Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 197 When I first arrived in Zhongzhou, murderous intentions arose everywhere

In late autumn in the north, the weather gets colder.

In Zhongzhou, the population is gradually becoming denser.

As the capital center of the Daning Dynasty for hundreds of years since its founding, it is naturally more prosperous than remote states and counties.

On the official roads in Zhongzhou, there are gradually more and more merchants and bodyguards traveling from north to south. Among the people coming and going, there are many people from three religions and nine schools, and many people dressed in strange clothes.

A small town located on the official road connecting the north and south. Different from the small towns passing through Yanzhou in Linzhou, this town is bustling and lively, with people coming and going. On the streets of the town, merchants are selling goods, and there are endless acrobatics and entertainers.

In the town, there are many restaurants, inns, shops and brothels. Travelers traveling from north to south stop for a while and take a rest while passing through the town.

In a restaurant in a small town, business was good, and the bartender was busy going around.

"This damn weather is getting colder and colder!"

On the third floor of the restaurant, a complaining voice came from a table by the window.

There were several men sitting at the table. They were dressed in coarse linen clothes. They were tall and dark-skinned. At first glance, they looked like people who traveled around the world.

"Isn't it? The weather in the north is much colder than in the south. Look at the situation, I'm afraid it will snow heavily this winter."

"Tsk, it looks like we people are going to suffer again this winter!"

"As you say, when will we, the common people, not suffer?"

An angry sneer came from the side: "Even if the world is at peace, will our people's lives be easy? In troubled times, we don't have enough to eat, but in prosperous times, we will still be exploited as slaves by corrupt officials?"

"Hush, I don't want to say this nonsense!"

The person next to him quickly grabbed his accomplice and tried to cover his mouth.

"What are you afraid of? If you and I are still afraid of the east and the west when we travel around the world, how can we still be considered heroes?!"

The man's tone was still angry: "Don't say it here, even if it is in the capital, at the feet of the emperor, I will still scold you!"

Perhaps because he had drunk a lot of wine, this man's face turned red and his anger rose: "Now that the eunuchs in the Ning court are interfering in politics, the people are in dire straits... They are allowed to do it, but I am not allowed to say it?!"

Before this person could continue speaking, his accomplices all around him covered his mouth, and then called the waiter to pay the bill, dragging this nonsense-talking accomplice away in a hurry.

After a few people left, the restaurant was quiet for a while, and there were a few more people talking from the tables next to it.

"These people just now are very courageous!"

"Who says it's not the case? However, they are not wrong. Now our court is covered by that gelded dog's hand, isn't it?"

"Well, before, His Highness the Crown Prince was able to check and balance the gelding dog, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince suddenly fell ill some time ago. I'm afraid no one in the court can control the gelding dog..."

"Your Majesty was confused and favored the eunuch, so he handed over the Mitian Division to the old gelding. The young gelding took the opportunity to avenge himself and killed many loyal ministers... Not long ago, the old gelding took the opportunity to kidnap the Minister of War on the charge of treason. Xu Zheng’s home.”

"Isn't Xu Zheng one of Prime Minister Zhao's people? How dare that old gelding touch one of Prime Minister Zhao's people?"

"Haha, that old gelding doesn't even look down on His Highness the Crown Prince, so how can he treat Zhao as such?"

"Our Daning Dynasty will be destroyed if this castrated dog disrupts the government..."


People were coming and going in the restaurant, and people were talking in low voices from time to time.

This place is not far from the capital, so the situation in the capital naturally spreads quickly. Since the emperor became seriously ill and ignored government affairs, the court has been in a weak balance between the three opposing forces.

On one side is the force headed by the powerful old eunuch Chen Zhao, who is favored by the emperor and holds the top intelligence agency in the capital, Mitiansi. The last force was the neutral faction headed by Zhao Chuanan, a veteran of several dynasties and the most senior prime minister in the court.

The three forces were confronting each other in the court, trying to balance each other, but they were barely balanced.

But since His Highness the Crown Prince suddenly fell ill some time ago, the situation in the court has changed drastically in an instant. If it weren't for Prime Minister Zhao's hard support in the court, I am afraid that the court would have become the place where the eunuch could dominate the sky.

"That dog eunuch deserves to die!"

On the third floor, Shen Lingjun's angry voice came from another window seat.

When she listened to everyone in the restaurant talking about the situation in the court, and mentioned the evil deeds of the dog eunuch who framed Zhongliang and brought harm to the court, she immediately became furious and wanted to take the dog eunuch's life with her own hands!

"When I go to the capital, I will make sure that the gelding looks good!"

Shen Lingjun's eyes were indignant and he secretly made up his mind.

"You're like this, I'm afraid you'll die if you don't even see the gelding!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her from the window opposite and chuckled.

Shen Lingjun was naturally dissatisfied and snorted: "It's easy for me to kill a castrated dog!"

Lin Jiangnian said slowly: "If you want to kill him, you have to enter the palace. Do you think you can sneak into the palace where there are many masters?"

Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth: "There is always a way!"

"Even if you can sneak in, how can you ensure that you are not discovered? How do you find the gelding... To put it in perspective, even if you can find the gelding, how do you know that there is no expert protecting the gelding?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke cheerfully.

Shen Lingjun's face gradually darkened and he became silent.

"That castrated dog brought trouble to the court, and there must be many people who want his life. But the fact that he is still alive and well shows that he is at least protected by top experts..."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Can it be done just by you?"

Looking at Lin Jiangnian's indifferent and contemptuous eyes, Shen Lingjun's anger welled up. But when the words came to my lips, I couldn't say a word.

This son of a bitch's words don't sound good, but they are true.

She gritted her teeth and looked aggrieved.

"That castrated dog is not as kind as this prince. If you fail in the assassination and fall into his hands, what will happen? Tsk tsk..."

Lin Jiangnian sighed with emotion, half-smiling.

Shen Lingjun's face gradually turned pale. He was obviously frightened by Lin Jiangnian. His face turned pale for a while, then he gritted his teeth and stared at him: "Then what do you think we should do?"

"What do you mean?"

"What can you do to deal with that gelding?!"

"Who said we were going to deal with him?"

Lin Jiangnian was confused: "He caused trouble in the court, what does it have to do with me?"


Shen Lingjun was startled, and then he realized something. This son of a bitch didn't even think about dealing with the castrated dog?

That's right, he is the same kind of person as the castrated dog, so how could he be so kind?

Thinking of this, Shen Lingjun glared at him fiercely. He turned away and stopped talking to this son of a bitch.

Lin Jiang young laughed and looked out the window, scanning the busy traffic in the town with half-squinted eyes.

Chen Zhao?

Eunuchs doing politics?

The civil court hated this castrated dog that interfered with politics, but for Lin Jiangnian, they were extremely happy.

There was chaos in the court, so naturally there was no time to take care of anything else. This was undoubtedly good news for Prince Lin's Mansion.

Lin Jiangnian naturally hopes that the court will be more chaotic, the more chaotic the better.

It doesn't matter if it's an earth-shaking mess, it has nothing to do with him anyway.

"However, I'm afraid this Chen Zhao is not simple either."

Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes and muttered to himself.

A eunuch who can gain the emperor's favor and cause trouble in the court is definitely not an ordinary person. In the whole world, any eunuch who can bring trouble to the court is not simple.

"This man is dangerous."

Just as Lin Jiangnian was thinking, the soft and calm voice of Zhi Yuan came to his ears.

Lin Jiangnian turned his head and saw Zhiyuan looking at him, with worry in his eyes.

"How to say?"

Zhiyuan spoke softly: "There are rumors in the world that Chen Zhao's martial arts is not weak!"

"Is your martial arts not weak?"

Lin Jiangnian was startled.

A eunuch is not weak in martial arts?

This scene seems familiar?

"Could he be practicing the Sunflower Book?" Lin Jiang asked with a young smile.

"Sunflower Book?"

Zhiyuan was startled for a moment, thinking about it carefully, with doubts on his face. He had never heard of this martial art.

However, she remained silent for a while and said: "Although no one has seen him take action, this person is indeed very dangerous... You have to be careful about him."

Lin Jiangnian smiled casually and said, "I don't know him, and I have no interaction with him. Why should I be careful?"

Zhiyuan didn't speak, just stared at him quietly, as if he had already seen through something.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian sighed softly: "You are so smart that you are not cute at all!"

Zhiyuan turned away and said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian smiled.

"Okay, it's almost time to continue on the road."

After leaving Lu Ma Town, the group of them continued on their way and finally entered Zhongzhou.

When we arrived in Zhongzhou, we were not far from the capital.

The group took a short rest in the town and prepared to continue on the road.

In the restaurant, apart from Lin Jiangnian Zhiyuan, there were only Shen Lingjun Xiaozhu and Lin Qingqing who had been standing behind him. There were not many people and they were not conspicuous.

However, when Lin Jiangnian and others arrived in the town, they still attracted a lot of attention, but that was all. In the small town of Zhongzhou, there are too many strange and weird people coming from north to south, but no one pays too much attention to them.

Lin Jiangnian stood up and led everyone downstairs.

But just as Lin Jiangnian passed by a table, the two people sitting at the table suddenly became angry.

The knife on the table was instantly unsheathed, a cold light flashed, and the two men's faces showed a fierce light.

"Prince Linwang, accept death!"

A sharp voice sounded, and the two men aimed their long knives at Lin Jiangnian's neck.

At such a close distance, a sudden attack was impossible to prevent.

As expected, Lin Jiangnian seemed to be frozen in place, motionless, as if he had been frightened.

The two looked at each other with surprise.

This Prince Lin is nothing more than that.

But just when the two men's knives were about to touch Lin Jiangnian.


As if there was an invisible momentum blasting out, the two men's swords were frozen in mid-air, unable to move forward even half a step.

Their pupils shrank at the same time.

what happened? !

Their inner strength surged wildly, wanting to kill Prince Lin with this sword strike.

But the next second, this invisible momentum was in vain and violent, blasting out like a rebound.


The two of them were knocked out at the same time and fell heavily onto the table beside them, smashing the table to pieces.

In an instant, the restaurant was in chaos.

When the other guests saw what happened, they immediately got up and hurried away from the place of trouble. Those who are involved in the world can live longer if they don't meddle in other people's business.

The two fell dizzy and struggled to get up from the ground, looking shocked. He never expected that their sudden assassination would be avoided by the other party.

Not far ahead, Lin Jiangnian, dressed in a brocade robe, stood on the spot, looking at them with a smile. The beautiful woman in white next to her had an expressionless face and her eyes were as cold as frost.

"Suffer death!"

After their eyes intertwined for a moment, the two chose to take action again, gritted their teeth and raised the knife to attack.

However, this time, they couldn't even get close to Lin Jiangnian.

A green shadow quietly stood in front of the two of them, blocking their knives, and a cold light flashed through.

The two of them suddenly felt a chill in their hands, and the long knife in their hands fell. Then, the two of them suddenly felt a severe injury to their chests, their vision went dark, they almost fainted, their bodies staggered, and they fell to the ground with a plop.

All this happened in an instant.

"Your Highness, how to deal with it!"

After dealing with the two of them lightly, Lin Qingqing turned to look at Lin Jiangnian and asked.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the two people on the ground: "Who sent you here?"

The two men had fierce eyes, but gritted their teeth and said: "Kill if you want, don't let us say a word."

"Okay then, I'll make it happen for you."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand calmly: "Tug it out, chop it up and feed it to the dogs."

The two of them were immediately frightened and looked panicked. They seemed to have never expected that Prince Lin would act so decisively and without giving them any chance to regret.

Seeing Lin Qingqing stepping forward with her sword, the gleaming silver blade of the sword was radiating cold light. The two of them were shocked and angry: "You, don't you want to know?"

"Kill us and you won't know who sent us."

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "If you don't tell me, won't I be able to find out?"

Their pupils widened.

"Take care of it."

Lin Jiangnian turned around and was too lazy to respond. Two minor characters were not worth mentioning.

But at this moment, a cold shout suddenly came from the window.

"Prince Linwang, accept death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, on the third floor of the restaurant, several figures rushed in from the windows in all directions, surrounding several people.

In an instant, tensions were rising in the restaurant.

Lin Qingqing dropped the two men in her hands and quietly approached His Highness. Even Shen Lingjun's eyes became wary and worried. Seeing the sudden appearance of a dozen martial arts masters around him, he subconsciously grasped the hilt of his sword.

Zhiyuan always looked calm and stood beside Lin Jiangnian, seemingly not taking these people seriously.

Lin Jiangnian looked at these people with interest: "Tsk, there are quite a few people here this time, which is interesting!"

The people in front of me were dressed in simple and ragged clothes, with fierce eyes and strong breaths. They all looked like people walking in the world.

"Prince Lin, today is the day you die!"

Among the crowd, a tall and muscular man with a sinister expression walked out. When he saw the girls surrounding Lin Jiangnian, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, followed by burning jealousy.

There are so many stunning women around Prince Lin?

This son of a bitch occupies so much by himself, it is a waste of resources!

Damn it!

He had more murderous intention in his heart towards Prince Lin.

Lin Jiangnian looked at this person, half-smiling but not smiling: "I am a little curious, who wants to kill me?"

"You wouldn't know."

He sneered and stared at Lin Jiangnian. Can the thin-skinned and tender Prince Lin withstand his punch?

After he kills Prince Lin, won't these stunning women around him be his?

Thinking of this, his heart grew hotter and he sneered: "Prince Lin, it is your honor to die at the hands of Zhang Meng of my Iron Fist Sect!"

"Suffer death!"

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