The moon and stars were sparse, and the late autumn night was extremely cold.

The lights in the small town were dim, and it was dark and silent in the distance. In the dead of night, there seemed to be a bit of coldness in the air.

Outside the inn, under the eaves, Lin Qingqing held her sword and leaned against the eaves wall, staring calmly into the distance. His expression seems lazy, but he is extremely sharp.

The howling cold wind blew past her face, but she didn't notice it at all.

Not far from her, Lin Kong was sitting on the eaves steps, his head lowered, wondering what he was thinking.

Lin Qingqing's cold eyes swept over him, then raised her head to look at the dark night, where there were dots of stars in the night sky.


After an unknown amount of time, Lin Kong suddenly raised his head.

Lin Qingqing glanced at him sideways: "Is something wrong?"

Lin Kong was silent for a moment, but stopped talking.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Lin Qingqing said expressionlessly.

Lin Kong was silent for a long time: "Did you discover something?"

Lin Kong looked into her eyes and suddenly said: "Your Highness, it seems that a lot has changed?"

Lin Qingqing looked slightly unkind: "What do you want to say?"

Before Lin Kong could speak, he heard Lin Qingqing's cold voice: "Lin Kong, have you forgotten the lesson you learned last time?"

The voice was cold, with a hint of warning.

A wry smile appeared on Lin Kong's face: "Of course I haven't forgotten it."

As he spoke, he lowered his eyes and said, "But it is precisely because of this that I feel more and more that Your Highness has changed..."

His voice was a bit uncertain, yet very doubtful.

"In the past, I didn't like His Royal Highness."

Lin Kong spoke in a low voice, his tone was calm and honest.

Lin Qingqing's eyes were cold and she stared at him with an extremely unkind look.

"It's not just me, including you, even Miss Zhiyuan... everyone dislikes His Royal Highness."

"Although you don't admit it, I can see it."

Lin Kong was still talking to himself, as if he didn't notice Lin Qingqing's cold expression: "The prince has made great military exploits throughout his life, and his reputation is resounding throughout the world. Who doesn't know it? Who doesn't respect it? But His Royal Highness, he... "

Lin Kong did not continue, but Lin Qingqing already knew what he wanted to say.

"But during this period, since entering the capital, His Highness seems to have become a different person..."

Lin Kong raised his eyes and looked at Lin Qingqing again: "Didn't you notice?"

Lin Qingqing remained silent.

From her face, Lin Kong saw something and smiled: "You can see it and you are aware of it, right?"

Lin Qingqing said expressionlessly: "Your Highness was ignorant before, but now he has grown up..."

"Yes, Your Highness has grown up!"

Lin Kong sighed lightly.

Lin Qingqing still stared at Lin Kong expressionlessly: "Lin Kong, you'd better not have any objections, otherwise, I won't be the first to spare you!"

Lin Kong smiled bitterly and shook his head slightly, "If Your Highness is like this, how could I have done it before..."

"Prince Lin's Mansion is the prince's life's work. Although I am just a small guard in the Prince's Mansion, I don't want anything to happen to Prince Lin's Mansion..."

"It's not something you need to think about."

Lin Qingqing interrupted him coldly: "Just do your part."

Lin Kong stared at Lin Qingqing for a while, then shook his head slightly and sighed: "You have learned too much from Miss Zhiyuan, and you no longer look like you."

Lin Qingqing stopped talking and ignored him.

Lin Kong was still sitting on the steps, looking up at the night not far away, "We will reach the capital in two days, and now we have set foot on the capital. They should not be able to sit still..."

"Do you think they will come tonight?"

When this matter was mentioned, Lin Qingqing finally had some reaction, and she looked coldly at the night not far away.

"They don't want His Highness to come to the capital alive, but they are afraid that His Highness will disrupt their plot!"

"I'm afraid that His Highness will grow into a being that makes them fearful and fearful just like the prince did back then!"

Lin Kong raised his head, seeming to think of something, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

That year, he was only seven years old. He had seen with his own eyes that when the prince entered the capital, he looked like a king and made people all over the world tremble. Those high-ranking officials and powerful people all trembled and feared in front of the prince!

That scene was deeply imprinted in his mind.

The prince of that year had just destroyed all the kingdoms in the southern Xinjiang, and his power was overwhelming. He was crowned king by the emperor, and his glory was endless!

It was also that year that he was taken in by the prince and entered Prince Lin's Mansion. In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed.

"call out!"

A soft cry seemed to flash through the night sky, stunning the night sky.

Lin Qingqing and Lin Kong under the eaves suddenly raised their heads almost at the same time and looked not far away.

The night sky not far away was as dark as ink. Under the ink, there were several strange figures approaching quietly and quickly.

Blink down!

"They're coming."

Lin Kong's voice was very soft.

Lin Qingqing didn't say anything, she just clenched the sword in her hand, took a step, and disappeared from under the eaves.

"They're coming!"

Inn, in the room, in front of the window sill.

Lin Jiangnian glanced out the window at the night, and could vaguely see several black shadows flying towards him, like dots of starlight.

Murderous intent permeates the air!

"Sure enough, you were right!"

Lin Jiang young laughed and looked down at the girl in his arms.

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes, her fair face glowing with a touch of red under the dim light. Her body was slightly stiff, as if she was not used to it, and she glanced at the night outside the window, her eyes calm.

Everything seemed to be as she expected.

"It's time to make preparations." Zhiyuan said softly.

"Not urgent."

Lin Jiangnian glanced out the window and chuckled: "The real master hasn't shown up yet."

"Just wait a little longer."

Under the night, several black shadows gathered towards the inn from all directions.

Their figures are strange, their steps are gentle, and they arrive in the blink of an eye.

Just when everyone was about to approach the inn, several figures appeared inside and outside the originally silent inn, and they were about to explode.

Swords collided, and the sound of fighting resounded throughout the world. The originally silent night was completely broken!

The screams were endless, and the inside and outside of the inn felt like a hell on earth.

In the inn, in the room, when the sound of fighting outside the door sounded, Shen Lingjun sat up suddenly in the room.

"what happened?"

Listening to the sound outside the door, Shen Lingjun quickly put on his clothes, grabbed the long sword on the table and walked out of the room. He met Xiao Zhu who looked panicked.


"Sister Shen!"

Xiaozhu looked a little panicked and nervous: "There is an assassination!"

"Another assassination?!"

Shen Lingjun understood immediately, was he coming for Prince Lin again?

How many people has this son of a bitch offended? !

In recent days, I have encountered countless attacks and murders along the way. Even though Shen Lingjun has a good psychological quality, he was also a little upset by the harassment.

Although Xiaozhu was panicked, he was not completely panicked. During the time she was with His Highness, she gradually got used to such a life.

"Xiaozhu, follow me."

Listening to the fierce screams and the sound of swords clashing outside, this assassination seemed to be much more ferocious than before. Shen Lingjun was naturally worried about Xiaozhu alone.

"As long as I protect you, no one can hurt you!"


Room, window sill.

The figures of Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan remained motionless, their eyes falling on the dark figures fighting outside the window.

"The people who come this time are not weak in martial arts."

Lin Jiangnian half-closed his eyes and chuckled.

Outside the inn, the Crown Prince's army had already been waiting for him to intercept him. But these figures can still break into the inn, which shows that these people's martial arts are much more powerful than the assassins they encountered before.

"It seems that they plan to take my son's life tonight!"

Lin Jiang young sighed.

In the night, the fighting outside the inn still did not stop. In the distance, there are still figures coming from all directions.

The murderous aura shrouded in the dark night approached without any concealment.

"No one's here yet."

Zhiyuan glanced into the distance and spoke softly.


Lin Jiangnian murmured to himself.

These people who raided the inn at night are naturally not the real owners.

The real enemy has not yet appeared.


There was already chaos outside the inn lobby. The tables and chairs were destroyed to pieces, and there were countless sword marks on the walls. Outside the inn, there was still a steady stream of assassin masters pouring in.

Lin Qingqing stood at the door of the lobby with her sword in hand. The sword was already stained with a lot of blood. There was also a lot of blood on her clothes, hands, and even her face. She looked extremely embarrassed, but also became more and more cold.

On the ground in front of her, there were seven or eight corpses that had long since lost their breath. The ground was stained red with blood, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Lin Qingqing raised her head with cold eyes and looked at the figures outside the courtyard, her eyes becoming more murderous.

At this moment, a figure quietly landed in the hall, looking Lin Qingqing up and down: "Are you the cold and charming personal maid next to Prince Lin? Tsk tsk..."

Appearing in the lobby was a man in a gray robe, about thirty years old, with sharp eyes and a vaguely teasing look.

He looked Lin Qingqing up and down, and shook his head: "Although she looks good, it doesn't look like what she said..."

"Tsk, tsk, I'm so happy!"

There seemed to be some regret on the visitor's face.

Lin Qingqing's eyes were cold: "Seeking death!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she raised her sword and stabbed at the opponent. The speed is extremely fast, and it reaches the opponent's throat in the blink of an eye.

The other party still had a faint smile on his face and did not hide or avoid it. When Lin Qingqing approached, his figure suddenly disappeared from the place.

Lin Qingqing's pupils shrank, and such a strange way of disappearing made her feel bad.

"Slow, too slow, just this speed? How powerful do you think it is? It's nothing more than that!"

A sigh and contemptuous tone came from behind, Lin Qingqing's heart sank, she turned around suddenly, and the sword in her hand fell horizontally.

The sword failed!

The figure of the other party disappeared strangely again. When Lin Qingqing came back to her senses, she saw the other party suddenly stretched out two fingers and stabbed them out suddenly.

Lin Qingqing's expression changed and she raised her sword to block it.


A crisp sound sounded, and the sword in Lin Qingqing's hand seemed to hit something hard.


There was a cracking sound.

Lin Qingqing took four or five steps back, her face pale and her whole body trembling slightly.

Looking down, he saw that the long sword in his hand was broken in two!

Lin Qingqing's pupils shrank suddenly and she raised her head. The man not far away had a playful smile on his face and slowly put away his fingers.

Lin Qingqing was shocked.

The other party could break her sword with his fingers? !

This level of martial arts strength is definitely far above hers!


Lin Qingqing seemed to remember something and stared at him: "Are you from the Sikong family?!"

The technique the other party used just now is very similar to the Sikong family's secret skill Xuyang Finger, and the weird movement technique is also very similar to the Sikong family.

"Hey, that's pretty smart!"

The man in gray robe stood on the spot, his eyes became more and more playful: "It seems that after so many years, there are still people who remember our Sikong family!"

Lin Qingqing's face changed slightly, and her eyes became colder: "Back then, the prince was soft-hearted and spared the lives of your Sikong family, but I didn't expect that you would be so ambitious that you would repay kindness with hatred!"

"Spare us?"

The man in gray robe suddenly sneered: "If it hadn't been for Lin Hengzhong back then, how could our Sikong family have fallen to where we are now? This hatred will never be forgotten by our Sikong family!"

More than ten years ago, the Sikong family was a well-known family rising in the world, with a promising future.

However, all this was ruined by Lin Hengzhong!

"You, the Sikong family, are so ruthless that you, as a member of a well-established family, have killed your fellow disciples. You are so cruel that you deserve death!"

Lin Qingqing spoke coldly.

The gray-robed man sneered: "Who can tell the difference between justice in the world? But Lin Hengzhong killed my clansmen, and my father died tragically at his hands. Naturally, this debt must be settled on him!"

"Since Lin Hengzhong is hiding in Linzhou and being a coward, then I will kill his son!"

Lin Qingqing's face was ashen and expressionless: "As long as I'm here, you can't even think of succeeding!"

"Just you?"

The man in gray robe glanced at her disdainfully: "Your martial arts are indeed good, but... you're still far from good!"

"The rumored to be the most powerful personal maid around Prince Lin is nothing more than that!"

The man in gray robe shook his head slightly, then looked up at the inn upstairs and sneered: "Prince Lin, it's time to come out and die!"

The sound was loud and deafening.

There was no movement upstairs.

"Since you don't come out, I'll catch you!"

The man in gray robe sneered and walked upstairs to the inn.

"Stop him!"

Lin Qingqing's voice was cold, and the next second, several black-armored figures stood in front of him.

"Are you Prince Lin's personal soldier?"

The man in gray robe glanced at it and sneered: "Just right, I also want to see if it's your armor that's harder, or my fingers!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man in gray robe moved. As his internal energy surged, his strange figure shuttled among the crowd.

At the same time, the black-armored guards who were standing in front of the gray-robed man also moved. Their skilled and tacit martial arts skills surrounded the gray-robed man. As soon as they met, the gray-robed man realized that he was a little careless.

The methodical offensive of these well-trained pro-army troops in front of him made it difficult for him to escape for a while.

Sikong Li's Xuyang Finger is indeed the secret skill of Sikong family. The sharp fingering technique can leave a deep mark on the dark armor. If there is no armor protection, I am afraid that he will directly penetrate the body.

However, with the protection of the armor, the power of Sikong Li's Virtual Yang Finger was greatly reduced. At the same time, the martial arts of the black-armored guards were not weak. Coupled with their tacit cooperation and Lin Qingqing's harassment, Sikong Li was actually a little embarrassed. He retreated and was trapped in it for a moment.

"Tsk, tsk, you can't even deal with a bunch of guards, Sikong Li, you are so embarrassed!"

At this moment, a Jie Jie sneered.

Lin Qingqing's eyes suddenly condensed, is there anyone else? !

At the same time, Sikong Li was forced to take a few steps back, gritted his teeth and cursed angrily behind him.

"Gu Chaosheng, stop talking sarcastically and come out to help!"


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