Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 207 The mastermind behind the scenes appears

"Dead, dead?!"

Gu Chaosheng's eyes were full of horror and disbelief, and his whole body was almost trembling.

This, how is this possible? !

Whether it is Duan Tiande or Yue Pingsheng, they are both long-established masters in the world. Their martial arts are unfathomable and each has their own unique skills. Yue Pingsheng's double-edged mandarin ducks are rarely matched in the world, and his natural virtue is even more extraordinary. The Duan family's swordsmanship passed down from his family is famous all over the world, and can even compete with the swordsmanship of kendo.

How could the two of them die?

Gu Chaosheng couldn't believe it, but Prince Lin was right in front of him and he was still safe and sound.

Wouldn't that mean...

Did the assassination really fail? !

Gu Chaosheng looked shocked. Even though he had always been calm, he finally panicked at this moment.

"No, it's impossible!"

Gu Chaosheng spoke in fear.

He still couldn't accept this fact and struggled to get up. But as soon as he moved, he felt a heartbreaking pain in his chest. The pain made his whole body twitch and almost fall apart, and there was a sweet taste in his mouth.


Gu Chaosheng's face turned pale as he spat out a mouthful of thick blood.

In that moment, he was seriously injured.

"No need to struggle, you can't run away!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Gu Chaosheng, who had almost lost his fighting ability, and shook his head slightly.

At this time, Gu Chaosheng also realized this. So many of them came to assassinate Prince Lin tonight, but in the end they failed.

He underestimated Prince Lin, and even more underestimated the masters around Prince Lin!

Now that Lin Jiangnian is still alive here, regardless of whether Duan Tiande and Yue Ping live or die, it means that their assassination plan has failed!

It’s not a good place to stay for a long time!

Thinking of this, Gu Chaosheng's eyes flashed with a sharp edge.

"go to hell!"

Gu Chaosheng suddenly snorted coldly and rushed towards Lin Jiangnian.

The attack was extremely fierce and sudden, like a surprise attack.

Lin Jiangnian was well prepared and dodged slightly to avoid Gu Chaosheng's attack.

But Gu Chaosheng suddenly changed his offensive, stood up suddenly, jumped up, rushed out of the crowd, and fled towards the window of the inn.

The assassination plan has failed and he is seriously injured. If he continues to stay here, his life may be in danger.

Evacuate first!

However, just as Gu Chaosheng ran to the window, a sharp sword energy suddenly struck behind him. Gu Chaosheng was so horrified that he didn't dare to block him. He suddenly turned around and jumped out from the window sill.

He rolled on the ground in a panic, and when he was about to get up, a sharp sword suddenly pressed against his neck.

Gu Chaosheng's whole body trembled violently, and just as he was about to take action, a cold voice came: "If you move again, you will die!"

The cold tone was full of murderous intent, which made Gu Chaosheng's pupils shrink, but he still did not sit still and wait for death.

Tonight, he failed to assassinate Prince Linwang. Once he was at ease, he would fall into the hands of Prince Linwang and he would definitely die!

Gu Chaosheng didn't believe that Prince Lin would spare his life!

In this case, he must find a way to escape no matter what.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Chaosheng burst out with a strong desire to survive. Fighting against his injured body, his majestic internal energy surged out.

However, the next second, his whole body stiffened suddenly!

His pupils were wide open, staring in disbelief at the cold and beautiful woman in front of him!

There was a clearly visible blood mark on his neck, and blood spilled down his neck. Gu Chaosheng's body was stiff, and his eyes were horrified, as if he didn't expect that the other party would do it right away.

The blood all over his body was cold, and he fell down unwillingly.

"How did you kill him?"

Lin Jiangnian's voice came from the side. He glanced at Gu Chaosheng who was dead on the ground, and then turned to look at the cold-looking paper kite holding a sword. He sighed softly: "Keep him, maybe you can pry it out from his mouth." Order something!”

Zhiyuan said nothing, but slowly turned around and looked at the corner not far away in the inn.

There is another person in the corner not far away!


At this moment, Sikong Li also looked embarrassed, with injuries on his body. The high-spirited look he had seen not long ago on his face was gone, replaced by paleness and fear.

Especially when Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan's eyes fell on him at the same time, Sikong Li's face was extremely pale at this moment, without any trace of blood, and his frightened expression made him shaky and almost unsteady.

The panic in his eyes is hard to conceal!

"Hey, there's another one?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows, and then he remembered that there was still a living person in the inn. He squinted and looked Sikong Li up and down: "What about you? Do you want to survive?"

Sikong Li's eyes were filled with fear. Witnessing Gu Chaosheng's tragic death with his own eyes shocked him greatly, and he could not hide the fear in his heart. After being famous for many years, he finally achieved his current status, so naturally he was not willing to die.

The situation is now over, the assassination failed!

He has no choice!


Sikong Li swallowed hard and spoke tremblingly: "Tonight, this, this is all a misunderstanding... I, I didn't want to come, but it was them..."

"This, this is all a misunderstanding..."


Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and the smile on his face became wider: "So, do you want to survive?"

Sikong Li's face froze. He had been famous for many years and was considered a figure in the world. It would be too humiliating for him to say such words of begging for mercy as wanting to live in public.

His expression changed again and again, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"It seems that your determination to survive is not firm enough!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him and sneered.

The next second, the kite moved beside him.

The sharp sword energy, the green light rippling, and the murderous intention was approaching in an instant.

Sikong Li's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly attacked, but as soon as he touched it, he was shocked by the sword energy and took seven or eight steps back. His body was overturned, and he vomited out several large mouthfuls of blood.

When he raised his head, the azure sword was already on his neck. The sharp edge is revealed, and the murderous intention is about to break out!

Sikong Li was frightened, and the last trace of luck finally dissipated.

Tonight, tonight I'm afraid...

"Since you don't want to live, then I will give you a ride."

Lin Jiangnian sneered and waved.

The next second, murderous intent locked onto him again!

"wait wait wait……"

Sikong Li spoke with difficulty and slowly raised his head. At this moment, he had lost half of his energy. The fear of death on his neck enveloped him, making his heart tremble and tremble!

He doesn't want to die!

He still wants to live!

He still has so much glory and wealth that he has yet to enjoy!

The next second, Sikong Li suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, his head drooped, his voice was hoarse, but there was a hint of deep trembling.

"I, I don't want to die!"

"Your Highness, spare my life..."


Late at night, almost dawn.

This night in the small town is destined to be sleepless

The battle in the inn finally came to an end.

With the deaths of Yue Pingsheng and Gu Chaosheng, Duan Tiande's withdrawal, and Sikong Li's begging for mercy, as these masters were defeated, the assassins in the inn were also defeated!

Realizing that the assassination attempt had failed, the assassins began to retreat.

Then, the inn gradually became quiet.

What is left is a mess of ruins, like a hell on earth.

This night, the Crown Prince's army suffered heavy losses, with more than half of them casualties. And the assassins who came and went suffered heavy casualties. There was blood everywhere inside and outside the inn. The remaining guards began to clean the battlefield, treat their injured comrades, and dispose of the corpses at the scene.

The entire inn was filled with an indescribable sadness.

It's almost dawn, but no one is sleepy.

Shen Lingjun stood in the inn, his face pale, looking at the tragic situation around him, with a lot of emotions in his heart.

Has she ever seen such a scene?

Why, so many people died?

In addition to the assassins and Prince Lin's personal soldiers, there were also many ordinary people who were implicated inside and outside the inn and died tragically tonight.

"Here, who wants your life?"

She looked at Lin Jiangnian with a pale face, trying to find an answer.

"Who knows?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were indifferent, with a half-smile but not a smile: "Maybe it's a righteous heroine like you!"


Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth: "If I want to kill, I will only kill you, and I will never implicate other innocent people!"

"So, you're a pretty nice person?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Do you want to praise you some more?"

Shen Lingjun didn't hear the strangeness in Lin Jiangnian's tone, and looked around with a bit of sadness.

With so many innocent people sacrificed, it was difficult for her to calm down. There was an indescribable anger in her chest that was difficult to vent.

"Look, you always say that this prince has done so many evil things that it's hard to describe them. But this scene in front of you..."

Lin Jiangnian paused for a moment, and his tone was a bit sarcastic: "In order to kill my prince, they implicated so many innocent people. Are their crimes more sinful and deserving of death than my prince?"

Lin Ta's tone was very relaxed, but Shen Lingjun was completely silent.

His eyes were becoming more and more confused.

The maid behind him carefully bandaged the wound on Lin Jiangnian's back. Lin Jiangnian got up and walked to Zhiyuan on the other side. Zhiyuan is with Lin Qingqing. Lin Qingqing's injury was serious and she needed to rest and recover as soon as possible.

In addition, Lin Kong also suffered a lot of injuries.

Tonight is destined to be a tragic ending!

Zhiyuan turned to look at him and said softly: "It's getting late, let's take a rest early."

There was a hint of imperceptible concern in the cold tone.

Lin Jiangnian said nothing, but gently held her hand, feeling the touch of the cold hand, and remained silent for a moment.

"What's wrong?"

Zhiyuan seemed to notice something strange about him and asked.

"I feel like it's not over yet!"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly spoke.

Zhiyuan looked puzzled.

"Don't you think everything is too simple?"

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment and then said, "Don't you think everything that happened tonight was a little too smooth?"

Simple? smoothly?

Behind him, Shen Lingjun was startled when he heard this sentence and looked at the miserable situation inside and outside the inn.

How simple is this?

How many casualties were there?

How could this be any simpler?

Zhiyuan was startled for a moment, then thoughtfully said: "What do you mean..."

"Among the people I met tonight, Duan Tiande, who fought against you, has the best martial arts, but..."

Lin Jiangnian looked into Zhiyuan's eyes and did not continue.

But Zhiyuan's eyes were bright and she quickly understood Lin Jiangnian's meaning from his eyes.

"you mean……"

"I just had a guess!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes gradually narrowed and became serious.

Then, as if they had some premonition, Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan turned their heads almost simultaneously and looked at the stairs of the inn not far away.

Just at the stairway of the busy inn, a familiar figure appeared beside the stairs, sitting there quietly.

"Uncle, why are you here?"

Shen Lingjun saw his uncle sitting at the top of the stairs and walked forward quickly: "Uncle, where did you go just now?"

There was a chaos in the inn just now. Shen Lingjun was busy protecting Xiaozhu and didn't pay attention to his uncle's whereabouts. However, Shen Lingjun was not worried about his uncle's safety.

The person sitting at the top of the stairs seems to be Shen Lingjun's uncle, Mr. Shen.

At this time, Mr. Shen was leaning slightly against the handrail at the top of the stairs, with the box beside him that he almost always carried with him. He half-closed his eyes and was slowly looking at Lin Jiangnian not far away.

Eye to eye!

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian was finally thoughtful.

"So, it's you?!"

Lin Jiangnian's tone was indifferent, a bit surprised, but very calm.

"it's me."

Mr. Shen spoke slowly, his voice was low and a bit old, and he seemed to be regretting something.

Shen Lingjun stopped and looked puzzled.

Master, what are you talking about?

What is he?

She looked at Lin Jiangnian and then at her uncle, with confusion on her face.

"I should have thought of this."

Lin Jiangnian suddenly smiled, but his eyes were still fixed on Mr. Shen: "These people are just a cover-up. And you are the real master!"


Lin Jiangnian's voice was calm, but his tone was a bit sinister.

The atmosphere turned cold at this moment.

Elder Shen looked at Lin Jiangnian calmly and sighed: "His Royal Highness Prince Lin is indeed smart!"


Lin Jiangnian sneered at himself: "If I were smart, I wouldn't realize this now!"

“I have to say, Senior Shen’s secrets are really deep!”

Lin Jiangnian's eyes gradually became colder.

At this time, Shen Lingjun looked increasingly confused.

"You, what are you talking about?"

She had a vague feeling that something was wrong, but she couldn't place it.

Mr. Shen said calmly: "If this were not the case, how could His Highness relax his vigilance?"

"There are so many opportunities on the road, why didn't you take action?"

"The time has not come yet!"

"What time?"


Mr. Shen did not answer this question, and Lin Jiangnian didn't really want to know. He looked at Mr. Shen not far away, his eyes gradually becoming colder.

From the beginning, he realized that Mr. Shen was not that simple!

I didn’t expect that he would hide it so deeply!

Along the way from Zhongzhou to Beijing, Mr. Shen didn't show anything strange. He even had a good relationship with Lin Jiangnian. The two often communicated and drank together, and Mr. Shen also taught Lin Jiangnian martial arts from time to time. He was completely like a kind, moral and respectable person who was mentored by his seniors!

Because of this, Lin Jiangnian's suspicion of him at first relaxed a lot as the relationship got closer along the way!

But I didn’t expect that I would be fooled in the end!

Just tonight, just under this assassination, just when everyone thought it was over. Lin Jiangnian's side suffered heavy losses, and almost all the masters were injured.

The deepest hidden true master has finally surfaced!

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian's tone was full of self-deprecation.

"So, who is it that asked you to assassinate my prince?!"


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