In the absence of His Highness, the only person who can make decisions is Sister Zhiyuan.

"You, wait a minute..."

The kite's slightly trembling voice came again in the room.

Lin Qingqing didn't hear anything strange and nodded: "Okay, I'll wait for you then!"

After saying that, Lin Qingqing walked to the side of the courtyard.

At the same time, inside the room.

While Zhiyuan was distracted and was returning to Lin Qingqing's words, Lin Jiangnian suddenly came closer and quickly kissed Zhiyuan's cheek that could be broken. Under Zhiyuan's shy and angry gaze, he stood up contentedly.

"Okay, it's time to get up!"

"Qingqing should have something important to ask you!"

Zhiyuan didn't speak, just looked at him expressionlessly.

His eyes were slightly evil.

However, Lin Jiangnian did not accept her advice. After getting dressed, he returned to the bed and reached out to pinch her cheek, but Zhi Yuan avoided it keenly.

"Okay, don't be angry, I'm joking with you!"

Lin Jiangnian came closer with a smile on his face: "How about I let you kiss me too?"

Zhiyuan said nothing, with a cold face.

"Then I'll go out and wait for you!"

Lin Jiangnian smiled, turned around and came to the door, just as he was about to open it. Zhiyuan, who had been unresponsive on the bed, finally realized something, raised his eyes suddenly, and said in an anxious tone: "Wait..."


When Lin Jiangnian turned around, he also opened the door.

At the same time, Lin Qingqing, who was waiting for Sister Zhiyuan in the courtyard, subconsciously turned around when she heard the door open.

When she saw Lin Jiangnian appearing at the door of Sister Zhiyuan's room, she froze on the spot.

Glazed eyes.

After a while, his eyes gradually became shocked.

Your Highness, why are you in Sister Zhiyuan's room?

Could it be...

last night?

Your Highness spent the night in Sister Zhiyuan's room? !

When Lin Qingqing realized something, her head was completely dull and short-circuited.

Now, have you already fallen asleep?

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