Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 199 What’s wrong with being a concubine?

Zhiyuan's hand moved for a moment, then slowly retracted it, then turned around and came to Lin Jiangnian's side.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian's face was slightly pale. His breathing was rapid and his internal energy was overwhelming. After taking a few deep breaths, he calmed down a little, but the internal energy in his body was still chaotic and could not calm down for a long time.

Sighing softly, he was indeed a little careless.

The fists of this Iron Fist Sect are really domineering and fierce. In a head-to-head confrontation, it is still a bit difficult to resist.

But for Lin Jiangnian, this was an unexpected surprise.

The person in front of me has martial arts close to the seventh level, and with this fierce iron fist, he is not afraid at all even if he is facing the sixth level. In a head-to-head confrontation, Lin Jiangnian naturally has no chance of winning.

But as long as he didn't receive his iron fist head-on, no matter how strong his iron fist was, he wouldn't be able to touch Lin Jiangnian, and naturally he wouldn't have even half a chance of winning.

After all, I still have less actual combat experience!

Lin Jiangnian sighed again. Along the way to Beijing, he rarely had a chance to take action. Although his internal strength and martial arts had been improving, he still had very little experience in actually fighting the enemy.

It doesn't matter how deep his internal martial arts is, what matters is how much he can display it against the enemy.

This fierce boxing technique is so fierce that few masters in the same realm can compete head-on with him. But when he was facing Lin Jiangnian just now, he couldn't even touch the corners of Lin Jiangnian's clothes. It was difficult for him to use his boxing techniques. No matter how fierce he was, it would be useless. .

Martial arts realm is indeed not the only criterion for determining strength!

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian suddenly felt something soft grasping his hand and turned his head, only to see Zhiyuan appear next to him and grab his hand.

Feeling the soft and cold touch in his palm, Lin Jiangnian was startled, and then, a burst of coolness flowed into his body through his palm.

The internal energy that was still turbulent in the body gradually subsided with the influx of coolness. In the end, the chaotic atmosphere gradually calmed down, and Lin Jiangnian's face became a little more rosy.

Only then did Lin Jiangnian realize something and raised his eyes to look at Zhiyuan. But he saw Zhiyuan quietly letting go of his hand and looking away.

His profile was still cold and he said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian felt a little moved in his heart, but did not expose it. He turned to look at Zhang Meng not far away.

At this moment, Zhang Meng was lying on the ground, his face was pale and his injuries were serious. His eyes were even more frightened, staring at several people in disbelief.

"Your boxing skills are pretty good, but you are too reckless and your brain is not good enough..."

Lin Jiang young laughed.

Zhang Meng's face became increasingly pale, and at the same time, an indescribable sense of humiliation emerged.

They had been lying in wait here for a long time, hoping to assassinate Prince Lin.

As a result, he didn't even meet Prince Lin's bodyguard and was humiliated by him... This was unacceptable to him!

Lin Jiangnian looked back and glanced at the people behind him: "Let's go."

He kept this person just because he wanted to test his progress during this period. At present, the progress is good, and Lin Jiangnian has a general understanding of his current strength.

This picture was of no use value, so Lin Jiangnian was naturally too lazy to pay any more attention to it.

After that, he led Zhiyuan Xiaozhu and walked downstairs.

Shen Lingjun was still there, stunned for a long time. He hadn't woken up from the shock that Lin Jiangnian could defeat Zhang Meng. It wasn't until he saw Lin Jiangnian was about to leave that he suddenly came to his senses and followed quickly.

On the entire third floor, there were only people snatching gold, Zhang Meng lying on the ground with an ugly face, and... Lin Qingqing who had not yet left.

At this time, everyone who had finished robbing the gold saw that the prince was about to leave. Some people remembered the tenfold promise and immediately wanted to step forward to stop him. But the next second, Lin Qingqing's figure stood in front of him with an expressionless face.

"Get away!"

The man immediately roared, trying to scare Lin Qingqing away.


A figure flew out, screamed, and passed out on the spot.

In an instant, the originally noisy restaurant fell silent, and everyone's eyes fell on Lin Qingqing.

"who is she?"

"Prince Lin's maid?"

"Get her!"

After being stunned for a moment, two figures rushed towards Lin Qingqing, one from the left and one from the right, with fierce movements, trying to capture her.

Lin Qingqing stood there, her right hand resting on the hilt of her sword.

"call out!"

A cold light flashed.



In the restaurant, two sharp and miserable sounds were heard, making people tremble.

The sky is filled with blood.

The two people who had just approached Lin Qingqing screamed fiercely, clutched their arms, and passed out on the spot.

Such a crisp and sharp scene shocked everyone present!

It also gave many people chills!

Only then did I realize that something was wrong.

"Withdraw, withdraw first!"

I don't know who shouted, and the rest of the people turned around and ran towards the window as if they were waking up from a dream.

However, just as they were setting off, several figures appeared outside the surrounding windows.

The dark figure was shrouded, and sharp cold light struck from all directions.


"Fell into a trap!"



Outside the restaurant, on the street.

Countless people's eyes fell on the restaurant, and such movement naturally attracted the attention of many people.

At the same time, Lin Jiangnian, Zhiyuan and others quietly left the town.

"It seems that they can no longer sit still."

Lin Jiangnian glanced behind him with a meaningful look.

Ever since he stepped into the border of Zhongzhou, those people behind the scenes finally couldn't sit still. In the past few days, the number of people who assassinated Lin Jiangnian gradually increased.

"They don't want me to come to the capital alive!"

Lin Jiang young smiled: "If nothing unexpected happens, their assassinations will be more frequent in the future."

Zhiyuan didn't say anything, but there was an occasional flash of coldness in his always calm eyes.

Shen Lingjun on the side was a little surprised. He looked at Lin Jiangnian with complicated eyes and hesitated to speak.

How many people has this son of a bitch offended? Why do so many people want to kill him? There have indeed been quite a few assassinations in the past few days. Who has this guy offended in the capital?

She wanted to ask, but she held back!

"They are just minor characters now, and the real masters have not yet appeared!"

Lin Jiangnian half-squinted his eyes, "I would like to see how long they will wait."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Lin Jiangnian suddenly stopped.

At the same time, Zhiyuan also stopped at the same time. The two of them raised their heads and looked outside the town not far away.

Ahead, there was no one.

But there is a vague sense of chilling coming!

The corners of Lin Jiangnian's mouth raised slightly: "Again?"

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, several black shadows suddenly appeared in his sight, running straight towards Lin Jiangnian.

The killer move is revealed!

"Death warrior?!"

From the other person's aura, Lin Jiangnian noticed the origin of these people, and the smile on his face became brighter.

Finally here comes the master!


In the late autumn season, the weather is getting colder.

Located in the bustling place of the capital, in the deep courtyard of a certain mansion, in a quiet and undisturbed backyard.

Extremely pure.

It was late autumn, and the trees in the courtyard had fallen leaves. The cobbled ground was littered with withered yellow leaves, which made a crisp sound when stepped on.

A cold and beautiful figure appeared in the courtyard, wearing a pure white embroidered long dress, with a tall figure and an expressionless face, which was so cold that it was chilling.

From the moment she stepped into the courtyard, the wind started blowing up in the originally quiet and cold courtyard, blowing up the dead leaves on the ground. The howling cold wind blew on the thin silhouette, giving people an indescribable feeling of loneliness.

She stepped lightly, stepping on the crisp dead leaves, and walked across the arch bridge. There was the sound of running water under the bridge. On the grass not far away, a swing stood quietly and motionless.

She continued walking and came to the eaves not far away, paused for a moment, opened the door and walked in.

Compared to the cold in the courtyard, the room was as warm as spring, and the coldness wrapped around her body, seeming to dispel the chill.

But when the warmth has not yet come close, it seems to be defeated by the cold and dispersed.

"As soon as you came in, my room got a lot colder."

A soft and somewhat sweet voice came.

In the room, behind a screen not far away, there was a young woman lying quietly on a soft couch.

The woman was lying lazily on her side on the soft couch, with a lazy expression on her delicate and beautiful face, with an expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

She has an alluring appearance, and her black hair is very long, falling down almost to the ground.

The woman's body was wrapped in a light blanket. Under the blanket, it was vaguely visible that she was only wearing a thin lapel, and her small, crystal-clear, snow-white legs were exposed to the air.

Different from the indifferent figure who came in at the door, the woman exuded a somewhat mature temperament and a feminine beauty.

She looked at it curiously, and then she seemed to realize something, and was a little surprised: "Has your martial arts... improved again?"

The woman at the door said nothing, walked slowly to the side and sat down quietly.

in silence.

Seeing this, the woman on the soft couch felt bored.

"Why did you come to see me today?"

She chuckled and raised her pretty eyebrows: "It's hard to see you on weekdays, but today I actually took the initiative to find you. Let me guess... it must be related to your royal brother, right?"

The indifferent woman raised her eyes and glanced at her, but still said nothing.

"It seems I guessed it right!"

Zhao Xi's smile was as bright as a flower, and he slowly sat up from the soft couch, a smile emerging from his brows: "How is your Royal Highness?"

The eldest princess was silent for a moment: "Not good."

"Very serious?" Zhao Xi was slightly surprised.

"have no idea."

Zhao Xi was startled for a moment, then realized something and sighed softly: "It is not a good thing for His Royal Highness to fall ill at this juncture!"

"Without His Highness the Crown Prince, who else in this court can check and balance Chen Zhao?"

The eldest princess said nothing and raised her eyes to look at her.

Zhao Xi shook his head gently and sighed: "My father is getting old and his body is getting haggard. Chen Zhao is now in the prime of life and Mi Tiansi is in charge. If he continues, everything will be difficult..."

The eldest princess did not speak, but there was a hint of murderous intent in her cold eyes.

"Don't be impulsive. The worst result is not yet reached. Then Chen Zhao is your father's favorite, you can't touch her."

Speaking of this, Zhao Xi shook his head again: "Okay, it's rare for us sisters to meet each other once, so don't look cold all day long."

"You have been in seclusion during this period, and your martial arts seem to have improved a lot?"

The eldest princess still didn't speak.

Zhao Xi has also gotten used to it. The eldest princess has a cold temperament, is not good at words, and is an out-and-out martial arts fanatic.

In her eyes, she probably only has martial arts!


At this time, Zhao Xi seemed to have thought of something, his eyes brightened slightly, "By the way, have you heard the news from Yanzhou some time ago?"

"I heard that Prince Lin was assassinated?"

The eldest princess glanced at her.

"I heard that the guy was assassinated by the Wang family in Yanzhou Xunyang City, and the matter was quite a fuss... Yuan Zhongnan, the governor of Yanzhou, captured the Wang family in order to quell the matter, but the Wang family was brutally exterminated in prison..."

Zhao Xi mentioned the news from Yanzhou with great interest. Not to mention, when the news came back to the capital, it caused quite a stir.

However, after she finished speaking, she saw that the eldest princess's face was still expressionless.

"You don't care at all?" Zhao Xi seemed a little surprised.

"Why care?"

"Is he dead? You don't care?"

"not my business!"

"But if he dies, you don't have to marry to Linzhou?"

Zhao Xi blinked.

"If he doesn't die, I won't get married."

The eldest princess spoke expressionlessly, paused for a moment, and then said in a calm tone: "He won't die."

Zhao Xi was stunned: "Are you so sure?"

The eldest princess did not speak again.

Zhao Xi was a little surprised: "I didn't realize it, but you know him quite well?"

The eldest princess remained silent.

Zhao Xi chuckled again: "You are indeed right, he is not dead, and he has arrived in Zhongzhou now!"

"I estimate that I will be able to enter Beijing soon!"

The eldest princess still didn't speak.

"I think you might as well think about it?"

Zhao Xi seemed to have thought of something and suddenly looked at the eldest princess playfully.

"Now your father is in seclusion, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is sick again, and the situation in the court is extremely unclear. You, the eldest princess, may seem to have a good time, but staying in this capital will not do you any good."

Zhao Xi smiled and said: "You have already reached the age to get married. Instead of doing this, why not marry Prince Lin?!"

"How nice would it be to marry in Linzhou, stay away from the disputes in the capital, and be your eldest concubine in peace?"

As Zhao Xi spoke, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he began to analyze: "The Prince Lin Wang may be a fool, but Lin Hengzhong is different. With the huge business that Lin Hengzhong has built for his son, even if Lin Hengzhong The prince is a fool, and it is enough for him to squander... When Lin Hengzhong dies in the future, and Prince Lin inherits the throne, won't you be Princess Lin? Won't the Lin family's huge family fortune fall into your hands? "

Zhao Xi's analysis was clear and logical, and the more he talked about it, the more excited he became.

But the eldest princess remained expressionless and unmoved.

"Why are not you talking?"

Zhao Xi glanced at her: "Don't you think about it?"

"I won't consider it." The eldest princess said coldly.

Seeing this, Zhao Xi sighed deeply: "You are such a stubborn person!"

"What's wrong with being a royal concubine?"

The eldest princess glanced at her expressionlessly: "If you are willing, you can do it."

"I think so too!"

Zhao Xi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "But Prince Lin has a marriage contract with you. If I steal your love with a sword, your father may not be able to spare me."


The eldest princess said expressionlessly: "I will plead with my father and ask him to grant you a marriage."

The smile on Zhao Xi's face froze, and she waved her hands repeatedly: "Forget it, I am staying well in Beijing, but I have no plans to go to Linzhou."

Speaking of this, Zhao Xi sighed again and looked at her seriously: "You really don't want to think about it?"

The eldest princess said calmly: "I told you."

Zhao Xi seemed to think of something and rolled his beautiful eyes: "Aren't you making things difficult for me?"

"If I want to marry you, I have to be able to win you!"

"Who is your rival in this world among your peers? You clearly have no intention of getting married."

The eldest princess glanced at her: "Aren't you the same?"

"This young lady just hasn't met her sweetheart!"

Zhao Xi waved his hands and seemed to have thought of something, "However, if you really don't want to marry Prince Lin, I have a way."

"Do you want to listen?"


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