Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 192 They Can’t Survive

In the dark and damp ruined temple, Lin Jiangnian looked down at Wang Changjin who was sitting cross-legged in the corner. This high-spirited man in the past came to an end with the fall of the Wang family. Now, all that is left is a dying struggle.

But, is that really all there is to it?

Wang Changjin raised his head and looked at Lin Jiangnian. Even though he was in such a miserable state and had fallen to this point, all the energy in his body had long since disappeared, but only his eyes remained determined.

He looked at Lin Jiangnian calmly, "You will agree."


Lin Jiangnian looked at him: "Why are you so sure?"

"You are a smart man. You know better than anyone how important what I have in my hands is to you."

Wang Changjin stared at Lin Jiangnian and said in a deep voice, "Otherwise, Qin'er would have died long ago, and you wouldn't have waited until now..."


Lin Jiangnian looked at him quietly, and after a while, he sighed softly: "You are indeed a talent, it's just a pity!"

"It's quite hidden!"

"Isn't it true that Prince Lin is not?"

Wang Changjin spoke in a low voice, his eyes complex and silent.

Everyone in the world said that Prince Lin Wang was an uneducated idiot, and the people in the capital were extremely belittling him, making him hard to admire.

But the young master in front of him, who was good-looking and personable, easily destroyed their Wang family in an understatement. The business that the Wang family had worked so hard to build for decades disappeared in one fell swoop.

No one could have imagined that the Wang family's biggest backer in Yanzhou, Yanzhou governor Yuan Zhongnan, would switch sides at a critical moment and deal a fatal blow to the Wang family.

Even if there is no subsequent annihilation, the Wang family is completely finished!

And all of this was done by the 'bastard' Prince Lin in front of him.

Although it is unclear what agreement was reached between Lin Jiangnian and Yuan Zhongnan, Yuan Zhongnan has a close relationship with his Wang family and has many interests. The Wang family even holds some key evidence of Yuan Zhongnan.

Under such circumstances, Yuan Zhongnan could turn his face and regard the Wang family as an abandoned son, which is enough to show the ability of this prince. Prince Lin Wang, who has such means, is he really ignorant and incompetent?

Are you really a idiot?

Prince Lin is so well hidden!

"My Wang family is destined to suffer such a calamity, and to have such an end is considered retribution!"

Wang Changjin's voice was hoarse, he closed his eyes, and his tone was lonely.

It was a big blow to him that the Wang family had fallen to this point.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "Retribution?"

Smiling lightly, "Don't you hate me?"

Wang Changjin opened his eyes.

"Your Wang family has ended up in this situation because of my own hands... You don't want to take revenge?"

Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes and looked at him.

A sad smile appeared on Wang Changjin's face: "Revenge?"

"Now that I am the only one left in the Wang family who cannot protect myself, how can I take revenge? Will you give me a chance to make a comeback?"

Lin Jiangnian smiled half-heartedly: "What do you think?"

Wang Changjin said in a deep voice: "Give Qin'er a way to live... I know you hate him, but he is the only child of my Wang family, let him live a life!"

"I'll give you everything you want!"

His voice was low and firm, and he stared at Lin Jiangnian.

This was the real purpose of his visit to Lin Jiangnian. He had something in his hands that Prince Lin was very interested in.

He will never let it go.

Lin Jiangnian did not answer him immediately. After looking at him twice, he said calmly: "Even if I let him go, he won't survive."

The Wang family lost power overnight, and there were too many people who wanted the Wang family dead!

Wang Changjin was silent for a moment and said solemnly: "I want to give it a try!"

Lin Jiangnian naturally understood the meaning of his words, looked at him playfully, and looked at him inadvertently.

"Okay, then I promise you!"

After saying this, Lin Jiangnian turned around.


Outside the ruined temple, Lin Qingqing, who was ready to break in at any time, was shocked: "Your Highness, what are your orders?"

"Bring Wang Qin here!"


"Let me go, please let go...don't, don't kill me..."

Outside the ruined temple, several hoarse and frightened voices were heard. Immediately afterwards, an embarrassed figure was thrown into the ruined temple.

Wang Qin, who was tied up all over, was thrown in by the guards and fell heavily to the ground, which made him dizzy.

At this moment, Wang Qin no longer had half of the arrogance of the former governor's son. He was as tattered and miserable as a beggar on the street.

Although there were no scars on his body, he seemed to have some mental problems. His dirty face was full of panic. He curled up on the ground, twitching in pain. After a while, he struggled to get up from the ground. The first time he looked up, he He saw Lin Jiangnian looking down at him coldly in the ruined temple.

He suddenly looked frightened, his whole body trembled violently, and he subconsciously stepped back: "Don't, don't kill me, don't kill me..."

He muttered in a trembling and frightened voice.

He was obviously scared out of his wits!


At this moment, a low and familiar voice came from the side.

Wang Qin was shocked and turned his head suddenly. When he saw the familiar figure in the corner of the ruined temple, his eyes suddenly turned red.

"Two, second uncle!"

"Is it really you?! Second uncle!"

"You finally came to save me?!!"

At the moment when he saw his second uncle, Wang Qin was so excited that he trembled all over and burst into tears.

After being detained and tortured for so long, I thought there was no hope of survival this time.

Unexpectedly, I can still see my second uncle?

"Second uncle, hurry, save me..."

Wang Qin struggled desperately and rolled towards Wang Changjin's position on the ground.

Wang Changjin quickly came to Wang Qin and helped him untie the rope from his body.

"Qin'er, are you okay?!"

"I, I'm dying..."

Wang Qin's voice trembled and was full of grievances: "They tortured me and bullied me...Second uncle, please help me get revenge!"

"Kill, kill them!"

Wang Qin's voice was filled with sadness, anger and grievance, like a wronged child going home to complain to his parents.


Lin Jiangnian stood aside, watching the touching scene of uncle and nephew getting together with interest, and couldn't help but interrupt.

"Can you give me the stuff?"

At this moment, Wang Qin seemed to realize something and glanced at Lin Jiangnian with a horrified and resentful expression.

"Second uncle, he, he is not dead... kill him quickly..."

At this moment, he still didn't understand what was going on.

"Qin'er, listen to me!"

At this moment, after confirming that Wang Qin was fine, Wang Changjin leaned into Wang Qin's ear and said something.

After hearing this, Wang Qin trembled all over and turned pale.

"Second, uncle, you, everything you said is true?"

"There's no time to explain, hurry up, do as I say!"

Wang Changjin spoke in a deep voice, his expression extremely serious, and he stared at Wang Qin.

At this moment, Wang Qin, who was still confused, finally realized the seriousness of the matter when he saw his second uncle's unprecedented serious expression.

"I, what should I do?"

"You are like this..."

Wang Changjin whispered something into his ear. After the arrangements were made, he looked up at Lin Jiangnian and said, "Let him go. After he leaves safely, I will tell you where the things are hidden."


Lin Jiangnian glanced at Wang Qin and spoke calmly.

"Qin'er, go quickly!"

Wang Changjin said in a deep voice.

"Second uncle, I..."

Wang Qin's face turned pale and he opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.

He knew that his second uncle was here to save him.

For now, let’s get out of here first.

Thinking of this, Wang Qin finally gritted his teeth, struggled to get up from the ground, and walked towards the outside of the ruined temple. When passing by Lin Jiangnian, he raised his eyes and glanced at Lin Jiangnian.

In this eye, there is complexity, hatred, resentment, unwillingness...

Many emotions flashed through him, and Wang Qin struggled to walk out of the ruined temple.

Outside the ruined temple, there were still countless guards blocking the surroundings, but with Lin Jiangnian's instructions, the crowd still made way.

Lin Qingqing's eyes were confused and a little anxious. What on earth is going on, Your Highness?

Why should Wang Qin be released suddenly?

But thinking that this was His Highness's order, Lin Qingqing said nothing and watched Wang Qin's figure leave and disappear.

"he is……"

On the other side, Shen Lingjun on horseback saw the embarrassed figure leaving, his eyes widened slightly: "He, isn't he Wang Qin?"

Shen Lingjun had previously kidnapped Wang Qin under Zhi Yuan's orders, so he naturally recognized him at a glance.

Shen Lingjun was shocked.

Wasn't the Wang family wiped out?

Why is Wang Qin still alive?

Why is he here?

What happened?

Shen Lingjun looked at this scene in shock and astonishment. Beside her, Zhiyuan remained indifferent. But his cold eyes always fell on Wang Qin, disappearing into the path not far away as he walked away.

He didn't move away for a long time.

The eyes are getting colder and colder!

Inside the ruined temple.

Lin Jiangnian looked at Wang Changjin who was sitting cross-legged on the ground in boredom, and said in a calm tone: "I've let him go, it's time to talk, right?"

Wang Changjin didn't speak, he just raised his head and looked into the distance outside the temple, motionless.

At this moment, there seemed to be movement in the distance, and there seemed to be some sound piercing the air from a distance.

Lin Jiangnian turned his head subconsciously.

In the ruined temple, Wang Changjin's heart suddenly dropped and he turned his gaze back to Lin Jiangnian.

"A hundred meters southeast of the temple, under the camphor tree, there is what you want."

Wang Changjin said in a deep voice.

Lin Jiangnian did not move, and the two figures behind him quietly left the ruined temple.

Half an hour later, the two figures quietly returned to the inn and respectfully handed over a package.

After opening the package, Lin Jiangnian glanced at the contents.

"You are quite trustworthy."

Lin Jiangnian looked at Wang Changjin and chuckled: "But how do you know that this prince will be interested in these?"

Wang Changjin said calmly: "Is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's visit to Beijing just to marry the eldest princess?"

Lin Jiangnian was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "Can't this prince just be interested in the beauty of the eldest princess?"

"Everyone says that the eldest princess in the capital has an arrogant personality and looks like a fairy... My prince is quite interested in her!"

Wang Changjin said nothing, his eyes were calm.

He has already seen through everything.

How could Prince Lin's purpose for entering the capital be so simple?

The trip to the capital was extremely dangerous. Lin Hengzhong would put his only son in danger for no reason?

What the Lin family is planning is probably not simple!

This is why Wang Changjin is confident that Lin Jiangnian will be interested in what he has.

"Okay, let's go!"

After getting the things, Lin Jiangnian walked towards the outside of the ruined temple without any more nonsense.

Wang Changjin was obviously stunned and seemed a little surprised: "You won't kill me?"

He met Lin Jiangnian here today and was ready to sacrifice. He had already left a way out for Wang Qin. As long as Wang Qin was alive and the roots of the Wang family were intact, there would still be hope for the Wang family.

As for him...

Although he made such a deal with Prince Lin, how could Prince Lin let him go?

He was ready to die.

But this scene now surprised Wang Changjin.

Lin Jiangnian paused slightly, glanced back at Wang Changjin, and suddenly a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

"Don't worry, someone will naturally kill you, there is no need for me to take action."

Wang Changjin frowned. He felt that there was something in Lin Jiangnian's words, but he couldn't understand it.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian had already led people away from the ruined temple. Wang Changjin stood there and frowned.

Since he can't figure it out and Prince Lin doesn't want to kill him, then...

Wang Changjin gritted his teeth, turned and left.

Outside the ruined temple.

Lin Jiangnian handed the contents of the package to Lin Qingqing, told her to protect it, and then ordered him to leave and continue on the road.

Lin Jiangnian returned to the official carriage, and the convoy continued to move forward mightily.

On the way, Lin Qingqing approached the carriage and came to Lin Jiangnian's side. Her expression was tangled and she hesitated to speak.

"Your Highness, why did you let Wang Qin go?"

Lin Qingqing couldn't help but speak with a worried tone.

She didn't understand why His Highness let Wang Qin and Wang Changjin go... People who were obviously destined to die should be eradicated, so why was Your Highness so merciful?

"Your Highness, do you need your subordinates to get rid of them?"

Lin Qingqing felt that it was not too late to make amends. In this barren mountain, the uncle and nephew could not run far.

"No need!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were indifferent. Seeing Lin Qingqing's tense face, he chuckled, "Don't worry, they won't survive."

As he spoke, Lin Jiangnian raised his head and looked into the distance, his eyes indifferent.

Lin Qingqing was puzzled, but seeing His Highness look so relaxed, she felt slightly relieved.

Could it be that His Highness has not been prepared for this?


"Your Highness?"

"It's getting late. If there are no villages or towns, why not camp in the wild tonight?"



After the carriage, Shen Lingjun left the ruined temple, his mind filled with doubts along the way.

What exactly is going on? !

She had an overview of what happened in the ruined temple, and she had a rough idea of ​​what was going on.

It turned out that Wang Qin was imprisoned by this son of a bitch, and he escaped the fate of being silenced before? But today, why did Prince Gou kindly let Wang Qin go?

Is it because of some deal reached with the middle-aged man in the ruined temple?

That middle-aged man seems to be Wang Changjin?

Shen Lingjun was thoughtful, with doubts on his face.

But this shouldn’t be the case...

With the prince's character, how could he let Wang Qin's uncle and nephew go so easily?

Isn’t it okay for this son of a bitch to change his gender?

Shen Lingjun was confused and was a little shaken in his heart. Seeing this scene now, once again shook some of her thoughts.

She looked up at the carriage in front of her, her mind filled with doubts, and she couldn't help but want to ask him.

But in the end, I held back!

With that bitch's habits, he wouldn't say anything even if asked. Even if he did, it would probably be full of nonsense.

Just then, Shen Lingjun suddenly realized something.

Where is the paper kite girl?

Only then did Shen Lingjun realize that Miss Zhiyuan, who had been by her side, had disappeared at some point.

Where have you gone?

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