Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 177 It’s not unfair to lose

Zheng Chang's voice was low and trembling. This military advisor who had been with Wang Shiquan for many years, making suggestions and strategizing, looked so panicked for the first time in his life.

"Yuan Zhongnan stabbed us in the back..."

"The Prefect's Mansion has fallen into his control, and everyone in the Wang family is under control..."

"Sir, we have been fooled this time. Our Wang family is probably doomed..."

Seeing the desperate look on Zheng Chang's face, Wang Shiquan, who had just woken up, felt his heart drop to the bottom.


He raised his head with difficulty, seeing the dark and cold cell around him.

The suppressed aura made it difficult to release the emotions in his heart.

"how so?"

Wang Shiquan muttered to himself that Yuan Zhongnan's sudden change of sides and backstabbing was too sudden for him to react and find it hard to believe.

Not long ago, Yuan Zhongnan clearly promised to do well...

Why do you turn your back on someone in the blink of an eye?

Could it be that Yuan Zhongnan wanted to treat the Wang family as victims to calm Lin Hengzhong's anger?

Thinking of this, Wang Shiquan's face turned gloomy and angry.

"I underestimated Yuan Zhongnan!"

There was a sharp flash in his eyes: "However, it's not that easy for him, Yuan Zhongnan, to use my Wang family as a pawn!"

"If you have to fight to the death, don't blame me for being rude!"

The voice was extremely cold.

As the prefect of Xunyang, he is not an ordinary person. If you dare to make this move, you will naturally be prepared for it.

Since Yuan Zhongnan dares to be unjust, don't blame him for being rude!

After a brief panic, Wang Shiquan gradually calmed down.

What happened tonight was too sudden and completely unexpected. But after calming down and analyzing, he realized that things were not yet at their worst.

"Zheng Chang, where are Madam and the others?"

Wang Shiquan asked in a deep voice.

"Madam, they are fine, but they are also being detained..."

Zheng Chang said in a deep voice: "Sir, what should we do now?"

Hearing that his wife was fine, Wang Shiquan breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned and said in a deep voice: "Wait."


"Yuan Zhongnan will definitely come to see me."

Wang Shiquan spoke expressionlessly.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of footsteps approaching, and a middle-aged man's figure appeared outside the cell.

Wearing brocade robes, he has a majestic look and a good aura.

Yuan Zhongnan.

Wang Shiquan slowly raised his head and looked at Yuan Zhongnan outside the cell. Countless emotions flashed through him.

At this moment, Wang Shiquan fell to the ground, his hair was messy, and his clothes were stained with a lot of dust and blood. He looked miserable and lost half of the temperament of Xunyang Prefect.

But his eyes were still sharp, staring at Yuan Zhongnan with a bit of questioning, "Why?"

"you lose!"

Yuan Zhongnan didn't answer his question, but just said something mindlessly.

Wang Shiquan suddenly frowned and stared at him without speaking.

"From the beginning, you should not have provoked the Lin family."

Yuan Zhongnan put his hands behind his back and shook his head expressionlessly: "You can't afford to offend them."

Wang Shiquan said solemnly: "Are you even afraid of the Lin family?"

"Why should I, the governor, be afraid of them?"

Yuan Zhongnan looked indifferently, "The Lin family is certainly powerful, but what does it do to the governor?"

Naturally, he is not afraid of the Lin family. The dignified governor of Yanzhou is not an ordinary person, and he is also a great figure who keeps his word in this troubled world.

"Why are you doing this?"

Wang Shiquan stared at him with burning eyes and said coldly: "Don't forget what you promised me before!"

There was a hint of betrayal and anger in his tone.

He never expected that he would be stabbed in the back by the person he trusted the most.

With the help of the city defense troops entering the mansion, when the governor's mansion was at its weakest, the entire governor's mansion was captured without any bloodshed.

Good idea!

Yuan Zhongnan was silent for a moment: "I just promised you that if Lin Hengzhong sends troops to enter the country, I will not sit idly by and ignore it, but I did not promise to protect your Wang family to the death!"

Before Wang Shiquan could speak, a coldness flashed in Yuan Zhongnan's eyes: "This time, your Wang family brought it upon yourself, and you did not lose unjustly."

"I can't even protect you!"

Wang Shiquan stared at him: "What do you mean by this?!"

Yuan Zhongnan took out a ledger from his arms and threw it in front of Wang Shiquan.

Wang Shiquan was stunned, picked up the account book and opened a few pages. The next second his expression suddenly changed: "Where did you... come from?"

"What do you think?"

Yuan Zhongnan sneered.

Wang Shiquan stared at the account book in his hand, so familiar, the yellowed pages, the content recorded on it...

"Secret room?!"

He suddenly remembered the origin of this account book.

But soon he realized something.


Didn't the secret room in the back mountain explode and collapse?

Isn’t everything inside already buried?

So, where did this ledger come from?

Wang Shiquan suddenly raised his head and stared at Yuan Zhongnan.

Yuan Zhongnan said expressionlessly: "Someone gave it to me as the governor."

"Is there anyone?"

Wang Shiquan's face suddenly changed: "Who?"

Yuan Zhongnan did not speak, but said in a deep voice: "I thought that your Wang family was just forming a clique behind the scenes to enrich your own pockets. I didn't expect you to be so courageous..."

"If you seek death like this, even this governor can't protect you."

Wang Shiquan's face was gloomy for a long time. He stared at the account book in his hand and took a deep breath: "It's just an account book, what does it mean?"

The secret room in the back mountain has collapsed and all evidence has been buried.

Just a ledger, nothing can be changed.

"Just a ledger?"

Yuan Zhongnan glanced at him: "What if this account book appears in the hands of the current Crown Prince?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Shiquan's expression changed again.

"Today, the prince is in seclusion and ignores the government affairs, and the prince is supervising the country in the court. You and I know the character of the prince very well. If this account book falls into his hands, do you think your Wang family can escape this disaster?"

Wang Shiquan's face became increasingly ugly.

A mere account book really means nothing, but if this account book falls into the hands of His Royal Highness, its nature will be completely different.

Once the third prince is implicated, the consequences will be disastrous!

Everyone knows that the Crown Prince and the Third Prince are currently at odds with each other. This account book may not have much impact on the third prince, but it will definitely be a disaster for the Wang family!

But soon, Wang Shiquan suddenly thought of something again. He raised his head and stared at Yuan Zhongnan: "This account book cannot reach His Royal Highness, right?"

Since Yuan Zhongnan can get this account book, as long as this account book does not reach His Royal Highness, everything will be fine.


Unexpectedly, when Yuan Zhongnan heard what he said, a meaningful sneer appeared on his face: "Do you really not know who gave this account book to the governor?"

Wang Shiquan was startled and stared at him: "Who?!"

At this time, Zheng Chang, who had been silent and silent next to him, seemed to realize something. His face turned pale and his voice trembled: "Lin, Prince Lin?!"

As soon as the name came out, Wang Shiquan froze on the spot.

After a moment, he was in disbelief and his eyes were horrified.

"Lin, Lin Jiangnian?!"

"He, he's not dead?!"

When looking at Yuan Zhongnan's calm expression, Wang Shiquan suddenly woke up as if he was enlightened.

The only person who knows the secret of the secret room in the back mountain is Lin Jiangnian. This account book is also the account book in the secret room in the back mountain.

Now that the account book appears in Yuan Zhongnan's hands, this means that Lin Jiangnian is not dead? !

Have you met Yuan Zhongnan yet?


What agreement did they most likely reach? !

Is this why Yuan Zhongnan suddenly switched sides? !

Wang Shiquan understood everything in an instant.

Lin Jiangnian is not dead!

The idea came to him, and he was surprised and delighted.

Fortunately, Lin Jiangnian is not dead, and the Wang family does not have to worry about Lin Hengzhong's death.

But what is shocking is that Lin Jiangnian is not dead, and he will definitely not let the Wang family go.

This matter will probably be more complicated.

"He is really not dead?!"

Wang Shiquan's voice was trembling, and he was still unsure.

Wang Changjin clearly claimed that he killed Prince Lin with his own eyes, how could he still be alive?

Yuan Zhongnan did not answer his question, but simply said: "Do you still think that this account book will not reach the hands of His Royal Highness?"

Wang Shiquan looked a little desperate, and fell to the ground as if all the breath in his body was instantly drained.

"No wonder..."

Wang Shiquan murmured to himself, his face pale.

That's Prince Lin!

And this account book will definitely be delivered to the Crown Prince.

With Prince Lin Wang's character, how could he let the Wang family go if he hadn't died?

I'm afraid, I will go to death!

Wang Shiquan finally realized that their Wang family might really be doomed this time!


He was unwilling to give in.

He stared at Yuan Zhongnan in front of him: "Don't forget what you promised me?"

"If my Wang family falls, it will not do you any good, or even..."

A hint of coldness flashed in Yuan Zhongnan's eyes: "Are you threatening me?"

Wang Shiquan gritted his teeth in a deep voice: "My Wang family has done so many things for you over the years... Now that something happens to my Wang family, do you really want to sit back and ignore it?"

Yuan Zhongnan was silent for a moment: "This time, I can't help you."

He shook his head slightly, with a hint of regret in his tone.

Over the years, the Wang family has indeed supported him a lot behind the scenes, and he does not want the Wang family to fall.

But right now, things are no longer within his control.

"If he had died, your Wang family might have a chance to escape this time. But he is not dead..."

Yuan Zhongnan shook his head expressionlessly: "He won't let you go, and you Wang family can't escape either..."

"Even without this account book, do you think your Wang family can outplay him?"

Wang Shiquan was silent, remembering for no reason his previous brief contact with Prince Lin.

The Prince Lin's mind, calmness, composure and reaction were far beyond his imagination.

Hidden clumsiness!

This was what he thought at the time.

"That Prince Lin Wang is as talented as Lin Hengzhong."

As if thinking of something, Yuan Zhongnan narrowed his eyes and shook his head slightly after a while: "Lin Hengzhong, you are indeed playing a very big game of chess!"

At this moment, Wang Shiquan's face had lost half of its color.

He looked defeated and fell to the ground.

He realized that this time the Wang family might be really in trouble!

Yuan Zhongnan had obviously made his choice. Prince Lin must have reached some agreement with him when he found him.

And their Wang family eventually became abandoned!

Wang Shiquan was unwilling to give in, but in the end, his unwillingness disappeared.


There was silence for a long time.

"Please do me a favor!"

Wang Shiquan spoke in a deep voice.

"This time, our Wang family has indeed suffered a defeat, and we did not lose unjustly..."

"Since this grudge started with me, I will end it..."

Wang Shiquan stared at Yuan Zhongnan: "But my wife and children are innocent. My Wang family can be destroyed. It is not a pity for me, Wang Shiquan, to die, but my wife and children cannot die, especially Qin'er. He is the only bloodline of my Wang family..."

"Save them out and send them safely away from Xunyang County..."

Wang Shiquan spoke in a deep voice. Seeing that Yuan Zhongnan remained silent, Wang Shiquan took a deep breath.

"You save their lives, and I'll give you what you want... I promise that it will never affect your identity as the governor."

Yuan Zhongnan slowly retracted his gaze, and suppressed the last trace of coldness in his eyes.



It was just dawn and bright.

In Xunyang City, the prefect's mansion was silent.

There were no traces of the fight last night outside the hospital, as if nothing had happened.

The entire mansion remained as usual. Except for the occasional smell of blood that has not been completely washed away in the air, there is nothing unusual.

In Xunyang City, some people heard what happened last night, but they didn't know what happened, and they were talking about it.

Outside the prefect's mansion, in a courtyard on the east side.

"That's it..."

Lin Jiangnian sat under the eaves and slowly explained.

Zhiyuan, dressed in white, stood aside with a thoughtful expression on her cold face.

"Why did Yuan Zhongnan agree to help you?"

she asked.

"Why would he refuse?"

Lin Jiangnian was smiling and wanted to hug her, but Zhi Yuan avoided her without leaving a trace.

Lin Jiangnian retracted his hand in embarrassment and sighed: "He has no reason to refuse..."

"To him, the Wang family is just a chess piece, an agent in Xunyang County. Without the Wang family, there are still the Liu family, the Zhao family... To him, this chess piece can be replaced at any time."

"In this way, Yuan Zhongnan will naturally not completely fall out with Prince Lin's Mansion because of the Wang family..."

Lin Jiangnian's explanation was watertight.

After hearing this, Zhiyuan frowned slightly and glanced at Lin Jiangnian again.

She always felt that Lin Jiangnian seemed to be hiding something from her.

Seeing that she seemed still confused, Lin Jiangnian stood up and came closer, hugging her gently from behind: "Although he, Yuan Zhongnan, is the governor of Yanzhou, he is not favored by the court. In recent years, the court has continued to harass him. Putting people around him...For him, as a dignified governor of a state, he naturally does not want his territory to be interfered with by others. Rather than surrendering to the court, it is better to give it a try..."

"Of course, there is another reason..."

"Although the Wang family is a chess piece, they have secretly gained some control over Yuan Zhongnan over the years. For Yuan Zhongnan, if he can take the opportunity to get rid of the Wang family, it would be a good choice..."

Being hugged by Lin Jiangnian, Zhiyuan turned his head slightly unnaturally and struggled subconsciously, but to no avail.

He didn't move again.

She just glanced at him sideways: "That's it?"

"if not?"

Lin Jiangnian said with a smile on his face: "Do you think this prince will still lie to you?"

Zhiyuan said nothing.

"So, this time my prince hit it off with that Governor Yuan, and he got into trouble..."

"A match made in heaven!"

Lin Jiangnian sneered.

"The Wang family won't have any chance of survival this time!"

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