An icy cold light suddenly struck from the night sky behind Duan Tiande.

The long night is majestic, like a rapidly falling meteor, arriving in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, the blood in Duan Tiande's body almost froze, he touched the ground with one foot, jumped up, and quickly left the place.


Cold light fell on the roof, and an explosion suddenly sounded. The sky was filled with broken tiles, and the diffuse dust enveloped the surroundings.

Duan Tiande fled the place in embarrassment, and his figure stopped on the roof not far away.


Duan Tiande looked solemn and turned his head to look ahead with a gloomy look.

Are there any hidden masters?

who is it?

Where is Yue Pingsheng?

Only then did Duan Tiande realize something. Yue Pingsheng, who said he wanted to take action with him, why hasn't he been seen for so long?

Where did he go?

At the same time, the pale Zhiyuan also slowly raised his head and looked in the direction filled with smoke not far away, with a hint of understanding appearing in his eyes.

The smoke slowly dissipated, and in the night sky, a line of green clothes slowly appeared in front of Duan Tiande.

His appearance made Duan Tiande frown suddenly.

"Where is Yue Pingsheng?"

He spoke in a low voice, his heart sinking slightly, and he had an uneasy premonition.

He could not see through the man in green in front of him.

And the other party's appearance seems familiar?


A slightly relaxed voice came.

Duan Tiande suddenly turned his head and saw a young man climbing up on the eaves on the other side.

The young man was good-looking and majestic, but he was in a mess. His brocade clothes were stained with a lot of dust and there were a lot of blood stains on his body. His face was pale, but his expression was relaxed.

"Prince Lin?!"

Duan Tiande suddenly recognized Lin Jiangnian's identity, and his expression changed slightly in the next second: "Is Yue Ping alive or dead?!"

He was a little unbelievable. He knew very well that Yue Pingsheng's strength was not as good as his, but he would never lose his life easily.

Could it be...

Duan Tiande realized something and turned to stare at the man in green clothes. A familiar feeling came to his heart. The next second, he looked at Lin Jiangnian and then at the man in green clothes, as if he had realized something.

"You, you are..."

"Zheng Zhiming?!"

Duan Tiande finally saw a figure in his mind, and his expression immediately changed slightly.

The man in green in front of him, with his expressionless face and his cold aura, looked exactly like Zheng Zhiming, one of the four masters around Lin Hengzhong, the Prince of Lin? !

But, isn't Zheng Zhiming...

Duan Tiande's eyes were cloudy and uncertain, staring at the man in green.

Zheng Zhiming remained expressionless: "Since you recognize me, why don't you run away?"

Duan Tiande's expression changed completely.

Sure enough, it was Zheng Zhiming!

At this moment, he looked stunned and realized that there might be a big problem with the intelligence.

Prince Lin is actually protected by a master like Zheng Zhiming!

What's more important is that Zheng Zhiming didn't...

With Zheng Zhiming in charge, he might not be able to kill Prince Lin today.

Thinking of this, Duan Tiande's eyes changed slightly, he took a few deep breaths, and looked at Prince Lin who was not far away: "It seems that we still underestimate you."

After saying that, Duan Tiande sheathed his sword, gave Lin Jiangnian one last deep look, turned around and left, quickly disappearing into the night.

Zheng Zhiming stood still and did not pursue him, as if he had no intention of taking action. He slowly raised his head and looked in another direction.

Lin Jiangnian sat on the roof. After Duan Tiande left, he relaxed all over. He soon grimaced in pain. The pain on his back made him take two breaths.

At the same time, the paper kite on the eaves not far away quickly fell down and approached Lin Jiangnian.

When she noticed Lin Jiangnian's pale face, she realized something. She took a closer look and saw the bleeding wound on Lin Jiangnian's back. Her expression immediately changed: "What's going on?!"

The voice was cold, with a hint of chill.

"I was accidentally injured by Yue Pingsheng, it's nothing serious!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly and showed an indifferent smile at her.

At this time, Zhiyuan's face was also slightly pale, and his breath was unstable. Apparently she was also injured during the fight with Duan Tiande.

However, when she saw Lin Jiangnian's injuries, her eyes were like ice cubes on a cold winter night, so cold that it made your heart tremble.

"Where is he?"

She clenched the Qiu Shui Sword in her hand, her eyes were cold and filled with murderous intent.


"take it easy!"

Lin Jiangnian grabbed her sword-holding hand, comforted her gently, and shook his head: "He's dead!"

Zhiyuan was startled, and then he saw Lin Jiangnian's eyes seemed a little proud, as if he was showing off something: "I will kill him!"

While Zhiyuan was stunned, Lin Jiangnian told Zhiyuan with excitement about his heroic achievements just now, how he relied on his wisdom and extraordinary ability to defeat the superior and kill Yue Pingsheng with the weak.

After hearing this, Zhiyuan remained silent.

His expression did not change, but when he stared at Lin Jiangnian, his expression was slightly complicated. She seemed to hesitate to speak, but finally, she took a deep breath.

His tone was still cold.

"Don't do this next time."

With a cold tone, he spoke in silence.

Lowering his eyes, it was difficult to detect the slight trembling in his tone.

Like relief.

Then, as if she suddenly realized something, she suddenly raised her eyes and looked at Zheng Zhiming not far away.

In an instant, the eyes that had just calmed down became cold again, filled with fierce murderous intent.

"Why don't you take action?!"

His Royal Highness had just encountered such danger and almost lost his life. Why was Zheng Zhiming reluctant to take action?

What is he waiting for? !

Not far away, Zheng Zhiming looked at her quietly, and then looked at Lin Jiangnian, his eyes flowing between the two of them.

In the end, nothing was said.

"Zhiyuan, forget it."

Lin Jiangnian pulled the kite, glanced at Zheng Zhiming, and chuckled self-deprecatingly: "General Zheng is not my servant, and I have no right to command."

Zhiyuan's eyes were cold, and the murderous aura lingering in her body had never dissipated. She stared at Zheng Zhiming and said coldly: "I will explain this matter to the prince!"

Zheng Zhiming's expression changed slightly, but finally returned to calm, and said calmly: "I have a clear conscience."

What a clear conscience!

Lin Jiangnian took one last deep look at him and pulled the kite: "Help me up."

Only then did Zhiyuan look away, walked to her side and helped Lin Jiangnian stand up slowly.

"Let's go, it's almost time to finish!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the night. The majestic assassination tonight was coming to an end.

I have to say that there are indeed many experts here tonight. Both Duan Tiande and Yue Pingsheng are rare well-known masters in the world, with profound martial arts skills and strong internal strength. If Zheng Zhiming hadn't appeared at the last moment, I'm afraid everything would have been difficult to explain.

But now, Yue Ping's life and death were at the hands of Lin Jiangnian, Duan Tiande and the skinny monkey escaped, and the master assassin who posed the greatest threat to Lin Jiangnian left, leaving only the attack in the inn, which could no longer cause any big disturbance.

Inside the inn.

The chaotic third floor corridor.

"Suffer death."

Wearing a long Yunluo dress, Shen Lingjun held a sharp sword and quickly killed the two assassins in front of him.

As the two assassins fell to the ground, Shen Lingjun was panting and his face turned pale.

There were already many corpses lying on the ground in front of the assassin, and Shen Lingjun couldn't help but feel the urge to vomit.

"Sister Shen?"

Behind him, Xiaozhu's face turned pale, and he stepped forward to help her in a panic: "You, are you okay?"


Shen Lingjun waved her hands and took a deep breath, but the smell of blood in the air made her want to vomit even more.

She covered her breath: "These people can't hurt me!"

The assassins outside have broken into the inn and are killing everyone in the inn. Fortunately, Shen Lingjun's martial arts skills are not weak, and he can easily deal with these ordinary assassins. She was protecting Xiaozhu while dealing with these assassins, and since Prince Lin's guards were around, it wasn't a big deal.

But the scene in front of her made her slightly uncomfortable.

"How many people has this son of a bitch offended?"

Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth.

She knew someone would assassinate Lin Jiangnian, but she didn't expect so many people to come and assassinate him so desperately!

It was so shocking that it made her tremble.

How much hatred is this?

Who did the prince of dogs offend?

Also, these assassins have been here for so long, so where have the princes been hiding?

Just when Shen Lingjun was surprised, Xiaozhu's surprised voice came from beside him: "Your Highness?!"

The prince of the dog finally came out?

Shen Lingjun turned his head and was about to taunt him when he saw Lin Jiangnian's embarrassed figure and pale face, and was slightly startled.

Something unexpected!

"You, this is..."


Shen Lingjun spoke unexpectedly.

Only then did he realize what he was doing, had this son of a bitch already been assassinated?

Xiaozhu's eyes widened in shock, and his tone was anxious: "Your Highness, what are you..."

"I'm fine!"

Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan appeared in the corridor on the third floor. He shook his head gently and told Xiaozhu not to worry, and then asked about the situation in the inn.

"It's not good, the situation is tragic!"

Shen Lingjun seemed to be thinking of something, and looked a little worried.

The men named Sikong Li and Gu Chaosheng in the inn were not weak in martial arts, which resulted in heavy casualties on their side, and the situation was not good.

Although Lin Qingqing and Lin Kong tried their best to resist, they could only be blocked. As a result, the situation was very passive.

"Let's go and have a look."

Lin Jiangnian immediately walked downstairs.

Inn, in the lobby.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the lobby was extremely tense.

The smell of blood is strong.

The lobby had long since been destroyed and was in disarray.

On the ground, there were countless corpses.

Gu Chaosheng, dressed in a fiery red robe, stood in the inn. The big knife in his hand fell to the ground. The visual impact was great!

His hair was messy and there was too much blood on his body, which made his aura even more fierce.

Like a bloodthirsty monster, it makes people's hearts tremble, and they don't even dare to look at him.

He smiled ferociously, looking forward with cold yet somewhat proud eyes.

Just in front of the sight, countless figures of black-armored guards were already lying on the ground. These elite black-armored guards who have been trained for more than ten years suffered heavy losses here tonight. Even the originally indestructible armor was now in tatters.

In front of the crowd, Lin Qingqing knelt on one knee on the ground. Her face was colorless and her body was stained with blood. She gritted her teeth and stared straight ahead.

She was seriously injured at this moment, but she still didn't fall!

She can't fall!

If you want to hurt the prince, you must first step over her body.

"Do you really think you can stop me?"

Gu Chaosheng stared at Lin Qingqing and said with a cruel smile.

Lin Qingqing didn't speak, but stood up unsteadily with difficulty, still staring at him with firm eyes.

For some reason, Gu Chaosheng felt a little frightened by the look in this woman's eyes.

"Okay, it's time to send you on your way!"

Gu Chaosheng said with a ferocious smile. The maid in front of him was at the end of her strength, and the black armor around her had also lost their fighting power. Although he was also injured, no one could stop him now.

What's more, his purpose tonight was not to kill Prince Lin!

Having said this, Gu Chaosheng turned his head and looked at the dark night. Counting the time, they should have succeeded, right?

Thinking of this, Gu Chaosheng slowly raised the long knife in his hand again. The long knife stained with too much blood was almost dyed red at the moment. It looked like a blazing fire, with the flames swaying. Gu Chaosheng raised the knife and suddenly dropped it. The long knife was as sharp as An overwhelming momentum fell towards the top of Lin Qingqing's head.

The strong aura locked Lin Qingqing in place.

Lin Qingqing wanted to resist, but at this time she didn't even have the strength to lift the sword, and it was no longer easy to stand with difficulty. Facing the sword light that struck again with murderous intent, she no longer had any power to resist.

She slowly closed her eyes and calmly waited for death to come!

But death has not come after all!


A crisp collision sounded, and a majestic breath seemed to pass through Lin Qingqing's side.

The next second, a sharp scream sounded.

Lin Qingqing opened her eyes suddenly, and the next second, she was stunned!

Then came ecstasy.

"Sister Zhiyuan?!"

In her sight, Zhiyuan's cold figure stood in front of her, with an expressionless face.

And not far away, Gu Chaosheng, who was full of energy just now, was lying on the ground not far away, vomiting blood, his face was pale, and he stared in disbelief at the beautiful woman who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Who are you?!"

What answered him was the sharp green light in Zhiyuan's hand.

Gu Chaosheng was horrified and ignored the severe pain in his chest. He turned over and got up from the ground, holding the long knife in his hand to resist.


There was another crisp collision of swords, accompanied by a click.

Gu Chaosheng's pupils shrank, and he watched in disbelief as the long knife that had been with him for many years broke in his hand.

The next second, the sharp green light struck.


Gu Chaosheng flew out and fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood.

His eyes were frightened, staring at the woman in front of him who was as beautiful as a fairy but whose martial arts skills were unfathomable. He seemed to realize something: "You, you are Prince Lin's personal maid?!"

He finally realized how could Prince Lin's personal maid be so weak?

It turns out, it turns out...

But when Gu Chaosheng discovered this, he couldn't be happy anymore.

Because, he saw a pair of bright eyes.

That was a young man. Although he looked miserable and pale, he still couldn't hide his innate temperament.

The young man was squatting aside, looking at him interestingly, his eyes deep.

"Are you Gu Chaosheng?" The young man stared at him with interest.

Gu Chaosheng coughed violently, with a sweet taste in his mouth: "You, who are you?"

"who I am?"

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "You people, you assassinate my prince but you don't even know what my prince looks like?"

Gu Chaosheng's pupils dilated: "You, you are Prince Lin?!"

"You, you're not dead yet?!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him with a smile: "Are you surprised?"

"Then, then..."

Gu Chaosheng's eyes looked like he had seen a ghost. Prince Lin was still alive?

What about that period of heavenly virtue?

Where is Yue Pingsheng?

"Do you want to ask Duan Tiande and Yue Pingsheng? And that guy with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks?"

Seemingly seeing the shock in Gu Chaosheng's eyes, Lin Jiangnian spoke slowly, and then, looking into Gu Chaosheng's frightened eyes, he half-smiled.

"They are all dead!"

Gu Chaosheng's face turned pale, with no trace of blood at all.


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