Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 198 Take action personally


Just when Zhang Meng was about to take action, when he saw Lin Jiangnian speaking, he stopped and looked at him with a ferocious smile: "What? Does Prince Lin have any last words to confess?"

They had long known that Prince Lin Wang had entered Zhongzhou and had been waiting here for a long time. Now that there were only Prince Lin Wang and a few girls around him in the restaurant, and no other guards, it was the best time for them to take action!

Prince Lin is dead!

Lin Jiangnian looked at the dozen or so figures in front of him, and he could probably guess the origins of these people from their clothes and appearance.

"If I guess correctly, you should all be reckless heroes and chivalrous men in the world, right?"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "I have no enmity with any of you. You all gathered here and were entrusted by others to kill me. You must have gained some benefits, right?"

"As long as you know!"

Zhang Meng sneered, Prince Lin Wang was not stupid at all.

"Have you finished your last words?"

"not yet."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly, his tone was a bit lazy and pleasant, and his eyes swept over the faces of everyone in the restaurant: "You all are just wandering around in the rivers and lakes for food. The assassination of my prince is nothing more than asking for money. Since it is asking for money, Why bother with wealth?"

"After all, I lack everything except money!"

As he said that, Lin Jiangnian held out two fingers: "How much money did they give you? I will give you double it. How about that?"

Everyone else present was stunned.

This is……

Prince Lin wants to instigate rebellion against them on the spot?

Lin Qingqing was a little surprised and looked at His Highness in confusion.

Although the dozen or so people in front of them are masters in martial arts and their martial arts are not weak, they are not too worried.

Why is Your Highness doing this?

Zhang Meng didn't seem to expect that Prince Lin Wang would show up like this?

After being stunned for a moment, he then sneered: "Prince Lin wants to instigate rebellion against our brothers? I'm afraid your plan will fail. Although our brothers seek wealth, we also pay attention to credibility when traveling in the world and will never betray our employer..."

"ten times!"

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Jiangnian said something lightly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present finally lost their composure.

ten times?

Ten times the price, what does that mean?

The price they paid to assassinate Prince Lin this time was not low, but now Prince Lin is willing to pay ten times. This is an unimaginable sum of money!

If I can get it, I probably won’t have to worry about it for the rest of my life!

Zhang Meng saw the hesitant eyes of the people around him and immediately panicked: "Brothers, don't be fooled. What we value in the world is credibility. How can I survive in the world if I betray my employer?"

"Besides, don't believe his lies. Prince Lin may not be able to get what he promises. This is his delay..."

Zhang Meng hasn't spoken yet.


A package was thrown heavily on the table nearby. The package fell apart and the golden contents inside fell out.

When everyone present took a look, their eyes were so hot that they almost looked straight at him.


White gold!

When they saw this package of gold, everyone became restless.

These people who travel around the world make a living by taking on various tasks from their employers, with their heads hanging on their waists for nothing more than money.

At this moment, the gold in front of them is enough for them to live a lifetime of glory and wealth. Who can not be moved?

This Prince Lin Wang is really in trouble!

The tenfold promise and the white money in front of them all made everyone present ready to move.

Lin Jiangnian was very satisfied with their reaction and half-squinted his eyes: "Whoever can reveal the employer behind you will have this gold."

As soon as these words came out, the others finally couldn't hold back anymore, their eyes were burning.

Zhang Meng was also amazed when his eyes fell on the gold. A greedy look flashed in his eyes. Then he seemed to think of something and his face changed. When he raised his head and met Lin Jiangnian's smiling eyes, he suddenly realized something.

"Brothers, don't be fooled. Prince Lin did this on purpose... He deliberately lured us with this gold..."

Zhang Meng was sweating profusely, gritted his teeth and spoke anxiously.

How could he not realize that this was Lin Jiangnian's deliberate plan?

However, the eyes of everyone around were attracted by the gold. With such Chiguo's wealth right in front of them, how could they not be tempted?

What's more, there is Lin Jiangnian who is calmly fanning the flames: "Seduction? Isn't it just glory and wealth that you all travel in the world?"

"If you abandon the darkness and turn to the light, you will be my prince's friends, and my prince will naturally not treat you badly."

Not many people were willing to believe what Lin Jiangnian said, but with so much gold in front of them, they had no choice but to believe it.

This prince, Prince Lin, is really wealthy!

These people are, at best, knights of the martial arts world, but at worst, they are desperadoes. They take money to do things. As long as you give them money, they will do anything.

Therefore, someone finally couldn't bear the temptation of such a simple and crude profit.

"I said, I said..."

Someone soon walked out, staring at the gold on the table, and was about to speak greedily: "The person who wants to kill you is...ah!!"

Before the man could finish his words, he suddenly screamed and fell down with a fierce look on his face.

Behind him, Zhang Meng's gloomy face appeared.

"Who dares to rebel? Don't blame me, Zhang, for being ruthless with my iron fist!"

Zhang Meng's face was livid, and he stared at Lin Jiangnian, who had a playful and indifferent look, knowing that he could not let him continue talking.

"Prince Lin, don't try to deceive our brothers with your nonsense, our brothers will never be fooled by you!

"Suffer death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Meng took a lunge, swung his iron fist and hit Lin Jiangnian on the head.

Just as Lin Qingqing moved, she suddenly heard the cold voice of Zhi Yuan coming from the side.


Lin Qingqing was stunned, paused in her steps, and looked up.

Lin Jiangnian, dressed in a brocade robe, stood there with sharp and bright eyes.

"call out!"

The moment Zhang Meng approached, the long-dusted Autumn Water Sword came out of its sheath, making a soft sound, accompanied by a cold light.

The sudden cold light, accompanied by a sharp sword energy coming out of the sheath, made Zhang Meng, who had just approached, sense something was wrong and suddenly turned sideways to avoid it.


The table behind him was smashed to pieces by the sword energy, and the gold on the table was scattered all over the floor, causing the rest of the people present to go crazy.

Zhang Meng stood there, dodging the sword, and stared at Lin Jiangnian in front of him in confusion. Only then did he realize that the seemingly weak Prince Lin in front of him actually knew martial arts.

"Do you know martial arts?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him and seemed to smile: "Didn't you investigate before you assassinated my son?"

Zhang Meng's face darkened, obviously he didn't expect this.

"I heard that your Iron Fist Sect's boxing skills are unparalleled in the world, and I would like to see it. Is the Iron Fist Sect's fists stronger, or is the sword in my hand sharper?"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Zhang Meng's eyes fell on the sword in Lin Jiangnian's hand. Although he didn't recognize it, he could tell at a glance that it was no ordinary sword. Looking at the people behind him who were snatching gold, his heart sank.

"Okay, then let me show you the iron fist of my Iron Fist Sect!"

With no way to retreat, Zhang Meng's eyes were sharp and sharp, his inner energy surged into his fists, and he attacked Lin Jiangnian again.

Extremely fast!

Although the Iron Fist Sect was good at boxing, their body skills were not bad at all. Zhang Meng, who was filled with internal energy, crashed into Lin Jiangnian like a ball of flame.

Such a fierce offensive made the faces of the women present slightly change.

Lin Qingqing looked worried, her body tensed slightly, ready to take action at any time. On the other side, Shen Lingjun was also stunned.

What's wrong with this son of a bitch?

Risking yourself?

She had also heard about Zhang Meng from the Iron Fist Sect. He had some reputation in the world. His iron fists were unparalleled and countless people had died at his hands.

Isn't this son of a bitch afraid of death?

However, facing Zhang Meng's attack, Lin Jiangnian was extremely excited.

When Zhang Meng took action, he also moved.

Zhang Meng's punches were so powerful that every time he punched out, the air was filled with explosive wind. Every time a punch landed, it was so powerful that it could break a person's bones.

Lin Jiangnian stepped back lightly. When Zhang Meng tried to get close to him, he always kept a distance from Zhang Meng and did not give him a chance to get closer. Every time Zhang Meng came close to throw a punch, he could only miss.

Unable to get close, Zhang Meng, with his bare hands, was unable to cause any harm to Lin Jiangnian. Even though each punch was incredibly powerful, it was of no avail.

In an instant, after a few moves, Zhang Meng had already thrown dozens of punches, but he didn't even touch the corner of Lin Jiangnian's clothes.

Only then did he realize that he had underestimated Prince Lin. Prince Lin's physical skills were very good, making it difficult for him to catch him.

Zhang Meng was furious: "Prince Lin, don't run away if you have the guts!"

Lin Jiangnian stopped slightly, half smiling: "Are you in a hurry?"

"court death!"

The Iron Fist Sect is inherently a tough technique. People who practice this technique are already bad-tempered. Being so stimulated by Lin Jiangnian, Zhang Meng was furious. He jumped up, faster, and struck harder, coercing him. The Gangfeng's fist hit Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

But this time, Lin Jiangnian didn't hide.

During the fight just now, he had already figured out the details of Zhang Meng's martial arts and had an insight into the loopholes in the opponent's techniques.

Before Zhang Meng could get closer, the Autumn Water Sword in Lin Jiangnian's hand was already one step ahead of him and struck out quietly.

The cold and sharp sword pierced Zhang Meng's throat.

Zhang Meng's pupils suddenly shrank, and a cold sense of crisis emerged.

He never expected that Prince Lin's inner strength was not weak, and the peerless sword in his hand posed a great threat to him.

The sword was approaching, and such a sharp sword almost killed him. He had to give up the offensive and dodge sideways. But just when he dodged the sword, before he could turn around, the sword energy approached again.

Zhang Meng was shocked, and he didn't realize why the other party was attacking so fiercely.

Why is the sword energy so powerful?

Before he had time to think, he had to continue to dodge in embarrassment.

But the sharp sword energy seemed to have locked onto him, and Zhang Meng had to struggle to cope with each sword attack. Whenever he wanted to take the opportunity to counterattack, the long sword in Lin Jiangnian's hand was already attacking.

With his bare hands, he was unable to get close to the fierce sword energy offensive.

But once he couldn't get close, there was no room for him to use his famous boxing skills that he was proud of.

This made Zhang Meng anxious and angry!

This Prince Lin is despicable, extremely despicable!

On the side, Lin Qingqing couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this scene. On the other side, Shen Lingjun looked in disbelief.

This son of a bitch’s martial arts is actually not weak?

More importantly, he was able to discover Zhang Meng's weaknesses in such a short period of time and target them.

How can this be? !

Shen Lingjun could clearly see that Zhang Meng was superior to Lin Jiangnian in terms of martial arts strength. Especially with those fierce punches, even Shen Lingjun couldn't guarantee a guaranteed victory.

In the realm of martial arts, although realm is important, it is not the standard for measuring the strength of a master. In many cases, martial arts skills are even more important.

Although Zhang Meng's martial arts is only around the seventh level, his ferocious boxing skills are still powerful enough to fight against a sixth level master.

But now, he was being forced back by Lin Jiangnian, leaving him with no room to fight back.

Lin Jiangnian flexibly used the advantage of the long sword to seize the weakness of the opponent's boxing, without giving the opponent any chance to breathe, and continued to attack, forcing the opponent to be unable to parry.

It seems simple, but it is far from easy to do this. It is true that Zhang Meng's boxing technique requires close combat, which is a weakness, but Zhang Meng's agility and ferocious technique can completely ignore any pull, and he makes up for this shortcoming with his speed.

But now, all his offensive moves seemed to be completely exposed to Lin Jiangnian's sight. Whenever he wanted to attack, he was always pulled away by Lin Jiangnian's prediction, leaving him without any chance.

Even Shen Lingjun thought he couldn't do this.

But this bitch...

Shen Lingjun's eyes became more complicated.

The continuous attacks were defused, and he was forced into a panic by the opponent's sword energy. Zhang Meng was so aggrieved that he finally couldn't sit still.

He could clearly feel that the other party's martial arts skills were not as good as his, but the other party seemed to have seen all his moves, leaving him completely powerless to fight back, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

If this continues, he will definitely lose.

"Damn it!"

Zhang Meng roared, and all his inner energy surged out, pouring the power of his fists into his fists, and punched Lin Jiangnian from the air.

This punch is full of momentum!

With tables shattering all around, Lin Jiangnian came towards him.

Lin Jiangnian stood there, not hiding or avoiding, waving the long sword in his hand with sword energy.


A dull explosion sounded, and Lin Jiangnian staggered back three or four steps, steadying himself, his face slightly pale.

Zhang Meng's pupils shrank suddenly. After this punch, most of his internal strength was lost, and he no longer had the capital to continue.

Without any hesitation, he turned around and ran quickly towards the window, wanting to evacuate this place.

But just after taking two steps, I felt my eyes flashing.

A line of white clothes appeared in front of him.

Zhang Meng took a closer look and realized that the other person was the expressionless woman next to Prince Lin.

Is she looking for death?

But before Zhang Meng could come to his senses.


Severe pain hit, Zhang Meng felt severe pain in his chest, and he flew backwards and fell to the ground.

"You, damn it!"

The cold tone came, Zhang Meng struggled to open his eyes, and saw the cold and murderous eyes of the woman in white.

His whole body trembled!

Only then did he suddenly realize that this seemingly weak and cold woman in white had unfathomable martial arts skills and was far superior to him? !

The cold murderous intent came over, Zhang Meng's eyes showed fear, his breathing became rapid, and he didn't even have the strength to resist.

"Zhiyuan, don't kill him yet."


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