Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 216 The crying young master of the Jiang family

Outside the pavilion and corridor in front, a familiar figure appeared at the corner of the courtyard.

A young man of about sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing brocade clothes, a gold-rimmed belt, and a jade tied around his waist. It was obvious at a glance that the jade was worth a lot of money. The young man is not very old, but his face is full of a dandy and domineering air, and he looks extremely unrestrained when he walks.

At first glance, he is not someone to be trifled with!

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on this young man and he paused slightly. Then, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

An acquaintance!

The young man in sight is exactly the kid from a dandy family who I saw in the teahouse before and opened the storyteller's stall in public!

What's your name...Jiang Shaoan?

From Xu Zhongshan's mouth, I learned that this young man's name is Jiang Shao'an, a descendant of the Jiang family in the capital.

The surname Jiang was considered a common surname, and there were quite a few wealthy families with the surname Jiang in Beijing. Lin Jiangnian didn't take it to heart at the time, but now that he saw Jiang Shaoan appearing in the Jiang Mansion, Lin Jiangnian instantly understood this person's identity.

Before coming to the capital, Lin Jiangnian knew something about his uncle who was far away in the capital. After Jiang Ningkang graduated from high school, he stayed in Beijing with his newlywed wife, and they had a son.

Thinking about it, it should be Jiang Shaoan in front of me!

After all, this guy is still his cousin?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian's expression gradually became brighter.

When Lin Jiangnian was sizing him up, Jiang Shaoan also happened to see Lin Jiangnian.

"Why are you still standing there? Didn't you hear me calling you?"

Not far away, Jiang Shaoan waved impatiently, his eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian, and he was slightly confused, feeling that the person in front of him was a bit strange.

"Who are you? A new servant?"

Lin Jiangnian had met Jiang Shaoan before at the teahouse, but he had not paid attention to Lin Jiangnian. Now that I saw an unfamiliar face, I thought it was a new servant in the house. Jiang Shaoan didn't think much and waved his hand directly: "Go and buy two bunches of candied haws for me in the west of the city. Remember, if you want the store in the west of the city, go back as soon as possible. Go quickly..."

Lin Jiangnian stood there without moving, crossing his arms and looking at him interestingly.

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian didn't move, Jiang Shaoan immediately raised his head, with a hint of anger on his still childish face: "Why are you still standing here? Are you deaf? Why don't you go buy it quickly?!"

Jiang Shaoan was giving orders with a condescending attitude. In his tone, there was a bit of unscrupulous threat in the dandy's voice.

Lin Jiangnian still didn't move, his eyes playful: "I won't go."

Hearing this, Jiang Shaoan opened his eyes in disbelief, as if he didn't expect that the servants in the family would dare to disobey him?

Is this man seeking death?

He stared at Lin Jiangnian and said angrily: "What did you say? Do you not want to stay at Jiang's house anymore?"

Soon, Jiang Shaoan thought of something again. Is this guy new here and you don't know him yet?

"Do you know who this young master is?"

Lin Jiangnian looked him up and down: "Who are you?"

"My name is Jiang Shaoan, the eldest young master of the Jiang family!"

Jiang Shaoan raised his head with a proud sneer.

If he were a few years older, he might still look somewhat presentable. But at this moment, Jiang Shaoan stood in front of Lin Jiangnian, a head shorter, and with his immature face, he looked extremely funny, somewhat like a playboy.

His tone of voice was more like a child showing off his things.

"Oh, you are Jiang Shaoan!"

Lin Jiangnian didn't even blink, remaining calm.

Jiang Shaoan was disappointed. He couldn't see Lin Jiangnian's panicked, shocked and humble begging for mercy from Lin Jiangnian's face after he reported his identity. He felt an unknown fire in his heart.

"Now that you know who I am, how dare you talk to me like this? Do you believe that I will kill you?"

Jiang Shaoan's face was filled with anger and ferocity, and he bared his teeth and claws.

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "I don't believe it."

This indifferent expression completely angered Jiang Shaoan.

He was used to being a playboy in the capital since he was a child, and in the Jiang Mansion, except for his father, no one controlled him, which also resulted in his playboy and lawless character. In the entire mansion, no one has ever dared to disobey him, let alone talk to him like this.

Lin Jiangnian's attitude made him angry.

"Okay, okay, I have to teach you a lesson today!"

Jiang Shaoan said, rolled up his sleeves and sneered.

He has learned some skills since elementary school and knows some tricks. On weekdays, he uses these skills to teach his servants or bully the people outside.

Jiang Shaoan waved his fist and stared at Lin Jiangnian fiercely: "Kneel down and beg for mercy now. I can consider sparing your life. Otherwise, don't blame me for beating you to death later!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were indifferent, looking at Jiang Shao'an who was showing his teeth and claws in front of him with a fierce look, he sighed secretly.

At such a young age, one cannot learn well.

It seems that Jiang Ningkang failed in educating his children!

Jiang Shaoan's dandy behavior is no better than that of the Prince Lin.

At such a young age, he has raised a little devil.

Looking at Jiang Shao'an who was staring at him with a fierce sneer on his face, Lin Jiangnian stretched out a finger: "I will also give you a chance. Now kneel down and kowtow to me twice, then change your mind and promise to be obedient in the future. I I might consider not beating you!"

Jiang Shaoan opened his eyes wide, in disbelief, and instantly became extremely angry!

How dare he make me kneel down and kowtow? !

You want me to be obedient? !

It’s the opposite!

The servant is going to kill the master!

"you wanna die!"

Jiang Shaoan angrily waved his fist towards Lin Jiangnian's face.

It has to be said that Jiang Shaoan does have some foundation in martial arts, and his waving fists roared with a bit of strong wind, approaching Lin Jiangnian's face. If this punch were to land, the bridge of his nose would be broken.

Just when the fist was about to approach and the grin on Jiang Shaoan's face became more and more obvious, Lin Jiangnian suddenly dodged to the side and avoided Jiang Shaoan's punch.

Jiang Shaoan's fist fell instantly. Before he had time to withdraw his strength, he suddenly felt his feet tripped by something. He couldn't stand steadily and fell to the ground. He fell like a dog!

This fall immediately knocked Jiang Shaoan into confusion!

His face came into close contact with the ground, his head was dizzy, and burning pain came from his face, accompanied by a fishy smell.

Jiang Shaoan fell to the ground and felt pain all over his body, his face was burning, and something was dripping from his nose. He subconsciously wiped it.

"Blood, blood!"

Jiang Shaoan cried out in horror.

"I'm bleeding, I'm bleeding?!"

Jiang Shaoan opened his eyes wide in horror, looking at the bright red blood on his hands, his expression flustered.

He, he was injured and bleeding?


It hurts!

The pain on his face and nose, and a feeling of sadness, anger and grievance suddenly surged up.

How has he ever been wronged like this since he was a child?

Immediately, his eyes became wet and he was about to shout at the top of his lungs when he suddenly heard Lin Jiangnian's playful voice coming from the side.

"Hey, is Young Master Jiang going to cry?"

Jiang Shaoan's newly brewing emotions were suddenly stuck in place.

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