It's getting late.

Along the official road into Zhongzhou from Yanzhou, a row of tents had already been set up on an open flat land.

On the way to Beijing, there is no village shop before and after, and it is common to set up camp in the wild. After leaving Luma Town, Lin Jiangnian and his party headed north along the official road to their next destination.

The appearance of Wang Changjin in the middle disrupted the original plan and deployment. Lin Qingqing sent people to set up camp in front early, make fire and cook, and spend the night here tonight.

On the flat ground, smoke curled up from the kitchen soon, and the guards and maids were busy working nervously. Under the command of Lin Qingqing, the division of labor was clear and orderly.

Lin Jiangnian and Xiaozhu sat under a tree on a hillside not far away, looking at the sunset scenery.

As the sky gradually darkened, the cold wind gradually picked up. Xiaozhu on the side was wrapped in thick autumn clothes, but he still felt the cold wind blowing on his face, and subconsciously leaned closer to His Highness.

"Your Highness, how long will it take for us to reach the capital?"


Lin Jiangnian thought about it. He had never been to the capital, but according to what was described on the map and what Lin Qingqing said, he could reach the border of Zhongzhou in a few days. After entering the boundary of Zhongzhou, it is not far from the capital.

"If everything goes well, we can arrive in the capital before winter."

Lin Jiangnian was thinking.


Xiaozhu nodded thoughtfully, quietly raised his head to look at His Highness's handsome and bright face, blinked, and seemed to think of something, his face turned slightly red, and he quickly lowered his head, muttering something in a low voice.

"What did you say?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her.

"I don't know what the eldest princess looks like, what she likes, whether she is a nice person..."

As if thinking of something, a hint of worry appeared on Xiaozhu's face: "What if Her Royal Highness the Princess has a bad temper or is difficult to get along with..."

"What should I do if she hates Xiaozhu?"

Xiaozhu was worried.

His Highness's visit to Beijing to marry the eldest princess means that His Highness the eldest princess is her future mistress. Now Xiaozhu is His Highness's personal maid, and she will definitely come into contact with His Highness the Eldest Princess in the future.

What if the eldest princess is difficult to get along with, or even unable to tolerate her?

Xiaozhu couldn't help but worry about this.

Would a little maid like her be jealous of her mistress and throw her into a well?

When Xiaozhu was thinking wildly, Lin Jiangnian stretched out his hand to rub her little head and pinched her pink cheeks: "Don't think so much, it's still early!"

Xiaozhu was very worried: "We are almost here in the capital. When Your Highness comes back to marry the eldest princess, there won't be much time left..."

"Whether you marry or not is still the same thing."

Lin Jiangnian half-squinted his eyes and spoke casually.


Xiaozhu's eyes were full of doubts, what did His Highness mean by this?

While I was thinking carefully, at this moment, there seemed to be a sudden flash of black shadow in front of me.

Xiaozhu was startled, and then he felt Lin Jiangnian rushing out beside him. Not long after, when I came back, I was holding something in my hand.

"Yeah, rabbit?!"

Xiaozhu was surprised to see His Highness holding two gray wild rabbits in his hands, and his eyes widened in surprise: "What cute rabbits!"


Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and glanced at the pair of caught wild rabbits in his hands. He couldn't see how cute they were.

However, it should be quite delicious!

"Let's start a fire and set up a pot!"


Outside the tent, in the open space.

As the sky darkened, a bonfire was lit, and the sound of burning and crackling could be heard in the firelight.

Lin Jiangnian squatted by the fire and set up an iron frame. Two fat and stripped rabbits were skewered on swords and roasted on the fire.

As the meat roasts over the campfire, the aroma of the meat gradually spreads, the oil shines brightly, and it looks appetizing.

It's a pity that there is no cumin powder. If you add some barbecue seasoning, it will be a perfect match!

After the rabbit meat on the fire was cooked and cooled down slightly, Lin Jiangnian tore off a piece of meat and moved it to the sulking little maid in the corner.

"It's cooked. Eat some?"

"Don't eat."

The little maid stared at Lin Jiangnian with a sullen face.

"It's delicious. Do you want to try it?"

The little maid, Lao Gao, with her pouty mouth, expressed her extreme dissatisfaction with His Highness's insistence on eating rabbit meat.

And went on a hunger strike to protest.

However, Lin Jiangnian refused to accept this trick at all and forcefully stuffed the rabbit meat into the little maid's mouth.

"Wuwu... No, don't... Wuwu..."

The little maid's mouth was stuffed full and she was forced to swallow the rabbit meat that His Highness forced into her mouth. After being hungry for a long time, when the fragrant rabbit meat entered her mouth, even though the little maid was extremely reluctant, her appetite was aroused.

Mmm...rabbit meat tastes so good!



Not far from the bonfire, Shen Lingjun saw this scene and couldn't help but take a sip with a look of disdain.

Along the way, she and her uncle followed Lin Jiangnian's carriage and horse, which was considered a convenient way.

Coupled with the events of the past few days, Shen Lingjun's attitude toward Lin Jiangnian has indeed changed. Some of the firm thoughts he had before began to stir up, and it was very complicated.

But seeing this scene, I couldn't help but subconsciously condemn it.

Lin Jiangnian raised his head and glanced at her: "My prince bullies his own maid, what kind of beast do you think he is?"

Shen Lingjun knew he was in the wrong, but he was unconvinced and didn't know what to say. He could only turn his head and snorted softly.

It was rare to see her rectifying a mistake. Lin Jiangnian looked happy and his eyes fell on the old man next to Shen Lingjun.

Shen Lingjun's uncle.

This old man was not good at words and was silent most of the way, which fit Lin Jiangnian's impression of a peerless master.

The old man carried a box on his side, which he almost never left. The box was square, but it didn't look like a sword box. I didn't know what was hidden inside.

Lin Jiangnian returned to the campfire, tore off a piece of rabbit meat, and glanced at Shen Lingjun opposite: "Do you want to eat it?"

"Don't eat!"

Shen Lingjun glared at him and said angrily.

She doesn't eat food that comes from outside.

Even if she starves to death, she won't eat this prince's food.

"It's fine if you don't eat it. Don't steal it later!"

Shen Lingjun's eyes widened immediately: "Can this girl steal?"

"Who knows."

Lin Jiangnian's understatement easily let Shen Lingjun break his guard.

Her face turned red with anger, her breathing became rapid, and she stared at Lin Jiangnian. After taking a few deep breaths, he gradually calmed down.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, don't care about him..."

Although he comforted himself in this way, he was still feeling aggrieved. The slightest wavering that had aroused towards this son of a bitch before was now completely forgotten.

Lin Jiangnian ignored her and continued to eat rabbit meat. In this wilderness, among other things, there were countless kinds of game. Although there is not much seasoning, the taste is not too delicious. But for Lin Jiangnian who had eaten too much delicacies from the mountains and seas, it was a different feeling.

After Meimei finished chewing the rabbit legs in her hands, she looked up and saw a pair of hateful eyes staring directly at him on the other side of the bonfire.

But he still seemed to be staring at the remaining roast rabbit in front of him with a bit of... greedy eyes.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's gaze, he seemed to look away inadvertently.

Lin Jiangnian seemed not to have seen it and glanced at her: "I say Miss Shen, in fact, you don't have to be so hostile to this prince. If you really want to do justice for heaven and be a hero, this prince can give you some advice. Clear path."

Shen Lingjun stared at him expressionlessly, with disdain in his eyes. This son of a bitch wanted to deceive her again?

She could believe what ivory could come out of this prince's mouth.

Lin Jiangnian wiped his mouth and shook his head gently: "You don't have to keep an eye on me. There are many dandies in this world, and there are countless people who are more evil than me, cruel in their methods, and harmful to nature..."

Shen Lingjun sneered in his heart, is there a dandy in the world who is worse and has a higher status than this son of a bitch?

She didn't believe it.

"Don't believe it. For example, a certain third prince in the capital and Prince Xu in Xuzhou in the north are both absolute bitches..."

Lin Jiangnian seemed to know what she was thinking, and shook his head gently: "The two of them have done more bad things than this prince... Compared with him, this prince is quite pure..."

Shen Lingjun sneered: "Who in the world doesn't know that Prince Xu is a kind man, willing to do charity, and always holds a high position, but he never does anything to bully the people, unlike you..."

Shen Lingjun's eyes were full of disdain. This son of a bitch actually wanted to frame Prince Xu?

She didn't know the third prince, but Prince Xu's reputation was well-known in the north. Even if Shen Lingjun hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he had heard about it.

They are both heirs. As the only heirs with different surnames in the Daning Dynasty, why are they so different?

Isn't this son of a bitch ashamed?

"A kind person? A philanthropist?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned.

Although he had never met Prince Xu, he didn't think that the guy with the same name as him in the north would be a kind person. That Prince Xu, and Prince Xu... are not good people!

The heroine in front of me has to be said to be too naive!

Lin Jiangnian shook his head, too lazy to talk to her anymore. He picked up the last roast rabbit on the fire rack and walked towards Lin Qingqing not far away.

Shen Lingjun watched this scene, gritted his teeth secretly, and turned to look at his uncle at the side: "Uncle, you see, this son of a bitch is talking nonsense, and he even framed Prince Xu. He is not a good person."

Shen Lingjun's uncle was indifferent and sighed softly: "Lingjun, in fact, His Royal Highness Prince Lin is right. You are too superficial in your judgment."

Shen Lingjun was stunned: "Uncle, can you also speak for him?"

"You are my uncle."

Shen Lingjun felt a little aggrieved.

"It is precisely because I am your uncle that I see things more clearly than you."

The old man sighed: "You said that Prince Lin is extremely evil, but he has never done anything outrageous along the way... Lingjun, you have repeatedly provoked and made rude remarks, but Prince Lin has not made it difficult for you..."

Hearing this, Shen Lingjun was slightly startled.

Seemingly in a trance.

The old man raised his head and looked at the back not far away.

"This Prince Lin has a calm mind and will become a great weapon in the future. Lingjun, don't underestimate him!"


When Lin Jiangnian returned to the bonfire, Shen Lingjun had disappeared, leaving her uncle sitting by the fire.

The cold wind howled, but the old man stood still and closed his eyes to rest.

"Senior, I haven't asked for advice yet."

Lin Jiangnian came to the old man and asked casually.

The old man slowly opened his eyes and shook his head lightly: "Your Highness, there is no need to be polite. My surname is Shen, and I am just a commoner!"

"Senior Shen doesn't look like a commoner!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him and said softly: "I see that Senior Shen has a long aura. He must be a powerful family member. His martial arts attainments are not low, right?"

Mr. Shen raised his head slightly, seemingly surprised: "His Royal Highness, does he know martial arts?"

"Know a little bit about it!"

Lin Jiang young laughed: "I learned some martial arts for self-defense in my spare time, but I can't compare with Senior Shen."

Old Shen sighed: "His Royal Highness has a noble body but is willing to endure hardships and learn martial arts. This perseverance is enough to be admired!"

Lin Jiangnian said with a smile: "I long for the world. I used to want to imitate the knights of the world, travel in the world, make friends from all over the world, and act bravely when they see justice... Unfortunately, I don't have the strength, so I can only give up."

Mr. Shen looked Lin Jiangnian up and down and said, "His Royal Highness has good bones and is a good material for martial arts training. If you are willing to study hard for a few years, you will definitely achieve success."


Lin Jiangnian seemed a little surprised: "Then according to Mr. Shen, what level can I achieve if I study hard and practice hard?"

"Prince Lin is a famous grandmaster in the world. Your Highness has inherited Prince Lin's martial arts talent. He also has Ruyi Tower, a treasure house of martial arts in the world, and there is no shortage of guidance from various masters and famous teachers around him..."

"With so many unique conditions, His Highness's achievements are limitless."

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were smiling: "Then I will accept Shen Lao's auspicious words!"

With that said, Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "Serve the wine!"

Not long after, several guards brought several jars of wine.

"It's fate that we can meet each other. The weather is cold now. I have some jars of good wine here. Would Senior Shen want to drink a few bowls?"

Mr. Shen's turbid eyes fell on the wine jar aside, smelling the aroma of wine in the air, his eyes lit up slightly.

"That's fine. In that case, I would like to thank His Royal Highness for the hospitality!"


It's quiet at night.

With shaky steps, Lin Jiangnian slowly returned to the tent with the help of the maid.

His eyes were half-closed, his face was red, and he was swaying, as if he was very drunk.

The maid hurriedly helped His Highness take off his clothes, wiped his face and body, and then helped His Highness lie down on the bed.

"You guys will be standing guard at the door. His Highness will be at your service anytime he wakes up in the middle of the night."


At the door, after Lin Qingqing gave instructions to the maid, she hurried over to arrange the night patrol.

The lights in the tent were dimmed, and the surroundings were dark and silent.

Several maids stood guard outside the tent.

The bonfire not far away was still burning brightly, and the world gradually became quiet.

Inside the tent, there was darkness and silence.

I don’t know how long it took, but a strange black shadow appeared silently in the tent.

His footsteps hit the ground without making a sound, and he slowly walked towards the bed in the tent.

"call out!"

As he walked, he took out a dagger from his waist and bent down.

In the darkness, the cold light dimly illuminated a beautiful and cold face.

"Prince Gou, tonight is the day you die!"

Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth.

Taking advantage of the prince's drunkenness tonight, Shen Lingjun took the opportunity to sneak in and prepare to kill the prince.

She purposely hid in the dark and watched Lin Jiangnian drinking with her uncle, and witnessed Lin Jiangnian being sent to his room after being drunk.

Golden opportunity!

Shen Lingjun doesn't plan to wait any longer!

Don't miss this opportunity!

Holding the dagger, he walked slowly to the bed.

On the bed, Lin Jiangnian lay quietly, motionless.

The previous assassinations failed, but this time Shen Lingjun was very cautious, making sure that it was Lin Jiangnian lying on the bed, and that the prince was drunk and unconscious.

Thinking of this, Shen Lingjun suddenly raised the dagger in his hand and pointed it at Lin Jiangnian's heart.

With one strike of the knife, this evil son of a bitch will definitely die!

The opportunity was right in front of him, and Shen Lingjun was breathing rapidly.

But just when she was about to take action, she hesitated again when she saw Lin Jiangnian's sleeping and delicate face on the bed!

The original determination in his heart to kill seemed to be shaken.

It's been too long to make a move!

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