Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 212 Strength improvement

Her beautiful eyebrows were smiling, her narrow eyes were dimly shining, and she leaned closer to Lin Jiangnian, speaking in a narrow tone. There was a smile, and a clear gaze with a bit of curiosity.

Like a studious student!

Lin Jiangnian's eyelids twitched, and he subconsciously wondered if he had heard wrongly. When he came to his senses and looked into Jinxiu's half-smiling eyes, he fell silent.

"What did you say?"

"Master, do you want to sleep with my master?"

"Do you have any grudge against your master?"

Jinxiu still had a smile on her face: "Why do you ask, Master?"

"You can ask such a question without any grudge?"

Jinxiu covered her mouth and smiled softly: "Master, haven't you answered my question yet?"

"Sir, do you want to or don't you want to?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

"Of course it's the truth."

"In no mood."

Jinxiu was startled and blinked: "Why?"

"You don't want to sleep, do you need a reason?"

"That's natural."

Jinxiu held her chin up and said interestingly: "My master is so beautiful and beautiful, what man in the world is not attracted to him?"

"Young master also thinks that my master is stunningly beautiful, so why don't you want to sleep?"

Jinxiu chuckled: "Could it be that Young Master is being tough?"

"That's not true."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and shook his head lightly.

"Why is that?"

Jinxiu looked increasingly curious.

"Want to hear the truth or lies?" Lin Jiangnian glanced at her again.

Anyone with a clear eye could see that there was something wrong with the Jinxiu in front of him. A maid would actually ask an outsider if he wanted to sleep with his master. This kind of maid would definitely be beaten to death if she were left outside.

Her behavior is more like... fishing!

However, this fishing technique was too clumsy. Lin Jiangnian saw through it at a glance and remained unmoved.

Jinxiu thought for a while: "Tell a lie first?"

"Your master is either rich or noble, and I can't afford him."

Young Lin Jiang sighed, his face full of regret: "How can an ordinary citizen like me dare to reach such a high place like your master? I'm not from the same world, so naturally I can't even think about it!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed, looking emotional and speaking sincerely.

Jinxiu stared at Lin Jiangnian and suddenly sneered: "It's really a lie, so false!"

If it had been anyone else, he might have been deceived by him.

But why doesn’t Jinxiu know Lin Jiangnian’s identity?

Could the grand prince be an ordinary citizen?

Although in her opinion, the status of Prince Lin was indeed inferior to that of her own princess, but to say that Gao Pan was not worthy of her was clearly telling lies.

However, Jinxiu did not expose it, but asked with a smile: "What about the truth?"

"The truth is..."

Lin Jiangnian half-squinted his eyes, shook his head, and sounded regretful.

"Your master is indeed beautiful and beautiful, but..."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head regretfully: "You look a little too cold!"

Jinxiu was puzzled: "Is there any problem?"

"With a cold temperament, there will naturally be no fun in the boudoir..."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "She is good-looking, but there is no interest in her on the bed. She is like a..."

"It looks good but it doesn't work!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke slowly with emotion, not noticing that Jinxiu looked confused at first, not quite understanding the meaning of Lin Jiangnianhua's words. When I thought about it carefully, I gradually realized something...

Immediately, the smile on her face slowly stiffened, and then gradually became a little...weird!

She stared at Lin Jiangnian for a few times before saying, "Young Master... actually has such a hobby?"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "Isn't this the right thing to do between men and women?"

Jinxiu was silent for a long time this time before a smile reappeared on her face: "I see... So you have rich experience in this field?"


"Then, the young master is not interested in my master at all?"

Jinxiu stared at Lin Jiangnian, as if wanting to hear an answer.

Lin Jiangnian half-squinted his eyes and shook his head gently: "That's not true."

"what for?"

"As long as your master is willing to change and learn... I think with your master's intelligence, he will definitely make rapid progress and achieve success in his studies..."

Jinxiu is gone!

Before leaving, his face seemed not very good.

He even looked a little angry.

Lin Jiangnian smiled, a woman really couldn't afford it.

She was obviously the one who started the topic, but she ended up getting angry.

However, it became more and more certain that the maid named Jinxiu came to test him. However, the method of testing is a little strange.

Do you want to sleep with her master?

The image of the woman in white appeared in Lin Jiangnian's mind, and he couldn't help but feel a slight chill in his heart.

it's too cold!

Not interesting.

"Princess, Prince Lin Wang is indeed not a good person!!"

"My servant tested him today. He said he was not interested in you, and he also said..."

Night falls.

inside the room.

Jinxiu looked a little sulky and was complaining to the princess.

However, when he said it, he stopped again, which was a bit difficult to say.

In the room, Li Miaomiao, who was wearing a long white dress, leaned aside and glanced at her, his eyes soft and casual.

"What else can you say?"

Jinxiu was silent for a moment, then secretly glanced at her princess: "My slave said, princess, don't be angry?"

Li Piaomiao was still careless, her deep black pupils were unruffled, as if she didn't care about anything.

"Say it."

"He said……"

Jinxiu thought for a while, then whispered: "He said that Princess, you have a cold personality, and you must be... very boring in bed."

"Also, I asked you, princess, to learn, learn... learn about bed matters..."

At the end of the day, Jinxiu became more and more unspeakable, even she was embarrassed to say the words.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel angry.

Who does he think the princess is?

No wonder Prince Lin’s reputation is so poor!

After listening to this, Li Piaomiao's expression remained indifferent and unmoved. The dark pupils looked particularly bright at night, but they were also shockingly cold.

After staring at Jinxiu for a few moments, he suddenly said, "What did you say to him?"

When asked by the princess, Jinxiu felt a little wary. She stuck out her tongue and smiled: "I just asked casually and made some insinuations..."

"He's lying to you."

"I know."

Jinxiu nodded slightly, of course she could tell.

When she was testing Lin Jiangnian, Prince Lin was also testing her. Most of what he said was nonsense, but Jinxiu still felt uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Jinxiu looked at the princess with some worry: "Princess, do you really want to... marry him then?"

Li Piaomiao's expression remained as usual: "I won't marry."


Jinxiu was a little confused. Since the princess didn't plan to marry him, why did she want to save him and...

"Just do as I tell you."

Li Piaomiao spoke calmly without explaining much.

Jinxiu has long been used to it, and the princess rarely speaks.

After staying in the room for a while, Li Miaomiao turned around and walked towards the door. After taking two steps, he stopped again: "By the way, don't reveal my identity."

Although Jinxiu was puzzled, she still nodded: "Don't worry, princess."

Li Piaomiao then opened the door and walked out of the room.

In the room, Jinxiu watched the princess leave with her beautiful eyes turning slightly.

After these two days of contact, she could see that Prince Lin was indeed as lustful as the rumors said, with evil intentions, evil intentions towards the princess and...dislike of the princess.

But on the other hand, it seems a little different.

According to rumors, Prince Lin has a violent personality, is arrogant, and is ruthless. But during the two days of contact, Jinxiu failed to discover this.

On the contrary, Prince Lin looked polite and gentle, and especially... quite good-looking.

Thinking of this, Jinxiu blinked slightly and her bright eyes became brighter.

I don’t know what I’m thinking about.

Not long after Jinxiu left, Lin Jiangnian's sleepiness gradually emerged again.

He frowned slightly, seeming to be sleepier than ever in the past two days. Although the body feels much more relaxed, it is also easy to feel sleepy. Previously, I thought it was due to severe physical wear and tear and internal energy being exhausted. But now I feel it carefully, it seems that it is not that simple.

Could it be really related to the soup and medicine sent by Jinxiu?

Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful, and sleepiness came over him. This time, Lin Jiangnian did not continue to sleep, he got up and opened the door and walked out.

The cold wind outside the hospital hit my face and invaded my body. The cold wind stimulated me, and the sleepiness that emerged subsided a lot. Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and saw a figure in white standing under the locust tree in the courtyard not far away.

The white clothes are like snow, almost blending into the white snow of heaven and earth.

In the dark night, there is snow and fallen leaves, and there is a vast expanse of white. The figure stood under the tree, forming a beautiful picture.

At the same time, the figure in white just looked up at him, their eyes met, and their bright and deep eyes seemed to have a bit of edge, staring at him quietly.

For some reason, Lin Jiangnian felt a little guilty. Perhaps because he remembered what he said to Jinxiu not long ago, he subconsciously looked at the woman in white.

It was indeed too cold.

Colder than a paper kite!

To be precise, Zhiyuan's coldness is limited to high coldness, which is the unique temperament of a maid in Linwang Palace. But after getting acquainted with it, we can find that Zhiyuan is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

But the woman in white in front of her seemed to be beyond the scope of human beings. My whole body was cold, like ice cubes, making me feel chilly.

For such a woman, Lin Jiangnian did not hate the pleasure of stuffing her balls.

Except for maybe some desire for conquest, it really can't be considered a good choice.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian shook his head in a funny way. This woman in white didn't have much interaction with him. She saved his life, but he was thinking about sleeping with her?

It's actually a bit rude.


Lin Jiangnian looked at the woman in white standing in the courtyard; "Why are you here?"

The woman in white still stared at Lin Jiangnian quietly without saying a word.

She said nothing, and Lin Jiangnian stopped talking. The cold wind stimulated him, and his sleepiness weakened a lot. Lin Jiangnian looked up at the night sky, which was dark and bright. It was covered with heavy snow and everything was silent.

When Lin Jiangnian lowered his head, there was no figure in white in the courtyard. When he was stunned, he saw the woman in white appearing under the eaves at some unknown time.

When she was thinking about what she wanted to do, she heard her take the initiative to speak.

"What are you doing in the capital?"

Lin Jiangnian turned his head and saw that she was asking questions casually, her eyes falling in the distance.

Lin Jiangnian stared at her side face for a moment, then chuckled and said, "I have long heard about the prosperity and outstanding people in Beijing, and I have admired them for a long time, so I wanted to come and see them."

The woman in white turned to look at him: "Is that just that?"

"What other purpose does the girl think I have?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

The woman in white was silent, as if she didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to answer like this. He looked away and said calmly: "How is your father?"

"Everything is fine."

"how about you?"


Lin Jiangnian raised his head in confusion, but the woman in white didn't look at him or explain.

"I'm fine...Thanks to the girl's rescue, I was able to save my life."

Lin Jiang young spoke loudly, but looked at the other person.

The woman in white didn't speak again. After staring into the night for a long time, she turned and left.

No souvenirs.

Those who appear are silent, and those who leave are silent.

Lin Jiangnian stared at her cold back, feeling that something was wrong.

But I couldn't remember it for a while.

After the heavy snowfall, the capital rarely had a sunny day. The sky became clearer and the snow melted. In the next few days, Lin Jiangnian still stayed in the hospital to recover from his injuries.

Jinxiu still delivered soup and medicine to Lin Jiangnian on time every day and fed him personally as usual. As if he had forgotten what happened before, Lin Jiangnian always smiled when he saw him again.

However, after that night of testing, Jinxiu did not continue to embarrass Lin Jiangnian, nor did she ask Lin Jiangnian if he still wanted to sleep with her master.

After going back and forth like this, the two gradually became quite familiar with each other. Every time Jinxiu finished feeding Lin Jiangnian the decoction, she was not in a hurry to leave. She would always chat with Lin Jiangnian for a while.

Lin Jiangnian happened to be bored, and he was willing to chat with her. From time to time, he would make insinuations and inquire about things outside. In the past few days after he woke up, although he was in the capital, he was completely unaware of the situation outside.

The days of coma and these days have also passed for a while, and I don't know how other people are doing. Lin Jiangnian also tried to leave here, but was blocked by the high-walled courtyard. As for the front yard door, it was locked.

Instead, he seemed to be under house arrest here.

"How long will your master keep me imprisoned here?"

After drinking the decoction again, Lin Jiangnian stopped Jinxiu and finally asked about it.

Jinxiu blinked: "Why did the young master say this? When did my master imprison the young master?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Since I'm not imprisoned, why don't you let me go?"

Jinxiu smiled sweetly: "Master, you haven't recovered yet, so are you in a hurry to leave?"

Lin Jiangnian's recovery from his injuries has been rapid these days. In addition to his excellent physical fitness, it has more to do with the decoction Jinxiu delivers every day.

Every time I drink the decoction, I feel drowsy, but when I wake up, my whole body feels relaxed, and my injuries are clearly healed.

At present, Lin Jiangnian has recovered more than half of his injuries, but his body is still empty, and all his previous internal strength is gone.

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "If you don't leave, I'm afraid you will plot to kill me."

There was a relaxed smile in Jinxiu's eyes, "Young master is joking. If my master wants to harm you, how can he save you?"

"Who knows?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her: "What if your master has some plot against me?"

"Young master, you can rest assured. My master is upright and aboveboard and disdains to do such disgraceful things."

At this point, Jinxiu paused and shook her head slightly: "Young Master, you can rest assured that my master will not drug His Highness."

Lin Jiangnian didn't say anything. He naturally understood, otherwise he wouldn't have taken the medicine honestly every day. The medicine Jinxiu sent was indeed very beneficial and harmless to him.

However, the more this happened, the more Lin Jiangnian felt that the purpose of the woman in white was not simple.

Being courteous for nothing?

Lin Jiangnian looked at Jinxiu and said nothing.

Jinxiu blinked: "Young master, what else do you want to ask?"

"When can I leave here?"

Jinxiu thought for a while: "If you want to leave, Master, you can leave now. But..."

"I suggest you, sir, wait a few more days."


Jinxiu pointed to the medicinal soup bowl in her hand and smiled sweetly at Lin Jiangnian: "Young Master hasn't finished drinking the medicine yet!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Jinxiu's harmless and sweet smile, and then looked at the medicinal soup bowl in her hand: "Why do you want me to finish the medicine?"

"Master, don't you want your injury to recover as soon as possible?"

Jinxiu chuckled and said, "Young Master will know in a few days."


Lin Jiangnian finally stayed.

Now he is in the capital, with no foundation, and his injuries have not yet healed. It is really not suitable to leave. On the other hand, he also wanted to know what the master of Jinxiu was doing.

A few days later, Lin Jiangnian was fed the soup in Jinxiu for the last time.

"Okay, my mission is now complete!"

Jinxiu raised her eyebrows with a smile on her face: "How do you feel, Master?"

"Okay, that's almost it!"


"what else?"

"Master, aren't you curious as to why the master's inner strength is gone?" Jinxiu chuckled.


Jinxiu sighed softly: "When the master came back from rescuing the young master, the young master was seriously injured and was poisoned... Although his life was saved, his vitality was severely damaged and it was difficult to gather his internal strength."

Speaking of this, Jinxiu's eyes were filled with a smile: "Master, don't you feel that your body is any different now than before?"

After being reminded by Jinxiu, Lin Jiangnian felt carefully and realized that his body had almost recovered and there were no other abnormalities. Although there is no internal strength, his physical fitness seems to be a bit stronger than before, and there is no feeling of weakness in his body after losing his internal strength.

This is indeed a bit unexpected!

Logically speaking, once the internal energy is exhausted, serious damage to the vitality is inevitable.

Lin Jiangnian realized something: "Is it related to the decoction I drank?"

"That's right!"

Jinxiu said with a smile: "The medicine the young master drank can not only speed up the recovery of the young master's physical injuries, but also enhance the young master's internal strength. It is comparable to the results of long-term hard training."

Lin Jiangnian frowned: "Then why can't I feel the existence of internal force in my body?"

"that is because……"

Jinxiu blinked at Lin Jiangnian, suddenly approached Lin Jiangnian, put her hand on Lin Jiangnian's chest, and slowly moved down.

Lin Jiangnian frowned, and when he was wondering what she was going to do, he suddenly realized that Jinxiu's hand had reached under him...

Jinxiu gave him a playful smile and pointed at Lin Jiangnian's lower abdomen.

A tingling sensation emerges!

Heartbreaking pain came.

The next second, a majestic breath rushed out along the Dantian acupuncture point, like a reservoir that had been accumulated for a long time. In an instant, the dam collapsed, and the majestic internal force gushed out from the Dantian, filling every part of the body.

At this moment, a familiar feeling emerged!

The Xuanyang Mental Technique, which had been silent for many days, started to move automatically with the majestic internal force. Qi and blood surged, and internal force poured into Lin Jiangnian's dantian continuously. Lin Jiangnian's whole body aura gradually increased.

When he left Linjiang City and entered Beijing in the past, Lin Jiangnian was only strong enough to reach the ninth level, and he was just touching the threshold of martial arts.

During the half-year journey north, Lin Jiangnian did not fall behind in martial arts. He studied hard and practiced hard all the way, and his strength finally reached the threshold of the seventh level.

In terms of actual combat experience and martial arts, Lin Jiangnian did not fall behind in the face of seventh-level masters.

But right now, the majestic internal force that is constantly rolling around in his body has exceeded Lin Jiangnian's expectations. Whether it was an illusion or not, Lin Jiangnian vaguely felt that he had now reached the sixth level.

Even, maybe you have vaguely touched the threshold of fifth grade? !

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian looked up in disbelief, only to see Jinxiu still smiling. Those bright eyes were shining, seemingly gentle and sweet.

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