For some reason, Lin Jiangnian slept particularly soundly that night despite being in a strange place.

Maybe it was the fatigue caused by the physical injury, or maybe it was the peaceful aroma floating in the room. When Lin Jiangnian woke up, it was bright outside.

Feel comfortable all over!

The symptoms of pain all over the body have significantly weakened. Although the body is still weak, it is not as weak as yesterday.

The injury is recovering well.

Lin Jiangnian sat up, his body still empty. He sat cross-legged on the bed and tried to use his internal power, but to no avail... there was no internal power.

The Xuanyang internal energy that was originally filled in the body disappeared without a trace.


If it weren't for the traces of martial arts practice in the past six months that still remain, Lin Jiangnian might be no different from an ordinary person now.

Could it be that the injury was too severe this time and that the internal strength was completely lost and all the previous efforts were wasted?

At this point, the thought seems unreasonable.

Although the injury was serious, it did not break any muscles or bones. The biggest problem is probably being poisoned by the poisonous grass.

However, I have never heard that the flower marrow grass can lead to the loss of internal energy. So, what's going on?

Lin Jiangnian sat on the bed and thought for a while. He didn't think of the answer and didn't continue to struggle. He still doesn't know where he is, and the person who saved him hasn't shown up yet. Since the other party saved him, he would naturally be less likely to harm him. The injury has not yet recovered. In this case, it is better to take it as it comes.

Lin Jiangnian put on his clothes, stood up and opened the door.

Outside the door, the cold wind howled.

When I woke up one night, the courtyard was covered with heavy snow again.

It snowed in the middle of the night last night, and it seems to be even colder this morning. The cold wind is raging, biting and falling on the skin, refreshing and refreshing.

Lin Jiangnian didn't feel cold at all. Although his internal strength was gone, the foundation of practicing the Xuanyang Mind Method in the past six months was still there. His physical fitness was not what it used to be, and he was not too afraid of the cold wind.

As soon as she walked out of the door, Jinxiu in a long brocade dress appeared under the eaves.

"Master, are you awake?"

Jinxiu came closer, smiled softly and spoke.

There was still a faint smile on her delicate face, and her eyes were looking at Lin Jiangnian with a smile.

The voice was crisp and soft, with a bit of gentleness.

It sounds comfortable.

Lin Jiangnian looked at her. Her face was soft, gentle and close, and she completely lost the panic when she ran away last night.

She just looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly, as if she had completely forgotten what happened last night.

After Lin Jiangnian glanced at her twice, he also chuckled: "Yes, I slept very well last night."

Jinxiu's eyes moved slightly, then quickly disappeared: "Sir, would you like to drink the medicine first?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the medicine Jinxiu brought, then glanced at her, raising his eyebrows: "Why didn't Miss Jinxiu take the initiative to feed me today?"

Jinxiu was startled, as if she didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to suddenly mention this. After a pause, he half-smiled and said, "Young Master, can you take medicine by yourself today?"

"But, I want Jinxiu girl to feed me?"

Lin Jiangnian smiled and spoke.

The smile on Jinxiu's face froze slightly, and an imperceptible strange color flashed across her face.

But then, the smile quickly returned to his face.

"Since the master wants my slave to serve and give medicine, I must obey."

Jinxiu walked forward slowly, picked up the soup and came closer. She gently stirred the soup with her bare hands, then scooped up a spoonful of the soup and brought it to Lin Jiangnian's mouth.

The movements were very light and gentle, as if caring for a sick patient carefully.

Lin Jiangnian looked into her eyes, trying to see something on her face.

This maid named Jinxiu is a little weird!

Especially last night's behavior made Lin Jiangnian even more wary.

However, Jinxiu didn't seem to have any other plans. She gently fed Lin Jiangnian the medicine. After feeding her, she smiled sweetly at Lin Jiangnian and prepared to leave.

Lin Jiangnian's heart moved, and he subconsciously reached out to hug her slender waist. But Jinxiu seemed to have been prepared. Before Lin Jiangnian made a move, he took a step back without leaving a trace and avoided Lin Jiangnian's hand.

Then she blinked at him: "Sir, you've finished drinking the medicine. You should have a good rest first. I'm leaving!"

After Jinxiu left, Lin Jiangnian half-squinted his eyes.

This beauty is not simple!

When he first took action, Lin Jiangnian could feel that Fang's martial arts was not weak.

A magnificently decorated house, a maid with excellent martial arts... Who is the master of this courtyard?

Not long after taking the medicine, Lin Jiangnian felt drowsy again, so he returned to the room and slept again.

When I woke up again, it was already afternoon.

The sleepiness dissipated, my whole body relaxed, and I felt that my body had recovered a little.

But then, Lin Jiangnian gradually realized that something was wrong. His sleepiness in the past two days was not normal.

After thinking about it carefully, I thought of the decoction Jinxiu sent, and I'm afraid it has something to do with it. Lin Jiangnian's recovery from physical injuries is visible to the naked eye, and I'm afraid it has something to do with this.


What does she want to do?

Lin Jiangnian didn't think about it, got up, pushed the door open and walked out.

It was quiet outside the door, the heavy snow had stopped long ago, and the weather was still cold.

Lin Jiangnian wrapped up his clothes and strolled casually in the courtyard. The courtyard was extremely deserted, no one was seen, and Jinxiu was nowhere to be found.

After Lin Jiangnian walked around the courtyard twice, he came to the entrance of the courtyard's front hall.

At the moment, he doesn't know where he is.

When I walked to the door of the front yard, there was still no one at the door. However, when Lin Jiangnian got closer, he found that the courtyard door was locked.

can not go out!

Is this because he is locked up here?

Lin Jiangnian took two steps back and looked around. The courtyard wall was not very high. In the past, Lin Jiangnian could climb over in one leap. But now that he has no inner strength, he can't do it anymore.

Lin Jiangnian quickly realized something... The other party might have expected that he would not be able to leave here!

So, what is her purpose?

Was it because of Lin Hengzhong's unreliable favor that the other party saved him, or for some other reason?

After thinking for a long time, there was still no result.

Lin Jiangnian finally gave up.

Since I can't leave, I won't leave for now.

Turn around and follow the original path back to the courtyard room where you live. It snowed heavily in the courtyard, and I stepped on the snow step by step, leaving a line of deep and shallow footprints.

Pushing open the door, a warm breath hit my face. Before Lin Jiangnian could close the door, he suddenly noticed an additional figure in the room.

A figure in white was sitting quietly at a table not far away, looking at him indifferently.

That's a woman!

A woman with a very cold expression.

His face was like a cold autumn moon, his eyes were calm and deep, his appearance was alluring, but he also revealed a coldness as if he was indifferent to the world.

It's hard to describe, as if it was revealed from the bones, the temperature in the whole room dropped sharply.

It was obviously a snowy winter day, but the other party was only wearing thin white clothes.

As if not afraid of the cold.

It looks cold.

She sat quietly at the table, her eyebrows were as dark as dark blue, her dark and bright pupils were staring at Lin Jiangnian, and her bare hand rested lightly on the edge of the table.

There is also a sword on the table.

A glance is worth a fortune.

From the moment Lin Jiangnian entered the room, her eyes had been falling on Lin Jiangnian, as if locked on him. Calm and calm.

"Are you Jinxiu's master?"

When the other party looked at him, Lin Jiangnian was also looking at the cold-tempered woman in front of him.

Very strange, never seen before.

But the cold temperament of the other party, as well as the vague innate aura in his gestures and gestures, can all show that the other party's status is noble and distinguished.

I'm afraid it's a big deal!

The woman in white didn't speak, and still looked at him quietly. But there seemed to be a flash of strange color between his brows.

And Lin Jiangnian had already guessed... The appearance and temperament of the woman in white in front of him were almost the same as the master Jinxiu said.

What she didn't expect was that the master Jinxiu mentioned would be a woman?

"In Xia Lin Jiangnian, haven't you asked the girl for her name?"

Lin Jiangnian approached slowly, raised his hands and asked.

The woman in white lowered her eyes slightly, looking at him with surprise, but still said nothing.

Those bright eyes were cold and calm.

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised. Could this woman be mute?

"Since the girl doesn't want to say anything, I won't ask anymore..."

Lin Jiangnian walked to the table next to him and sat down as well: "Anyway, thanks to the girl for saving me this time!"

"If the girl hadn't saved me, I might not have been able to escape."

Speaking of this, Lin Jiang young sighed.

Lin Hengzhong's very unreliable favor this time almost killed him.

The woman in white looked at Lin Jiangnian with bright eyes for a long time before finally speaking.

The tone was cold, without any emotion.

"No need!"

Turns out he’s not mute?

Lin Jiangnian looked up and saw that the other party's eyes were still looking at him without blinking, very calm and calm.

Lin Jiangnian felt weird, but he didn't show it. He continued: "I have a few questions to ask the girl. I don't know if it's appropriate?"

The woman in white raised her eyes, and after a moment, she said in a cold and silent voice: "Say."

"Girl, why did you save me?" Lin Jiangnian asked tentatively.

The woman in white glanced at him: "You don't know?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Because of my father?"

She said nothing.

"So, the girl knows my father?"

The woman in white still didn't speak.

But it is equivalent to the default.

"I wonder, girl, what is your relationship with my father?"

Lin Jiangnian asked again.

I thought the woman in white would continue to remain silent, but I didn't expect her to say calmly: "It doesn't matter."

Doesn't matter?

Lin Jiangnian frowned in confusion. Doesn't it matter?

Then why does she owe Lin Hengzhong a favor?

Don't understand.

But no matter what, Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief after confirming the identity of the other party.

"No matter what the connection is between the girl and my father, the girl saved my life this time. I, Lin Jiangnian, will bear this kindness in my heart!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and spoke seriously: "I owe you my life. If you need me in the future, just ask. If you can do it, I will definitely shoulder my responsibility."

No matter what the identity of the other party was, he saved his life after all. Although Lin Jiangnian was not a good person, he would not ignore the favor of saving his life.

Furthermore, Lin Jiangnian didn't like to owe favors.

The cold eyes of the woman in white were always staring at Lin Jiangnian. I don't know if it was Lin Jiangnian's illusion, but he felt that the other person's eyes seemed to be getting more and more wrong.

Especially after hearing Lin Jiangnian's words, the woman in white was silent for a long time, her eyes slightly strange: "Do you want to repay the favor?"

Although Lin Jiangnian was confused, he still nodded: "I must repay the favor of saving my life. If the girl is of use in the future, I will do my best."

The woman in white was silent again. After a while, she looked deeply at Lin Jiangnian and said, "Remember what you said."

"What do you mean, girl?"

The woman in white didn't speak anymore, grabbed the sword on the table and walked towards the door.

Walking very gracefully.

In a blink of an eye, he left the room and disappeared.

Lin Jiangnian was left staring at her leaving back, frowning slightly.

This girl is a bit strange!

What is her origin?

And what you said just now...let him remember what he said?

What words?

Repay a favor?

What a strange woman!

Night falls.

Jinxiu, who had been missing for a whole day, appeared outside Lin Jiangnian's room at some unknown time.

Knock on the door.

"Sir, can I come in?"

The voice is crisp and polite.

"Come in."

Jinxiu, who was dressed in a plain blue brocade dress, walked into the room with the decoction and saw Lin Jiangnian sitting at the table. After putting the decoction on the table, she looked at Lin Jiangnian with a smile: "How is the master's health?"

"much better!"

"That's good."

Jinxiu chuckled lightly and blinked at the medicine on the table: "Then, does the young master still need the medicine from the slave?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows and looked at her: "Are you willing?"

"Master, do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

"Anything is fine."

Jinxiu covered her mouth and smiled softly, blinked, and said with lively eyes, "What if I don't want to do it?"

"You should tell the truth."

"This slave is telling the truth."

"Then you can tell lies."


Jinxiu smiled brightly, and her delicate face showed a beautiful smile. She gently picked up the soup on the table and winked at Lin Jiangnian: "Since the master wants me to serve him, then I can continue to serve him and drink the medicine."

"Sir, open your mouth~"


After taking the medicine, Jinxiu put away the soup bowl and did not leave in a hurry. She sat aside, holding her chin lightly with her bare hand, looking at Lin Jiangnian with interest: "Sir, have you seen my master today?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "You mean the girl in white today?"


Jinxiu chuckled and nodded: "Master, what do you think of my master?"

"What aspect are you asking about?"

"Where's the appearance?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while: "It's stunning and beautiful, rare in the world."

Although the woman in white is a little cold, she has to say that she is beautiful and has a stunning temperament. There is no fault in her movements.

Especially the temperament on his body, which is definitely not cultivated by ordinary families, it is more like being born like this.

"Young master actually thinks so highly of my master?"

Jinxiu seemed a little surprised, her eyes brightened slightly.

"Miss Jinxiu, do you think I've exaggerated?"

"That's not true."

Jinxiu chuckled and nodded in agreement: "My master is indeed the most beautiful woman in the world."

Lin Jiangnian was noncommittal.

The woman in white is indeed one of the few beautiful women in the world, but she is the most beautiful in the world...

I beg to differ.


Jinxiu's eyes rolled, as if something suddenly occurred to her, a flash of narrowing flashed across her face, and she looked at Lin Jiangnian again: "Can I ask the young master something?"

"You ask."

"Young Master, did you just say that your master is so beautiful?"



Jinxiu looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes and suddenly came closer, speaking softly with a smile.

"Sir, do you want to sleep with my master?"


It’s a new month, double monthly pass period, please give me a monthly pass~

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