Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 208 Second Grade Tianxuan

"Assassination, assassination?!"

Shen Lingjun looked at Lin Jiangnian who looked calm but slightly sarcastic in a daze, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Her blank gaze shifted from Lin Jiangnian to her uncle. In an instant, her head seemed to be hit hard by something.

At this moment, no matter how stupid Shen Lingjun is, he realizes that something is wrong!

What Prince Gou is asking... is his uncle?

Is he doubting his uncle?

How could the uncle stab...

Shen Lingjun subconsciously wanted to refute, but stopped abruptly when he saw his uncle's indifferent expression.

The expression on her face also turned into shock and disbelief in an instant.

"Teacher, uncle..."

Shen Lingjun's voice trembled slightly and he couldn't believe it: "You, you..."

Shen Lingjun was so shocked that she couldn't even ask at this time.

His mind was blank, and he was stunned.

At the same time, there was deathly silence all around, and even the cold wind outside the window seemed to stop at this moment.

In the lobby of the inn, the smell of blood lingered, making the atmosphere particularly depressing.


"Swish, swish, swish!"

The next second, several figures quietly approached from all directions of the inn, surrounding Mr. Shen at the stairs, and pointed cold and sharp weapons at him.

The murderous intention is about to break out!

Elder Shen, who was surrounded by them, seemed not to notice it. His old wrinkled face was sighing and regretting something.

"Since we have reached this point, Prince Lin, why bother asking again?"

"Shouldn't my prince be curious about who wants to kill me so painstakingly?" Lin Jiangnian stared at him and spoke slowly.

Mr. Shen shook his head slightly and sighed, but did not answer.

The atmosphere was extremely tense, and the guards surrounding him were ready to take action at any time.

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian's voice came from behind: "Everyone, please step back!"

Immediately, Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and stared at Elder Shen. Along the way from Yanzhou to Zhongzhou, he had a close relationship with Elder Shen and had a rough understanding of his strength!

Very strong!


As for how unfathomable it is, Lin Jiangnian doesn't know. But what is certain is that the guards around him will never be able to stop him. In this case, there is no need to cause further casualties.

"My prince originally thought that meeting Senior Shen was destined to happen, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be a conspiracy..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced beside him and saw Zhiyuan staring at Mr. Shen coldly, as if facing a formidable enemy.

There was an air of concentration on his cold face.

From her reaction, we can also see her fear of Mr. Shen.

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at Senior Shen again, "Senior Shen was entrusted by someone?"

Mr. Shen sighed: "Exactly!"

"What benefits did they give Mr. Shen?"

Lin Jiangnian said: "Whatever they can give, I can also give!"

Mr. Shen narrowed his eyes and shook his head: "I owe them a favor. I have to repay this favor!"

Lin Jiangnian smiled: "I will pay with my own life?"

Mr. Shen sighed: "There are rumors that you, Prince Lin, are a playboy and a bastard. I don't think so. Thinking about it, it's probably the grudge between you."

"I don't want to get involved in the grudge between you, but I owe them a favor. This favor must be repaid."

Speaking of this, Mr. Shen's originally deep eyes suddenly seemed to have a sharp light, and a sharp murderous intention flashed through.

"Prince Lin, I'm offended!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the cold wind howled outside the window.

For a moment, Lin Jiangnian felt like he was being stared at by a pair of evil eyes that were as cold as ferocious beasts. His hands and feet were so cold that he could hardly move.

The next second, there was a flash beside him.

When he raised his head, Zhiyuan took a step forward and stood in front of Lin Jiangnian.

At the same time, the cold feeling disappeared in an instant, and the violent qi and blood in the body also subsided.

Mr. Shen looked at Zhiyuan standing in front of Lin Jiangnian, his eyes flashed with admiration and indifference: "You are no match for me."

The girl in front of him was one of the most talented and strange women he had ever seen.

Her future achievements are limitless.

But now...

"You have been injured. The injury is not serious. There is no need to die!"

His target today is only Lin Jiangnian!

However, Zhiyuan seemed not to hear, still staring at him coldly, and at the same time clenched the sword in his hand. Her delicate body was tense and her expression was high.

"Autumn Water Sword?"

Mr. Shen's eyes fell on the sword in Zhiyuan's hand, and a hint of understanding flashed in his eyes.

Apparently, he recognized the sword.

I also recognized the owner of this sword!

"It turns out that he is still alive."

Mr. Shen was feeling something and talking to himself.

But the atmosphere in the inn became increasingly depressing.

"Paper Kite."

Lin Jiangnian gently pulled the kite, but saw that she was motionless. Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian's heart sank, his eyes became cold, and he turned to look out the window of the inn.

"Since you don't dare to let me die, why don't you take action?"

The sneer tone was a bit sarcastic.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was some movement outside the inn.

An afterimage passed by, and inside the inn, there was an additional figure in green clothes.

Lin Jiangnian sneered and said nothing.

Mr. Shen frowned slightly as he looked at the figure appearing in the inn, his eyes narrowed, and the careless expression on his face softened slightly.

"Zheng Zhiming?"

Zheng Zhiming, who was dressed in Tsing Yi, looked at Mr. Shen expressionlessly and said nothing.

"I didn't expect that one of the four masters around King Lin would come, which really surprised me!"

Mr. Shen spoke, and the relaxed look on his face gradually disappeared.

Zheng Zhiming didn't speak. When he noticed the aura on the other party's body, his eyes tightened slightly.

The two looked at each other, as if something was brewing.

"You want to save him?"

Mr. Shen spoke.

Zheng Zhiming didn't answer.

"No one can stop me today."

Mr. Shen continued to speak, although he sighed, his tone was very firm.

There seemed to be fire shining in Zheng Zhiming's deep eyes, "I don't believe it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong wind came and roared in the inn, and the table legs that had just been tidied up were blown down. People with slightly weaker internal strength were even shaken to the point where they almost lost their footing.

When the line of sight became clear, the two people who were originally in the inn disappeared!

The place where the two of them were was empty and empty.

It never seems to happen.


Lin Jiangnian heard a cold voice with a hint of urgency in his ear. He raised his eyes and saw Zhiyuan looking at him solemnly.

"Where to go?"

"Leave here and enter Beijing as soon as possible!" Zhiyuan looked solemn as never before.

Lin Jiangnian realized something: "Are you afraid that Zheng Zhiming will lose?"

Zhiyuan shook her head, raised her eyes and looked out the window: "I have an unknown premonition."

"he is great!"

"Very awesome!" Zhiyuan gave a positive answer.

"Compared to you?"

As soon as Lin Jiangnian asked, he realized that he had asked nonsense.

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, then spoke: "At least the second level Tianxuan realm, I'm not sure if there is the first level..."

Even Lin Jiangnian's eyelids jumped when he heard the news.

Second-grade Tianxuan?

Even a first-grade master? !

This strength...

Today, second-level masters are already half-finished existences, let alone first-level masters?

There are only a handful of people in the world who can reach the first level of strength.

Lin Jiangnian could remember that Lin Hengzhong became famous all over the world after becoming a first-class master.

But now, this Mr. Shen may actually reach the first-grade master level.


"Let's go now!"

Zhiyuan's voice was filled with anxiety, as Mr. Shen's strength was beyond her control.

However, Lin Jiangnian did not move.

He sighed softly: "We can't leave."

"We are still two days away from the capital. If Zheng Zhiming loses, how far can I run?"

Zhiyuan suddenly fell silent, obviously aware of this.

Can't run!

No one knows better than her how terrifying a first-grade master is!

If Mr. Shen really reaches the first level, no one present tonight will be able to escape.

Thinking of this, a sharp flash of light flashed in Zhiyuan's eyes, and she turned her head suddenly.

Not far away, Shen Lingjun stood there as if sluggishly, his eyes blank and empty.

It seemed like he hadn't come back to his senses for a long time.

The bright moon is in the sky.

There was a faint hint of white on the horizon not far away.

It's almost dawn.

At this moment, it is like the darkness before dawn.

In the dark night, Zheng Zhiming, dressed in Tsing Yi, stood on the roof, holding a steel sword in his hand. The sword's light was sharp and chilly. He stood motionless despite the cold wind, like a straight statue.

If you observe carefully, you can see that his face is slightly pale and the aura on his body is weaker than before.

Not far away, Mr. Shen was also standing in the wind.

However, at this moment, he no longer looked as old as before. He straightened up slightly, and his aura under his gray robe was particularly solemn. Just like the master who has been reclusive for many years, the rich and deep aura all over his body is unpredictable.

There was also a slight hint of breathlessness on his face.

All around, there was a mess.

"It's been a long time since I met such a powerful junior!"

Mr. Shen's voice was slightly startling: "Given time, you will definitely become another grandmaster in the world!"

Zheng Zhiming said nothing, his face still cold.

He seemed to have this expression forever.

"But it's time to end!"

Mr. Shen sighed and waved slowly.

The next second, Zheng Zhiming's expression changed slightly and he raised his head suddenly.

The aura all over Mr. Shen's body in front of him suddenly began to increase, as if it was rising steadily. Within a moment, Mr. Shen's aura was already much stronger than before.

Zheng Zhiming's expression finally changed!

When they just fought, he could feel that the old man in front of him was as strong as him. But at this moment, the opponent seemed to have suddenly advanced, his aura rising!

Is this his true strength? !

This level of strength is almost approaching that of a first-grade master!

Thinking of this, Zheng Zhiming's expression finally changed. But what followed was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"First grade?"

The hot fire gradually emerged in his eyes, staring at the old man in front of him, and the energy and blood in his body seemed to be rushing.

Zheng Zhiming clenched the steel sword in his hand!

When that flash of white appeared in the sky, it was accompanied by a raging cold light that swept across the sky!

On the horizon, a wisp of white fish rose slowly.

Its daybreak!

Like a new life.

But the atmosphere in the inn was still dull.

Lin Jiangnian sat quietly at a table nearby. He couldn't leave and had no intention of leaving.

Zhiyuan didn't say anything, but there was a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

The hall was quiet, and everyone's eyes were outside the inn.

Like waiting for something.

Until not long after, footsteps were heard outside the inn.

Along with a gust of cold wind, a slightly embarrassed and old figure walked into the hall.

When they saw this figure, the expressions of many people present changed. Zhiyuan's gaze turned cold for a moment.

The person who appeared at the door was Mr. Shen.

His presence here speaks for itself.

Zheng Zhiming was defeated?

The expected result made everyone's hearts sink.

Mr. Shen walked in slowly. Although his expression was a little embarrassed, the aura of terror that permeated his body made people's hearts tremble.

Zhiyuan subconsciously wanted to step forward, but was held back by Lin Jiangnian.

He raised his eyes and looked at Mr. Shen at the door: "Where is he?"

Mr. Shen said nothing, just looked at Lin Jiangnian.

"It seems that he lost to you."

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "Did you kill him?"

If Zheng Zhiming died in the hands of Mr. Shen, it would be a good thing for him.

However, Mr. Shen shook his head: "I didn't kill him."


"I don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately."

Mr. Shen said that his target from beginning to end was only Lin Jiangnian.

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian smiled: "So, my prince will definitely die today?"

Mr. Shen said nothing and stared at him. Even if he just looked at each other, he could feel the terrifying aura.

Even Zheng Zhiming couldn't stop him. Who else in this inn could stop him?

"Teacher, uncle..."

Just when the atmosphere in the inn was extremely depressing, a trembling, unbelievable voice suddenly came from the side.

Shen Lingjun's face was filled with an incredibly complicated expression: "Why, why..."

Her uncle wanted to kill Lin Jiangnian, which was something she could never imagine.

"So, so, uncle, you have been lying to me all this time, right?"

Shen Lingjun was not stupid. When she realized that her uncle wanted to kill Lin Jiangnian, she quickly figured everything out.

Why did the uncle happen to appear in Xunyang City?

Why did my uncle happen to go to the capital to visit his brothers?

Why was the master in a hurry before arriving at Luma Town, but after meeting Lin Jiangnian in Luma Town, he suddenly became less anxious...

The master even advised her not to be at odds with Lin Jiangnian...

It turns out that all this was carefully designed?

"So, uncle, you have always been using me, right?"

Shen Lingjun, who had figured this out, asked with a trembling voice.

Mr. Shen looked at her, with a rare hint of softness and guilt in his deep eyes.


Mr. Shen sighed: "Uncle, I have no choice."

"Why do you do this?"

Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth and couldn't believe it.

She couldn't believe that her most beloved master would do such a thing.

Mr. Shen was silent for a while and then said, "Didn't you always want to kill him?"

"I want to kill him because he killed Miss Yingying. If he deserves death, I will definitely kill him..."

"But, what about you, uncle?"

"You keep telling me that Prince Lin doesn't look like a bad person, but in the blink of an eye, you want to kill him, a person who is not a bad person, because of a so-called favor you owe!"

Shen Lingjun stared at him, his eyes full of sadness and disappointment: "Master, have you forgotten how you taught me before?!"


The second volume should be finished with the last chapter. The entry into the capital chapter is completely over. Next is the capital volume!

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