Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 200 Everyone has their own agenda

"Do not listen."

The eldest princess refused expressionlessly.


Zhao Xi was startled, blinked, and then realized something, half-smiling but not smiling: "You and I have been sisters for many years, can I still trick you?"

The eldest princess glanced at her and said nothing.

Zhao Xi sighed: "I definitely have no intention of tricking you this time..."

With that said, she got up from the soft couch, and the blanket slipped off her body. Zhao Xi was only wearing a thin light-colored dress, her bare feet stepped on the soft carpet in the room, and she walked slowly to the eldest princess.

"Although I think that instead of staying in the capital and being constrained everywhere, it is better to marry him... Although I have wronged you a little, but when you control him, you can master the huge legacy that Lin Hengzhong left for Prince Lin in the future. Family business..."

"The 100,000 cavalry and 300,000 troops in Linzhou, who is not afraid of the civil and military forces of the entire dynasty? Isn't it better to be Princess Lin, who is feared by everyone in the world, than you, the seemingly beautiful eldest princess?"

Zhao Xi opened his mouth with bright eyes, but saw that the eldest princess had no expression on her face from beginning to end, and was completely uninterested, so she sighed secretly.

"However, if you don't want to, as your sister, naturally I can't sit idly by... I heard that Crown Prince Lin also brought a betrothal gift to the capital this time. As expected, when he arrives in the capital, your father may He will be summoned. By then, it will be too late for you to regret..."

Today, I have not shown up for a long time and have been in seclusion in the palace all day long. But this time Prince Lin comes to Beijing to welcome his bride, and His Majesty will receive him no matter what.

Hearing this, the eldest princess on the side finally had some reaction, her cold eyes filled with a bit of frost.

"When the time comes, even if you don't want to, how can you resist your father's will?"

Zhao Xi sighed lightly.

The eldest princess had no expression on her face and was silent for a long time. Then she said coldly: "Let him get to the capital alive first."

"What will you do if he does arrive?"


The eldest princess was silent, but Zhao Xi seemed to have thought of something. He half-squinted his eyes and smiled: "I heard that he encountered many assassinations when he first arrived in Zhongzhou. He even had bounties on his head. Someone offered him ten thousand taels of gold. His life!"

"Ten thousand taels of gold, how many people in the world will be driven crazy by this?"

Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes were smiling, half-smiling but not smiling: "That imperial brother of yours is so generous!"

The eldest princess suddenly raised her eyes, "How did you know it was him?"

"Is there any need to guess?"

Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes rolled with a smile: "There are many people in the world who want to kill Prince Lin, but there are not many people who have the ability. There are even fewer people who can get thousands of taels of gold on the Jianghu reward list. few."

"Except for your imperial brother, I can't think of anyone else..."

The eldest princess said nothing.

Zhao Xi sighed lightly and glanced at her: "Are you really not going to take care of it?"


"If Prince Lin really dies at the hands of your imperial brother, you should know better than me what the consequences will be, right?"

Zhao Xi sighed softly: "Although he did it very covertly, even you and I can't find any clues..."

"But Prince Lin from Linzhou won't look for any evidence."

"Lin Jiangnian is his only precious son. If something happens to him, who can guarantee what the consequences will be?"

Zhao Xi still had a faint smile on his face and looked at the eldest princess in front of him: "What if he rebels?"

The eldest princess in white sat quietly aside, gently stroking the almost inseparable sword in her hand with her bare hands, her beautiful eyes were light and calm, and she seemed nonchalant.

"He will not."


Zhao Xi raised his eyes.

"Li Yuan is not the only one who wants him dead."

Li Yuan, the third prince of the Daning Dynasty and the younger brother of the eldest princess.

Zhao Xi was startled at first, then thoughtful, and then seemed to realize something suddenly, and raised his eyes suddenly, with a look of shock in his eyes.

"Xu Changsheng?!"

"Do you want to... divert trouble to the east?!"

At this moment, Zhao Xi understood everything instantly.

Apart from the third prince, the other person in the world who wanted Lin Jiangnian to die more was Xu Changsheng.

That vassal king with a different surname in Xuzhou, Xu Changsheng, the eldest son of Xu Wentian!

Both were heirs of different surnames in the Daning Dynasty. Xu Changsheng, like Lin Jiangnian, held a pivotal position in the Daning Dynasty. Of course, maybe the Xu family has been crowned king since the founding of the Daning Dynasty, and has been passed down to the current generation, and has gradually declined. In terms of reputation and status, the Lin family has a more prosperous reputation than the Xu family.

If Lin Jiangnian died outside the capital this time, and he blamed Prince Xu again, Lin Heng's protective character would naturally not let the Xu family go. Once the grievances and conflicts between the two families are provoked, and when the two families consume each other and fight internally, the court can sit back and watch the tigers fight, reaping the benefits...

"It seems that I have underestimated you!"

After thinking about this, Zhao Xi sighed softly, "Your family's calculations are very loud."

The eldest princess said expressionlessly: "It has nothing to do with me."

She was never involved and wasn't interested.

The grievances and conflicts between the imperial court and the two kings with different surnames have nothing to do with her.

"However, you have underestimated King Lin too much. I'm afraid he won't be fooled that easily."

Zhao Xi shook his head gently and sighed: "Once anything goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous..."

"That's their business!"

The eldest princess's answer was cold. She was not interested in this and stood up: "I'm leaving."

With that said, she walked straight out the door.


Zhao Xi seemed to have thought of something, his eyes moved, and a playful smile flashed across his face: "There is another way now... which can not only leave a way out, but also give you a chance not to marry the Prince Lin..."

"Are you really not interested?"

The eldest princess who had already reached the door opened the door. The cold wind from the courtyard outside the door roared into the room. Zhao Xi, who was only wearing a thin long skirt, shivered slightly from the cold wind.

However, when he saw the figure parked at the door, the smile on his face became even brighter.

Beijing, a prosperous place.

A restaurant, top floor, private room.

This is the most prosperous and luxurious restaurant in the capital. Those who can access this place are either rich or noble.

At this time, in the private room on the top floor, there were several young noblemen sitting in luxurious clothes and brocade robes.

"Master Li, why are you free to invite us to drink today?"

"Yes, I heard that you were away from the capital some time ago and went to Linzhou?"

"I also heard that you had an argument with Prince Lin in Linzhou and was beaten by Prince Lin. Is this true?"


In the private room, there was a burst of cheerful laughter.

In the private room, a richly dressed young man looked gloomy and gritted his teeth angrily: "Shut up! If anyone dares to mention this matter again, don't blame me for falling out!"

"Hey, Mr. Li, why are you so anxious?"

"Yes, don't everyone care about you?"

"...Okay, okay, don't say it anymore, don't say it anymore!"


The luxuriously dressed young master on the first seat is none other than Li Qianlin.

In Yanzhou, that time he planned to assassinate Lin Jiangnian, but his plan was disrupted in advance by the brainless heroine, which caused the plan to be exposed and Lin Jiangnian took advantage of him.

If he hadn't reacted in time, realized something was wrong and evacuated early, he might have fallen into Lin Jiangnian's hands.

Li Qianlin took the few remaining people and hid in Tibet all the way, and finally returned to Beijing ahead of schedule. But before Li Qianlin had time to breathe a sigh of relief, the news that he had a conflict with Lin Jiangnian in Linzhou and was beaten by Lin Jiangnian in public in a teahouse spread back to the capital. Since he returned to the capital, he has been beaten repeatedly. Lift.

This was hard for him, who was arrogant and arrogant, to accept it. He was extremely angry and had nowhere to vent, and his hatred for Lin Jiangnian deepened.

At this moment, Li Qianlin looked at the people in the private room.

These people are all his good friends in Beijing and China. Calling them here this time has a purpose.

"I called you here today because I want you to do me a favor."

Li Qianlin spoke slowly.

"Master Li, what's the matter? Do you need our help?"

The speaker was Zhou Huiguang, the son of a doctor in the official department of the dynasty. In Beijing, he had a good relationship with Li Qianlin.

"You must have heard the news that Prince Lin has arrived in Zhongzhou, right?" Li Qianlin glanced at the crowd.

As soon as this statement came out, it aroused heated discussion among everyone.

People in the capital naturally knew about Prince Lin. Whether it was because of Lin Hengzhong or his engagement with the eldest princess, it was enough to attract attention.

Many people in the capital wanted to see what the legendary Prince Lin looked like.

Is it as bad as the rumors say?

Of course, everyone was just looking at the joke.

"I've heard about it a long time ago. I guess Prince Lin Wang will have to come to the capital in a few days? Then, I have to go and have a look. I am indispensable for this excitement." Zhou Huiguang squinted his eyes and smiled.

"Oh, he can't come!"

Li Qianlin sneered.

The others were stunned.

"how do I say this?"

"Someone didn't want him alive."

Li Qianlin said coldly: "He will die in Zhongzhou."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes were slightly focused.

"Is the news true?" Gao Wenyang, the son of the Minister of Civil Affairs, asked.

"That's natural."

Li Qianlin sneered: "You can't imagine who wants him dead."

As he spoke, Li Qianlin lowered his voice and said something.

Soon, I saw several people's expressions change slightly.

"Is this true?"

"When did I, Li Qianlin, deceive you?"

"Then you come to us today..."

Li Qianlin said solemnly: "I need your help."

"This..." Several people looked confused.

"Don't worry, after everything is done, you will benefit a lot from it."

Having said this, Li Qianlin glanced at the people: "Don't you want to prove yourself and improve your status in the family?"

This sentence seemed to capture the thoughts of several people present. Although these playboys may seem to be in a good position, in fact most of them play a dispensable position in the family.

Why didn't they want to prove themselves?

So, several people looked at each other, and after some discussion, they finally made up their minds and gritted their teeth.

"Okay, since you said so, Mr. Li, our friendship has lasted so many years!"

"This time, we believe you!"

Li Qianlin looked at the people in front of him, a proud smile flashed across his face, and then a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

Lin Jiangnian, let’s see how you survive this time!


The autumn wind is bleak, the fallen leaves are withered and yellow, and the coldness drifts between the sky and the earth.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air.

Outside the town, on the plains, a dozen black figures lay in a pool of blood.

The rich smell of blood enveloped the world, making people feel uneasy.

"Your Highness, all the assassins have been eliminated, and no one survived!"

Lin Kong appeared in front of Lin Jiangnian, bowed his head and said respectfully.

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly, raised his eyes and glanced in front of him: "Have you found out your identity?"

"These people are all dead soldiers. They have no characteristics left on their bodies and are difficult to trace."

Lin Jiangnian was not surprised by this result. The dozens of dead soldiers who suddenly appeared in the town were not weak in martial arts.

It takes years and countless efforts to cultivate these dead warriors, but to be able to deliver them here so easily shows that the people behind them are really willing.

But it also means that the other party has really begun to use all means.

"It seems that their next actions may be much faster!"

Lin Jiang young smiled and turned his head: "I don't know, who will be sent next?"

Beside him, Zhiyuan looked ahead with cold eyes and said nothing. There was just a hint of worry deep in his eyes.

Behind him, Xiaozhu's face was already pale. She had never seen such a bloody scene before, and her face was embarrassed. Shen Lingjun was comforting her in a low voice.

He glanced at the bloody scene around him from the corner of his eye, and his face looked slightly unnatural.

Who did this son of a bitch offend?

Why do so many people want his life?


On the way to Beijing, there is a small town.


"Your Highness, your subordinates have found out the identity information of these people..."

In the room, Lin Qingqing said in a deep voice: "There is someone on the Zhongzhou Jianghu Bounty List, offering a reward of ten thousand taels of gold for your life... As soon as this reward was announced, it immediately caused quite a stir... The Jianghu people who came to assassinate you during this time , most of them are here for the reward!”

"Ten thousand taels of gold?"

Lin Jiangnian was not surprised when he heard the news, but instead chuckled.

"I didn't expect that my prince's life is so valuable?"

Young Lin Jiang sighed: "No wonder they didn't even risk their lives and assassinated my prince so crazily."

Lin Qingqing lowered her head, expressionless.

Although there are many people who assassinate His Highness, most of them are small characters who come to try their luck and are not worth mentioning.

Those real martial arts masters naturally know that this money is not easy to get, and not many people will actually die.


Nothing is guaranteed.

"How far are we from the capital?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

Lin Qingqing thought for a moment: "It's almost two days' journey to the capital."

"Two days?"

Lin Jiangnian thought thoughtfully: "It's almost here!"

"You go down first."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Be careful tonight."

Lin Qingqing immediately understood: "Yes."

After she left the room, Lin Jiangnian sat at the table, tapping the table with his right hand, half-smiling: "They should be coming!"

"If you don't come, it will be too late."

After entering Zhongzhou, I have been assassinated continuously these days. Although it is not painful, it is also annoying.

But other than that, apart from those who died in the past few days, there are not many powerful masters showing up.

This is very unusual!

Lin Jiangnian has almost arrived in the capital, how can they still sit still?

Why didn't the person behind it take action?

What are they waiting for?

Lin Jiangnian half-squinted his eyes and looked out the window.

The night view of the small town is extremely prosperous.

Zhiyuan, who was wearing a plain-colored ruqi and wearing a solid-colored gown, was quietly leaning on the bedside. She had a graceful figure. She was also looking out the window, wondering what she was thinking.

Lin Jiangnian stood up slowly, walked behind her, and quietly hugged her slender waist from behind. Zhiyuan seemed to be a little uncomfortable, her delicate body was still slightly tense subconsciously, but there was no obvious struggle.

After that, he just let it go, motionless.

"It's getting late. It's time to rest. We still have to travel tomorrow."

Lin Jiang young spoke loudly.

"Not urgent."

Zhiyuan spoke softly.


"I have a hunch."

Zhiyuan slowly raised her eyes, her face expressionless, but her bright and clear eyes seemed to contain something.

"They will come tonight!"

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