Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 217 Sister Zhiyuan makes the decision for me

Jiang Shaoan raised his head and faced Lin Jiangnian with a playful and slightly contemptuous smile.

He is very familiar with it... Jiang Shaoan used to laugh at others like this every time, but now he felt extremely humiliated!

"I didn't expect that the dignified Young Master Jiang is still a crybaby."

Lin Jiangqing's understatement deeply stimulated Jiang Shaoan. The sting in his heart kept rising, and he forgot about the bleeding wound on his nose for a moment.

How could he, who had always wanted to be strong in his life, bear such ridicule?

Ever since he was a child, he has always been the only one who bullied others. When did others dare to bully him?

Although he is used to being a playboy, Jiang Shaoan is just a teenager after all, with unstable emotions, and the city government cannot compare with Lin Jiangnian. Stimulated by this flirtatious tone, she instantly broke her guard and wanted to fight him desperately.

"This young master will kill you!"

Jiang Shaoan got up from the ground and rushed towards Lin Jiangnian again. The fist in his hand was even stronger than before. Jiang Shaoan almost showed his full strength and greeted Lin Jiangnian with a roar.

Just now, he just made a mistake and fell down. Now he wants to beat the guy in front of him who dares to mock him until he cries for father and mother, and beats him until he kneels down and begs for mercy!

Lin Jiangnian still stood where he was. When Jiang Shaoan's fist came closer, he flicked his fingers under his sleeve. Jiang Shaoan's calf seemed to have been hit by something. It hurt. His foot went soft and he fell to his knees with a plop.

The center of his fist moved forward unsteadily, and he was caught off guard and his body once again hugged the ground firmly.

"Hey, you still have to pay such a big courtesy?"

At this moment, Jiang Shaoan was completely stunned.

Before he could react, Lin Jiangnian's playful laughter continued to ring in his ears. For a moment, burning pain appeared on his face and a sense of humiliation emerged in his heart.

"You...this young master wants to kill you!"

Anger completely went to Jiang Shaoan's head. He had never suffered such a shame and humiliation.

"If I don't kill you today, this young master will take your last name!"

Jiang Shaoan stared at Lin Jiangnian, struggling to get up, but just as he stood up, he suddenly stumbled under his feet. Just as he stood up, he fell down again.

Scored three times!

At this moment, even the air was quiet.

This fall finally completely wiped out all Jiang Shaoan's pride and pride. Tears welled up in his eyes. He wanted to cry. He wanted to cry so much. He missed his mother so much and missed him too much.

But he couldn't cry, and he couldn't cry in front of this guy even if he died.

At this moment, Jiang Shaoan looked very embarrassed and funny, and he was all dirty. The previous image of a noble man in rich clothes no longer existed. His clothes were messy and full of dust, his hair was unkempt, his face was even more bruised and red, and the blood on his nose was stained on his clothes. , looks extremely tragic.

In addition, he looked like he was about to cry, but still stared at Lin Jiangnian fiercely, which was really funny.

"Are you going to kill me again?"

Lin Jiangnian walked up to Jiang Shaoan, squatted down, and seemed to be smiling.

"You, don't come over..."

For some reason, when Lin Jiangnian approached, Jiang Shaoan felt inexplicably frightened. Perhaps it was because he fell down three times in a row that he was a little too evil, which made him a little afraid of Lin Jiangnian at this moment.

He subconsciously struggled and took two steps back, but then he remembered, why should he be afraid of him?

Are you the eldest young master of the Jiang family?

Are you afraid that he is a new servant?

It stands to reason that as long as Jiang Shaoan observes a little, he can find that Lin Jiangnian does not look like a member of the family in terms of temperament or clothing. But at this moment, he was angry and frightened. How could he think so much?

He pointed at Lin Jiangnian, his voice trembling slightly: "You, you are dead..."

"You, you dare to attack me, my young master, I, my mother will never let you go..."

"You, wait for me!"

There was no one around now, and the fearful Jiang Shaoan became increasingly uneasy. After glaring at Lin Jiangnian fiercely, he suddenly struggled to his feet and ran away without looking back.

While running, he threatened fiercely.

"Just wait for me...don't leave if you have the guts!"

It's very similar to the behavior of a child running away after losing a fight with harsh words.

Lin Jiangnian did not pursue him and watched Jiang Shao'an stumble away to complain without looking back.


Isn't it natural for an elder brother to beat his younger brother?

Lin Jiangnian was in a happy mood, stood up and left.

"Your Highness?"

Jiang Mansion, small courtyard.

In the quiet room, a figure was lying on the bed. When he saw the person outside the door, he was happy and struggled to get up.

"Your Highness, you are back?!"

Lin Jiangnian walked to the bed and stopped her from getting up: "Qingqing, your injury is not healed. Just lie down and rest. Don't move around."

The figure on the bed moved for a moment, but still lay down again obediently.

The person on the bed is none other than Qingqing.

After returning to the hospital, Lin Jiangnian still didn't see Zhiyuan. He didn't know whether she was hiding deliberately or where she went. Lin Jiangnian's search failed, so he came here to visit Lin Qingqing first.

Not long ago, Lin Qingqing stayed in Jiang Mansion with Zhi Yuan and others to recuperate.

At this time, Lin Qingqing, who was lying on the bed, looked slightly pale and looked at Lin Jiangnian: "Your Highness, are you... okay?"

"I'm fine."

Young Lin Jiang shook his head. His physical injuries had long since healed. Not only had his internal strength been fully restored, he had even improved to a higher level. And all this is thanks to the medicinal soup. Thinking of this, the appearance of the woman in white gradually appeared in Lin Jiangnian's mind, and he squinted his eyes slightly, thoughtfully.

"How are you feeling?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Lin Qingqing's pale and weak face, which looked a little less colorful than usual.

Lin Qingqing shook her head gently: "Thank you for your concern, Your Highness, I am fine!"

Even so, Lin Jiangnian knew that her injury was serious.

In the battle at the inn that night, Lin Qingqing fought hard against Gu Chaosheng, but at the end of her battle, she was already seriously injured. In terms of martial arts strength, she was much inferior to Gu Chaosheng, but she blocked Gu Chaosheng forcefully.

For this, a considerable price was paid.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and sighed.

Lin Qingqing shook her head lightly: "This is what my subordinates should do."

"You should recuperate during this period of time. If you need anything, just tell my servants."

After confirming that Lin Qingqing was fine, Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief. Lin Qingqing can be regarded as the most loyal subordinate to him along the way. Not only was she reliable in her work, but her eyesight was beyond words. Lin Jiangnian naturally didn't want anything to happen to her.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness."

Lin Qingqing was startled, with some strange emotions in her heart. Seeing His Highness getting up to leave, he subconsciously called to him.

"Huh? Is there anything else?"

Lin Qingqing hesitated for a moment, then said: "Sister Zhiyuan..."

Lin Jiangnian thought she was going to say something about Zhiyuan being angry, so he chuckled: "I know, she is still angry with me."

Lin Qingqing was silent for a while, and then said: "Actually, Sister Zhiyuan is very worried about you."

the other side.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

A maid screamed in surprise from the small courtyard. As soon as a maid came out, she saw a staggering and embarrassed figure striding into the courtyard.

The maid took a closer look and found that she looked familiar.

Look carefully again, isn't this my young master?


The maid looked at the young master in front of her who was in a mess, covered with dust, his hair was messy, and his collar was stained with blood on his face, with an unbelievable look of shock on her face.

Master, what's going on? !

Why, why do you look like this? !

"Master, what's wrong with you? What's going on?"

The maid hurriedly stepped forward, but was pushed away by Jiang Shaoan. His face was gloomy and he gritted his teeth: "Where is my mother?"

"Madam just went to rest and fell asleep not long ago. Hey, hey... Young Master, you can't go in..."

Before the maid finished speaking, Jiang Shaoan quickly broke into the yard. The maid behind him wanted to stop him, but was roughly pushed away by Jiang Shaoan.

"Go away, I want to see my mother..."

At this moment, Jiang Shaoan's head was filled with anger and humiliation. It was a great shame and humiliation for him, the dignified eldest young master of the Jiang family, to be humiliated like this in his own house.

Jiang Shaoan is going to see his mother. She loves him the most and will definitely make the decision for him.

He wants to kill that ungrateful guy!

Jiang Shaoan angrily broke into the yard and wanted to see his mother. The maid behind him wanted to stop him, but she didn't dare and was extremely anxious.

"Master, Madam has just gone to bed, you can't disturb her... If Madam doesn't sleep well, if Master finds out..."

If it were normal, Jiang Shao'an would know that his mother was resting, so he might not bother her. But today he has lost his mind. Originally, he wanted to go to the house to find the guards to help him vent his anger, but when the guards saw his appearance, they were immediately shocked and wanted to report it to his wife first.

Jiang Shaoan then thought, since he wanted to tell his mother, he might as well complain in person.

His mother must have felt distressed when she saw his miserable state. At that time, even if he wants to kill the guy who bullied him today, he will have a reason. Even if his father blames him, his mother will protect him.

Jiang Shaoan made a good plan and walked through the corridor, ignoring the obstruction of the maid and maid, and insisted on breaking in. The maids and maids did not dare to stop him, so they could only persuade him, but to no avail. They watched Jiang Shaoan rampage all the way.

At this moment, a cold figure appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

"Go away..."

Jiang Shaoan was speaking angrily. When he raised his eyes, his expression immediately changed and his tone trembled slightly: "Zhi, Sister Zhiyuan?"

The originally menacing expression immediately became much weaker.

Zhiyuan stood under the eaves of the pavilion and looked at him expressionlessly: "Madam is resting, what are you doing?"

Hearing these words, Jiang Shaoan's momentum completely weakened: "I, I..."

Although Sister Zhiyuan in front of her had just arrived in the capital a few days ago, she was no stranger to Jiang Shaoan.

Sister Zhiyuan grew up in the Jiang family in Jiangnan, but she had been to the capital before. At that time, he was still young and did not pay attention to the little girl that her aunt picked up from outside. She even repeatedly provoked and made rude remarks.

It wasn't until Zhiyuan, who was only twelve years old at the time, slapped Jiang Shaoan that he lay on the ground crying for his father and mother, begging for mercy and calling his sister, that Jiang Shaoan finally realized that this beautiful sister was not easy to mess with!

That incident left a profound psychological shadow on Jiang Shaoan, which still lingers until now!

Now that he saw Sister Zhiyuan again, Jiang Shaoan suddenly lost his temper and stammered, not knowing what to say.

At this time, Zhiyuan also noticed his appearance and frowned slightly: "What's going on?"

Mentioning this, sadness suddenly welled up in his eyes, and the next second, Jiang Shaoan let out a loud cry and started crying miserably.

"Sister Zhiyuan, yes, someone is bullying me!"

"You, you have to make the decision for me!"

"Look, you beat me like, you want to help me take revenge!"


Outside the hospital.

Lin Jiangnian walked out of the yard and walked back, thinking about what Lin Qingqing said just now.

Is Zhiyuan worried about him?

It seems incredible, but if you think about it carefully, it is not impossible?

I have known Zhiyuan for a long time, and she has always had a cool temperament, but she is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. On the surface, he seems calm and unruffled, but in fact he is thoughtful and delicate. Since entering Beijing, Lin Jiangnian can clearly feel the change in Zhiyuan's attitude towards him. From the coldness at the beginning, to holding hands, hugging, and even sleeping together...

It was obvious that although Zhiyuan didn't say anything, he had been acquiescing to something.

He acquiesced to Lin Jiangnian's extravagance.

What this means is self-evident.

When he heard Lin Qingqing's words, Lin Jiangnian was indeed touched. There were some things that he didn't think about in detail at first, but when he remembered them, he got out of hand.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian felt a little softer, and his desire to see the kite became more and more impulsive.

At this moment, a burst of rapid footsteps suddenly came from outside the pavilion not far away.

Then, a familiar voice sounded.

"Here, he's right here?!"

The voice was excited and excited, with a bit of gritted teeth.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes. Not far in front of his eyes, Jiang Shaoan's embarrassed figure appeared and hurried over.

When he saw Lin Jiangnian, his eyes were fierce, as if he was dead.

At the same time, Jiang Shaoan was followed by several maids and guards to protect Jiang Shaoan.

In addition, at the very back of the crowd, a beautiful figure slowly appeared.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the beautiful figure, then looked at Jiang Shao'an who was staring at him with a fierce look on his face, and realized something.

This Jiang Shaoan, has he called for help?

But who was he calling?

Lin Jiangnian looked strange and wanted to laugh.

"it's him!"

At this moment, Jiang Shaoan, who had already called for help, stared at Lin Jiangnian with an angry and proud expression. His face was full of the pleasure of getting revenge. He pointed at Lin Jiangnian and told the guards around him: "He is the one who bullied me. Master, quickly, take him down!"

Jiang Shaoan gritted his teeth and spoke.

Today, he will make this guy pay a heavy price.

As soon as Jiang Shaoan finished speaking, the two guards around him cast unkind glances at Lin Jiangnian. However, neither of them moved.

They were different from their young master. They could tell at a glance that Lin Jiangnian had a good temperament, and his clothes were completely different from the servants that the young master described as ignorant of the world.

Their Jiang Mansion doesn’t have such servants!

Today, Lin Jiangnian is very low-key in the Jiang Mansion. Not many people in the Jiang Mansion know Lin Jiangnian's identity. However, the two guards clearly recognized Lin Jiangnian's unusual status and did not act rashly.

The young master usually causes trouble, but these guards are not reckless people. The person in front of me has a good appearance and is clearly of good background, and he is not from the Jiang family. It is not easy for this person to appear here.

The two of them stared at Lin Jiangnian for a few times, and one of them said cautiously: "I wonder why my young master offended me today. Why did you beat my young master?"


Lin Jiangnian glanced at Jiang Shaoan, and he was so good at telling lies that he started telling lies.

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "He threw it himself, it has nothing to do with me!"

When the two guards heard this, their eyes turned back to their young master. After taking a closer look, they quickly found clues.

Although the young master's face was injured, it did not look like he had been beaten. The red mark on his face does look like he fell...

But how could he fall so badly?

How many falls did this take?

For a moment, the two were confused.

At this time, Jiang Shaoan was angry when he saw that his bodyguard had not taken action.

"What are you still doing? Get him quickly!"

Jiang Shaoan was furious, pointed at his face and said, "I was beaten like this by him, and you still don't do anything? What are you waiting for?"

Seeing their young master clenching his teeth and hating his clothes, the two guards became even more embarrassed. They are not the kind of scoundrels who follow their young master to do whatever they want. The young master in front of them obviously has a good status. If they embarrass this young master and cause some misunderstanding and grudge, it will not be good.

The two were in a dilemma. Just as they were hesitating whether to take action, a cold voice suddenly came from behind them.

"You guys should step back first."

Hearing this voice, the two of them were shocked, then felt relieved, and hurried away after holding hands.

"Where are you going?"

Jiang Shaoan opened his eyes wide and realized something when he saw his bodyguard suddenly retreating. He immediately turned around, walked quickly behind him, and came to the beautiful figure beside the courtyard. He pointed at Lin Jiangnian and complained in grief and anger.

"Sister Zhiyuan, that's him..."

"He was the one who beat me like this just now... Look, look, how miserable the injuries on my face are..."

"You must make the decision for me!"


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