Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 215 Passionate Mother Jiang

Speaking of Jiang Ningkang, he is indeed a character!

Jiang Ningkang has been weak since he was a child, so his parents named him Ningkang, hoping that he could grow up in peace and health. Because of his poor health, Jiang Ningkang spent most of his time at home reading and writing. At the age of nineteen, he participated in the imperial examination and entered the imperial examination as the top candidate in high school, and entered Beijing as an official. Without the help of the Jiang family, he gradually reached his current position.

It has to be said that this person does have some abilities. Over the years, his reputation in the capital has been pretty good, and the connections he has made cannot be underestimated.

Of course, although there was no help from the Jiang family on the surface, as a member of the Jiang family in Jiangnan, it was inevitable that he would not have some conveniences. Otherwise, it would not be easy to enter the Sixth Department of the Imperial Court.

In addition, there are many reasons why Jiang Ningkang was born in the Jiang family in Jiangnan, but stayed in Beijing as an official. The biggest reason is probably that the relationship between Jiang Ningkang and Jiangnan's Jiang family is not good.

At that time, the third daughter of the Jiang family, Jiang Ningkang's biological sister, insisted on marrying Lin Hengzhong, who was not yet King Lin. However, she was opposed by the Jiang family, and the relationship became extremely tense for a time.

Jiang Ningkang, who loves and protects his sister, naturally stands by his sister and does not want her to be dragged into marriage by the family. In addition, Jiang Ningkang couldn't stand certain behaviors and styles within the family, and gradually distanced himself from the family. After Jiang Wan passed away, Jiang Ningkang rarely went back. Although the relationship with the Jiangnan Jiang family has eased somewhat, they are still not close.

Before coming, Lin Jiangnian had already learned about what happened during this period from Lin Kong's mouth.

When they arrived in the capital that day, Zhiyuan and his party were picked up by the Jiang family and moved into the Jiang family.

Zhiyuan grew up in Jiangnan's Jiang family. Coupled with her special status of being adopted by the princess, the Jiang family in the capital was no stranger to her. It could even be considered a second home.

Before entering the capital, Lin Jiangnian's plan was to pay a visit to Jiang Mansion in the capital after arriving in the capital. After all, it seems that Prince Lin has not met his uncle who is far away in the capital?

At this moment, except for a few servants and maids, there was no one else outside the Jiang Mansion.

This was what Lin Jiangnian had specially asked. There are still rumors in Beijing that he is missing or even dead. This is actually beneficial to Lin Jiangnian, as he is not in a hurry to reveal his identity.

After getting off the carriage, under the guidance of Lin Kong and the servant maid, Lin Jiangnian stepped into the Jiang Mansion.

The entire mansion is huge, the decoration style of the mansion is antique, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant in the courtyard, and the snow that has not completely melted has a chilly winter feel. Although it is far from comparable to Prince Lin's Mansion, it can be considered a very good mansion in this place in the capital.

At this time, Lin Kong, who was leading the way, seemed to think of something and suddenly stopped.

"Your Highness..."

Lin Kong was a little hesitant, not knowing whether to say something or not.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "Go ahead."

Lin Kong then whispered: "Miss Zhiyuan, maybe... you are still angry with Your Highness."

Lin Jiangnian was slightly startled, angry?

what happened?

"Your Highness, after you knocked out Girl Zhiyuan, send her back to the capital. Girl Zhiyuan was extremely angry after she woke up..."

Lin Kong cautiously mentioned this matter to Lin Jiangnian.

At that time, the situation in the inn was dangerous and dangerous. Miss Zhiyuan insisted on staying there to advance and retreat with His Highness. His Highness promised to do well, but turned around and stunned Zhiyuan and sent her to the capital.

When she woke up, Miss Zhiyuan hurried back to the inn, but by then the inn was already empty and His Highness was nowhere to be seen...

It was difficult for Lin Kong to describe the aura of Girl Zhiyuan at that time. The majestic aura made him breathless and he did not dare to get close. After that, Miss Zhiyuan ordered to dig three feet into the ground to search for the whereabouts of His Highness, but before she could do anything, a mysterious person sent a letter.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they learned that His Highness was still alive. But Miss Zhiyuan's face was still not pretty.

Seeing that he was about to see Miss Zhiyuan, Lin Kong reminded Lin Jiangnian of this matter.

Miss Zhiyuan, I'm afraid she's still angry.

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment before he realized something.

The situation was critical at that time. Based on his understanding of Zhiyuan, if he didn't stop her, she would definitely collide with Mr. Shen head-on. With her strength, she is unlikely to be Mr. Shen's opponent.

It is very possible that he may even lose his life!

Therefore, Lin Jiangnian could only make this decision.

I had no choice at the time, but now that I think about's normal for the kite he set up to be angry.

If you don't get angry, there will be ghosts!

"It doesn't matter."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand, "As a woman, just coax her."

"Your Highness, Your Highness?!"

At this moment, a surprised and excited voice with a bit of trembling came from the yard not far away.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and saw a young girl standing under the eaves not far away in the courtyard. Her face was flushed, her delicate and round face was fair and flawless, and her eyes were slightly tearful, looking at him with great excitement.


Who else could it be if it wasn’t Xiaozhu?

Xiaozhu's eyes filled with excitement, and he ran all the way to Lin Jiangnian. Looking up and down at Lin Jiangnian, his voice trembled: "Your Highness, your Highness, are you okay?"

She clearly remembered what happened at the inn that night.

Especially when His Highness sent them away, no matter how stupid Xiaozhu was, he realized something.

His Highness's behavior at that time was more like... explaining the funeral arrangements!

These days, Xiaozhu is worried, fearing that something will happen to His Highness. It wasn't until he saw His Highness standing in front of him alive, carefully checking up and down, left and right, to make sure there were no missing arms or legs that Xiaozhu cried with joy. Douda's tears couldn't help but fall down, and he fell into Lin Jiangnian's arms and burst into tears.

Lin Jiangnian held the little maid in his arms and softly comforted her for a while before her cries gradually became quieter.

"Okay, isn't my prince still dead? With you crying like this, do others think that my prince is really dead?"

Lin Jiangnian helped the little maid wipe the tears from her face. The little maid looked resentful, aggrieved, and curled her lips: "Your Highness, don't talk nonsense..."

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense."

Seeing Xiaozhu again, he was still so cute and cute. Lin Jiangnian was in a good mood. After chatting with Xiaozhu for a while, he said, "By the way, where is the paper kite?"

Hearing Sister Zhiyuan's name, Xiaozhu remembered the business and broke away from Lin Jiangnian's arms in a panic: "Your Highness, Sister Zhiyuan is here, in the room!"

Only then did Xiaozhu realize that she was so excited to see His Highness that she almost forgot that Sister Zhiyuan was still waiting for His Highness.

"Your Highness, Sister Zhiyuan is very worried about you. Go and see Sister Zhiyuan." Xiaozhu said, pulling Lin Jiangnian to a room in the courtyard.

"Sister Zhiyuan is right here..."

Xiaozhu led Lin Jiangnian to the door of a room. When he was about to say something, he was stunned again.

"Where's Sister Zhiyuan?"

The room in sight was empty and empty.

Where is the whereabouts of the paper kite?

Xiaozhu looked confused: "Sister Zhiyuan was here just now, why is she missing?"

Xiaozhu searched around the room, but Zhiyuan was still nowhere to be seen.

Where have you gone?

The quiet room was filled with a faint and familiar aroma, originating from Zhiyuan. She was indeed here just now, and the fragrance in the room had not dissipated, indicating that she had left not long ago.


Lin Jiangnian glanced around, thoughtfully.

Are you still angry?

Avoid him?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but feel a little funny. Unexpectedly, Zhiyuan actually had such a angry side?

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the door again, and Lin Kong's voice came from outside the door: "Your Highness."

Lin Jiangnian walked out of the room, and Lin Kong stepped forward and whispered something.

Lin Jiangnian looked back at the room behind him, hesitated for a moment and then nodded: "Let's go."

After Lin Jiangnian and Lin Kong left, Xiaozhu stood in the room, wondering where Sister Zhiyuan had gone. After walking out of the room, as soon as he passed through the corridor, he saw a figure under the eaves on the other side.

"Sister Zhiyuan?"

Zhiyuan leaned against the wall quietly, looking at her. His expression was cold and his eyes were focused.

Not a word was spoken.

Wearing a simple and elegant white dress with moiré embroidery, she has a graceful and tall figure, cold and elegant. On this cold winter day, the cold wind blew away a few strands of her temple hair. Under the forehead, that beautiful and indifferent face was revealed.

"Sister Zhiyuan, why are you here? His Highness was just looking for you..."

Xiaozhu stepped forward and spoke with an excited smile, but saw Sister Zhiyuan didn't speak. She raised her eyes and found Sister Zhiyuan staring at her.

The cold eyes seemed to want to see something.

For some reason, Xiaozhu suddenly felt a little frightened in his heart. Sister Zhiyuan's eyes... Why is there something wrong?

"Sister Zhiyuan?"

Xiaozhu was a little uneasy and looked down at himself: "What, what's wrong?"

Is there something on her?

Didn't see anything strange.

Zhiyuan stared at Xiaozhu like this for a long time before looking away.

"Xiao Zhu."

The voice was neither cold nor cold.


Xiaozhu looked up in confusion and saw Zhiyuan looking up at the courtyard, his face neither happy nor sad, and his voice lacked any emotion.

"Wait to move the room."

Xiaozhu was puzzled: "Move a room, where?"

"I still have a vacant room over there, you can live there from today on."

Zhiyuan glanced back at her and spoke.

Xiaozhu looked confused, not knowing what Sister Zhiyuan was going to do, but she still nodded obediently: "Okay, I'll move it later."


Zhiyuan glanced at her again and said calmly: "You will copy some scriptures for me later."



Jiang Mansion.

Lobby backyard.

Before Lin Jiangnian stepped into the backyard, an excited voice came from the courtyard.

"Jiang Nian is here? Where are you? Jiang Nian, where are you?!"

There was a graceful and graceful lady in his sight. She was about forty years old, and the years had left some traces on her face. When she saw Lin Jiangnian, she was startled, and the next second, her eyes suddenly turned red. Then he quickly walked forward and grabbed Lin Jiangnian's hand very hard. He looked up and down at Lin Jiangnian excitedly: "Are you Jiangnian?!"

"It looks like, it looks so much like your mother..."

The lady's voice was filled with uncontrollable excitement. She looked Lin Jiangnian up and down, as if she wanted to see him clearly, her eyes were red: "You kid, why are you here!"

Looking at the lady in front of him, Lin Jiangnian gradually understood her identity.

Jiang Ningkang's wife is Lin Jiangnian's...second aunt!

Lin Jiangnian had never set foot in the capital before, so he had never met his second aunt. Perhaps infected by Jiang's mother's excitement, Lin Jiangnian was slightly moved and called out: "Auntie."

Hearing the word "Auntie," Mother Jiang's eyes turned red with excitement, and tears kept falling down. She grabbed Lin Jiangnian's hand and muttered excitedly: "Good boy, good boy, Auntie finally sees you... Come on, let me go." Auntie, take a good look, you must have suffered a lot along the way..."

Although it was the first time they met, Jiang's mother was extremely enthusiastic and excited. She pulled Lin Jiangnian and talked nonchalantly, crying with joy.

"I have long wanted you to come to the capital to visit my aunt, but you have never had the chance. Now, I finally see you..."

"Your mother passed away early, so your child must have suffered a lot..."

"I heard that you were assassinated not long ago. How about it? Are you seriously injured..."

Looking at the nervous and excited Mother Jiang in front of him, Lin Jiangnian also felt an indescribable strange mood in his heart. Certain emotions were piled up in his chest and he couldn't put it into words.

He shook his head gently: "Auntie, there's no need to worry, I'm fine!"

"That's good, that's good..."

Mother Jiang nodded repeatedly, and it took a long time for her excitement to gradually subside.

"Good boy, since you are coming to the capital this time, please stay for a while and spend time with your aunt."

Mother Jiang looked at Lin Jiangnian up and down, filled with joy.

She had a close relationship with Lin Jiangnian's mother back then, and the two of them were more like sisters. Wan'er passed away early, leaving Lin Jiangnian alone and had no chance to meet her until today. Seeing Lin Jiangnian's appearance that was very similar to his mother's, Jiang's mother was filled with emotion and heartache.

Jiang Nian lost his mother since he was a child, so he must have had a hard time, right?

"Okay, just follow what aunt said."

Lin Jiangnian nodded lightly and seemed to remember something: "Where is uncle?"

Mother Jiang said: "Your uncle is busy with government affairs. He went to the palace this morning and has not come back yet. When he comes back to see you, he will be very happy..."

As she said that, she wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes: "Look at how happy I am, forgetting that you just came back. Hurry up and sit down, and my aunt will take care of you!"

With that said, Jiang's mother ordered the maids on the side to prepare the meal and pulled Lin Jiangnian into the house.

Before coming to Jiang Mansion, Lin Jiangnian had thought about many possibilities, but he never expected that Jiang's mother would be so fond of him. When Lin Hengzhong married Jiang Wan, the relationship with Jiangnan's Jiang family was indeed very tense, so that after so many years, the gap between the two families still has not been completely resolved.

But the second aunt far away in Beijing seemed not to be affected by these. She entertained Lin Jiangnian warmly, and excitedly asked how Lin Jiangnian had been doing over the years and was concerned about his current situation.

Looking at Lin Jiangnian in front of her, she became more and more happy. As she spoke, she couldn't help wiping her tears: "If only sister Wan'er was still here, I would be able to see that you have grown so big."

Speaking of sister Wan'er, Mother Jiang felt distressed again.

At this time, the maid on the side still couldn't bear it and persuaded the lady that she was very tired today and it was time to rest.

Jiang's mother was reluctant to leave and asked Lin Jiangnian to sit down at the house. Lin Jiangnian also left the yard after letting his aunt have a good rest.

Standing outside the courtyard, Lin Jiang young sighed.

The sudden family affection made him somewhat unable to adapt.

After leaving, Lin Jiangnian glanced around and found no one. He followed the original path and planned to go back to find the paper kite.

Zhiyuan, who was still angry, had to find a way to calm her down.

Just as he was passing by the pavilion in the courtyard of the mansion, Lin Jiangnian suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, come here to me, young master!"

The voice was slightly unruly.

Lin Jiangnian paused slightly, turned around, and saw a familiar figure appearing under the eaves of the courtyard not far away.

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