Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 202 Fiery Knife Technique

It was late at night, and the messy inn was already in a mess.

Sikong Li was surrounded by several black-armored guards and was unable to escape for a while. When he heard the sarcastic words coming from behind him, he immediately cursed. But when he was cursing, the blade in front of him barely scratched his cheek, which frightened Sikong Li.

He somewhat underestimated the power of these black-armored guards!

The martial arts of these black-armored guards were not weak in the first place, and together they showed even greater strength. What's more, the extremely hard armor caused him a lot of trouble.

I was almost careless and suffered a big loss!

Seeing this, Sikong Li finally didn't dare to be too aggressive. He turned to look outside the inn behind him and said in a cold voice: "If you don't take action, something will happen later. Don't blame me for not warning you!"

The cold words contained a hint of threat.

At the same time, outside the inn, a cold wind suddenly roared, making the doors and windows of the inn rattle.

At the same time, a sharp aura rushed in.

A burly man in red robe poured into the inn and landed on the beam not far away. He looked at everyone in the inn with a half-smile.

This is a middle-aged man about the same age as Sikong Li, but his face is much more weathered. He is wearing a red gold-rimmed robe, red like fire, which is particularly dazzling.

The man in red robe was tall and tall, with an ordinary appearance, but he gave people an extremely dangerous feeling, especially since he had a knife on his back.

A long knife!

The knife is about four feet long, with a slender handle and a sharp blade. Although the blade is not visible, you can vaguely feel the sharp touch from the knife.

The man in red robe stood on the beam, quietly looking at the slightly embarrassed Sikong Li who was surrounded by black-armored guards in the inn, and sneered: "Sikong Li, weren't you very good at blowing before? What one-handed man? Capture Prince Lin alive?"

"Now you haven't even seen Prince Lin in person, and you can't even defeat a few guards?"

Sikong Li was forced by the guards to retreat in embarrassment and retreated to a safe position. Then he gritted his teeth and turned his head and sneered: "You have the ability to try it?"

"Why don't you try?"

Gu Chaosheng's eyes were mocking and disdainful, and he jumped down from the beam. Looking at the black-armored guards in front of him, he clicked his tongue and said, "Is this the black-armored guard trained by Lin Hengzhong? They seem to have some strength..."

As he said that, his eyes immediately fell on Lin Qingqing beside him, and he raised his eyebrows: "Is this the powerful personal maid next to Prince Lin? She's not that good at all!"

At this time, Lin Qingqing looked at the two people in front of her as if facing a formidable enemy.

This Sikong Li's martial arts is already not weak, and his strength is above hers. Now there is another person who has equally good martial arts.

Lin Qingqing's eyes fell on the sharp long knife behind the opponent's back, and she suddenly narrowed her eyes: "Who are you?"

"What? Doesn't anyone in the world know me anymore?"

Gu Chaosheng seemed a little surprised, and slowly took the long knife from behind. As the long knife fell, he pulled off the cloth wrapping the long knife, and a sharp, cold and sharp long knife was exposed to the air.


The long knife fell on the ground of the inn, making a crisp sound, leaving a knife mark on the fragile wooden floor.

"I haven't traveled around the world for a long time. It seems that many people don't remember this Fiery Sword Technique!"

Gu Chaosheng laughed ferociously and looked up at Lin Qingqing: "Girl, do you have any impression of my sword?"

Lin Qingqing stared at the long knife, and then looked at the man in front of her who was dressed in red robes and had a fierce aura like fire. Some memories gradually emerged in her mind.

Gu Chaosheng?

About ten years ago, there was a swordsman in the world who was famous for his sharp swordsmanship. His swordsmanship was so fierce that no grass grew wherever he touched with his fiery swordsmanship.

But later, the swordsman gradually disappeared, and news about him gradually disappeared from the world.

Is this the person in front of me? !

Lin Qingqing's eyes became more and more fierce.

This person had already become a master of the fifth rank ten years ago. Now that ten years have passed, the opponent's martial arts will only get higher!

Thinking of this, Lin Qingqing's heart sank: "Set up the formation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the black-armored guards in the inn had already set off and surrounded Gu Chaosheng.

Gu Chaosheng stood on the spot and glanced back at Sikong Li: "Sikong Li, look at it, let's see how your grandfather dealt with them."

Sikong Li sneered and looked disdainfully.


Gu Chaosheng clenched the long knife in his hand, and when he looked away, the playful sneer in his eyes disappeared, replaced by an icy chill.

And, a strong killing intent!

As if there was fire surrounding him, Gu Chaosheng's aura changed, and the long knife in his hand seemed to have Qianjun's strength. Gu Chaosheng held the knife in one hand and faced the black-armored guards surrounding him. Without retreating or avoiding, he struck down with the knife heavily.

The long knife carried a fierce momentum, and a terrifying aura spread.


Lin Qingqing's pupils shrank, she immediately realized something was wrong and quickly spoke out.

The black-armored guard facing him was naturally aware of the sharp aura of the sword, and did not dare to resist directly, so he quickly retreated.


The long knife fell to the ground with a loud thunder sound.

The wooden board on the ground was split in half, and the broken wood flew everywhere. The residual power of the knife shook the surroundings, and everyone's expression changed slightly.

"His sword skills are not simple, be careful!"

Lin Qingqing realized that this man's sword skills were fierce, and if he was accidentally hit, he would probably lose his life on the spot.

"Be careful? Does being careful help?"

The sword failed, and Gu Chaosheng's mouth showed a cruel smile, his eyes were disdainful, and he raised his eyes to stare at the guards around him.

"I'm going to be serious, you guys watch out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Chaosheng raised his knife again and approached Lin Qingqing.

The speed was so fast that Lin Qingqing's expression changed, as if she didn't expect that the opponent's sword skills were so sharp and his skills were so fast. Lin Qingqing raised her sword and quickly got out of the way.

At the same time, the surrounding black-armored guards swarmed up and attacked Gu Chaosheng with cold weapons.

"Well done!"

Gu Chaosheng did not dodge at all, but his eyes became more and more excited. Facing all the guards, he waved the long knife in his hand, and in an instant it seemed like there was fire.

In the air, swords collided, and the sharp sword energy swept across the inn.


A black-armored guard carried a knife forcefully, and his armor instantly shattered. He was almost seriously injured under the heavy knife blow.

His eyes were frightened. If the armor hadn't blocked the knife for him, the knife just now would have even cut off half of his body.

Is this knife too overbearing and sharp? !

At this moment, in the inn, Gu Chaosheng, holding a knife, seemed to be in a no-man's land, invincible. The red robe and his disheveled hair made him look like a god descending from the mountain, unstoppable.

Anyone who takes a blow from him will either die or be disabled! Even if he is attacked by a fierce sword energy, it is still difficult to stop him.

Not far away, Sikong Li watched this scene, slightly focused.

He had to admit that Gu Chaosheng's sword skills were indeed fierce, and even he would never be able to take it head on.

Seeing that all the black-armored guards in the inn were paying attention to Gu Chaosheng, a sneer flashed in Sikong Li's eyes. He glanced up at the second floor of the inn and immediately approached quietly.

When Sikong Li reached the stairs, he was blocked by someone.

"Get away!"

Sikong Li struck quickly with sharp fingering skills without thinking.

But the opponent drew his sword and slashed it down as if he was prepared. Sikong Li sensed the danger, narrowed his eyes, and immediately backed away, staring up at the other person in surprise.

"Who are you?"

In front of him was a young man with serious eyes. There was a lot of blood on his clothes, which looked a little oozing.

That sharp gaze fell on Sikong Li, making him feel an unprecedented sense of oppression.

The pressure this person put on him was even greater than the pressure on the maid just now!

"Prince Lin's personal bodyguard, Lin Kong!"

Lin Kong looked at him coldly, and as soon as he finished speaking, the sharp sword in his hand was thrust directly at Sikong Li's throat.

Late at night.

Inside the inn, there was already chaos.

At night, a steady stream of assassins attacking from a distance had already sneaked into the inn, and the sound of fighting continued inside and outside the inn.

Such a big movement has already alarmed the surrounding residents.

Some people were frightened, some were frightened, and some fled in a hurry to report to the officials. But when the officials arrived, no one dared to approach.

Corpses were everywhere inside and outside the entire inn, and the strong smell of blood and screams made people shudder.

The police officers from the government offices did not even dare to approach, they only dared to watch from a distance.

"Is this a vendetta?"

"Many, many people died, what, what should I do?"

"What can we do? What can we do about the grievances in the world? Let them fight, dog bites dog! Let's wait until the death is over!"


The third floor of the inn.

"They're coming."

Lin Jiang young spoke loudly.

"Sikong Li, Gu Chaosheng!"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes and recited these two names carefully.

"How are these two people's martial arts?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

"Not worth mentioning."

Zhiyuan said lightly.

Lin Jiang young laughed: "Both of them are long-established masters in the world, are they not worth mentioning in your mouth?"

Zhiyuan's eyes were indifferent: "The Xuyang Finger and the Changing Palm inherited from Sikong Li's family are considered to be the first-class skills in the world, but Sikong Li's martial arts talent is not very high, and he cannot really exert the power of the Xuyang Finger. Come out, it’s not worth mentioning.”

"As for Gu Chaosheng...ten years ago he was only in the fifth rank. In terms of martial arts talent, he was not even as good as Qingqing..."

Zhiyuan did not continue, but Lin Jiangnian understood what she meant.

He sighed softly: "You can't compare like this. There are very few people in the world who can compare their talents with Qingqing and the others."

Qingqing and the others were orphans adopted by Lin Hengzhong from all over the world. There were many criteria for adopting them, among which martial arts talent was only the most basic requirement.

To be precise, if you don't have first-class martial arts talent, you won't be able to catch Lin Hengzhong's eyes.

Among the pro-military guards around Lin Jiangnian, which one is not exceptionally talented and accomplished in martial arts?

Gu Chaosheng had no advantage compared to them.

"However, Gu Chaosheng was already a fifth-level master ten years ago. Now ten years have passed. What level should he be at now? Fourth-level? Or third-level?"

"Can Qingqing and the others stop them?"

Zhiyuan didn't answer. She glanced at the night outside the window. After a pause, she suddenly turned to look at Lin Jiangnian: "I'll lend you your Autumn Water Sword."

Lin Jiangnian was startled. Before he could understand what was going on, he saw Zhiyuan pick up the Qiushui Sword on the table.

The long sword was unsheathed, and cold light flashed.

Qiushui Sword glowed with a green light, and the sharp sword energy filled the air instantly.

Then, Zhiyuan walked to the window sill, jumped up, stepped on the window sill, and disappeared into the night.

The night is as dark as ink.

Outside the inn, above the eaves, a middle-aged man looked forward.

The cool wind blows at night, bringing a chill between heaven and earth.

Not long after, a beautiful figure came riding on the wind.

The cold face, cold temperament, and the sharp green light cold sword in his hand made the world feel cold.

"Are you the personal maid beside Prince Lin?"

The middle-aged man spoke. The man was about forty years old, with a restrained aura and sharp eyes, like an elegant scholar.

In his hand, he also held a sword.

Zhiyuan looked at the person in front of him coldly, his eyes fell on the opponent's sword, and he paused for a moment: "Duan Tiande?"

Duan Tiande seemed a little surprised: "Do you recognize me?"

Zhiyuan looked at him coldly: "Why are you here?"

"Entrusted by others."

Duan Tiande said calmly.

Zhiyuan's eyes were cold, with murderous intent lingering: "So, you want to be my enemy in Prince Lin's Mansion?"

Duan Tiande sighed softly: "When you are in the world, you can't help yourself!"

He didn't say anything, but he said everything.

The purpose of being here tonight is self-evident.

Zhiyuan's eyes did not conceal the coldness at all: "Your Duan family can be regarded as a famous family in the world. Aren't you afraid that when I come to the palace, I will destroy your Duan family and not even a blade of grass will grow?!"

Duan Tiande fell silent, his eyes seeming hesitant.

At this moment, another sharp sneer came from the night: "Duan Tiande, why are you afraid of her being a girl?"

In the night sky, a strange figure appeared, landed on the eaves on the other side, and surrounded the kite from front to back.

It was also a middle-aged man, with a sinister smile on his face, and he looked extremely cunning. With a pair of swords on his waist, he looks good.

He looked at the paper kite on the eaves with a grin, and then glanced at Duan Tiande: "As long as everyone here dies tonight, who will know that it is related to your Duan family?"

"Besides, you have King Xu backing you, what are you afraid of Lin Hengzhong doing? No matter how powerful Lin Hengzhong is, he can go north to find trouble for your Duan family!"

After hearing these words, Duan Tiande remained silent, but the hesitation in his eyes was a little less.

Zhiyuan suddenly turned his head and stared coldly at the person in front of him, his eyes falling on the two swords at his waist.

"Mandarin duck double sword?"

Zhiyuan said coldly: "Are you Yue Pingsheng?"

"Girl, you have such good eyesight, you can recognize me even now. Sure enough, I have two brushes!"

Yue Pingsheng laughed ferociously and looked at the woman in front of him unscrupulously: "You are young and your aura is so strong, you have some strength as a girl. However, I will destroy her with my hands tonight!"

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

In the dark night, Yue Pingsheng pulled out the two swords from his waist. The sharp swords were filled with cold air in the night, and his eyes became fierce in vain.

"Yue Pingsheng, ranked eleventh on the list of martial arts masters, uses Yuanyang swords and creates his own Yuanyang sword technique..."

Zhiyuan stood there, the cold wind howling, and she looked at the other party expressionlessly.

Yue Pingsheng sneered: "Girl, you know me very well!"

"Fatal flaw... his breath is unstable, his sword technique is strong but messy, and he is vulnerable to a single blow!"

Zhiyuan said expressionlessly.

Yue Pingsheng's pupils suddenly shrank.

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