Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 209 The figure in white (End)

Faced with Shen Lingjun's question, Mr. Shen was silent for a long time.

Perhaps remembering some past events, Mr. Shen was stunned for a while. However, when he came back to his senses, the daze on his face disappeared again.

Instead, there is a bottomless depth.

The breath is still cold.

"This matter has nothing to do with you!"

Shen Laochen sighed: "This time, it is my uncle who is sorry for you."

Shen Lingjun bit her lower lip and looked at the uncle she respected and loved so much in the past. As if realizing something, her voice trembled: "So, you must kill him today?!"

Mr. Shen's face remained as usual: "That's right!"


Even though she already knew the answer, Shen Lingjun still couldn't help but want to ask.

The sadness in her heart, the hard-to-calm mood, and the unacceptable deception made her want to ask for the reason.

Why? !

Mr. Shen was silent and spoke slowly: "I owe him a favor... If it hadn't been for him back then, I would have been dead!"

"I must return this favor!"

Mr. Shen's voice was still low, but extremely firm. Tonight, no one could change his mind.

Shen Lingjun's heart trembled. She heard the determination in her uncle's tone, which was just like the indifference when the mountain sect was disbanded.

Master's determination will never change.

Shen Lingjun's face turned pale, he bit his lips and stared at Mr. Shen not far away.

"What if I don't let you kill him?"

Her words almost stunned everyone present.

Mr. Shen raised his eyes and looked at Shen Lingjun, his eyes slightly focused: "Lingjun, what do you want to do?!"

Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth, his delicate body trembled slightly, his eyes were extremely complicated, and his head was an even mess.

What does she want to do?

She doesn't know either.

If she had learned that her uncle was going to kill Lin Jiangnian half a month ago, she might have clapped her hands and applauded.

But now...

I don't know when, the thoughts in her mind gradually changed drastically.

Maybe it was Lin Jiangnian's enlightening words that day, or maybe it was when Girl Zhiyuan mentioned it to her that night, which made Shen Lingjun completely doubt himself and question his past understanding.

Perhaps Prince Lin is not as full of evil as she imagined?

Shen Lingjun didn't know.

Therefore, when she realized that her uncle was going to kill Lin Jiangnian, she couldn't accept it, and she was even a little... panicked!

On the one hand, the thoughts in her mind were wavering. Before the truth was found out, she no longer had the determination to kill Lin Jiangnian.

On the other hand, she felt sad and disappointed that her uncle had taken advantage of her and deceived her. In the past, her uncle had taught her to be a person who could distinguish between love and hate, and be a chivalrous and righteous person. But now, the uncle wanted to kill Lin Jiangnian indiscriminately for so-called favor.

She was stunned, disbelieving, and unable to accept...

So much so that she wanted to stop her uncle from continuing to make mistakes.

However, Mr. Shen said in a deep voice: "Lingjun, don't mess around!"

Shen Lingjun's delicate body was trembling, her eyes were red, but she still stubbornly took a few steps to stand between Lin Jiangnian and Mr. Shen, gritting her teeth: "I'm not messing around!"

"Uncle, you can't continue to make mistakes..."

Mr. Shen looked at her, some indescribable complex emotions flashed through him. Finally, his eyes gradually turned cold: "Lingjun, you can't stop me."

Shen Lingjun said nothing, still standing on the spot, looking at her uncle stubbornly, her red eyes also showed her determination at the moment.

Seeing this, the atmosphere at the scene became cold.

At the same time, a sigh came from behind Shen Lingjun.

"Senior, your understanding is not even as clear as your nephew."

Behind him, Lin Jiangnian looked at Shen Lingjun who was not far away in front of him, somewhat surprised.

He never expected that this woman Shen, who had been trying to assassinate him since they met, and talked about being a bitch all day long, and wanted to kill him quickly, would suddenly stand up to help him at this moment.

What a surprise!

If he hadn't witnessed the confrontation between his master and his nephew, Lin Jiangnian would have even suspected that they were playing a double act.

"I appreciate your kindness, but you really can't stop your uncle, so there's no need to risk your life!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly.

Shen Lingjun was startled for a moment, then turned to look at Lin Jiangnian with a look of guilt on his face, seemingly speechless as he faced Lin Jiangnian.

She didn't expect that things would turn out like this. And all of this has nothing to do with her.


Shen Lingjun lowered his eyes, his red eyes unable to conceal his emotions.

Lin Jiangnian looked at the female hero Shen in shock, apologizing?

Lady Shen actually apologized to him?

"There's no need to apologize..."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian suddenly paused and narrowed his eyes: "If you really feel sorry for me, then do me a favor?"

Shen Lingjun raised his head: "Say."

Lin Jiangnian waved to her, and Shen Lingjun hesitated for a moment before slowly approaching.

"Help me send them out of here..."

Lin Jiangnian pointed at Xiao Zhu Qingqing and the others. They had suffered heavy losses in resisting the assassination tonight. More than half of the Prince's troops were lost. They were all at the end of their strength. Even Lin Qingqing was seriously injured. Their stay here was just to increase the casualties.

Shen Lingjun was startled, as if he hadn't realized what was going on: "Me?"

"Who else is it if it's not you?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "If you really feel sorry for me, then do this!"

Shen Lingjun realized something and his expression changed slightly: "What about you?"

"What do you think?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

Shen Lingjun's face immediately turned pale.

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at Zhiyuan beside him. From the moment Mr. Shen appeared, Zhiyuan's eyes had been falling on her. His eyes were alert and sharp, and his whole body was tense, as if he was about to take action at any time.

Lin Jiangqing held her hand gently and whispered: "Wait, you and them leave here first."

Zhiyuan turned her head suddenly, seeming to realize Lin Jiangnian's purpose. She stared at him for a long time before saying coldly: "I won't leave."

"You have to go!"

Lin Jiangnian's tone was solemn, "His target is me. Since he didn't kill Zheng Zhiming, he won't make things difficult for you. If you stay here, you will just die in vain..."

Even Zheng Zhiming lost!

Now, no one in this inn is the opponent of Mr. Shen.

Staying here is just waiting to die!

However, Zhiyuan said nothing and stared at Lin Jiangnian with a stern look, his eyes a little more stubborn: "I won't leave!"

The tone was repeated, but extremely firm.

She had seen Lin Jiangnian's plan, but she was unwilling to leave.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian sighed: "If you stay here, you are waiting to die with me."

Zhiyuan remained silent, but her look showed her determination.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian didn't try to persuade him again. He understands Zhiyuan's character and is very stubborn.

A disobedient maid is the best at disobeying her master's orders.

Lin Jiangnian first called Xiaozhu and others over and gave them some instructions. Xiaozhu was also nervous and scared, and was unwilling to leave. Only after being coerced and induced by Lin Jiangnian did he obey and obey.

After ordering the others, Lin Jiangnian returned to Zhiyuan. Seeing that Zhiyuan was still looking at him coldly, Lin Jiangnian stepped forward and hugged her into his arms. He chuckled and said, "Since you don't want to leave, Then we, master and servant, will stay here and fight side by side today, and if we die, we will die together, right?"

Zhiyuan's delicate body was habitually stiff, as if she was not used to being like this in public. Her face was slightly red, but when she heard Lin Jiangnian's words, her expression was slightly startled.

The next second, I suddenly had a bad feeling.

Then, her head suddenly felt dizzy, and she raised her head suddenly, only to see Lin Jiangnian in her arms still looking at her with a smile on his face, and his eyes seemed to have profound meaning.

At this moment, Zhiyuan felt a hint of anger in his heart, but then a feeling of powerlessness came over him, his head felt dizzy, and he fell into Lin Jiangnian's arms.

Passed out.

Seeing that the kite in his arms was no longer moving, Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief. With Zhiyuan's vigilance, if she notices the little move, the plan may fail.

Fortunately, she didn't react.

It could also be that she didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to suddenly attack her.

Looking down at the fair and delicate face of the girl in his arms, Lin Jiangnian felt a little guilty, but his eyes were more determined.

He picked up Zhiyuan and walked to Shen Lingjun.

Shen Lingjun looked at the fainted Zhiyuan in front of him, then at Lin Jiangnian, and realized something.

"I gave the paper kite to you, take her out of here!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke and stared at her.

Shen Lingjun took the kite from Lin Jiangnian's hand, looked down at the kite, and then at Lin Jiangnian with extremely complicated eyes.

How could she not realize Lin Jiangnian's purpose?

He sent everyone away and then prepared to face his uncle alone?

Thinking of this, Shen Lingjun's heart suddenly tightened for some reason. She bit her lip: "Do you really believe me?"

She doesn't understand.

Why did Lin Jiangnian in front of him trust her so much and hand over Zhiyuan and the others to her?

Doesn't he know that he has always wanted to kill him before?

"I'm not the one who believes in you!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly and glanced at the paper kite in her arms, "It's her."

Shen Lingjun trembled and looked down at the paper kite in his arms in disbelief.

Girl Zhiyuan, are you still willing to believe her?

"She told me that you are a good person, not a bad person, and can be trusted. I didn't believe it before, but..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her for the last time: "I just spoke to you for my son, I have decided to believe you for once!"

At this point, while Shen Lingjun was still in a daze, Lin Jiangnian's tone changed: "Take them away, leave here, and go to the capital!"

Shen Lingjun raised her head and stared at Lin Jiangnian's suddenly solemn eyes. Her heart trembled slightly. Something came over her. She gritted her teeth and nodded heavily: "Okay!"

Shen Lingjun left, taking Zhiyuan, Xiaozhu, Qingqing and the others with him.

In addition, the Prince's troops inside and outside the entire inn also evacuated.

Mr. Shen turned a blind eye to this and did not stop it.

As he said before, the only target he planned tonight was Lin Jiangnian.

As for the others, he didn't want to repeat the killings.

The inn suddenly became deserted. The surroundings were full of wreckage after the war, and there was no time to clean up the broken pieces. The smell of blood filled the air, and along with the faint light from the sky, it slowly shone on the only two figures left in the inn.

After everyone left, Lin Jiangnian suddenly relaxed. He turned around and walked to the inn counter, pulling out a few jars of surviving spirits from behind the counter.

"Would you like a drink?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head at Mr. Shen.

Mr. Shen half-squinted his eyes, "That's fine!"

In the lobby of the inn, among the ruins, two people sat facing each other at a relatively intact table.

There were several jars of wine on the table, and the aroma of wine filled the air. Such a pleasant scene was in sharp contrast to the mess around it.

The two people at the table exchange glasses for each other like old friends who have known each other for a long time. As the alcohol went down, the atmosphere on the table gradually became more tense.

Mr. Shen looked at Lin Jiangnian at the table and sighed deeply: "If possible, I really don't want to kill you."


Lin Jiangnian seemed a little surprised and raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

"You are extraordinary!"

Mr. Shen was profound and difficult to fathom: "If you could live, the world would probably be a lot more lively."

"In that case, why do you have to kill me?"

"Entrusted by others!"

"Entrusted by whom?"

Mr. Shen did not speak.

Lin Jiang young laughed: "Even if you don't say it, I can guess it!"

"There are many people in this world who want my son's life, but there are not many people who can take my son's life. All in all, there are only a few..."

As he spoke, Lin Jiangnian counted on his fingers: "The third prince in Beijing counts as one, and the Xu family in Xuzhou counts as one. The old gelding in the palace seems to have some conflicts with my father. Of course, at that time, Maybe the eldest princess also wants to kill me, and maybe the emperor..."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian suddenly sighed: "Thinking about it, there seem to be quite a few people who want my son's life?"

Mr. Shen's eyes were indifferent: "Who made you Prince Lin's Crown Prince?"

"Yes, just because I am Prince Lin, everyone wants me dead."

Lin Jiangnian said angrily: "What a fucking life!"

He came here inexplicably, and became Prince Lin inexplicably. He finally walked on thin ice and deceived everyone, and saw that he had become the real Prince Lin, and he had not had time to enjoy a few good days.

Assassinations are coming one after another, and now even his life is about to be lost!

Can you stop fucking?

Mr. Shen said nothing.

There didn't seem to be an atmosphere of life-and-death hatred between the two.

From Yanzhou to Zhongzhou, the two of them have long been familiar with each other. If it hadn't been for what happened today, perhaps Lin Jiangnian would have thought about drawing Mr. Shen under his command.

It's just a pity...

After three rounds of drinking.

The sky outside the inn window was completely bright, and the morning light shone into the inn through the window and fell on the two of them.

Mr. Shen slowly put down the wine glass in his hand: "Prince Lin, are you planning to give up resistance?"

"How to say?"

Mr. Shen said: "You sent everyone around you away so that you don't have to worry about anything, and you stayed alone to face me. Are you planning to give up and wait for death?"

"if not?"

Lin Jiangnian shrugged his shoulders: "Even Zheng Zhiming is no match for you. It will be useless for them to stay. Instead of losing their lives in vain, it is better to live so that you can avenge my son in the future!"

Mr. Shen looked at it for a moment and then suddenly said: "Prince Lin will not give up so easily!"

Lin Jiang young smiled: "So you think this prince will still resist?"

"With my little skill, can I kill you?"

Mr. Shen shook his head gently: "Killing does not necessarily require good kung fu. There are thousands of ways to kill someone in the world, for example..."

Having said this, Mr. Shen glanced at the wine glass on the table indifferently.

"Prince Lin, did you poison the wine?"


After a while, Lin Jiangnian sighed deeply: "I still can't hide it from Mr. Shen!"

He picked up the wine glass in his hand: "However, I am a little curious..."

"The name of the poison I gave is Huami grass. This grass is extremely poisonous and unique in the world. It is colorless, odorless and difficult to detect..."

"How did Mr. Shen notice it?"

Mr. Shen picked up the wine glass in his hand and said calmly, "I guessed it."

Lin Jiangnian's face was startled, and he suddenly raised his eyes.

"Based on what I know about you, how could Prince Lin give up so easily? I was just guessing. I didn't expect His Highness to be poisoned!"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "But you've already drank it, aren't you afraid?"

"Didn't His Highness drink too?" Mr. Shen asked back.

"Mr. Shen, do you want to die with me?" Lin Jiangnian sneered.

Mr. Shen sighed: "I have such old bones, I have already taken life and death lightly!"

Lin Jiangnian laughed angrily: "Could it be that the favor you owe is worth your life to repay?"

He really couldn't understand Mr. Shen's determination to kill him!

Mr. Shen said calmly: "I've been dead a long time ago... It's time to repay the favor I owed."

Speaking of this, Mr. Shen's expression suddenly changed slightly, and it was obvious that the toxins in his body had begun to take effect.

He half-closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Poof!" A mouthful of blood spat out.

The blood was black!

Mr. Shen's expression changed slightly, he quickly tapped a few acupuncture points on his body, took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice: "What a domineering poison!"

"That's natural, this poison is..."

Just as Lin Jiangnian was about to speak, he suddenly felt a sharp burning in his chest. At the same time, the same mouthful of black blood spat out, and his face turned slightly white.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian's expression changed slightly and he smiled bitterly.

In order to trick Mr. Shen into taking the bait, Lin Jiangnian had to drink alcohol and poison as well.

Only in this way can Mr. Shen be deceived without any flaws.

He originally thought that he could use Tai Gu's mental technique to resolve the toxins, but unexpectedly, he underestimated the toxicity of the flowerweed!

No wonder Liu Su insisted on getting it from Ruyilou.

Or maybe it's because Lin Jiangnian's Taigu mentality is still immature.

"It seems that His Highness is going to die together with me today!" Mr. Shen said slowly.

"That's not necessarily the case!"

Lin Jiangnian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his head was dizzy, and his whole body felt a little weak.

This poison is indeed overbearing.

Fortunately, he had an antidote.

However, Mr. Shen, who was sitting opposite Lin Jiangnian at this moment, had slowly stood up.

He was poisoned by the viburnum, but with his strong internal strength, he was able to suppress the poison for the time being.

"I was indeed a little careless and fell into His Highness's trick. However, although the poison is strong, it will not affect me for the time being."

"It's more than enough to send His Highness on his way!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the aura all over Mr. Shen's body suddenly became strong.

Killing intent permeates the air!

He doesn't want to waste any more time!

It's dawn, everything should be over!


The table in front of the two people instantly fell into pieces.

The majestic internal force surged across and instantly knocked Lin Jiangnian, who was sitting at the table, flying out.

He fell heavily to the ground, unable to resist.


Another mouthful of blood spurted out, and Lin Jiangnian lay on the ground, his whole body weak and painful, unable to muster any strength.

Facing the second-grade or even first-grade master in front of him, he had no power to resist.

Just wait for death!

Lin Jiangnian was not surprised by this result!

Not far away, Mr. Shen slowly approached. Just after taking two steps, his figure suddenly swayed and his face turned slightly pale.

This poison was beyond his expectation, and it happened so quickly?

However, enough is enough!

For him, it only takes an instant to kill Lin Jiangnian!

Lin Jiangnian fell down in the corner, without any strength in his body, and even his consciousness gradually became blurred. Looking at Mr. Shen approaching slowly not far away, his expression was extremely calm.

He had expected such a situation, and he had already prepared for the worst from the moment he sent the paper kite away.

The worst outcome is to die here!

Die! Die!

However, as his consciousness gradually blurred, something suddenly came to Lin Jiangnian's mind.

He remembered the last conversation he had with Lin Hengzhong a few months ago when Shang was still in Prince Lin's Mansion.

"Jiang Nian, the journey to the capital this time is long and dangerous. Some people may even try to kill you at all costs." From the window of Ruyi Building, Lin Hengzhong turned his back to him, looking at the lake scenery outside the building and the light of the setting sun. The light shone on him, adding a bit of heaviness.

"So, I'm very likely to die on the road?"

"That won't happen."

Lin Hengzhong turned around and looked at him. The setting sun shone on half of his face. His expression was extremely solemn and serious: "I will arrange for experts to protect your safety along the way. At the critical moment, there will be an expert who can save you."

"What kind of master?"

"I can save your life at the critical moment!"

"Is it reliable? Is it one of our own?"

"It doesn't have to be one of my own, but she owes me a favor..."

"She won't take action unless absolutely necessary, but at the critical moment, she will definitely save your life!"


Before Lin Jiangnian fell into coma, he suddenly felt that it was a lot colder in the inn. A cold wind came in, and in his blurred vision, there was a vague figure in white flashing past.

Mr. Shen, who was about to approach, suddenly turned his head as if he realized something.


The cold wind was lingering in the inn, and a figure in white appeared in Mr. Shen's sight in front of him.

White clothes are better than snow, and they are as cold as winter snow.

Tall and stunningly beautiful.

Holding the sword in both hands, he leaned against the wall and looked at him expressionlessly.

Old Shen's pupils shrank suddenly: "Is it you?!"

The aura on the other party's body surprised him slightly. As if realizing something, Mr. Shen glanced at Lin Jiangnian who was unconscious on the ground: "You want to save him?!"

The figure in white looked calmly: "No?"

Mr. Shen said in a deep voice: "Someone wants his life, he must die!"

The figure in white said calmly: "I want him to live."

Mr. Shen gritted his teeth in a deep voice: "He must die!"

The figure in white glanced at him calmly: "Try?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the long sword was unsheathed and a cold light filled the sky.

After a while.

The inn was empty and silent.


Mr. Shen knelt on the ground and spit out a mouthful of black blood. He turned his head and looked at his right arm that had been severed by a sword, with a hint of fear in his pupils.

After a while, his pupils gradually dilated, an unprecedented relaxed look appeared on his face, and he murmured to himself.

"He is indeed a genius in the art of swordsmanship... He is a talented person from generation to generation, and his future generations are to be feared..."

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