Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 213 Hot Discussion in Beijing

In the quiet room, Lin Jiangnian sat cross-legged on the ground, using his energy to digest the majestic internal energy in his body. As Xuanyang's mental method circulated, the aura in his body became stronger and stronger.

The Xuanyang Heart Technique is the most powerful and yang heart technique in the world. Every time he practices this technique, Lin Jiangnian's energy and blood are so strong that it is difficult to calm down for a long time. Now, as the strong internal energy continues to pour into all parts of his body, his whole body is full of energy. The upper and lower breaths become stronger and stronger.

In the whole room, as Lin Jiangnian's breath became stronger and stronger, the temperature seemed to be getting higher and higher.

Jinxiu sat aside and looked at Lin Jiangnian interestingly.

Lin Jiangnian, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, was focused on nothing else. His fair and handsome face was slightly flushed, as if the temperature was not low.

A white robe is fluttering slightly, and the breath is flowing out.

Lin Jiangnian's appearance is not ordinary, with sharp edges and corners, handsome appearance, and a bit of elegance of a scholar, mixed with the chic temperament of a lot of knights and knights, making his appearance with red lips and white teeth much more than that of a scholar. A bit masculine, but a bit less vulgar and indecent than the rough knights of the world.

Jinxiu Su put her hands on the table, supported her delicate chin, and stared at Lin Jiangnian with blinking eyes without saying a word. The smart and slightly smiling eyes were slightly bright, as if admiring something beautiful.

Two hours later, Lin Jiangnian slowly finished his work and opened his eyes.

The majestic internal force pouring into his body has been completely digested by him and integrated into his body. At this moment, Lin Jiangnian was full of strength, and the strength between his fists and feet was different from before.

Looking down at the palm of his hand, his face was still a bit shocked and unreal.

Right now, he was even confident that if he had another fight with Yue Pingsheng, even if he still couldn't win, he would definitely not be without the power to fight back.

There is even a chance of winning in a head-to-head confrontation!

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian was somewhat excited, but he was more confused. Looking up, he saw Jinxiu sitting at the table not far away, still smiling, looking at him with a half-smile.

"How's it going?"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian succeeding, Jinxiu chuckled and spoke.

He has a sweet smile and is harmless to humans and animals.

Lin Jiangnian approached, sat down next to her, and asked, "What's going on?"

"What aspect are you asking about?"

"Why did my strength improve so quickly?" Lin Jiangnian asked confused.

"Didn't I already tell you?"

Jinxiu raised her eyebrows, half-smiling: "That medicinal soup can not only cure your injuries, but also temper your body. The raw materials include several rare herbs that are hundreds of years old, which can enhance internal strength and achieve twice the result with half the effort!"

"After taking the decoction on time these past few days, do you feel tired and drowsy?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded. These days, he had indeed started to fall asleep uncontrollably after drinking medicine. He had long guessed that it might be related to the medicine sent by Jinxiu.

"Drowsiness is a sequelae. After your body's original internal energy is sealed, the effect of the medicine is absorbed by your body. If your body cannot bear it, you will easily feel tired..."

Having said this, Jinxiu looked Lin Jiangnian up and down and blinked: "How do you feel now?"

"How far has your martial arts reached?"

Lin Jiangnian felt it carefully and was not sure: "Sixth grade?"

He vaguely felt that he could touch the fifth-grade realm, but it seemed to be a little short of it.

"Sixth grade!"

Jinxiu nodded thoughtfully and blinked: "Is it just one step away from becoming a real master?"

The level of martial arts in the world is divided into five levels. The fifth level is the watershed. Only when you enter the fifth level of the phaseless realm can you truly enter the ranks of masters. Such a master can be considered a somewhat famous person in the world.

At the moment, Lin Jiangnian is still some distance away.

"However, it should be more than one step."

Jinxiu changed her tone and shook her head slightly: "Although your internal strength has approached the fifth level, your own strength has not improved much. If you want to be truly stable, you have to rely on your own efforts."

Lin Jiangnian naturally knew this.

The competition in the first level of martial arts is never about internal strength. In addition to internal strength, a series of factors such as martial arts skills, learned moves, experience against enemies, etc. are all indispensable.

Lin Jiangnian's own martial arts experience has not yet reached this stage. If you meet a true fifth-grade master, you will naturally be much weaker.

But Lin Jiangnian said nothing, staring at the beautiful scenery in front of him without saying a word.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

Jinxiu blinked, her eyes innocent, but there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Why do you do this?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

"What?" Jinxiu still blinked innocently, didn't you understand?

"Why do you want to help me?"

Lin Jiangnian stared into her eyes. Although she did not say it directly, there were very few rare herbs in the world that could enhance internal strength, especially since spiritual medicines that had been around for hundreds of years were almost extinct.

Even in Ruyi Building, it is difficult to find such medicinal herbs!

Each plant is considered priceless, and there is no market for it. But the other party fed him such rare medicinal herbs for free, which had to make Lin Jiangnian suspicious... What was her purpose?

Jinxiu smiled half-heartedly: "Why can't I understand what the master said?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and did not follow her around: "You really don't know what I want to ask?"

Jinxiu still blinked, as if she still wanted to pretend to be innocent. It could be seen that Lin Jiangnian stared at her calmly, without any disturbance. Seeing that she couldn't avoid it, Jinxiu sighed with regret: "Okay, this is what my master ordered."

"What is your master's purpose?"

"I don't know that."

"You really don't know?"

Jinxiu thought for a while, her smart eyes moved, and her brows smiled: "Maybe my master is attracted to you and wants to marry you?"

Lin Jiangnian said nothing.

There is no free lunch in the world. The woman in white is willing to feed such priceless rare herbs to Lin Jiangnian to help him practice and improve his internal strength. The purpose is definitely not simple.

Although it is not ruled out that the other party is greedy for his body, the possibility is not high!

The other party's purpose is elusive.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's serious look, Jinxiu chuckled again: "Young master, don't worry, my master will not embarrass you."

"As for helping the young master to practice, it's just a matter of convenience. I don't know for sure..."

Jinxiu smiled half-heartedly: "What will my master need help from in the future?"

Lin Jiangnian stared at her face and couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, and it didn't look like she was lying.

But Lin Jiangnian didn't fully believe it.

By doing it casually, you can take out such priceless medicinal herbs... Putting aside whether it is reasonable or not, the woman in white is definitely an out-and-out prodigal.

But before Lin Jiangnian could ask any more questions, Jinxiu had already slowly stood up, stretched out, revealing the girl's beautiful figure, and then glanced at Lin Jiangnian: "Young Master is now in good health, and his martial arts has improved further. If If you want to leave, you can leave on your own, we can no longer stop you here."

At this point, Jinxiu raised her eyebrows: "However, if the master wants to stay with me for a while, you are naturally welcome!"

Looking at Jinxiu's smart eyes, Lin Jiangnian did not answer.

However, he was not in a hurry to leave.

After recovering from his injury, Lin Jiangnian stayed here for another two days.

While consolidating his own strength, it still takes some time for him to fully master the internal power in his body and integrate it. On the other side, Lin Jiangnian had to investigate the situation in the capital.

Having been injured before, Lin Jiangnian was not in a hurry to take action. Now that the injury has healed, he must first understand the current situation in the capital and find the whereabouts of Zhiyuan and the others before making the next step. Although when we arrived in the capital, there would be no more crazy and ferocious assassinations like before, but it was definitely no safer under the imperial city than on the way to the capital.

Over the years, Lin Hengzhong has held a high position and has offended many powerful people. Especially in this capital, there are countless enemies. Lin Jiangnian, who had just arrived in the capital, would naturally not act recklessly.

In the past two days, Jinxiu would still visit Lin Jiangnian from time to time, chat with him, and ask about things in the world from time to time.

It can be seen that Jinxiu has probably not traveled far for many years and is very interested in the outside world.

However, even though the two became familiar with each other and talked a lot, Jinxiu never disclosed any identity information about herself. At the same time, she almost never asked about Lin Jiangnian's identity.

The same is true for Lin Jiangnian, who maintains a certain tacit understanding with the other party!

In addition, the woman in white would often appear during this period. However, she would only stay for a while at a time, spending most of her time in silence and rarely communicating with Lin Jiangnian.

Even if there is, it is only a few words.

The woman in white feels more like an ice sculpture without much emotion.

That night, when Lin Jiangnian returned to his room after dinner, the woman in white came again.

The snow outside the courtyard has melted a lot, and the ice sculptures on the eaves have melted and fallen in the courtyard. On the roof, a woman in white is sitting on the eaves.

"did you eat?"

Lin Jiangnian greeted politely.

The woman in white on the eaves just glanced at him coldly and said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian, who was planning to go back to his room, paused, turned and walked out of the yard, tiptoed along the yard, jumped up, and landed on the roof.

Nowadays, it is much easier for Lin Jiangnian to fly over eaves and walls. He walked to the woman in white. When he got closer, he saw the woman in white looking up at him. In the middle of the night, her deep eyes were as bright as stars, but she seemed to have no trace of them. angry.

It's hard to describe.

Such a beautiful woman looks like an ice sculpture.

Lin Jiangnian sighed and sat down next to her.

The woman in white remained expressionless, but she inadvertently moved to the side.

Put some distance between them.

Lin Jiangnian didn't pay attention and sat side by side with her, looking at the scenery not far away. Not far away, you can vaguely see the bustling downtown area, dotted with stars. Not far away, there is the majestic and majestic Imperial City. Looking from a distance, it makes people feel a little scared.

There is the central hub of the Daning Dynasty!

How many places under the sun have scholars dreamed of in their lives?

After Lin Jiangnian glanced at it for a few times, he turned to look at the woman in white next to him: "I haven't had time to say thank you to you...Thank you for the medicinal herbs. I'm almost recovered."

The woman in white looked forward and didn't respond, as if she didn't hear. A strand of black hair hangs down, covering the fair side of her face, and a trace of her snow-white neck is vaguely visible.

Lin Jiangnian stared at her for a while, but in the end he didn't ask.

Is it really not cold for her to wear such thin clothes?

It's winter now, and after the heavy snow melts, the air seems to be much colder.

But she always wears a thin long skirt, which seems to be not thin, but in this winter season, most people have already wrapped themselves in thick winter clothes, but she is still wearing this thin dress... Is she really not afraid of the cold?

As if aware of the gazes from the side, the woman in white slowly turned back and looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

There was no panic, not even the slightest bit of panic when being stared at by the opposite sex, and not even the slightest bit of discomfort. With calm and calm eyes, it was as if Lin Jiangnian in front of him didn't matter.

It seems that for her, there is nothing worth caring about in this world!

Such a woman is really strange!

Lin Jiangnian sighed in his heart, and then said: "I have to go!"

"Thank you very much for your hospitality during this time, girl. Now that I have recovered from my injuries, it's time to leave... This period of time has caused a lot of trouble for the girl. If you need it in the future, just ask the girl as soon as possible... If I can do it, I will definitely Do your best.”

Lin Jiangnian came to say goodbye to her.

Although the woman in white in front of him was a bit cold and not very communicative, she still saved his life and spent such rare herbs to help Lin Jiangnian improve his strength. This kindness was not insignificant.

But on the other hand, Lin Jiangnian increasingly felt that things were not that simple...

The woman in white didn't speak, she just stared at Lin Jiangnian, and after a while, she hummed softly.

Then without saying anything else, he stood up and left.

The figure disappeared into the night.

Lin Jiangnian watched this scene quietly, strange woman!

The next day, Lin Jiangnian packed his things and prepared to leave.

Of course, there is nothing to pack. He was alone when he came and he was still alone when he left.

Jinxiu watched Lin Jiangnian arrive at the gate of the courtyard, seeming a little reluctant to leave, and sighed: "Do you really want to leave, Master?"

Lin Jiang young smiled: "Could it be that you can't bear to leave me?"

"It's really a bit reluctant to give up."

Jinxiu sighed and said with a half-smile, "It's rare to see such a handsome young man as the young master. It's always nice to look at him. Now that the young master is gone, I'm afraid I'll have to guard the empty room alone again."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "If Miss Jinxiu can't let me go, why don't you come with me?"

"Go together?"


Lin Jiangnian nodded: "I happen to be short of a maid... Miss Jinxiu, why don't you think about it?"

Jinxiu was stunned for a moment, then blinked, and then waved her hand: "Then, let's forget it!"

"My master heard it and had to break my legs..."

Jinxiu looked pitiful and scared.

Lin Jiangnian naturally didn't believe it. A maid who dared to ask others if she wanted to sleep with her master behind her back didn't look like someone who would be afraid of her master.

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't expose it and sighed regretfully: "Since Miss Jinxiu doesn't want it, I won't force it. It's getting late, so I'll leave first. See you again when we have the chance!"

He waved his hand towards Jinxiu and turned to leave.

Jinxiu stood at the door, watching Lin Jiangnian leave. She didn't look back until Lin Jiangnian's figure completely disappeared from sight.

"Princess, he's gone!"

Jinxiu turned around and saw a woman in white appearing in the yard behind her.


Li Piaomiao nodded calmly.

"Princess, after he leaves this time, he should take action soon. If nothing else, he should go to Jiang's house."

Jinxiu was a little worried: "Princess, when do you plan to go..."

"hold on."

The woman in white shook her head slightly and glanced at her again: "How is the thing I asked you to do?"

When business was brought up, the smile on Jinxiu's face gradually faded, and anxiety appeared in her eyes: "Princess, I have contacted the famous doctors in the world according to your instructions, but they have never heard of His Highness the Crown Prince's situation and cannot guarantee..."

The woman in white was silent and didn't speak.

Jinxiu asked cautiously: "How is His Highness doing now?"

The woman in white glanced at her and said calmly: "Not good!"

These three simple words made Jinxiu's heart sink slightly.

Some time ago, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince suddenly vomited blood and fell ill. After examination by the palace doctor, he could not find any problem. However, His Highness the Crown Prince's health has deteriorated day by day, and he has become increasingly thinner. The current situation in the palace is not good. Under this precarious situation, if something goes wrong with His Royal Highness, the consequences will be disastrous.

More importantly, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess are siblings, and their relationship has been very good since childhood. Now that something happened to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Her Royal Highness the Princess naturally cannot sit idly by and ignore it.

After a while, the woman in white raised her eyes and said expressionlessly: "Send my order to summon them into the palace."



Beijing, a prosperous place.

After the heavy snowfall, the enthusiasm of the people in the city cannot be concealed. The snow has not yet melted, every household in the city has reopened its doors, and people are coming and going on the streets. Figures from three religions and nine streams from the north, south, and south of the world gathered here one after another.

At this moment, inside a teahouse in Beijing.

The cold wind whistled outside the window, but the teahouse was warm and lively.

Some leisure people sit in twos and threes in the teahouse chatting, ordering a pot of hot tea, and the smoke fills the air. Just inside the teahouse, in the corner of the hall on the first floor, sat a blind storyteller.

He was about forty or fifty years old, with a thin figure. He was sitting in the corner, holding a blackboard in his hand and talking about something with excitement.

All around were a group of tea drinkers who were listening with gusto.

"As mentioned last time, Prince Lin from Linzhou was assassinated in a small town outside our capital shortly after he entered Zhongzhou..."

"The blood flowed like a river that night, and the scene was horrific. The sound of fighting resounded through the middle of the night. The densely packed corpses could not be buried. The smell of blood did not completely dissipate for four or five days. The scene was so heroic and miserable that it is indescribable..."

The storyteller was beaming and frothing at the mouth as he recounted what happened that night. The tea-drinking guests around him listened with gusto and paid full attention.

"I know this. I was in the city at the time. I screamed and fought for most of the night, but I didn't dare to come near. I heard that many people died..."

"Isn't it? I heard that the master who assassinated Prince Lin this time was not an easy person. There was a descendant of the Duan family, Yue Pingsheng, a well-known mandarin duck in the world... In addition, I heard that there were even more powerful masters. body."

"Tsk, tsk, who did Prince Lin offend so that he could be assassinated by so many people?"

"Who knows? But I guess it's probably related to the above..."

"Hush, I don't want to say that!"


The people around were talking a lot and it was very lively. When this matter reached the capital, it caused an uproar in the capital.

Prince Lin was about to enter the capital, but he was assassinated like this. It was obvious that someone did not want him to enter the capital alive. But Prince Lin is, after all, the only son of Prince Lin in Linzhou. This move is undoubtedly a provocation to Prince Lin. Now that the power of King Lin in Linzhou is growing day by day, no one knows what impact this matter will have.

Some people are worried and others are worried, but it doesn't stop everyone from talking about it after dinner!

"Do you think this King Lin will rebel?"

"Does this need to be said? Lin Hengzhong is such a precious son, and when he encounters such an assassination, doesn't he want to annihilate his descendants? Isn't this counter-intuitive?"

"I don't think so. No matter how courageous Lin Hengzhong is, he is still just a vassal king. If he dares to rebel, he will be against the people of the world. Isn't he afraid of becoming the target of public criticism?"

"You have no children, why do you care so much? If it were me, if anyone dares to kill my son, I will kill his whole family for eighteen generations!"

"Don't you find it strange? Could it be that someone deliberately provoked a conflict between Lin Hengzhong and the court?"

"Yes, I heard that the master of martial arts who assassinated Prince Lin was closely related to Prince Xu from the north... If I remember correctly, the two princes of the Northern and Southern Dynasty of our Daning Dynasty have always been at odds with each other?"


There was a lot of discussion in the teahouse and it was so lively that even the storyteller's voice was almost muffled.

While everyone was discussing heatedly, in a corner of the teahouse, a young man sat there calmly by the window, quietly listening to the discussions in the teahouse, his eyes falling on the city outside the window, neither cold nor indifferent.

"Hey man, can I sit here?"

At this moment, an enthusiastic voice came from the side.

Lin Jiangnian turned his head and saw a young man of similar age looking at him with a smile on his face.

The surrounding teahouses were already full, leaving Lin Jiangnian alone at the table. The other party's purpose is obviously to come and have a table.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at this man. He was a few years older than him. He had good looks and a mature temperament. He had a bit of a heroic spirit and was dressed simply but not plainly. Between his brows, there was a bit of clarity and righteousness.


Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly.

"Thank you brother!"

The other party looked happy and clasped his fists at Lin Jiangnian, "I'm Xu Zhongshan, don't you know your brother's name?"

Lin Jiang young laughed: "Lin Kong."

"It turns out to be Brother Lin Kong!"

Xu Zhongshan smiled and nodded. After sitting down, he asked the waiter for a pot of tea and listened with interest to the discussions of the storyteller downstairs and the people around him.

Lin Jiangnian looked at the person in front of him for a few times. He didn't see anything in him, and then turned his eyes to the window again.

As if waiting for something.

Xu Zhongshan, who had been listening to the storyteller downstairs, suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Jiangnian: "Brother Lin Kong, who do you think will be the person who assassinated Prince Lin Wang?"


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