Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 193 The grudge is settled

"Hoo, ho..."

On the trail, an embarrassed figure staggered through the lush vegetation and thorns. He didn't care about the sharp grass and trees on the roadside cutting his clothes and skin, and ran all the way without looking back.



Wang Qin tripped over his feet and fell to the ground with a plop, letting out a sharp scream.

But soon, he covered his mouth again and glanced behind him in horror. After making sure that no one was following him, he gritted his teeth and struggled to get up, and continued to crawl forward.

Even though I was exhausted, I still didn’t give up!

This is his only chance to survive!

He didn't know what agreement the second uncle had reached with Prince Na Lin, but he got away!

He's alive!

Recalling the nightmare-like experience during this period, Wang Qin shuddered, but then he could not hide the malicious look in his eyes.

He was determined to avenge this!

As humiliating as the experience during this period was, the resentment in Wang Qin's heart was deep. The panic and fear of these days turned into overwhelming resentment towards Lin Jiangnian.

All the humiliation he suffered, he will definitely pay it back ruthlessly one day.

What Prince Lin?

He must use the most cruel methods to torture him to death.

And that woman...

Thinking of the woman he met in the dungeon that day, Wang Qin couldn't hide his anger, and his chest was filled with overwhelming anger.

He suppressed the hatred in his heart and continued to crawl forward with difficulty.

If he wants revenge, he must survive first!

Thoughts of survival made him exhausted at this moment, and the physical and mental torture for many days had already overwhelmed him, but Wang Qin still held his breath and climbed out of the trail with difficulty.


When he climbed ashore, Wang Qin finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the side of the road with a plop, his whole body sore and cramped.

Do you really want to die here?

Desperate thoughts just emerged...


From the jungle not far away, several figures in black rushed out and quickly came to Wang Qin.

"Master, are you still alive? That's great! The second master asked us to pick you up here. Are you okay?!"

Aren't the familiar faces and figures in front of him the same master guards that his Wang family used to worship?

At this moment, Wang Qin's eyes widened in vain, and his despair instantly turned into surprise.


"help me……"

Wang Qin's voice was hoarse, as if he was grasping the last straw!

"Let's go, get out of here first."

Without any hesitation, a few people picked up Wang Qin on their backs and left the place quickly.

Far away from the official road, it is a remote and uninhabited mountain village in Yanzhou.

There are only about twenty households in the small mountain village, which is desolate and silent.

In one of the small courtyards near the foot of the mountain, there was still a bit of bloody smell in the air, and a few black figures quietly cleaned up the courtyard.

In the room, Wang Qin, who had been rescued, was sitting next to the bed. He had washed himself and changed his clothes. Although he still lost his demeanor as the son of the Xunyang Prefect, he was at least much better than the embarrassed beggar.

However, at this moment, Wang Qin, who had survived the disaster, had no expression of joy on his face. On the contrary, he was pale, without a trace of blood. His eyes were dull, as if he had lost his soul, and he stared blankly at the few people standing in the room. Tao figure.

"Wang, the Wang family is gone, gone?"

"I, my father is dead, dead? My mother is dead too? So, everyone is dead, dead..."

"Our Wang family... is over, over?!"

Before Wang Qin could get over the joy of being rescued, he learned the bad news from the guards.

During these days of being imprisoned by Lin Jiangnian, Wang Qin never saw the light of day, had no contact with the outside world, and had no idea what was going on.

After being rescued, I suddenly learned that... his mother was gone!

My parents are gone!

All dead!

The entire Wang family was wiped out overnight? !

After hearing the news, Wang Qin froze on the spot, his eyes dull, and he couldn't believe it for a long time.

This feeling of suddenly returning from hell to heaven and suddenly falling into hell again made his mind freeze.

The Wang family is gone!

Does this mean that he is no longer the son of a superior prefect?

The glory and wealth of the past are all gone?

He simply refused to accept such a huge blow.

"Yes, is it fake... You, you must be lying to me, yes, I'm sorry... you, you must be lying to me?!"

Wang Qin opened his eyes wide and tugged on the collar of a guard, speaking incoherently with excitement.

The guard spoke with a heavy tone and lowered his head: "Master, it's true... our Wang family is completely finished!"

"There are many people outside looking for you now. Those families who were flattering our Wang family in the past also want to silence you..."

"In order to save you, the second master went to negotiate with Prince Lin. This time, I'm afraid it will be a disaster..."

The guard's words were like a giant hammer hitting Wang Qin's heart so hard that he staggered and fell on the bed, his face pale and expressionless.

At this time, even if he didn't want to accept it, he had to accept this cruel fact.

"Master, you have to be are the only bloodline of our Wang family now, you have to live well!"

The guards in the room have all served the Wang family loyally over the years. Even though the Wang family was in danger now, they still did not choose to leave.



Wang Qin's eyes were dull, the Wang family was gone, and he, the former 'proud man of heaven', fell from the altar overnight.

Such a huge blow left him in a daze and unable to accept it.

Just when the atmosphere was dull, an excited voice came from outside the door.

"The second master is back!"

Wang Qin suddenly raised his head and saw a familiar figure walking towards him.

"Second uncle?!"

As if grasping the last straw, Wang Qin got up excitedly and hurried forward.


Wang Changjin stepped into the room and felt relieved when he saw Wang Qin, who was intact and fine.

"Second uncle, Wang, the Wang family is gone, and I, my parents, are both dead?"

Wang Qin asked with a trembling voice.

Wang Changjin's face was gloomy and he nodded with a livid face: "Our Wang family has suffered a disaster this time..."

After learning the truth from his most trusted second uncle, the last trace of luck in Wang Qin's heart disappeared, and his face turned pale and he almost fell to the ground.

Wang Changjin stepped forward and supported Wang Qin: "Qin'er, you have to calm down and cheer up!"

"This time our Wang family has suffered such a misfortune. It is retribution and a disaster...but God is wise and will not eliminate the queen of our Wang family after all!"

"You are still alive. You are the only bloodline of the Wang family and the only hope for our Wang family..."

Wang Changjin stared at Wang Qin with burning eyes and shouted in a deep voice.

Wang Qin trembled all over: "Wei, the only hope?"

"As long as you are still alive, our Wang family has not completely collapsed, and there will still be a chance to make a comeback!"

Wang Changjin took a deep breath and said solemnly: "We lost this time, but there will be another time..."

Wang Qin's face turned pale and his tone was trembling: "Is there a next time? Now, those people outside are eager for us to die!"

"So we have to get out of here as soon as possible."

Wang Changjin's eyes flashed and he said coldly: "There is no place for us to stay in Yanzhou. We must leave here as soon as possible, go to the southwest, and go to Liangzhou!"


"I had expected that our Wang family would be in trouble. I secretly arranged a way out in Liangzhou a few years ago... This time you go to Liangzhou with me. When you arrive in Liangzhou, you will remain anonymous and we will start over..."

Wang Changjin narrowed his eyes. He had already anticipated the consequences of the things he had done over the years, so he had prepared an escape route early.

I just didn't expect that their Wang family would fall so quickly.

Wang Qin's face turned pale and ugly. Liangzhou?

Isn't that a desolate place near the Western Regions of the Daning Dynasty?

In that kind of place, I heard that the environment is extremely harsh, even more difficult than a barbaric place like Linzhou.

Can you survive if you go there?

Seemingly sensing Wang Qin's worry, Wang Changjin stared at him seriously: "Qin'er, this is our only chance to survive..."

"Leave here, you and I will start over in Liangzhou. In the future, there will be opportunities for revenge..."

A hint of coldness flashed across Wang Changjin's face.

The escape route he prepared in Liangzhou was enough for them to have enough food and clothing to make a comeback.

As for the Wang family's vengeance, he will slowly settle it with them!

"Yuan Zhongnan? Lin Jiangnian? And those people in Xunyang County who have eaten everything in recent years..."

Murderous aura filled Wang Changjin's face, and he said coldly: "None of them can escape."

Listening to his second uncle's words, Wang Qin's original despair finally calmed down, and then a glimmer of hope arose.

Leave Yanzhou and make a comeback?

Yes, although the Wang family is gone, as long as he is still alive, there will definitely be a chance for revenge!


The thought of revenge emerged. Wang Qin thought of the humiliating experience these days and couldn't restrain his anger. It even overshadowed the fear of the Wang family being exterminated!

"Second uncle, I listen to you!"


Wang Changjin nodded with satisfaction, and then said in a deep voice: "Let's go, leave here first... It's not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

Although Wang Changjin didn't understand why Prince Lin would let him go, he still had an instinctive premonition that something was not good. Although he had escaped, he was still in Yanzhou and might be exposed at any time.

Therefore, Wang Changjin and Wang Qin prepared to evacuate this small mountain village under the guidance of several guards who were loyal to the Wang family.

The group of people did not dare to take the official road and left along the path on the other side of the village. The path on the path was steep and overgrown, making it extremely dangerous and difficult to walk.

After crossing the trail with difficulty, we finally came to a flat road. Just beside the avenue not far away, a carriage had been parked waiting for a long time.

"Second Master, Young Master, our carriage is right here. Get in quickly!"

The worshiper on the side spoke and escorted Wang Changjin and Wang Qin towards the direction of the carriage. Wang Qin, who was exhausted, had a look of surprise on his face when he finally found a carriage to ride on.

However, just when a group of people were about to approach the carriage, Wang Changjin, who was walking at the front, suddenly stopped and stared at the carriage ahead with a solemn expression.

"Something's wrong!"

The several worshipers behind him looked around as if facing a formidable enemy.

Surrounded by an eerie silence!

There was no sound.

Even the cold wind all around suddenly stopped and there was no sound at all.



"People, where are people?"

One of the worshipers quickly realized something, what about the person who was waiting at the carriage?

There is a faint scent of blood in the air!

"not good!"

Everyone's expressions changed as they realized something.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Several of the enshrined guards drew their swords from their waists, tensed their bodies and stared at the surroundings, making defensive postures.

Obviously, the person who had been waiting for them at the carriage was missing, which meant that something had probably happened!

"What, what's wrong?"

At the same time, the smile on Wang Qin's face gradually froze. When he looked at the guards around him who were waiting for him and were extremely vigilant, he suddenly felt an ominous premonition.

Come on, what happened?

Wang Changjin glanced around and said in a low voice: "Since your Excellency is here, why don't you dare to show up?"

no respond.

However, the wind suddenly blew in the originally eerie silence, and the cold wind rustled the leaves.

The cold autumn wind whistled through the woods.


Wang Changjin's pupils shrank when he realized something.


Along with a sharp scream, the priest next to him who was holding a sword and guarding him suddenly screamed. The palm that originally held the sword was penetrated by a sharp weapon, causing blood to flow out.

Everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

Sure enough, there was an ambush?

Before they even noticed each other's existence, someone was injured?

This level of strength has exceeded their expectations.


Wang Changjin realized something was wrong and shouted.

At the moment, the other party is hiding and they are hiding, so they must not be entangled anymore.

They can't have any more casualties!

The injured worshiper quickly tore off his clothes and bandaged his palms, and then quickly evacuated outside with other worship masters protecting Wang Qin.

Several people were extremely fast and approached the carriage in the blink of an eye.

As soon as they got closer, a strong smell of blood could be heard. The person who was supposed to be at the carriage to meet them actually fell into a pool of blood.

There was no one inside or outside the carriage.


Wang Changjin's voice was urgent, with a hint of deep worry.

Wang Qin also realized something was wrong, his face turned pale, and he instinctively crawled onto the carriage with his hands and feet.

Wang Changjin jumped up and landed on the carriage, took the reins of the carriage, and was about to drive away. The horse, which had been quiet at the side, suddenly seemed to be stimulated by something, roared to the sky, and rushed forward like a madman.

"not good!"

Realizing something was wrong, Wang Changjin got into the carriage, grabbed Wang Qin's shoulders and jumped off the carriage.

The two figures fell onto the grass, making Wang Qin dizzy and screamed several times.

The out-of-control horse galloped directly forward. After a while, it seemed to be frozen in place and fell straight down.


The carriage then fell apart and collapsed.

Seeing this scene, Wang Qin's eyes were dull and his back felt cold.


It was too dangerous just now!

"Let's go!"

Before Wang Qin could come to his senses, Wang Changjin, who was standing beside him, picked up Wang Qin who was in pieces and quickly ran out of the woods.

However, the offerings that had been standing in the way were not so lucky.

The leaves were rustling in the woods, and the strong wind almost bent the trees. In the strong wind, there are dangers everywhere. The hidden weapons hidden in the woods are like the weapons of death, harvesting everything ruthlessly and indifferently.


"Quick, get out!"

"Send the young master away quickly...leave me alone!"


It was getting late and the cold wind was blowing.

On the trail.

"Second uncle, I, I can't run anymore!"

Wang Qin's legs trembled and he fell to the ground, his face extremely pale, breathing in fresh air.

He was trembling all over. He had never had such a thrilling experience.

At this moment, he was exhausted.

Wang Changjin's condition on the side was not much better, and he could not hide his fatigue.

He looked back behind him, but there was no one there.

At this time, only the two of them were left.

The other worship masters, in order to give the two of them more time to escape, chose to stay where they were and delay.

Thinking of this, Wang Changjin felt heavy in his heart and looked sad.

These people have been with the Wang family for many years and have served them loyally. Even if something happens to the Wang family, they will still never leave.

But this time, it’s all explained here.

"Go, we must go!"

Wang Changjin put away his heavy heart: "You have to run even if you can't run. We can't let their sacrifices be in vain."

"But, but..."

Wang Qin's eyes were frightened, and he wanted to run away, but now his whole body was weak and he had no strength at all.

I can't run anymore.

Seeing this, Wang Changjin stepped forward quickly, wanting to carry Wang Qin on his back and continue running for his life.

But the next second, his expression suddenly changed and he turned to look ahead.

At this moment, it is getting late.

"Second, second uncle, what, what's wrong?"

Wang Qin's voice was trembling. What was the second uncle's reaction?

Could it be...

Ahead, there was still no one.

However, Wang Changjin's expression changed drastically. He stared straight ahead. Finally, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Come out!"

"Now that you're here, why keep hiding it?"


The cold wind seemed to have stopped a little. Not far ahead, a man and a horse slowly walked out of the darkness.

Come closer!

On the back of a tall horse, a figure dressed in white slowly appeared. As the horse's hooves fell, it gradually appeared in the sight of the uncle and nephew.

When he saw the person coming, Wang Changjin's pupils shrank slightly, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes.

Then, it dawned on me.

"Oh it's you……"

When he saw the person coming, all Wang Changjin's doubts were solved.

He suddenly remembered why Lin Jiangnian let him go before and what he said...

It turns out that he had already recovered!

Everything is under the calculation of Prince Lin.

He thought he could escape safely, but he didn't expect that he would not escape in the end.

"I didn't expect that I would die in your hands in the end."

Wang Changjin showed a wry smile, and fell to the ground as if he was frustrated.

On the horse's back, the beautiful and delicate face was unruffled, and his cold eyes scanned the two people on the ground.

Without any emotion!

Wang Changjin looked up at the figure on the horse with a vaguely familiar temperament, and for a moment it seemed as if he had returned to the memory of more than ten years ago.

"Time goes so fast..."

Wang Changjin was in a daze, with a sad smile on his face.

"Everything is inevitable. At that time, everyone in the Jiang family was slaughtered. I didn't expect that more than ten years later, my Wang family would suffer the same fate!"

"This is probably retribution, right?"

On horseback, Zhiyuan remained silent, the cold murderous intent in his eyes getting stronger.

Wang Changjin gave up!

The moment the paper kite appeared, he already knew the ending.

Today, he cannot escape death!

The child in front of me, who was lucky enough to survive back then, is here to seek revenge.



At this moment, Wang Changjin seemed to have aged dozens of years in an instant, with his eyes changing.

He had been calculating all his life, thinking that he was strategizing and had all the major families in Xunyang County and even the governor of Yanzhou under his control. He originally thought that he could make the Wang family become the largest family in Yanzhou, and even the largest family in the Daning Dynasty... Everything was according to his plan.

However, everything seemed to have changed since Prince Lin appeared in Xunyang City!

The plan he had worked hard on for many years came to nothing overnight!

"When your Jiang family was raped and executed, it was all my fault!"

Looking at the paper kite on the horse, Wang Changjin spoke slowly: "I framed your Jiang family and used your mother's kindness to plan this shocking rebellion..."

The ending that had been sealed for a long time, Zhiyuan's eyes were still a little confused when she heard Wang Changjin's personal admission.

"I am guilty, and the fate of the Wang family is retribution. My death at your hands today is considered deserved!"

"But, can I ask you one last thing?"

Wang Changjin looked at Zhiyuan with a hint of pleading in his eyes.

"Qin'er is innocent..."

"I am dead. Qin'er is the only bloodline of the Wang family... He will not pose any threat to you. Can you save his life and leave the last trace of blood for the Wang family?"

Zhiyuan's cold eyes flashed across Wang Qin's frightened and pale face, expressionless.

The cold tone was more penetrating than the chill in the air.


Wang Changjin laughed sadly, the ending was expected.

The Jiang family kept her, but more than ten years later they single-handedly destroyed the Wang family. How could she be so merciless now?

"Don't you want to know why I wanted to eradicate your Jiang family?"

At this moment, Wang Changjin took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice.

Zhiyuan's expression remained unchanged.

"Eradicating your Jiang family, our Wang family will indeed become the largest family in Xunyang City. But it will not be easy to wipe out your Jiang family just by doing this!"

"I'm just a tool they use. There's someone else who really wants your Wang family to die!"

Wang Changjin stared at her: "Stop Qin'er and I'll tell you everything!"

Now that things have happened, Wang Changjin finally no longer hides it.

This is his last trump card.

It is also the only hope of survival left until now.

However, Zhiyuan on horseback remained indifferent, his cold eyes fell on Wang Changjin, and he spoke calmly.

"not interested."

Wang Changjin's pupils shrank sharply, with an expression of disbelief: "You..."

"The Jiang family's affairs have nothing to do with me, but you..."

Zhiyuan stared at him and said calmly: "I have to die."

The understatement pronounced his fate.

Wang Changjin was shocked, and finally seemed to realize something.

His last trump card turned out to be unimportant in her eyes.

"They won't let you go..."

Wang Changjin's voice was low: "Back then, your Jiang family offended people they shouldn't have offended, and knew things they shouldn't know... They knew you were still alive, and they would never let you go..."

"Our Wang family has been silenced, you can't escape, and Lin Jiangnian..."

"None of you can escape!"

Wang Changjin's face was ashen and his whole body was shaking.

The Wang family was silenced overnight. Who did it?

He already had a guess at the answer in his mind!


Zhiyuan's impatient tone came, and she waved her hand, and a strong wind came towards Wang Changjin's door.

Wang Changjin stood there, not hiding or avoiding, and the strong wind penetrated his body easily.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Wang Changjin swayed. He looked up at the kite on the horse, his whole body was sore, and his vision gradually blurred.

He smiled.

There was no doubt that he would die today, but he did not hide or resist anymore.

In that fight in the secret room, he had already realized the gap and had no power to resist.

My only regret is probably not being able to see her again, right?


Wang Changjin's figure fell suddenly.

"Second uncle?!!"

On the other side, Wang Qin's eyes were filled with tears and he rushed forward like crazy.

When he saw his second uncle covered in blood and no longer breathing, he was confused and his eyes were dull.

He stood there in disbelief.

Second uncle, dead?

At this moment, Wang Qin felt cold all over.

The second uncle is dead, then, what should he do?

At this moment, a cold gaze fell, and Wang Qin felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Looking up, Zhiyuan's cold eyes had locked onto him.

"You killed my second uncle, I will fight with you!"

Wang Qin's eyes were red, he stood up and rushed towards the paper kite like crazy.

Zhiyuan's face was expressionless, and she waved her sleeves. The strong wind instantly knocked Wang Qin away.

Wang Qin fell heavily on the grass. After rolling a few times, he suddenly turned around and crawled towards the grass beside him.

This is his only chance to survive!

Wang Qin's eyes were sinister. Once his second uncle died, this was his only chance!

However, as soon as Wang Qin got into the grass, fierce murderous intent struck behind him.

Nowhere to hide!


With a heavy impact on his back, Wang Qin fell to the ground with a thud. His chest felt tight and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Deng Deng Deng!"

The sound of horse hooves approached from behind.

Wang Qin's eyes were horrified.

"Spare my life...don't, don't kill me..."

"Spare my life!"

Realizing that he could not escape, Wang Qin immediately cried and begged for mercy.


Looking at Wang Qin who was begging for mercy like a dead dog on the ground, Zhiyuan watched this scene with cold eyes.

There was no joy in my heart.


It seemed like everything had nothing to do with him.

Even, it feels vaguely noisy.

Raise your hand, drop it!

A sharp cold wind blew through.

Wang Qin, who was begging for mercy with a frightened face, had his pupils widened and his body stiffened in place. A line of blood appeared on the originally thin neck.

The next second, blood flowed out.

Seal your throat at the sight of blood!


Wang Qin looked in disbelief and fell to the ground stiffly.

No breath!


Killing Wang Qin with his own hands, the last bloodline of the Wang family is gone!

From now on, there will be no more Xunyang Wang family in the world!

The grudges of more than ten years ago have disappeared from now on!

Zhiyuan raised her head and looked forward, her eyes gradually becoming confused.


But my heart is always empty, as if I can't find my destination.

The sky was completely dark, and the cold wind was blowing from all around, blowing on her face, making it cold.

But she couldn't feel any chill.

At this moment, there was an inexplicable feeling of loneliness.

Then, a familiar face suddenly appeared in her mind.

Inexplicably, I felt a sense of peace of mind.

The original loneliness and confusion seemed to be washed away.

At the same time, a strong impulse surged into my heart.

She suddenly felt the urge to wait to see him!

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