Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 214 The Jiang Family in Capital City

"Not sure."

Lin Jiangqing shook his head lightly and saw that Xu Zhongshan seemed to be interested in this matter: "Brother Xu, what do you think?"

"Actually, I don't know either."

Xu Zhongshan sighed lightly, feeling a little regretful: "The forces in the capital are complex, and Prince Lin in Linzhou has offended too many people. Now that Prince Lin is about to enter the capital, I don't know how many people hate him secretly. I can’t wait to get rid of it soon…”

"No one can tell who did it this time."

Xu Zhongshan's tone was regretful, and his expression was vaguely complicated.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him again: "Brother Xu seems to be very interested in Prince Lin?"

Xu Zhongshan was startled for a moment, then laughed twice: "No, Prince Lin is famous. Who doesn't want to see him?"

"It's not just me. Who in the capital is not interested in Prince Lin? Ever since the news of the assassination outside the city came, most of the city is now discussing the matter. Prince Lin has not yet arrived. All over the capital."

Lin Jiangnian glanced inside the teahouse. Sure enough, the teahouse was full, and most of the people were talking about Prince Lin.

It is indeed famous all over the capital!

Xu Zhongshan looked at Lin Jiangnian in confusion: "Looking at Brother Lin Kong's reaction, it seems that he is not very interested in Prince Lin Wang?"

Lin Jiang young sighed: "So be it."

What interest could he have in himself?

Xu Zhongshan looked at Lin Jiangnian and seemed to think of something: "Brother Lin Kong, aren't you a native of Beijing?"

"Can you see this?" Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes.

He had known that people in the capital were very discerning, so he had specially disguised himself to hide his aura, but he didn't expect that he would still be seen?

Xu Zhongshan smiled and said: "I have been in Beijing for many years and have met many people from north to south, so I can tell a lot about it. Judging from Brother Lin Kong's tone and demeanor, he should have only been in Beijing not long ago. ?”

"So be it."

Lin Jiangnian nodded lightly and did not explain much.

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian seemed to be losing interest, Xu Zhongshan did not continue to ask, and chatted with Lin Jiangnian casually.

After this, the two became very familiar with each other.

"I don't know if Prince Lin is still alive!"

Xu Zhongshan listened to the discussion in the teahouse and sighed softly: "If he dies, our Daning Dynasty may not be able to live in peace."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Xu Zhongshan and saw that his expression was slightly solemn and his brows were furrowed.

"Brother Xu is still worried about the country and the people?"

Xu Zhongshan sighed: "After all, as a citizen of Daning, I don't want the world to be in chaos. If the world is in chaos, the ordinary people will suffer after all..."

Lin Jiangnian took a high look at the person in front of him. Judging from the conversation between the two, Xu Zhongshan was a man with a bold personality, informal and kind-hearted.

If he had no other intentions...

At this time, under the teahouse, the storyteller was talking about the whereabouts of Prince Lin Wang after the night of assassination outside the city, and his whereabouts were unknown. Speculations abounded in the capital, and some said Prince Lin had died under the sword of a mysterious master. Some people also say that Prince Lin is not dead, but is hiding in the dark to recuperate from his injuries, and will return to take revenge after he recovers from his injuries.

Let’s have a scene where the master comes down from the mountain and the dragon king returns!

In the noisy teahouse, the blind storyteller was talking enthusiastically.

"Back then, His Majesty gave the eldest princess to marry Prince Lin, Prince Lin. Now, Prince Lin is about to enter the capital, but he is assassinated, and his life and death are unknown. I don't know whether there are people who hate him deeply, or there are people who are jealous of Prince Lin, for fear of him. Threatened to come to Beijing, and in panic decided to strike first..."

As soon as these remarks came out, some people questioned: "Are we afraid of him? Why should we in the capital be afraid of Prince Lin?"

The blind storyteller smiled slightly and said with understanding: "As we all know, Prince Lin of Linzhou made countless enemies in the capital. He frightened the courage of many people back then. No one knows the purpose of Prince Lin's visit to the capital this time. , is there any instruction from King Lin behind him..."

"Because of this, Prince Lin's visit to the capital may have caused them uneasiness, so they chose to kill him and silence him."

As soon as this statement came out, it caused many people to refute.

"Afraid of Prince Lin? How is this possible? Didn't I hear that Prince Lin is a loser?"

"What can a dandy prince with no knowledge or skills do?"

"I heard that Prince Lin almost died at the hands of a brothel girl... Even a brothel girl almost killed him, how can he be such a powerful person?"


There were endless discussions and sarcasm around him. The image of Prince Lin in the capital was already very poor, and most of them were sarcastic just to watch the excitement. They sneered at the reason for fearing Prince Lin.

If King Lin comes, he might still be a little wary. What kind of trouble can a Prince Lin, who can't achieve much success, make in the capital?

Still want to marry the eldest princess?

Bah, let's go and have his spring and autumn dreams!


"I think Prince Lin is so frightened by our masters in the capital that he might as well escape back to Linzhou and become a coward!"

In the teahouse, a sneer and contemptuous voice suddenly came.

A young man in brocade clothes walked up to the blind storyteller, sneered, and looked at him condescendingly: "You are the one talking nonsense here?"

He looked childish, but his voice was somewhat provocative and cold.

The young man in brocade clothes was about sixteen or seventeen years old, but his whole body revealed an air of dandy and arrogance. Although he is not very old, his behavior is extremely mature.

The surroundings gradually became quiet, and everyone looked at the young man in brocade clothes. Judging from the clothes and temperament of the other party, he is either rich or noble.

At this time, the blind storyteller didn't know why and said: "Why did this young master say this?"

"Does this need to be said?"

The young man in golden clothes narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered: "What kind of waste is he, Lin Jiangnian, why do we in the capital still need to be afraid of him? Are you saying that you don't take us seriously? A dandy prince in a barbaric land, what a waste." What is this?!"

Although the blind storyteller couldn't see it, he could still hear the contempt in the other party's tone. After thinking about it, he still said: "The Prince Lin is indeed said to be uneducated and incompetent, but this may not necessarily be true. He may not be sure... "

The storyteller wanted to say something more, but the boy in brocade kicked him over the table in front of him. The storyteller was caught off guard and stumbled to the ground, with a panic look on his face: "Master, you, why are you doing this?"

"You storyteller is full of nonsense. Could it be that Prince Lin Wang invited you here?"

The young man in brocade clothes was condescending and sneered: "If Lin Jiangnian was really capable, how could he die outside the city without even touching the gate of our capital?"

At this point, the young man in brocade clothes was arrogant and domineering, with a threatening tone: "Next time, if I hear you bragging about that good-for-nothing Lin Jiangnian, I will break your legs!"

After saying that, the young man in brocade clothes turned around and left proudly.

Everyone around looked at this scene quietly, no one said anything, and no one came forward to help.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that although the young man in brocade clothes is young, he is either rich or noble in terms of his clothes and temperament, and his status is probably quite high. In addition, the young man in brocade clothes was surrounded by several guards who were eyeing him eagerly, and no one dared to come forward. When you go out, you don't want to cause trouble.

The teahouse was quiet for a brief moment and then became lively again. However, this time the discussion was much quieter.

On the third floor of the teahouse, Lin Jiangnian watched this scene quietly.

After the young man in brocade clothes opened the storyteller's stall, he left proudly and returned to a pavilion in the teahouse. In the elegant pavilion, several similarly well-dressed dandies could be vaguely seen, surrounding a young man in brocade and green robes, looking playfully at the goings-on in the teahouse. The young man had a good temperament, and his brows had a look of contempt and disdain that was more obvious than that of the young man in brocade clothes.

When the young man in brocade clothes walked into the Accord, his original arrogant and domineering attitude disappeared in front of the young man in green robes.

Lin Jiangnian watched this scene quietly, with profound meaning.

"These people are getting more and more excessive!"

Xu Zhongshan's angry voice came to his ears.

Lin Jiangnian turned his head and saw Xu Zhongshan with a sullen face, his face full of indignation, staring at the elegant room not far away, furious.

"Brother Xu knows them?"

Lin Jiangnian asked casually.

Xu Zhongshan glanced at Lin Jiangnian, and then he suddenly felt out of control. He took a deep breath and sighed: "Brother Lin Kong doesn't know something. These people are working in collusion in the capital. What they have done in the capital in recent years is no better than that." How good is Prince Lin!"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

What's he doing when he has nothing to do?

"You mean, these people are not good people?"

“What kind of good person can he be when he destroys people’s stalls in public and humiliates and threatens people in public?”

"These people are just relying on the family power behind them to do evil in the capital and oppress the people."

Xu Zhongshan sneered, glanced at the young man in brocade clothes, and said, "His name is Jiang Shao'an. He is from the Jiang family in Beijing. Although he is not very old, he has never done anything good..."

"The other ones are all descendants of prestigious families in the capital... They gather together, they are just cliques, and there are those..."

Xu Zhongshan spoke indignantly, as he knew these dandies in the capital very well, but when his eyes fell on the green-robed man in the attic, his pupils shrank slightly, and he retracted his words mid-sentence.

Then he shook his head and sighed, "They are used to being arrogant in the capital. If Brother Lin Kong encounters him in the future, be careful not to offend him."

Lin Jiangnian laughed: "Thank you, Brother Xu, for reminding me."

"Oh, it's getting late, I should go!"

As the tea cooled on the table, Xu Zhongshan looked at the sky and saw that it was getting late. He stood up and said goodbye to Lin Jiangnian: "It's a blessing to meet Brother Lin Kong today. If I have time the next day, I must treat Brother Lin Kong to a nice drink." ."

After Xu Zhongshan left, Lin Jiangnian continued to sit at the table by the window, looking at the street scene outside the window, and saw Xu Zhongshan's figure appearing on the street, gradually fading away.

It wasn't until a few moments later that Lin Jiangnian got up and went downstairs.

After leaving the teahouse, he walked through the busy streets and came to the door of an ordinary house. The door of the house was slightly ajar. Lin Jiangnian pushed the door open and walked in. The courtyard was deserted. Until I came to a room along the eaves, I pushed the door and walked in. In the room, a figure knelt on one knee and bowed his head respectfully: "Your Highness!"

The voice was slightly excited, as he had been waiting for a long time.

"Get up."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him and spoke calmly.

When leaving Jinxiu, Lin Jiangnian had already revealed his whereabouts. After receiving the information, Lin Kong immediately came to meet His Highness. Since the assassination outside the capital not long ago, His Highness's whereabouts are unknown. They have been looking for His Highness, but to no avail.

Now, His Highness finally appears!

Lin Kong also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tell me what happened during my absence."

Lin Jiangnian looked at Lin Kong and asked about the current situation.

Lin Kong lowered his head and began to tell Lin Jiangnian what happened during this period.

"Your Highness, since that night at the inn, you asked your subordinates and others to evacuate, and your subordinates rushed to the capital to seek help for rescue... But by the time we arrived at the small town, Your Highness, your whereabouts were unknown..."

That day, Lin Jiangnian sent everyone away and faced Mr. Shen alone. Everyone knows that there is a narrow escape from death. But they did not dare to disobey His Highness's order, so they had to leave and go to ask for help.

When they arrived at the small town again, the inn was already empty.

"Originally Miss Zhiyuan planned to mobilize the forces in Beijing to search for your whereabouts, Your Highness, but at this time, a mysterious person came and sent a letter, saying that Your Highness is not in danger..."

Lin Jiangnian could guess that this mysterious man was closely related to the woman in white who rescued him.

Zhiyuan and the others arrived in the capital early to settle down, but there was not much movement in the capital. However, due to the assassination outside the city and the news that Lin Jiangnian's whereabouts were unknown, it still caused quite a stir.

While Lin Kong and the others secretly continued to search for His Highness's whereabouts, they were also investigating the real culprit behind the assassination of Lin Jiangnian.

"My subordinates have investigated the life of Duan Tian Deyue and others. They are all Jianghu people, and the forces behind them are also complex. It is not easy to find out..."

"The Duan family behind Duan Tiande is inseparable from the Northern King in the north. As for Yue Pingsheng, he seems to be involved with the forces in the capital. After Gu Chaosheng died, Sikong Li confessed many things under torture. …”

"However, he was only entrusted by others, and it is not clear who the real mastermind behind him is."

"After Your Highness disappeared that night, Mr. Shen also disappeared. There was only a pool of blood left on the spot. It seemed that someone else had been here..."

Lin Kong reported one by one.

Lin Jiangnian's face was expressionless.

There were many people who assassinated him that night, and the forces behind them didn't show up easily.

Perhaps, there may be more than one powerful group coming?

"Where is the other person?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly remembered the mysterious thin monkey face that appeared after he killed Yue Pingsheng that night.

Lin Kong lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "This person is very mysterious, and my subordinates haven't found any clues yet."

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly but said nothing.

There was a hint of coldness in Lin Kong's eyes: "Your Highness, the person who assassinated you this time is probably closely related to the forces in the capital..."

"Most likely, it has something to do with the third prince!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "Do you have any evidence?"

Lin Kong was stunned.


Indeed not.

However, there are not many people in the capital who have the ability to assassinate His Highness, who can create such a large formation, and who are so bold.

Among them, the only person who was the last suspect was the third prince.

"He is a prince and of the emperor's blood. There is no evidence. If you slander the royal family, you will be beheaded."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him and said calmly.

Lin Kong's face immediately changed slightly, and he broke out in cold sweat: "Your Highness, this subordinate was rash..."

"However, you are right!"

Lin Jiangnian's tone changed again: "Besides him, there are not many people who want to take my son's life like this!"

Speaking of this, Lin Jiangnian said expressionlessly: "Since I am still alive, I have to settle this account with him."

Lin Kong was stunned: "Your Highness, what do you mean..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "Help me do something."

"Your Highness, please give me your instructions."

"Help my prince deliver a letter to the third prince."

Lin Jiangnian paused and half-squinted his eyes: "It's just that this prince is here to demand his life."

Lin Kong was stunned, not knowing what His Highness was going to do, and hesitated: "But Your Highness, are you saying there is no evidence..."

"When has my prince ever needed evidence for his actions?!"

Beijing, a prosperous place.

A carriage slowly passed through the capital and arrived at the outer door of a deep and large mansion.

"Your Highness, we are here!"

The curtain opened and Lin Jiangnian got out of the carriage and looked up ahead. A towering dark door frame, with a bold and powerful door plaque in front of you.

"Jiang Mansion!"

Jiang family.

This place is the residence of Jiang Ningkang, the doctor of the Ministry of Justice in Beijing.

Although Jiang Ningkang was only a small doctor in the Criminal Department, the mansion in front of him was very majestic. There were many tall doors and the majestic entrance was completely different from the grandeur that a small criminal doctor should have.

In the entire capital, Jiang Ningkang is probably the only one who receives such blatant treatment. Without him, it's just because although Jiang Ningkang is just a doctor in the Ministry of Justice, behind him is the Jiangnan Jiang family!

The Jiangnan Jiang family is one of the largest families in the Jiangnan area. Even in the entire Daning Dynasty, it is a well-known and prestigious family.

The strength is huge, not to say that it can cover the sky with one hand, but it is also rich and invincible. Jiangnan does not refer to a certain state or county in the dynasty, but a prosperous land located in the southeast of the dynasty. Nearly a quarter of the dynasty's tax revenue comes from Jiangnan every year. The Jiang family is a famous family in Jiangnan.

And this Jiang Ningkang is the current second master of the Jiang family.

In his early years, Jiang Ningkang was unwilling to take over the affairs of the Jiang family. He loved reading when he was young. After winning the imperial examination, he stayed in Beijing and gradually climbed to his current status in the past twenty years.

In addition, Jiang Ningkang also has another identity...the biological brother of the late Princess Jiang Wan of Linzhou with a different surname, Wang Lin Hengzhong.

Prince Lin's... uncle!

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