The oil lamp on the table was swaying, and under the dim light, there seemed to be an ambiguous atmosphere surrounding the tent.

Lin Jiangnian sat on the edge of the bed and looked towards the bed.

Zhiyuan closed her eyes slightly and fell asleep gently.

The fair and peaceful face was a little soft and looked a little pale.

She is very tired!

The appearance of Wang Changjin disrupted Lin Jiangnian's plan for today. But at the same time, it was also part of Lin Jiangnian's original plan.

After the Wang family was exterminated, only Wang Changjin's whereabouts were unknown, and Wang Qin was imprisoned in Lin Jiangnian's hands.

Lin Jiangnian didn't kill Wang Qin, he just waited for Wang Changjin to show up.

He learned from previous investigations that Wang Changjin loved his nephew very much and would probably not just ignore him. More importantly, Wang Qin is the only bloodline of the Wang family.

Wang Changjin wanted to keep the last roots of the Wang family, so he naturally came to Lin Jiangnian.

He came as expected!

And Zhiyuan's chance for revenge finally came.

A Wang Changjin does not pose any threat to Zhiyuan. But today's running around made her physically and mentally exhausted.

After returning, Zhiyuan didn't explain much, and she didn't mention much details about how she killed Wang Changjin's uncle and nephew. Lin Jiangnian didn't ask, and kept everything in silence.

Looking down at the sleeping kite on the bed, staring at this slightly pale and pitiful face, Lin Jiang young sighed.

He could sense that Zhiyuan was not in high spirits when he came back, and his expression seemed a little confused.

Lin Jiangnian didn't ask, but he vaguely guessed something.

Lowering his eyes, the soft hand under the quilt tightened his grip.

On the bed, Zhiyuan, who was sleeping soundly, seemed to have put down all his guard and slept very soundly.

After Zhiyuan fell asleep, Lin Jiangnian slowly stood up and walked out of the tent quietly.

In the dark night, there were several guards waiting outside the door for a long time.

The leader was Lin Kong, a black shadow in armor.

"How's it going?"

Lin Jiangnian's gaze fell on him.

Lin Kong lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, the bodies of Wang Changjin and Wang Qin have been brought back by subordinates. How should they be disposed of?"

Zhiyuan avenged the Jiang family with her own hands.

But how to end it afterwards was naturally left to Lin Jiangnian's hands.

"Send a few people to take the two bodies back to Xunyang City and deliver them to Yuan Zhongnan."

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Just say it is a big gift from this prince!"

Lin Kong was stunned and didn't understand why His Highness would do this. But he still nodded: "Yes, I will do it immediately."

Not long after, Lin Kong left in a hurry.

The death of Wang Changjin and Wang Qin meant that the Wang family was completely exterminated, the real annihilation.

Cutting off the roots has always been Lin Jiangnian's character.

Giving the bodies of Wang Changjin and Wang Qin to Yuan Zhongnan was a move by Lin Jiangnian.

Although in order to deal with the Wang family, Lin Jiangnian and Yuan Zhongnan reached some agreements. But the agreement between the two is very fragile and there is no sense of trust.

The dignified governor of Yanzhou was naturally unlikely to take him as the Prince Lin in his eyes. At least for now, Lin Jiangnian is not qualified to compare with him.

The bodies of Wang Changjin and Wang Qin were Lin Jiangnian's signal of goodwill to the Yanzhou governor!

Of course, it is also a threat!

The handle that Wang Changjin held now fell into Lin Jiangnian's hands. As for what will happen in the future, it depends on the choice of the Yanzhou governor.

After standing there and thinking for a while, a wave of sleepiness came over his heart, and Lin Jiangnian yawned.



Turn around and go back to the tent.

Meanwhile, it was late at night.

Outside the tent, the world was already dark, and the cold wind was blowing and howling.

Bonfires burned on the flat ground, trying to drive away the cold night. Not far away, the guards were still on patrol vigilantly.

On a hillside not far away, two figures looked quietly at the plains.

"Saint, what are we doing here?"

Ling'er raised her eyes and looked at the camp ahead, her face a little confused. Looking from a distance, she could vaguely see some clues.

"Is this... Prince Lin's person?"

Ling'er opened her eyes wide and quickly realized something. She turned to look at the saint beside her.

In the dark night, Liu Su's cold eyes fell on a tent in the center of the plain not far away, without saying a word.


Ling'er watched for a while, but still didn't know what the saint wanted to do. Just when he was about to say something, he suddenly seemed to see something: "Then, is Prince Lin?!"

A figure walked out of the tent in their sight.

It was Lin Jiangnian!

Even though they were so far apart, Liu Su still recognized him at a glance.

That's the guy!

Seeing this scene seemed to confirm some of his thoughts in his heart. Liu Su bit her lower lip lightly, her eyes a little complicated.

"Saint, are we going to assassinate Prince Lin?"

Ling'er was a little unsure of the saint's thoughts and asked in a low voice.

Liu Su didn't speak, her eyes always fell on Lin Jiangnian not far away, staring at him for a long time.

It wasn't until he saw what Lin Jiangnian was explaining to the guards in front of him that he returned to the tent.

Not long after, the tent lights went out.

But the people in the tent never came out again!

As if realizing something, Liu Su's face turned slightly pale and she bit her lower lip.

"let's go!"

After a while, Liu Su took a deep breath, her tone was cold, and she seemed to be gritting her teeth with a bit of hatred.

One last look at the tent, then turned around and left without looking back.

Ling'er on the side looked confused!

The saint took her back and ran here, stood there for a long time, and then suddenly left with an angry look on her face...

What's the matter?

What is the saint going to do?


early morning.

When Lin Jiangnian woke up, Nephrite was in his arms.

Lowering his head, he saw the delicate body of the girl curled up in his arms like a snuggle, her eyes lowered as if she was extremely insecure.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian was startled.

I couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Who would have thought that this maid, who used to be so arrogant and unattainable in Prince Lin's Mansion, would behave in such an insecure manner?

Such a strong contrast aroused Lin Jiangnian's interest. In addition, I had just woken up in the morning, and under the stimulation of Xuanyang's mental method, looking at the delicate body of the girl in my arms, I was slightly ready to move.

After staring at it for a few seconds, he lowered his head slightly and kissed the girl's fair face.

It tastes good.

Like a peach in spring, soft and sweet.

After the kiss, Lin Jiangnian felt a little unsatisfied and focused his eyes on Zhiyuan's lightly pursed red lips. Just when he was about to lower his head and get closer, he noticed that the girl's crystal earlobes were slightly red.

Lin Jiangnian remained calm and continued to approach.

"Your Highness!"

Lin Qingqing's voice suddenly came from outside the door.


An inappropriate voice sounded, disturbing Lin Jiangnian's good deeds.

Lin Jiangnian ignored it, and just when he was about to continue his attack, he saw that the paper kite in his arms had woken up without knowing it, and his face turned red.

"Get up, get up!"

The voice was soft and trembling.

Her fair face turned red and she looked away.


Lin Jiangnian didn't care so much. When Zhiyuan woke up, he stopped pretending. He held her little head and kissed her sultry mouth.


Zhiyuan's clear eyes were suddenly panicked and shy, as if she didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to be so bold.

Immediately, her delicate body trembled suddenly, and she struggled hard after reacting.

However, this struggle seemed a bit weak for Lin Jiangnian.

Rather than saying it's resistance, it's more like...rejecting but welcoming!

After kissing the girl in his arms hard, Lin Jiangnian let go with satisfaction.

What caught his eye was Zhiyuan's hot and blushing face. He was no longer as calm and calm as before. After looking at him with shame and anger, he turned his head away in panic and buried his head in the quilt.


Lin Jiangnian was satisfied with admiring the shyness of the girl in front of him, and without provoking her any more, he stood up, dressed, and walked out the door.

On the bed, Zhiyuan sat on the bed with her legs bent, her head buried between her legs. It was not until a long time later that the blushing and hot feeling on her face seemed to subside slightly.

She bit her lips lightly, her eyes were shy, and she looked forward blankly with a bit of a girl's unique aura.

After a while, he gently reached out to touch his lips and pursed his lips.

Then he seemed to realize something, and the blush that had just faded suddenly spread all over his face.

His eyes were blank and he didn't know what he was thinking about, as if he was crazy.

Outside the tent.

When Lin Jiangnian walked out of the tent, he saw Lin Qingqing standing respectfully aside.

I wanted to scold her for disturbing her good things so early in the morning, but saw Lin Qingqing's tired expression and held back.

Although this subordinate would do bad things from time to time, Lin Qingqing was always orderly and loyal to him, making him a rare good subordinate.

"Your Highness, it's time to set off on your journey!"

Lin Qingqing spoke.


Lin Jiangnian nodded, and the maid on the side came forward to wait on Lin Jiangnian to wash up.

Lin Qingqing stood there and was about to enter the tent to pack His Highness's things when she suddenly thought of something and stopped.

Didn't move.

He glanced at the tent, his heart was shaken, and he immediately stopped looking.

"Hey, where's Sister Zhiyuan?"

Xiaozhu came over at some point and was a little confused: "Sister Qingqing, have you seen Sister Zhiyuan? I just went to look for her, but why didn't I see her..."

Xiaozhu saw Sister Zhiyuan come back last night, but she disappeared again early this morning, and was about to ask Lin Qingqing.

Lin Qingqing suddenly stopped in front of her: "Xiaozhu, come with me!"


Xiaozhu blinked blankly.

"Stop it, come quickly!"

With that said, Lin Qingqing glanced at the tent behind her and led Xiaozhu, who was still confused, away quickly.

Pack your things and continue on your way.

After Lin Jiangnian finished washing, Zhiyuan also got up.

She put on a light robe and long skirt, combed her hair, and regained her cool, elegant, and otherworldly temperament. The shy and panicked look he had after being forcibly kissed not long ago was gone at all.

Women always have two faces.

On the other side, when Shen Lingjun saw Zhiyuan again, his eyes were not only stunning, but also complicated.

Indescribably complex!

After learning Zhiyuan's true identity last night, she was surprised and shocked, and almost didn't sleep well all night.

It's hard to imagine that Miss Zhiyuan would be Lin Jiangnian's personal maid? !

Then why does the prince of the dog have such good fortune?

Especially when I saw Zhiyuan's cold and unparalleled temperament again this morning, the thoughts in my heart became more intense.

But for some reason, when he saw Lin Jiangnian appearing next to Zhiyuan and the two of them standing together, Shen Lingjun somehow gave Shen Lingjun the illusion that they were a perfect match.

Girl Zhiyuan was unparalleled in beauty, and the Prince of the Dog... was just okay in appearance. Standing together, the two of them seemed to have a perfect match for each other.

When this thought surfaced, it became increasingly difficult for Shen Lingjun to accept it.

But thinking of Miss Zhiyuan's last words last night, she fell silent again. So much so that when I saw Lin Jiangnian again today, I subconsciously wanted to avoid him.

She, who was still filled with hatred, suddenly fell silent.

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised by this.

After this Miss Shen gave up on assassinating him last night, she seemed to have become a different person. Although she still disliked him, she no longer spoke as wildly as before.

dramatic change!

This made Lin Jiangnian a little curious about what Zhi Yuan said to her. Lin Jiangnian went to ask Zhi Yuan, but Zhi Yuan didn't explain much and told him not to worry too much.

Lin Jiangnian was not worried. He never paid attention to this female hero Shen from the beginning to the end. But without this female hero Shen shouting like a dog prince, she is still a bit unaccustomed to it?


There was a fire just a few days ago on the official road. The fire burned for several days and burned several mountains. Along the way, the air was filled with a strong smell of soot.

"This is a deserted place, and it's extremely cold in autumn. How could there be a fire?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little confused, but he didn't take it to heart. The guards who went to investigate found nothing unusual.

Continuing all the way north, the weather is getting colder and colder.

As we approach Zhongzhou, there are gradually more people and faces on the official road, which is not as deserted as before.

Along the way, Lin Jiangnian and his party stopped and walked, more like traveling in the mountains and rivers.

Along the way, Nuxia Shen was silent, but the relationship between Lin Jiangnian and Mr. Shen became much closer.

After drinking with Mr. Shen that night, we got a lot closer. Lin Jiangnian also found out a lot of information from Old Shen.

For example, their original sect was called Changsheng Sect. Perhaps the name was too harsh and their sect couldn't bear it, so it was eventually disbanded due to poor management.

Shen Lingjun was adopted by her master since she was a child. After the master's death, the sect was disbanded, and Shen Lingjun could have stayed with her uncles. But she has a stubborn temper and is so strong that she insists on going out on her own to make her way in the world!

So, not long after the righteous woman Shen Nuxia first entered the world, she met Lin Jiangnian and was taught a hard lesson!

In addition, Lin Jiangnian did not give up practicing martial arts during this journey north. His Xuanyang Mind Technique has long been perfected, and his inner strength is strong and powerful. It is different from what it used to be.

In terms of martial arts attainments, he is no longer an apprentice who has just entered martial arts. With the guidance of Lin Qingqing, Zhiyuan and his team, Lin Jiangnian made rapid progress.

Occasionally, Lin Jiangnian would bring a few jugs of wine to ask Mr. Shen for advice. Mr. Shen did not hide it, and from time to time pointed out the flaws in Lin Jiangnian's moves and how to solve them.

This old Shen had unique insights into martial arts and a keen eye for pearls. From just a few words, he could tell that he was definitely an extraordinary person, which intrigued Lin Jiangnian greatly.

Although Lin Qingqing and Zhi Yuan were not weak in martial arts, there were not many who could give Lin Jiangnian guidance. Although Zhi Yuan was extremely talented in martial arts, she was not good at imparting instruction.

Talented masters are often not considered qualified teachers!

But this Elder Shen, like Senior Li from Ruyi Tower, has extremely detailed views on martial arts. Simple advice can benefit Lin Jiangnian a lot. When the conversation got exciting, he would even pass a move to Lin Jiangnian.

Shen Lingjun looked anxious. The master was confused. How could he pass on Shanmen's martial arts to others casually? !

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