Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 204 The oriole is behind

Under the darkness of night, Yue Pingsheng's killing move was about to arrive in an instant.

The two blades in his hands were like the cold light in the dark night, turning into the afterimage of meteors. The world is filled with murderous intent.

After many years of wandering around the world, it's not like he hasn't been tricked by evil tricks before. But that was just a long time ago when he first came out of the world. He had never been as angry as he was today.

What's more, the other party is actually the Prince Lin whom he wants to kill? !

Rumor has it that Prince Lin has no knowledge, no skills, and no ability to tie a chicken. He is an out-and-out idiot.

But how could the young man in front of him look half stupid?

The humiliation of being deceived emerged, and the severe pain in his body made Yue Pingsheng extremely angry. The double blades in his hands suddenly flashed with cold light, threatening to kill him.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were alert and his whole body was tense. In the dark night, Yue Pingsheng's fierce murderous intent had locked onto him.

He underestimated Yue Pingsheng's martial arts strength, or perhaps it was because Yue Pingsheng's martial arts strength was too high!

In a head-on confrontation, Lin Jiangnian had almost no chance of winning.

During his time in Beijing, although Lin Jiangnian practiced diligently and made rapid progress in martial arts, his martial arts practice time was ultimately short. No matter how talented he is, there is no way he can compete with an old man like Yue Pingsheng who has been famous for many years in such a short period of time.

The strength gap between the two was too great. If they faced each other head-on, Lin Jiangnian would definitely die.

Therefore, he chose a sneak attack.

Disguised as an assassin in black tonight, he quietly touched Yue Shengsheng, and then took the opportunity to kill him...

The plan went smoothly, and Lin Jiangnian successfully approached Yue Pingsheng. But Yue Pingsheng was an old Jianghu after all, so he still sensed something was wrong. His strong inner strength also made Lin Jiangnian's plan of a fatal blow fail.

After being seriously injured, Yue Pingsheng was furious and wanted to kill Lin Jiangnian.

At this moment, the world was filled with murderous intent. Lin Jiangnian felt that his flesh and blood were cold and stiff, almost locked in place.

The difference in strength is too obvious!

The difference in strength between the two was so great that the other could easily kill him with a single blow.

At this moment, the Xuanyang Mental Technique in Lin Jiangnian's body exerted a great effect. As if he had a premonition of danger, the Xuanyang Mental Technique automatically operated, and madness surged in his body. The originally frozen and stiff flesh and blood gradually returned to normal functions. , the majestic and hot breath filled the air.

Lin Jiangnian tapped his toes on the ground, and while quickly retreating, he gathered all his inner strength between his palms and shot out with a bang.

At the same time, the double blades in Yue Pingsheng's hands were already approaching.

The horizontal sword fell, and Lin Jiangnian gathered all his strength to strike the palm, which was easily defeated by Yue Pingsheng's double blades!

The gap in strength makes everything seem meaningless.


The breath of the double blades passed by him, and Lin Jiangnian was thrown away and almost fell from the eaves.

He could barely stabilize his body, but his body was turbulent, and severe pain surged into his heart. Looking down, he saw a bloodstain on his left arm, bleeding out.

Lin Jiangnian was frightened. The cold blade almost missed him. He was just a hair away, and his entire arm might have been cut off.

The gap is really huge!

Can't even resist a single move? !

Lin Jiangnian smiled bitterly. Although the division of martial arts realm is not absolute, if the realm is too different, any skills and moves will be meaningless in the face of the absolute strength gap.

However, fortunately, Yue Pingsheng was seriously injured after being attacked by a sneak attack just now.

Although Lin Jiangnian's sneak attack with the knife failed to kill him, it still hit his waist and kidneys. Due to serious injuries to his waist and kidneys, his movements were greatly restricted and his skills were greatly reduced.

Now that the blow failed to kill Lin Jiangnian, his injuries became more serious, his face turned pale, and the severe pain in his waist accompanied his attack, and his internal energy seemed to leak out.

Yue Pingsheng's face turned pale, and he realized the seriousness of the injury. He tapped two acupuncture points on his body again, his breathing calmed down slightly, and he raised his eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian in front of him, his eyes filled with murderous intent, without any attempt to hide it.

"You leave now and find a place to heal your injuries. You may be able to save your life. If you delay it any longer, your martial arts will be greatly reduced at least, or your life will be in danger at worst!"

Lin Jiangnian knelt on the edge of the roof and looked up at Yue Pingsheng in front of him. The bright red blood on his waist had stained his robe.

Yue Pingsheng's expression changed drastically. He naturally knew that what Lin Jiangnian said was true. This sneak attack touched his foundation, and he had to find a place to heal quickly.

But he is not willing to give in!

Prince Lin was right in front of him, and with that stab blow just now, he also found out the details of Lin Jiangnian.

I know some martial arts, but not much!

If he were at his peak, Prince Lin wouldn't be able to resist even one of his moves.

But now, he had just been injured by the strong wind of his own blade, and he was also at the end of his strength.

Just one more stab would take his life!

Hot firelight flickered in Yue Pingsheng's eyes, and he secretly made up his mind.

Let’s take the life of Prince Lin first!

If you kill him, you will be rich and powerful, and your status in the world will be inexhaustible!

Thinking of this, the hot fire in Yue Pingsheng's eyes briefly covered the pain in his waist, and he clenched the blade in his hand again.

The two swords were raging in the cold light of the night, like bright stars, turning into a meteor and hitting Lin Jiangnian again.

The cold wind was raging, almost cutting Lin Jiangnian's cheek. The sharp blade carried the cold wind and stung his skin. Lin Jiangnian knelt on the ground, his whole body tense. The moment Yue Pingsheng's two swords approached, Lin Jiangnian retreated. .

Behind him is under the eaves.

Lin Jiangnian's figure fell instantly, avoiding Yue Pingsheng's fatal knife.

The sword failed again. Yue Pingsheng stopped at the eaves and lowered his head to look under the eaves. At this glance, he immediately saw Lin Jiangnian holding the edge of the eaves with one hand, hanging in the air.

The moment Yue Pingsheng looked down, Lin Jiangnian also moved. He raised his hand and slapped the edge of the roof hard. In an instant, the tiles shattered, and the place where Yue Pingsheng stood was instantly lost.

Yue Pingsheng, who had expected it, subconsciously wanted to retreat, but just when he had the idea, a hand suddenly grabbed his ankle, and then, a majestic force violently pushed him down. Pull.

Yue Pingsheng was caught off guard and was violently dragged down from the eaves. No matter how strong his inner strength was, he never expected Lin Jiangnian to use such a move. As his feet failed, his body fell uncontrollably.

"go to hell!"

Yue Pingsheng was so angry that he didn't care about getting away. He stabbed Lin Jiangnian in the neck with the scimitar in his hand.

Unexpectedly, Lin Jiangnian did not retreat but advanced this time. The moment Yue Pingsheng took action, he suddenly got close to Yue Pingsheng. The scimitar missed and stabbed Lin Jiangnian in the back.


With a muffled groan, severe pain hit his back.

Lin Jiangnian was breathing rapidly and twitching with severe pain, but without any pause, he pinched Yue Pingsheng's waist where he had been stabbed with one hand.

In an instant, a sharp scream came.

Lin Jiangnian pinched the waist where the bleeding had just stopped, and instantly blood spread across the air. Yue Pingsheng screamed fiercely, his face twisted, and all the strength in his body seemed to be drained instantly.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

Lin Jiangnian's slightly handsome face had a sharper look.

Yue Pingsheng, who was already seriously injured, was pinched so hard by Lin Jiangnian that he almost fainted from the pain. The scimitar in his hand fell. The next second, Lin Jiangnian used Yue Pingsheng's strength to retreat violently, turned over and fell. on the ground.


Lin Jiangnian fell heavily to the ground. Severe pain hit him all over his body. He almost fainted from the pain, especially the burning pain in his back.

Even without checking, he knew the injury was serious.

However, he didn't have time to take care of that much, so he turned over and got up from the ground.

At this moment, on the ground not far away, Yue Pingsheng fell to the ground, vomiting blood, his pupils widened, staring at Lin Jiangnian.

His face was pale and his eyes were ferocious, fierce and sharp.

However, his breathing was very weak!

The injury on his waist worsened, not to mention that he fell from such a height, which almost killed him.

At this moment, he is almost dying!

Lin Jiangnian picked up Yue Pingsheng's fallen waist from the ground.

The scimitar is as sharp as the moon.

The scimitar was stained with some blood. Lin Jiangnian held the scimitar and walked slowly to Yue Pingsheng.

"you lose!"

Lin Jiangnian stared at him and spoke expressionlessly.

At this moment, Yue Ping was staring at Lin Jiangnian with a sharp look in his eyes, and a hint of shock.

Not willing to give in!

He actually stumbled here tonight!

He actually fell into the hands of Prince Lin? !

It was obvious that Lin Jiangnian in front of him was just an ant, and he could easily kill him!

But he couldn't do it!

He actually fell!

A look of regret emerged from Yue Pingsheng's eyes. When he noticed Lin Jiangnian's cold eyes and the familiar edge of the blade, Yue Pingsheng finally realized something.

A look of panic emerged, and he struggled desperately to get up.

But he was too seriously injured!

His waist was injured, the knife had already damaged his kidneys, and the pinch from the sneak attack just now made his injuries worse.

At this moment, the internal energy in the body dispersed crazily. Yue Pingsheng wanted to gather the internal energy, but he couldn't do it no matter what. The severe pain and convulsions all over his body made him lose the strength to even raise his hands.

Yue Pingsheng's eyes were frightened, and panic finally emerged.

Could it be that he, Yue, who had lived his entire life, was going to die here tonight?

To die at the hands of such a weak and unknown person? !

He is not willing to give in! !

But at the same time, Lin Jiangnian was approaching, and he walked step by step to Yue Pingsheng.

He is very alert!

Even though it was certain that Yue Pingsheng had no strength to resist now, Lin Jiangnian still did not relax at all.

In the world of martial arts, there are numerous reports of top players overturning their opponents, and no one dares to truly determine the winner or lose until the last moment.

Yue Pingsheng's martial arts skills were far superior to Lin Jiangnian's, but he still ended up here today?

Lin Jiangnian held a scimitar and dagger, approaching Yue Pingsheng, staring at his frightened eyes, and sneered: "Why is he number 11 on the list of martial arts masters? It's really nothing more than that!"

"Your life will be taken by me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Jiangnian raised his scimitar.

At this moment, strong fear hit his heart, and Yue Pingsheng's pupils shrank sharply. When facing life and death, he burst out with a strong desire to live and begged for mercy.

"No, don't...ah!!!"

With a sharp scream, Lin Jiangnian stabbed Yue Pingsheng's heart with the scimitar in his hand.

Accurate and thorough!

Yue Pingsheng's pupils dilated, and a look of horror appeared on his face. He stared at Lin Jiangnian with wide eyes. There was resentment, regret, and unwillingness in his eyes...

He stared at Lin Jiangnian until his eyes blurred and he stopped breathing unwillingly.


Lin Jiangnian was worried and pulled out his machete and stabbed him several times. After he was sure that Yue Pingsheng had stopped breathing and was completely dead, he breathed a deep sigh of relief and fell to the ground, gasping for air. stand up.

As his spirit relaxed, severe pain hit him all over his body. The pain made him almost faint. Lin Jiangnian took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, poured out the pills inside and swallowed it. As his luck changed, his face became slightly better. .

But even so, the severe pain in his back was still there. Lin Jiangnian tore off a piece of clothing and bandaged the wound on his back a little.

After doing this, Lin Jiangnian was still sitting on the ground, looking at Yue Pingsheng not far away with his eyes open, feeling filled with fear.

This Yue Pingsheng is the most powerful master he has faced in the past six months!

Even in a sneak attack, such a heavy price was paid.

Fortunately, Zhiyuan was right. Although Yue Pingsheng's sword skills were sharp, his shortcomings were also obvious...

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to stand up, he suddenly noticed something and turned his head.


It was dark all around, and Lin Jiangnian's eyes suddenly fell on the darkness not far away, and he said coldly: "Come out!"

"Jie Jie!"

In the darkness, a sharp sneer came: "As expected of Prince Lin, he indeed has a few brushes. No wonder he was able to kill Yue Pingsheng."

The voice was sharp and unpleasant, with a hint of laughter that made people's hearts ache.

At the same time, a 'person' walked out of the darkness not far away!

It was indeed a person, but this 'person' looked extremely thin. Approximately less than five feet tall, he looked as thin as a monkey. He was shrouded in a black robe and looked extremely ridiculous.

As the other party appeared, he revealed a very sinister look under the black robe, which looked very out of place. Those narrowed eyes, with a bit of a permeating smile, made people feel very uncomfortable.

"Who are you?"

Lin Jiangnian stared at this person and spoke slowly.

"It doesn't matter who I am, Prince Lin Wang only needs to know that I am here to kill you!"

The skinny little monkey spoke with a treacherous look on his face, looking extremely uncomfortable.

"So, you are the one who hides the last one?"

Lin Jiangnian felt a stronger aura from the other party than Yue Pingsheng.

The person in front of me is much more powerful than Yue Pingsheng!

"So be it."

The thin monkey was smiling all over his face, but when his eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian, he seemed a little surprised: "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Why are you afraid?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

"You're going to die!"

He sneered: "You shouldn't have the strength to resist now, right?"

When he showed up at this time, he had already figured out the situation.

The inn was still anxious. Prince Lin's personal bodyguards were being held back, and the most powerful personal maid beside him had no time to escape. Even Lin Jiangnian was seriously injured just now trying to kill Yue Pingsheng.

Right now, it’s a turtle in a urn!

Prince Lin Wang’s life belongs to him!

But for some reason, he couldn't see any panic on Prince Lin Wang's face, which made him frown slightly.

"You don't think you're the only one who knows how to stay behind, do you?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him.

The skinny little monkey was slightly startled: "What do you mean?"

Lin Jiangnian ignored him, raised his head and sneered.

"If you don't come out, my prince will die in his hands!"


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