In the courtyard.

"Your Highness, something big happened outside the city..."

Lin Qingqing lowered her head and spoke in a somewhat anxious tone: "Last night, our soldiers stationed in the hills behind the private house were attacked..."


Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "Is it serious?"

Lin Qingqing said in a deep voice: "After your highness is safe, most of the soldiers in the back of the private house have evacuated, leaving only a few people to guard them. They were attacked last night, and their injuries were not serious, but..."

Speaking of this, Lin Qingqing sounded a little guilty, "The mountain behind the private house was lost."

Originally, the back hill of the private house was guarded by their people. After the attack last night, the back hill of the private house fell into the hands of the other party.

Early this morning, Lin Qingqing hurriedly came to inform His Highness of the matter and tried to find a way to regain the back of the private house.

However, Lin Jiangnian waved his hand in an understatement: "As long as the person is fine, it's okay if the private house is lost in the back. It's not important."


Lin Qingqing hesitated to speak, but was interrupted by Lin Jiangnian: "But have you found out who did it?"

"Wang family!"

Lin Qingqing's eyes were slightly cold and she gritted her teeth in a deep voice.

The only people who can attack the secret room behind the private house are the Wang family.

She just came back from the Wang family yesterday, and the Wang family took action last night, as expected.

"The Wang family's move is probably to destroy evidence..."

Lin Qingqing's voice was low and urgent: "Your Highness, we must not let them succeed!"

The secret room behind the private house contains evidence of the Wang family's rebellion. The Wang family's raid on the back mountain last night must have been for this reason.

Although the back mountain collapsed, the Wang family's evidence was buried and destroyed. But as Lin Qingqing directed the excavation of the mountain during this period, the Wang family did not know what was going on in the back mountain. If something was really dug out, it would definitely not be a good thing for them.

The attack last night was the action of the Wang family.

Once the evidence is completely destroyed by the Wang family, it will be detrimental to them.

"It doesn't matter."

Lin Jiangnian was not in a hurry and shook his head gently: "Let them go. The secret room in the back of the private house is of no use to us now. Since they want it, let's give it back to them."


Lin Qingqing hesitated to speak. Just when she was about to say something, she suddenly realized something when she saw His Highness's calm expression.

"Your Highness, did you expect this?"

"So be it."

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "However, since the Wang family took action last night, it also shows that they are indeed in a hurry."

Lin Qingqing asked in a deep voice: "Your Highness, when will we take action..."


Lin Jiangnian spoke calmly, then thought of something: "By the way, what are the reactions of other families?"

"No response yet."

Lin Qingqing's eyes flashed with a sharp look, and she said coldly: "However, the people in these families are not fools. They will weigh the pros and cons. If they become enemies of our Linwang Mansion, they will seek death."

"That's hard to say."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "For them, Prince Lin's Mansion is certainly an unattainable peak, but in Yanzhou, they may not take our Prince Lin's Mansion seriously."

"Your Highness, what do you mean..." Lin Qingqing was startled and looked a little worried: "Is it possible that they will side with the Wang family and become our enemies?"

"It's not impossible."

Lin Jiang young nodded lightly: "But..."

"The premise is that the Wang family must gain power!"

Lin Qingqing was a little confused: "The Wang family has gained power? Your Highness, what does this mean?"

"To be precise, they will not stand on any side, nor will they help us, or the Wang family!"

Lin Jiangyoun smiled and said: "Whoever wins, they will help."

Lin Qingqing was stunned and thoughtful.

She wasn't stupid either, and she carefully considered His Highness's words. I was a little confused when I first heard it, but after thinking about it carefully, I gradually realized it. For a moment, there was a look of surprise and admiration in my eyes.

Your Highness, you can see so clearly.

His Highness is indeed right. These family forces in Xunyang County are not fools. They cannot afford to offend Prince Lin's Mansion, but they cannot afford to offend the Wang family either.

Therefore, they will not take any side, and they will never do anything to provide help in times of need.

Whoever wins, they will help!

Thinking of this, Lin Qingqing marveled that His Highness could see so clearly, and also felt a little angry.

"These noble families are really insidious and cunning."

Lin Jiangnian just smiled and didn't say much more. Compared with Zhiyuan, Lin Qingqing is indeed much younger.

She is still very immature when it comes to the dangers of the world.

She had always been with Zhiyuan before, and except for doing things, she had rarely been exposed to the dangers of the world. These simplest principles may not be clear to her.

She still had a lot to learn.

"Continue to watch the reactions of various families, and don't let go of any disturbance in Xunyang City!"

Lin Jiangnian paused and narrowed his eyes: "Count the time, it's almost time!"

"It's time to settle this account with the Wang family."


In the courtyard.

Lin Jiangnian left first.

Lin Qingqing stood in the yard, thinking about what His Highness had just ordered, and was about to turn around and leave.

A cold voice came from behind.


It was Sister Zhiyuan's voice.

Lin Qingqing stopped and turned around, only to see Zhiyuan appear under the eaves at some point, looking at him quietly.

Wearing a white kite, her whole body was perfectly white and her cold aura was clearly visible.

For some reason, Zhiyuan, who used to be cold in the past, now seems to be a little colder in Lin Qingqing's sight. Feeling that the surrounding air had dropped several degrees, Lin Qingqing shivered subconsciously.

Just then I remembered something!

She had just gone to report business to His Highness, so she forgot some details.

If I read correctly, His Highness came out of Sister Zhiyuan's room before? !

It was obvious that His Highness would not go to Sister Zhiyuan early in the morning.

Then the only explanation is that His Highness was in Sister Zhiyuan's room last night...

She had been to His Highness's room before, and Xiaozhu also said that His Highness had not returned all night... This was completely correct.

His Highness didn't go back last night, so where was he last night?

Doesn't it mean that His Highness spent most of last night in Sister Zhiyuan's room?

Thinking of this, Lin Qingqing's expression became even more strange.

She suppressed the strange feeling in her heart, walked forward slowly and lowered her head: "Sister Zhiyuan, do you have something to tell me?"

Lin Qingqing didn't raise her head, but she could still feel Sister Zhiyuan's cold gaze resting on her, making her back feel numb.

Sister Zhiyuan, why do you look at her like this?

Could it be...

Just when Lin Qingqing was feeling uneasy, she heard Zhiyuan's soft and elegant voice.

"What did you see just now?"

Lin Qingqing was heartbroken when she heard this.

What did you see?

Sister Zhiyuan, what are you asking?

Lin Qingqing subconsciously raised her head and saw Sister Zhiyuan still looking at her.

His eyes were calm and unruffled.

But for some reason, Lin Qingqing seemed to feel an imperceptible... murderous aura?

She was shocked.

"Sister Zhiyuan, this subordinate didn't see anything!"

Lin Qingqing's face was solemn and she said righteously: "I just had something important to report to His Highness, and I didn't notice anything else..."

"My subordinates don't know anything."

The words are precise and the tone is firm.

The next second, I could obviously feel the chill in my body subside a little. This made Lin Qingqing secretly relieved and finally realized...

Sure enough!

Sister Zhiyuan, she really wants to kill people and silence them!

This also means that His Highness was indeed with Sister Zhiyuan last night...

Lin Qingqing's eyes were complicated, but they quickly disappeared, her mind serious.

Sister Zhiyuan was obviously warning her not to reveal what happened today.

Lin Qingqing is certainly not stupid. She must not say a word about what happened today.

Be sure to keep it secret!

Zhiyuan looked at Qingqing with her cold eyes and remained silent for a long time. He hesitated to speak, but finally said nothing.

"It's okay, you can go down first."


Lin Qingqing was relieved, turned around and left.

After Lin Qingqing left, Zhiyuan stared in the direction of the door outside the courtyard and remained silent for a long time.

When she came back to her senses, she lowered her eyes and reached out to touch her fair and tender face. As if she thought of something, an imperceptible hint of shame and anger appeared in her eyes.

He bit his lower lip lightly and quickly let go.

When he raised his eyes again, his eyes were still confused.

But this trace of confusion seems to be a bit like a girl's worry about gain and loss, which is hard to describe.

In the small courtyard.

Xiaozhu sat under the eaves, holding his little head in boredom, staring at the yard.

Last night, His Highness did not return home.

Where have you gone?

After returning from Sister Zhiyuan's place last night, Xiaozhu returned to the room, climbed onto the bed, took off his clothes and waited for His Highness obediently.

But until she warmed the bed, sleepiness came to her and she fell asleep, but she still couldn't wait for His Highness to come back.

Where has His Highness been all night?

Xiaozhu was a little worried, but he didn't dare to run around.

His Highness had previously told her that if he did not come back, she would have to wait at home.

Xiaozhu sat obediently under the eaves, bored and a little worried.

Until not long after, footsteps were heard not far away. Xiaozhu raised his eyes. The next second, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Your Highness?!"

The sound of surprise.

Xiaozhu stood up happily and watched His Highness' figure appear not far away, approaching slowly.

She stepped forward happily and walked to His Highness.

"Xiao Zhu."

Lin Jiangnian reached out and rubbed her little head, and said with a smile on his face: "What are you doing?"

"Waiting for Your Highness!"

Xiaozhu nodded obediently and obediently threw himself into His Highness's arms, just as he was about to greedily breathe in His Highness's familiar scent.

The next second.


Xiaozhu sniffed, something was wrong!

Wait, why does His Highness smell so weird?

Xiaozhu sniffed carefully. Why did His Highness seem to have a woman's fragrance?

She heard it right!

And why does this smell seem familiar?

Xiaozhu was full of doubts, raised his eyes to look at His Highness, and asked cautiously: "Your Highness, where did you... go last night?"

Lin Jiangnian didn't notice Xiaozhu's strange eyes and said casually: "Go and do some business."

Sleeping with paper kites should be considered serious business, right?


Xiaozhu didn't ask any more questions. He lowered his head and continued to smell the familiar fragrance of His Highness. The more he smelled it, the more familiar it became.

Where have you seen it?

"What? Do you miss me, the Crown Prince?"

Lin Jiangnian conveniently hugged Xiaozhu, lowered his head and kissed Xiaozhu on the face. Xiaozhu's face turned red, and he said nervously: "Your Highness, please don't..."

In broad daylight and in public, Xiaozhu was still very thin-skinned.

"What are you afraid of? There's no one around."

He just likes this about Xiaozhu, letting him do whatever he wants, and his blushing look is very cute.

Xiaozhu puffed up his little face slightly, looking angry, but helpless.

"Did you wait for me for a long time last night?"

Lin Jiangnian asked again and saw something on the little maid's face. He didn't come home last night. This little maid must have been waiting for him all night?


Xiaozhu lowered his head in embarrassment and hummed softly.

"I had something to do last night. I'll clean up and wait for my son tonight."

Lin Jiangnian pinched her little cheek and said, "My prince is coming to see you tonight."

Xiaozhu's face turned redder, hot and shy, which was really cute.


Lin Jiangnian did not bully the little maid for too long. After being gentle for a while, he turned and left the courtyard.

There’s still business to be done!

Last night, the Wang family attacked the back of the private house. This was only their first move. The Wang family will definitely take more actions next.

Sure enough, not long after Lin Jiangnian guessed, another accident happened in the city. Several strongholds arranged by Lin Qingqing in the city were raided by the Wang family and suffered heavy losses.

These strongholds were previously placed in the city by Lin Qingqing. They were originally intended to collect intelligence and provide convenience for His Highness on his way north. But he didn't expect to be accidentally exposed and secretly attacked by the Wang family.

Caught off guard, the loss is heavy.

In addition, security has been strengthened in Xunyang City and people are strictly restricted from entering and exiting the city. People in the whole city were in panic, and there was an uneasy feeling that a storm was coming.

Immediately afterwards, there was another big action in Xunyang City. The government officials began to search and arrest people. They entered people's homes to interrogate and search them one by one, causing widespread resentment among the people.

But even so, the officials still did not stop, searching the city for any suspicious persons.

"Your Highness, the Wang family may be serious this time."

Lin Qingqing's voice was a little low: "They are sure that we are hiding in the city, and they want to use this method to force us to show up."

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "No hurry!"

"Xunyang City is not small, and their investigation efficiency is extremely inefficient. It will take some time to find them."

"Then let's..."

Lin Qingqing couldn't help but said: "When will we do it?"

"hold on!"

"Not waiting yet?"


Lin Jiangnian looked relaxed and not too worried.

The few strongholds lost in Xunyang City did not suffer too many casualties, so no news was exposed.

At this moment, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared outside the door.

"Your Highness, urgent report!"

"come in."

Lin Jiangnian spoke calmly.

A soldier walked in quickly, lowered his head and said respectfully: "Your Highness, there is an urgent report from outside the city. Yuan Zhongnan, the governor of Yanzhou, has appeared in Xunyang County and is on his way to Xunyang City. He will arrive before tomorrow."

After hearing the news, Lin Jiangnian sat up.

"Wait for it!"

"He's finally here!"


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