Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 205 Do you want me to die here?

As soon as he finished speaking, the thin monkey suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.

However, there was nothing behind him.


"You fool me?"

The smile on the skinny monkey's face froze slightly, and he turned back to stare at Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiang young laughed: "Are you scared?"

The face of the skinny monkey changed slightly, and he stared at Lin Jiangnian with cold eyes, and suddenly sneered: "Okay, okay, I didn't expect that at such a young age, you, Prince Lin, are quite capable of fooling people. You are worthy of being Lin Hengzhong's son." !”

"But you can't fool me with this trick!"

The skinny little monkey still had a sneer in his eyes, and that sneer gradually contained a bit more cruel and murderous intent: "No one can save you tonight."

It's okay not to smile. When he smiles, it's particularly penetrating. His cold expression is like the eerie touch of a dirty thing being stared at in the dark night, which makes people shudder and make their whole body tremble.

Lin Jiangnian still sat there and didn't move, but his expression was no longer as nervous as before, but rather calm and calm.

He touched his back, and there was a dull pain in his back. The pain made him take a few breaths. He also paid a heavy price for killing Yue Pingsheng.

Now, there is no escape.

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't seem worried. Facing the thin monkey's cold smile, a smile also appeared on his face.

"Would you like to make a bet?"

The skinny little monkey stared at Lin Jiangnian and sneered: "Bet? What are you betting on?"

"Bet you can't kill me tonight."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows, half-smiling but not smiling: "Do you dare to bet?"

Hearing this, the thin monkey frowned and stared at Lin Jiangnian.

At present, Prince Lin is seriously injured and has no power to resist... Even if he has the power to resist, it will be of no use. In his eyes, Prince Lin Wang was an ant that could be strangled to death easily.

But why is he so confident?

The confident smile on Lin Jiangnian's face made the thin monkey frown. What other trump cards did he have?

Could it be that there are still masters?

The skinny little monkey subconsciously glanced around again. It was dark and empty.


Since Prince Lin Wang entered Zhongzhou, his background has been clearly investigated, whether it is openly or secretly, the expert guards have been found out.

The most powerful person around him is the maid named Zhi Yuan!

Right now, the maid is probably too busy taking care of herself, let alone save him!

So, where did he get his confidence? !

"Are you scared?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes became more and more playful, as if he was mocking his timidity, full of sarcasm.

The skinny little monkey's expression suddenly turned cold: "How to provoke generals? Retreat in order to advance? Do you think I will be fooled?"

"Bet or not, you will die tonight!"

The thin monkey whispered sharply, and his voice was particularly ugly. The thin figure shrouded in black robe looks extremely funny, but also extremely charming.

“Forget it if you don’t dare to gamble.”

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly and sighed.

Such an indifferent look immediately made the thin monkey's eyes sharp and full of murderous intent.


The skinny little monkey stared at Lin Jiangnian and suddenly sneered: "Okay, then I'll bet with you!"

"I will let you see with your own eyes how I dug out your heart and cut off your head... I want to see if the heart of your Prince Lin is different from others."

Under the robe, the skinny monkey's palms were slowly exposed, with as dry as bone claws. The sharp claws were a bit cold. He smiled cruelly and stared at Lin Jiangnian.

The next second, he swayed and suddenly rushed towards Lin Jiangnian.

The aura was strong, and the thin body suddenly approached Lin Jiangnian strangely, and the sharp bone claws came straight towards Lin Jiangnian's chest with deep killing intent.

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian even felt that death was approaching.

The next moment!


A sharp and miserable scream suddenly sounded.

The skinny little monkey suddenly let out a sharp scream, his expression distorted.

The palm that stretched out from under his robe was cut off by some sharp weapon.

Blood spilled!

The scene is bloody and terrifying!

The skinny little monkey screamed, rolled on the ground and retreated, lying on the ground and struggling to get up. The already ugly face became more and more ferocious, and its twisted appearance was extremely painful.

He stared at his severed palm with horror and disbelief. The severe pain almost made him faint. He quickly tapped several hemostasis acupuncture points on his wrist, tore off the fabric and bandaged his wrist. Then he suddenly raised his head and stared in the direction of Lin Jiangnian with fearful eyes.


"who is it?!!"

"come out!!!"

His voice was ferocious and growling, and his face was frightened and ferocious.

In the dark night, there seemed to be some noise.

The thin little monkey seemed to realize something and suddenly raised his head. Just above his head, a figure appeared on the eaves.

A man in green!

A middle-aged man in his thirties, wearing a green robe, stood quietly on the eaves, looking at him expressionlessly.

A mature and handsome face with sharp edges and corners. In the dark night, the deep cold light in his eyes made people shudder.

He just stood there quietly, giving off an extremely depressing aura.

The skinny little monkey held back the pain and stared at the man on the eaves: "Who are you?!!"

He felt that the man in front of him looked familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while. The pain in my wrist was so severe that I almost fainted from the pain.

Recalling the scene that just happened, he didn't even notice the other party's figure, and he didn't even know how the other party took action. His wrist was cut off abruptly? !

The feeling of terror spread in the heart of the thin monkey.

Who is this man? !

"Zheng Zhiming!"

On the roof, the man in green clothes spoke indifferently. The voice was so soft that it was almost blown away in the night wind.

"Zheng Zhiming?"

Is this name very familiar? !

The skinny monkey tried his best to recall where he had heard this name.

The next second, he seemed to think of something, and his whole body almost trembled, and he froze on the spot, his face completely dull and pale.

"Zheng, Zheng Zhiming?!"

"You, you are Zheng Zhiming?!"

The skinny little monkey mouth looked panicked, his head was blank, and his face was completely drained of color.

Zheng Zhiming!

One of the four masters under Prince Lin Hengzhong!

He entered the second level of Tianxuan at the age of only twenty-five, and became famous all over the world before he was thirty, with a great reputation.

As Lin Hengzhong's most capable right-hand man, Zheng Zhiming had followed Lin Hengzhong in many battles in the north and south, and had made great achievements in battle.

This person is extremely skilled in martial arts, is inhumane, and his methods are even more cruel and cruel, making his enemies terrified!

In recent years, he has been almost inseparable from Lin Hengzhong. He has blocked many assassination attacks for Lin Hengzhong. It is said that his martial arts skills are unfathomable, even comparable to that of King Lin.

There are even rumors in the world that Prince Lin is uneducated and incompetent. In order to preserve the foundation of the Lin family, Lin Hengzhong will entrust the Lin family to the hands of four masters who have been carefully trained by him. As for Prince Lin, he would just like to be a puppet prince.

And Zheng Zhiming, who has been with the king for the longest time, may naturally become the actual leader of the Lin family in the future!

At this moment, when the skinny monkey heard that the person in front of him called himself Zheng Zhiming, the color on his face was gone. No matter how confident he was, he would never dare to say categorically that he could defeat a master of the second level Tianxuan realm!

All masters in the world who can reach this level are qualified to establish a sect. What's more, Zheng Zhiming entered the second level of Tianxuan at the age of twenty-five. This talent is even more exaggerated and terrifying than Lin Hengzhong.

Now Zheng Zhiming is only in his early thirties, what state has he reached? !

Recalling the terrifying experience of losing his palm in an instant, the skinny monkey's face turned pale and he was sweating profusely.

His pupils were frightened, and without any hesitation, he turned around and jumped up without looking back, climbed over the eaves, and fled into the night.

Soon, it completely disappeared into the night.

Zheng Zhiming still stood motionless on the eaves and did not pursue him. He glanced indifferently in the direction not far away, then withdrew his gaze and landed on Lin Jiangnian on the ground.

Then, he jumped down, landed steadily on the ground from the eaves, and walked slowly to Lin Jiangnian.

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian was still sitting on the ground, looked up at him, and sneered: "My lord, do you think you don't plan to show up?"

Zheng Zhiming looked at Lin Jiangnian expressionlessly and said nothing.

"You should really hope that this prince will die in his hands, right?"

Lin Jiangnian's face was slightly pale, but he still had a smile on his face, and his tone was very relaxed: "If my son is dead, you will have one less worry, right?"

Zheng Zhiming remained expressionless, with his hands behind his back, he said calmly after a while: "Your Highness is worrying too much!"

"Is this prince really worrying too much?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows and suddenly sneered: "Then why did you follow this journey and never show up?"

"When my prince almost died in Yue Pingsheng's hands just now, why didn't you take action?!"

"What are you waiting for? Do you think this prince is a fool?!"

Lin Jiangnian stared into his eyes. At this moment, his coldness was undisguised, staring at Zheng Zhiming like a sharp edge.

Zheng Zhiming finally reacted. He frowned slightly, as if he didn't expect Lin Jiangnian's eyes to be so sharp. Looking into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, he still said nothing.

"Then why did you suddenly come out again? Why didn't you wait until he killed my son before you showed up again?"

In an instant, the sharpness in Lin Jiangnian's eyes disappeared completely, and his face returned to that harmless look.

He was still sitting on the ground, looking at him sideways with a half-smile: "Are you scared?"

"Are you afraid that this prince will really die here and will not be able to explain to my father?"

Zheng Zhiming's pupils shrank suddenly, and he regained his composure instantly.

He said calmly: "Your Highness misunderstood."


Lin Jiangnian sneered twice and raised his eyebrows: "You obviously have a thief's heart, why don't you have the courage to do so?"

Zheng Zhiming remained calm: "Your Highness seems to have a deep misunderstanding of me."

"Whether it's a misunderstanding or not, you know it very well!"

Lin Jiangnian sneered, then slowly got up from the ground and dusted himself off. After a short rest, I regained my breath and my physical condition recovered a lot.

Lin Jiangnian turned around to leave, but after taking two steps, he suddenly stopped and looked back at Zheng Zhiming.

"You really hope that my son will die can't lie to me!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke word by word, staring into Zheng Zhiming's eyes.

Zheng Zhiming didn't seem to expect that Lin Jiangnian would speak so frankly. His eyes fell slightly, and he looked at Lin Jiangnian without any fear in his eyes.

Even, the calmness is terrifying!

"You are a very ambitious person, but at the same time, you are also an indecisive person. People like you are destined to not achieve great things!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke, and it was visible to the naked eye that Zheng Zhiming's expression changed, and his eyes became slightly lowered.

From the beginning, Lin Jiangnian knew that Lin Hengzhong secretly arranged masters around him.

This trip to Beijing was originally a conspiracy between Lin Jiangnian and Lin Hengzhong! The conspiracy plan is self-evident, but Lin Hengzhong will naturally not completely let Lin Jiangnian wander the world alone.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Jiangnian acted in a high profile along the way. The master in the dark will not show up easily, and will only take action when Lin Jiangnian faces a life-or-death crisis.

At first, Lin Jiangnian didn't know who the master arranged by Lin Hengzhong was. Until Xunyangcheng and his party, Lin Jiangnian was trapped in the secret room in the back mountain and narrowly escaped death, but the secret master never showed up.

At that time, Lin Jiangnian had already guessed something. When he left Xunyang City later, Lin Jiangnian kept a much lower profile.

Until now, until tonight, when this step has finally been reached, Zheng Zhiming, who has been hiding in the depths, finally appears!

Sure enough it was him!

Lin Hengzhong actually arranged for his most capable assistant and cronies to escort Lin Jiangnian to Beijing.

It is not surprising, Zheng Zhiming has been a master in the Tianxuan realm many years ago, and now his martial arts is even more unfathomable. There are very few opponents in the world who can compete with him, and most of them are intimidated by his name.

With him protecting Lin Jiangnian along the way, theoretically everything would be absolutely foolproof.

But the problem is that Zheng Zhiming is Lin Hengzhong's confidant, but not Lin Jiangnian's confidant.

What's more, the relationship between the two is not good!

As for the reason, it is self-evident.

Zheng Zhiming didn't like Lin Jiangnian, and even... wanted him to die.

And Lin Jiangnian, why not?

On the way to Beijing, Lin Jiangnian almost died on the road several times. Naturally, Lin Jiangnian didn't like him at all.

He looked at Zheng Zhiming and suddenly laughed again: "Have you ever thought about a question?"

Zheng Zhiming said nothing and stared at him.

"My father clearly knows that you are dissatisfied with my prince, and even have murderous intentions towards my prince... Why did he send you to secretly escort my prince to the capital?"

After Lin Jiangnian finished speaking, he turned and left without looking at Zheng Zhiming's face.

Zheng Zhiming was left standing there, his expression changing slightly.

late at night.


Two figures landed on the eaves, the cold wind hit, the surroundings were in a mess, and the eaves were crumbling.

"You are no match for me."

Duan Tiande stared at the woman in front of him with extremely complicated eyes, his breathing was rapid and his face was slightly pale.

His internal energy was severely depleted and he suffered minor injuries.

He didn't expect that his swordsmanship, which he was proud of after being famous for many years, was almost broken by the little girl in front of him who was less than twenty years old!

The little girl in front of him was not very old, but her martial arts strength was far beyond his expectation. Especially the sharp and strange swordsmanship made him almost unable to withstand it.

If it weren't for the support of decades of strong internal strength, I would probably have suffered a big fall tonight.

In the dark night, Zhiyuan did not answer.

She stood on the eaves, her face pale and her breath disordered. But she still stood there with her sword in hand, looking extremely cold.

What answered Duan Tiande was the sharp blue light rippling.

Duan Tiande's heart sank, and his eyes also sank: "Since you insist on doing this, don't blame me for being rude!"

Just when Duan Tiande raised his sword and was about to attack, the next second he suddenly felt a crisis coming from behind him.

His expression suddenly changed.

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