Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 210 Sleeping together

In the quiet and warm room, the snow-white light and shadow outside the window shines on the ground, and the antique carved decorations exude a faint fragrance.

When Lin Jiangnian woke up, he only felt pain all over his body.

My head hurts, my neck hurts, my shoulders hurt, my arms and back hurt... almost everything in my body hurt.

The severe and clear pain made him gradually regain consciousness.

not dead?

It seems not!

Before he fell into coma, he vaguely remembered a vague figure appearing.

So, saved?

Lin Jiangnian opened his eyes and looked at the carved building on the beam above his head. The decoration was exquisite. There was a faint scent of incense floating in the room. He was covered in soft and silky quilts, which were valuable.

So, where is this?

Lin Jiangnian tried to get up, but felt pain all over his body and felt weak. The body is empty, and all the previous strong inner strength has disappeared.

Isn't it... useless?

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Jiangnian's expression changed slightly.

He has worked hard and practiced hard to achieve what he has achieved now. He won't just give up all his previous efforts, right?

I wanted to verify it, but I couldn't muster the strength at the moment, and my head was even more dizzy. It seemed that the aftereffects of the poisonous sageweed were still there.

It is not easy to save a life this time.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian gave up.

Since I can't move, I might as well lie down and get it done!

Lying on the bed, he looked at the room quietly.

We don’t know where we are yet, but we can tell that the owner here is very wealthy. Judging from the furnishings and decorations in the room, one is either rich or expensive.

Through the window, there is a vague white snow, and the room is as warm as spring.

At this moment, there was movement at the door and footsteps approaching.


There was a soft knock on the door, and along with a chill, a figure walked into the room, closed the door, and walked behind the screen.

Before she got close, the faint scent of rouge came from the woman's body.

"you're awake?!"

A woman's voice of surprise came to my ears. The voice was crisp and sweet, with a hint of excitement.

Lin Jiangnian turned his head and saw a delicate-looking woman in his sight.

With slender eyebrows, a delicate oval face, and small and agile facial features, he was standing by the bed holding something, looking at Lin Jiangnian on the bed with surprise and curiosity.

"Who are you?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her.

"My name is Jinxiu!"

Jinxiu walked slowly to the bed, put aside the decoction in her hand, and looked at Lin Jiangnian on the bed, her eyes smart and curious.

"Did you save me?"


Jinxiu shook her head gently and said in a clear and lively voice, "He is my master!"

"Who is your master?"

"Young Master will know when the time comes."

Jinxiu smiled sweetly, but did not explain. Instead, she pointed to the decoction placed aside: "Sir, drink the medicine first."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at it but didn't move.

Seemingly seeing something, Jinxiu half-smiled but said, "Master, are you worried that it's poisonous?"

"That's not true!"

Lin Jiang young sighed: "I just can't move."

Jinxiu blinked and realized something: "It seems that the young master's injury is not serious!"

With that said, Jinxiu walked forward slowly and sat gently on the edge of the bed: "I'll help you up."

She seemed petite and frail, but she had considerable strength in her hands. She carefully helped Lin Jiangnian sit up.

Then, Jinxiu picked up the soup bowl next to her: "Since the young master can't move, let me feed you!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the spoon beside his mouth, and at Jinxiu who looked delicate and smiling, as if he was about to take his medicine. He hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth.

After the decoction entered his stomach, the effect of the medicine evaporated quickly in his body. Lin Jiangnian felt warm all over his body, and the pain in his body seemed to be relieved.

After finishing feeding the soup, Jinxiu put down the bowl and looked at Lin Jiangnian with lively eyes, seeming to be very interested in him.

Lin Jiangnian felt a little uncomfortable when she stared at her: "Miss Jinxiu, why are you looking at me like this?"

Jinxiu's eyes were bright and she blinked: "Because the young master is so good-looking!"

Lin Jiangnian was speechless. This was the first time he had seen such a frank and frank girl...

However, Lin Jiangnian admired this girl's straightforward character a little more.

He glanced out the window: "How long have I been unconscious?"

Jinxiu thought for a while: "About five days!"

"Five days?"

Lin Jiangnian didn't expect that he would be in a coma for five days.

Being unconscious for such a long time is enough to show that his injuries were serious this time.

So, what about everyone else?

Lin Jiangnian asked again: "Where is this?"



Lin Jiangnian was startled. Have you arrived in the capital?

What about Zhiyuan and the others?

Where are you now?

Lin Jiangnian was slightly worried, but now that he was seriously injured and unable to move, he had no choice but to give up.

"Who is your master?"

Lin Jiangnian thought of something and asked again.

However, Jinxiu still didn't answer him. She smiled at Lin Jiangnian, her eyes were crystal clear, and she chuckled: "Young master, you will know later."

After saying that, Jinxiu stood up slowly: "Although the poison on the young master's body has been cured, the injury is not serious and needs to be rested. Young Master, please have a good rest. I will not disturb the Young Master!"

Lin Jiangnian was lying on the bed, half-squinting his eyes, thinking about something.

Before he fell into coma, he remembered vaguely seeing a figure appear.

Is that the master Jinxiu talks about?

But why would he save himself?

Or is he the master Lin Hengzhong said would take action at critical moments?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but feel a little scared!

This is really a critical moment, I'm afraid if it were any later, he would be dead! Lin Hengzhong's favor doesn't seem very reliable...

However, no matter what, he survived in the end.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed slightly.

He was in a coma for five days. According to calculations, Zhiyuan should have arrived in the capital long ago. Although Shen Lingjun had some grudges with him, he was indeed a warm-hearted man who kept his word. Coupled with her relationship with Zhiyuan, Lin Jiangnian was naturally relieved.

As a result, Lin Jiangnian had no worries now. He was seriously injured now. After drinking the medicine, his whole body felt warm, the pain was relieved, and he fell asleep again.

When I woke up, it was almost dusk.

The pain all over his body weakened a lot and he regained a lot of strength. Lin Jiangnian was able to sit up from the bed.

He struggled to get up and came to the door.

Opening the door, the cold wind howled in from outside.

Lin Jiangnian wrapped his clothes and looked up at the door.

As soon as you see it, it's all white.


No wonder the window is so white!

What you see is a snow-white world.

The eaves were covered with a thick layer of snow, and ice formed under the eaves and fell along the eaves. In the yard in sight, a few locust trees had white snow hanging on their heads.

It’s winter!

It was still summer when we set off from Linjiang City, but now winter has quietly entered!

As a southerner, Lin Jiang rarely saw snow when he was young. The snow-white world in front of him was extremely spectacular. The gray sky contrasted with the white snow between heaven and earth.

The sound of approaching footsteps suddenly came from under the eaves not far away.

Turning around, the maid named Jinxiu was walking lightly.

She claims to be a maid, but the clothes she wears do not look like a maid. She looks and has an extraordinary temperament. She wears a long brocade dress and is wrapped in thick velvet. Her smile is sweet and innocent.

"Why did the young master come out?"

Jinxiu walked closer and looked at him with a smile.

"Come out and get some air."

"Young master has not recovered yet, but you must be careful not to catch the cold."

Jinxiu chuckled and spoke.

"Thank you so much, Miss Jinxiu!"

Jinxiu shook her head gently: "Young master, there is no need to be polite, I am just following orders!"

"By whose order?"

"My master!" Jinxiu replied.

"Your master asked you to take care of me?"


Lin Jiangnian's eyes flickered: "Do I know your master?"

Jinxiu thought for a moment and shook her head slightly: "I don't know either."

"Then your master knows me?"

Jinxiu nodded.

Lin Jiangnian frowned slightly. He knew him, but he didn't know him?

Who is this beautiful master?

Lin Jiangnian was confused, but Jinxiu didn't want to explain, and Lin Jiangnian didn't ask any questions.

"Young Master has been in coma for several days. He must be hungry. I have prepared meals. Please enjoy your meal!"

Jinxiu spoke softly.

Lin Jiangnian nodded and followed Jinxiu to have a meal.

Along the way, Lin Jiangnian looked around. It can be seen that this place is a courtyard. The courtyard is very large and the decorations in the courtyard are beautiful. It looks like a wealthy family at first glance.

But the strange thing is that there are not many servants in the entire house.

In fact, apart from Jinxiu and a few maids, there were no other figures.

This is somewhat strange.

In such a large courtyard, the family must be either rich or noble, but why is this huge courtyard so deserted?

The dinner was extremely sumptuous. Even if Lin Jiangnian was the only one eating, the dishes were still rich and exquisite, which made Lin Jiangnian more and more convinced that the owner of this courtyard was not simple.

After dinner, Lin Jiangnian returned to the room.

The weather in Beijing is already very cold, the cold wind is raging, and when it gets dark, snow begins to fall in the sky again. Snowflakes were falling, and after dark, the surroundings were silent.

After all, Lin Jiangnian's body had not yet recovered, and his body was empty, with almost no internal strength, and the cold wind was biting. He quickly returned to the room and lay back on the bed.

Not long after, Jinxiu came again.

She knocked lightly on the door: "Sir, can I come in?"

The voice is clear, gentle and polite.

"come in."

Jinxiu opened the door and approached, holding another bowl of soup in her hand.

"Sir, it's time to take medicine!"

Jinxiu walked to the bed with the decoction in hand, looked at Lin Jiangnian who was lying on the bed, and blinked.

When Lin Jiangnian was about to reach out to take it, Jinxiu was already holding the soup, picked up the spoon and scooped up a spoonful of soup and brought it to him: "Sir, let me feed it to you."

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised: "I can do it myself."

But Jinxiu blinked: "Young master, do you dislike me?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her twice, seeing her innocent expression, her watery eyes, and her smiling eyes. He was silent for a moment and then suddenly laughed.

"Since the girl is willing to serve me, why wouldn't she be unwilling?"

Jinxiu blinked again and then said with a sweet smile: "That's good!"

As she spoke, she carefully and gently scooped up the decoction and moved closer to wait for Lin Jiangnian to drink the medicine.

Lin Jiangnian was very cooperative, like a seriously injured patient who couldn't move, drinking the decoction tenderly provided by the 'Golden Lotus'.

After finishing feeding, Jinxiu did not leave in a hurry. She sat lightly on the edge of the bed and looked at Lin Jiangnian with interest and curiosity.

"Aren't you curious, Master?"

"What are you curious about?"

Jinxiu thought for a while, "I can't tell, but I feel that the young master's reaction was too calm."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "How do you think I should react?"

"Master, don't you want to ask something?"

"Would you tell me if I asked?"

Jinxiu blinked: "Not necessarily!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Then I'll stop asking."


Jinxiu covered her mouth and chuckled, then looked at Lin Jiangnian meaningfully and winked, then suddenly leaned a little closer and whispered softly: "Then, can I ask the young master a few questions?"

She suddenly came closer, and a faint scent of rouge approached, and Lin Jiangnian could smell it by looking sideways. It's very light, doesn't have that vulgar strong smell, and smells good.

Lin Jiangnian turned his head and stared at the delicate and delicate face in front of him, as well as the face that seemed to be always smiling, with indifferent eyes.

"What do you want to ask?"

"How old is the young master this year?"


"Can we get married?"


"Do you have a sweetheart?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while: "Yes."

Jinxiu seemed a little surprised and blinked: "Can I ask where the young master's sweetheart is now?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while: "Which one are you asking about?"


The smile on Jinxiu's face froze obviously, as if she didn't expect Lin Jiangnian's answer.

After a while, he regained his smile, half-smiling but not smiling: "It seems that the young master is very affectionate, right?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Men, after all, they are more philanthropic!"

"That's right, the young master is handsome, much better looking than the other famous young masters in the capital. Naturally, there is no shortage of confidante around him, right?"

Jinxiu said, but her tone was meaningful.

Lin Jiangnian still sighed: "I can't help it. It's easy to be remembered and spread rumors when I look like me..."

Jinxiu smiled more and more, "Can the young master's confidante be regarded as his sweetheart?"

"Why doesn't it count?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her seriously and said firmly: "I am sincere to everyone."


This time Jinxiu was stunned for a while before regaining her smile, covering her mouth and laughing: "Young master's theory... this is the first time I have heard of it."

First time hearing about it?

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her, she was still too young and too naive!

Someone like her can deceive several people a day!


Jinxiu stared at Lin Jiangnian for a few times, then suddenly moved closer again: "Master, what do you think of me?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Girl, what do you mean by this?"

Jinxiu looked at Lin Jiangnian with a slightly dazed look, and chuckled: "Young Master also said that it is rare to see someone as handsome and good-looking as Young Master in the world. If you finally meet one, you can't let it go..."

"Since the young master has many beauties and confidantes, would you mind having one more of them join me?"

Jinxiu looked at Lin Jiangnian with full eyes, as if gazing at autumn water, moving and seductive.


Deliver it to your door?

Lin Jiangnian looked at her carefully: "Are you serious?"

The beautiful bright eyes, the sweet smile, and the exquisite outline: "That's natural. The slave family has been alone in the empty room for a long time. It's not easy to meet someone as handsome as the young master, so naturally he doesn't want to miss it. If the young master doesn't dislike it, the slave family..."

"Dislike it? How can you dislike it?"

Before she could finish speaking, Lin Jiangnian suddenly lifted the quilt aside and said impatiently: "Then come quickly!"

Jinxiu was stunned: "Sir, this is..."

She didn't understand Lin Jiangnian's sudden behavior.

"Didn't you say you wanted to be my confidante? What are you waiting for?" Lin Jiangnian waved to her and patted the side.

Jinxiu looked at Lin Jiangnian's opened quilt, her head confused: "What... does this have to do with being a confidante?"

"Why doesn't it matter?"

Lin Jiangnian explained seriously: "Don't confidantes sleep together? Since you want to be my confidante, why are you still standing there... The bed is warm, so don't waste such a good time and beautiful scenery..."

With that said, Lin Jiangnian grabbed her wrist. The smile on Jinxiu's face froze immediately, and then she became extremely panicked: "Mr., Master, please don't..."

She never expected that Lin Jiangnian would drag her to sleep if they disagreed?

What kind of confidante wants to sleep together?

Why hasn't she heard of it? !

Why did this young man take action? !

A blush quickly appeared on Jinxiu's pretty face, and she was no longer as calm and calm as before. Especially the wrist grabbed by Lin Jiangnian, a wave of heat surged down the wrist. She shook it off in panic, as if shaking off a poisonous snake.

"Hey, why don't you come...wait, where are you going...don't go..."

In Lin Jiangnian's anxious and regretful voice, Jinxiu ran away without looking back.

After Jinxiu completely fled the room, the smile on Lin Jiangnian's face disappeared slightly.

The little girl played a trick of seduction with him.

Still tender!


Why did she do this?

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were slightly confused, always feeling a little strange.

This maid named Jinxiu is strange, and the master behind her... who is it?

outside the room.

Jinxiu fled in despair.

He returned to his room and closed the door. He leaned against the door with his face flushed, his heart pounding, his breathing rapid, and his eyes filled with shame and anger.

He retracted his hand that was grabbed just now into his sleeve and covered it on his chest. He didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

As if thinking of something on that crimson face, his eyes gradually became angry.

"It's really not a good thing!"

She gritted her teeth.

"Fortunately, I discovered it early. On the surface, I look like a human being, but my true nature was exposed when I tried it..."

Thinking of this, Jinxiu looked a little more worried.

At this moment, she realized something, her expression changed slightly, she opened the door and walked out.

On the eaves corridor outside the door, there is a figure in white.

The white clothes are better than the snow, and they seem to blend into one in this cold snowy day.


Jinxiu quickly approached.

The figure in white nodded slightly, and when he was about to speak, he saw something wrong with her face.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"No, it's okay..."

A trace of panic flashed in Jinxiu's eyes, and she quickly lowered her head. Thinking of something else, he approached the princess and gritted his teeth.

"Princess, this slave has already tested it for you..."

"The Prince Lin is indeed as rumored... not a good person!"

"You must not be deceived by him!!"


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