Late at night.

Inside and outside the prefect's mansion, fires were everywhere, and it was a dilapidated scene.

The majestic and towering gate in the past has long been devastated. The door is densely covered with sword marks and is crumbling.

Inside and outside the gate, it was a mess.

The strong smell of blood in the air was almost suffocating.

There were constant screams and wails, and panicked figures inside and outside the courtyard intertwined in the night firelight. Many corpses had fallen on the ground.

In the prefect's mansion, the remaining guards and masters could only support them and retreated steadily.

Tonight is a nightmare for the Prefect’s Mansion!

The dignified Taishou Mansion in Xunyang County has never experienced such an attack. Those masters wearing black armor were like the god of death in the night, easily tearing through their proud defense and harvesting their lives.

If it weren't for the complicated terrain of the Prefect's Mansion and the fact that the opponent didn't seem to be planning to go deep, they would have had a chance to breathe.

But even so, they still suffered heavy losses.

He couldn't even survive.

Just when everyone thought everything was over tonight!

Outside the prefect's mansion, under the cover of night, dull footsteps could be heard. Immediately afterwards, a row of soldiers wearing armor appeared on the street outside the mansion, approaching the prefect's mansion!

"City, the city defense army is coming!"

In the night, someone trembled and shouted.

The people in the mansion who were almost in despair suddenly felt a glimmer of hope.

City, the city defense army is coming? !

So, so good!

Outside the house.

Crowds of figures appeared and gathered outside the prefect's mansion from all directions.

Neatly packed and impressive!

Rows of soldiers wearing green armor and holding spears lined up, surrounding the entire prefecture.

At the same time, the black-armored masters in the prefecture who were pressing forward suddenly began to retreat. Before the city defense army arrived, these black-armored masters also withdrew.

All this happened very quickly. By the time the city defense troops arrived, the house had fallen into silence, leaving a mess.

A dilapidated scene!

A line of city defense troops poured into the prefect's mansion in an orderly manner and began to take over the order in the prefect's mansion, clean up the scene and place the wounded.

"The city defense troops are coming!"

"That's great, we're saved!"

"God bless!"

In the prefect's mansion, countless people burst into tears.

Tonight was nothing short of a nightmare for them.

It was not until the support of the city defense army arrived that this nightmare finally ended.

The servants and maids in the prefect's mansion were frightened and did not dare to come out until they were sure that there was no danger. They followed the city defense troops to clean up the scene and treat the wounded.

Tonight, the Prefect's Mansion suffered heavy losses and numerous wounded.

In the light of the fire, one can see countless soldiers in green armor walking around the house, giving them a sense of security.

In the courtyard on the other side, Wang Cheng fell down and sat in the courtyard, his eyes lost. It wasn't until someone rushed into the yard to help him bandage his wounds that he suddenly came back to his senses.

"The city defense army is coming, we win!"

The guard beside him who bandaged his wounds sounded excited.

"The city defense army is coming?!"

There was a hint of excitement in Wang Cheng's eyes, and then he suddenly thought of something: "Sir, where is your lord?"

"It's okay, sir!"

"The governor has arrived..."

After hearing the news, Wang Cheng finally felt relieved.

"Thanks to the timely arrival of the city defense army, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. It's a pity that those black-armored masters withdrew early after hearing the news... If it had been any slower, they would have to stay!"

The guard next to him spoke fiercely.


Wang Cheng was startled and frowned: "No one left?"

"Yes, they all ran away before the city defense troops arrived..."

As the guard beside him explained, Wang Cheng leaned under the eaves and frowned, sensing something was wrong.

All ran away?

This seems a little unusual.

He raised his head with difficulty and could vaguely see many green-armored soldiers in front of him walking through the mansion.

The prefect's mansion was hit hard tonight, with heavy casualties. Now the city defense troops arrived and took over the prefect's mansion.

But for some reason, Wang Cheng always had an indescribable feeling.

When the city defense army and the governor arrived, Wang Shiquan finally let go of his hanging heart.

Then he suddenly raised his head, and in the corridor not far in front of him, the man in white clothes was still standing quietly, looking at him indifferently.

His eyes are still cold and full of murderous intent!

But at this moment, Wang Shiquan didn't have much panic.

He took a deep breath and said coldly: "I'm afraid you won't be able to kill me today."

The woman in white didn't speak, but her sleeves swayed slightly.

The next second, something seemed to be chirping softly.

"Sir, be careful!"

A low sound of panic sounded, and Wang Shiquan's pupils shrank, with a look of fear on his face.

A guard stood in front of Wang Shiquan.


There was a sharp scream, and the guard standing in front of Wang Shiquan stretched out his hand to block it, but his palm was instantly pierced, and blood spread everywhere.

Seeing this scene, Wang Shiquan's heart trembled and he subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Be bold!"

A dull cold drink came.

At the same time, countless soldiers in armor poured in and quickly surrounded the palace.

"City Defense Army?!"

When the guards present saw this scene, their faces showed surprise.

At the same time, a path parted through the crowd. A middle-aged man stepped in slowly.

The middle-aged man has a solemn face and sharp eyes. He is wearing a dark brocade robe and has a majestic aura. From the moment he appeared, the surroundings were silent.

He didn't say a word, but he had an intimidating aura about him.

Yuan Zhongnan!

Yanzhou governor!

"Prince Yuan!"

The moment he saw the middle-aged man, Wang Shiquan's eyes suddenly lit up. The guards beside him fell to their knees.

"Greetings to the Governor!"

Wang Shiquan stepped forward quickly, suppressing the joy in his heart, and handed over his hand: "Master Governor, you came in time!"

There was silence.

The firelight shone on everyone's face. Yuan Zhongnan kept a serious smile, swept his eyes from the corridor in the courtyard, and nodded slightly.

"Master Wang, are you injured?"

"Thanks to the timely arrival of the governor, the subordinate was not injured!"

Wang Shiquan's voice couldn't conceal his excitement.

Whether the Wang family can survive this crisis depends entirely on the governor. And Yuan Zhongnan's appearance here tonight is tantamount to helping him a lot.

This means that their Wang family has hope this time.

Thinking of what happened a few days ago, Wang Shiquan suppressed his joy.

What an unexpected surprise!

Yuan Zhongnan nodded expressionlessly, glancing ahead from the corner of his eye, and his eyes fell on the standing figure in white.

Frown slightly.

"Lord Governor..."

Wang Shiquan came closer and whispered something in Yuan Zhongnan's ear.

Yuan Zhongnan's eyes flashed with a strange color, and he nodded thoughtfully, looking at the figure in white: "Is your surname Jiang?"

Zhiyuan's eyes were cold and silent.

"She really has personality."

Yuan Zhongnan nodded lightly, his face also calm.

"Lord Governor, this person must be eliminated..."

On the side, Wang Shiquan's voice sounded low, with a hint of coldness: "She is a remnant of the Jiang family, leaving her with endless trouble..."

Now that his biggest backer has arrived, Wang Shiquan no longer has any worries. This woman in white is the biggest threat to him.

Must be eliminated.

"Get rid of it?"

Yuan Zhongnan glanced at Wang Shiquan and nodded: "It must be eliminated."

Glancing at the several figures lying on the ground, and then looking at the figure in white, Yuan Zhongnan narrowed his eyes: "It seems that Lin Hengzhong taught you well!"

"With such skill at such a young age, I'm afraid your future achievements as a girl will be much more than this!"

"But it's a pity..."

Yuan Zhongnan sighed lightly.

Zhiyuan stared at the middle-aged man in front of him with cold eyes.

This person is naturally familiar to her.

The governor of Yanzhou, Yuan Zhongnan!

Being able to serve as the governor of a state is naturally not an ordinary person.

Although Yuan Zhongnan cannot be compared with the prince, as the governor of a state, he can be regarded as a feudal official of the Daning Dynasty.

No matter what city he is in, Wang Shiquan cannot compare with him.

His words are full of meaning.

Zhiyuan glanced around, and there were densely armed city defense soldiers all around. In the distance, His Highness's troops have withdrawn.

Everything seems to have settled.

it's over?

Zhiyuan frowned slightly, but still remained silent.

After Yuan Zhongnan said that regretful sigh, he seemed to fall into silence and did not speak for a long time.

Wang Shiquan on the side was slightly stunned.

"Master Yuan..."

Wang Shiquan couldn't help but whisper: "This woman must be eliminated as soon as possible!"

Yuan Zhongnan glanced at him: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Wang Shiquan was shocked and quickly lowered his head: "I don't dare!"

Yuan Zhongnan looked at Wang Shiquan for a few times, half-smiling but not smiling: "Mr. Wang, do you know that you have made a big mistake?"

"I don't know, my subordinate."

"You overestimate yourself and underestimate me."

Wang Shiquan was startled and subconsciously raised his head. Yuan Zhongnan still looked at him indifferently.

But for some reason, Wang Shiquan felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

"Lord Governor, what do you mean by this?"

Yuan Zhongnan's eyes were indifferent. At this moment, a soldier rushed over, walked to Yuan Zhongnan, leaned close and said something.

After Yuan Zhongnan finished listening, the smile on his face gradually disappeared. When his eyes fell on Wang Shiquan again, he had gradually become calmer.

Wang Shiquan's heart suddenly sank, and he had an ominous premonition.

Yuan Zhongnan took a step and glanced around.

At this moment, there is silence all around.

All eyes fell on Yuan Zhongnan.

Yuan Zhongnan withdrew his gaze and looked at Wang Shiquan: "I am here today to do two things!"

"There was an attack on the prefect's mansion. Naturally, I can't sit idly by and ignore it. I will definitely take charge of the overall situation and catch the murderer and bring him to justice. This is one of them!"

"As for the second one..."

Speaking of this, Yuan Zhongnan paused, stared at Wang Shiquan, expressionless, and said word by word: "Wang Shiquan, the prefect of Xunyang County, formed a clique for personal gain, collaborated with the enemy and treason, the evidence is conclusive..."

"Someone, get it for me!"

The words just fell.

There was an uproar all around.

Wang Shiquan's face instantly became very ugly and unbelievable.

Forming a party for personal gain?

Collaboration with the enemy and treason?


At this moment, Wang Shiquan's head felt as if he had been hit hard by something heavy, his body shook and he almost lost his balance.

"Yuan, Master Yuan, you..."

He stared at Yuan Zhongnan in disbelief, so surprised that he could hardly speak because of the shock.

He, he Yuan Zhongnan, no, has not already...

How dare he? !

However, when he looked at Yuan Zhongnan's expressionless eyes, Wang Shiquan's heart skipped a beat.

Finally realized...something happened!

Something big happened!

When he was about to speak, two soldiers approached him from the left and the right and captured him.

"Yuan Zhongnan!!"

Wang Shiquan, who suffered a sudden change, was filled with anger.

He never expected that he would be plotted by Yuan Zhongnan. He wanted to speak angrily, but the next second, he felt that his mouth was blocked.

The next second, his head felt dizzy, and a feeling of dizziness came over him.

Before he fell into coma, Wang Shiquan finally realized something... something big had happened!


There was an uproar all around.

All the master guards in the Prefect's Mansion were stunned!

What, what's going on?

Isn't the governor here to help them?

But why did they arrest their governor?

Forming a party for personal gain?

Collaboration with the enemy and treason?

Everyone's heart trembled, treason!

Who can bear this crime? !

Just when Wang Shiquan was captured, the surrounding guards also failed to escape. After seeing that even their prefect had been arrested, the rest of the people had no backbone and were captured one after another.

Not long after, the entire courtyard was easily controlled by armored city defense troops.

"Sir, the prefect's mansion has been completely controlled, and all relevant people in the mansion have been captured, but..."

"Wang Changjin, Wang Qin and others are missing and their whereabouts are unknown..."

A soldier walked up to Yuan Zhongnan and reported the battle situation.

As the city defense army entered the Prefect's Mansion, they took over the entire internal defense of the Prefect's Mansion. With almost no effort, the entire prefect's mansion was taken down silently.

Wang Shiquan, I'm afraid he never thought of this in his dreams.

Yuan Zhongnan nodded expressionlessly: "Keep Wang Shiquan and others in solitary confinement, and I will personally interrogate them!"


"A city-wide search, we must arrest Wang Changjin and others!"



It's quiet at night.

Yuan Zhongnan raised his eyes and looked at the horizon. The entire prefect's mansion was still filled with flames and chaos. The smell of blood in the air was mixed with a bit of chilling air.

Just as he was about to leave, he seemed to notice something. He stopped, raised his eyes, and looked at the figure in white standing not far away, with a somewhat doubtful look.

"Your lord, you have given birth to a good son!"

Yuan Zhongnan spoke slowly, with a bit of emotion in his tone.

Zhiyuan frowned slightly at first, then relaxed her pretty eyebrows.

"Go back and tell your highness!"

Yuan Zhongnan remained expressionless: "What I promised him as governor has been accomplished. Don't break your promise as he promised me!"

After finishing speaking, Yuan Zhongnan turned around and left without waiting for Zhiyuan to speak.

Zhiyuan stood there, thoughtful.

After a moment, she turned and left.

In a dark cell.

When Wang Shiquan woke up, his head was dizzy.

"S-Sir, are you okay?"

Anxious shouts came to my ears.

Wang Shiquan opened his eyes and saw Zheng Chang's anxious face.

"Here, where is this?"

Wang Shiquan looked around, it was dark all around, and he quickly realized where he was.

Immediately afterwards, thoughts returned to his mind.

His face gradually became gloomy and embarrassing.


Zheng Chang's voice was anxious and trembling: "It's over, our Wang family is going to be over..."

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