The injuries on Jiang Shaoan's face, his embarrassment, and the pitiful cry he was currently in made him look like he had been bullied.

Everyone else screamed in agony when they saw it.

The two little maids who followed behind them silently opened their eyes in shock. Apparently they had never seen their young master look so miserable. In the past, it was only their young master who bullied others. When did he see the young master cry and complain that he was bullied?


The two little maids' eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian, and they were both stunned.

Where did this handsome young man come from?

However, facing Jiang Shaoan's miserable cries, the figure standing behind the hospital remained silent.

"Sister Zhiyuan, you, please speak..."

Jiang Shaoan had been miserable for a long time, but he was indifferent to Sister Zhiyuan in front of him.

"Hurry up and make the decision for me!"

Zhiyuan remained motionless, looking at him calmly.

For some reason, Jiang Shaoan seemed to see a strange look in Sister Zhiyuan's eyes.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian's lazy voice came from behind: "Hey, Young Master Jiang, the helper you called can't do it either!"

Jiang Shaoan's face froze, and he suddenly became angry and turned his head suddenly to stare at Lin Jiangnian: "Don't be are so stubborn when you are about to die!"


Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "Am I about to die?"

With that said, Lin Jiangnian walked towards him.

Jiang Shaoan was instantly flustered. Subconsciously I want to retreat. But thinking that he couldn't give up, he immediately stood there again. Thinking of Sister Zhiyuan by his side, he immediately felt a sense of security. Then he sneered and stared at Lin Jiangnian: "I am the eldest young master of the Jiang family. If you offend me, you will never leave here alive!"

He looked flustered, but still spoke harshly.

With Sister Zhiyuan by his side, how dare he take action?

Sister Zhiyuan will definitely not see herself being bullied.

However, the proud smile on Jiang Shaoan's face did not last long.

Lin Jiangnian approached, suddenly turned around and looked at Zhiyuan behind Jiang Shaoan, raising his eyebrows slightly: "Has he always been so brave?"

Zhiyuan didn't speak.

"If I slap him now, no one will stop me, right?"

Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful.

Zhiyuan still didn't speak, her fair face was still delicate, but a bit of haggard could be seen between her brows and eyes, and she seemed to have lost her usual look. When his eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian, he was calm.

However, under that calm expression, there was something looming.

"You have to smoke naughty children, educate them well since childhood, and give them a complete childhood!"

Young Lin Jiang sighed and pointed at Jiang Shaoan: "If you don't take a few more strokes, it's easy to develop such a bastard!"

"You're the bastard!"

Hearing that Lin Jiangnian dared to scold him, Jiang Shaoan immediately cursed and started speaking angrily. But while I was cursing, I suddenly felt like something was wrong.

This guy is talking to...Sister Zhiyuan?

The smile on Jiang Shaoan's face froze slightly. He looked at Lin Jiangnian and then at Sister Zhiyuan, and suddenly he felt an ominous premonition in his heart. Before he could react, he saw Lin Jiangnian turning to stare at him. Jiang Shaoan was startled and immediately made a defensive posture: "What do you want to do?"

Lin Jiangnian half-smiled: "What do you think I want to do?"


Jiang Shaoan immediately threatened: "Don't force me to be rude!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "I asked you to run away just now, and now you come to the door yourself... Today, I have to teach you a lesson for your parents."

"Teach me a lesson?!"

Jiang Shaoan's eyes widened in shock. He had such a loud tone. Who dares to teach him a lesson? !

"you wanna die!"

The irritated Jiang Shaoan couldn't stand it anymore and waved his fist to greet Lin Jiangnian directly.

He accidentally fell a few times before, but this time Jiang Shaoan was very careful and would never make another mistake. The powerful fist approach directly approached Lin Jiangnian, and the sneer on Jiang Shaoan's face became even more intense. Now that he was at such a close distance, he was confident that he could knock down the vulnerable guy in front of him with one punch.

Just as Jiang Shaoan's fist was approaching, Lin Jiangnian suddenly stretched out his hand and gently blocked Jiang Shaoan's fist. Jiang Shaoan's eyes suddenly opened wide. Before he could recover, Lin Jiangnian squeezed gently, and Jiang Shaoan felt a heartbreaking pain in his fist.


There was a scream, followed by a spin, and by the time Jiang Shaoan reacted, Lin Jiangnian had pinned him to the ground with his grasping hand, making him unable to move.

Jiang Shaoan was shocked and angry: "You, let me go?!"

Lin Jiangnian ignored him and smiled: "Is that wrong?"

Jiang Shaoan cursed angrily: "You are wrong..."

Before he could curse the curse word out of his mouth, he was kicked hard on the butt behind him, causing him to wince in pain.

"Is it wrong?"

"You dare to hit me? You are finished, you are dead... I am going to kill you... Ouch... ah! Sister Zhiyuan, save me, save me quickly..."

Zhiyuan stood aside, motionless.

On the other side, when the two maids saw that their young master was being beaten, their expressions changed slightly. When they hesitated whether to come forward, Aunt Zhiyuan on the other side glanced at them, and the two maids were stunned.

Are you going to... watch the young master get beaten?

The two maids were frightened, but they still did not step forward.

Jiang Shaoan failed to wait for Sister Zhiyuan's rescue and continued to be kicked and beaten mercilessly by Lin Jiangnian. Each kick was accurate and landed on the softest part of Jiang Shaoan's butt. The kick is also very tricky, specifically targeting the most painful area without leaving any injuries.

"You didn't learn well at a young age, you bullied the weak all day long, and you were arrogant. Who taught you to be like this? I have to teach you a lesson it wrong?"

There was severe pain in his butt behind him, which made Jiang Shaoan twitch, and a strong sense of humiliation filled his heart.

He was furious and stared at Lin Jiangnian, gritting his teeth.

"You're dreaming. Even if I die, I can't admit my mistake... Ouch... you're done... Ouch... don't... wuwu... wrong, wrong..."

"I was wrong!"

Young Master Jiang, who was as strong as an eagle, still couldn't bear the pain and humiliation on his buttocks. He burst into tears and refused to admit his mistake and surrender.

After all, the child, who was only a teenager, was so unreasonably beaten by Lin Jiangnian that he doubted his life and cried immediately.

I cried so hard!

Tears and snot flowed down, as if I had been greatly wronged.

"Shut up, don't cry!"

Lin Jiangnian glared and tried to raise his feet again, which frightened Jiang Shao'an. He stopped abruptly in the middle of crying and stopped abruptly.

"You know you're wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him.

Jiang Shaoan gritted his teeth and stared at Lin Jiangnian fiercely. Seeing Lin Jiangnian's increasingly unkind gaze, he shrank his neck and spoke unwillingly: "Wrong, wrong..."

"Very good, little boy can be taught!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Remember, be more honest in the future, and if I see you not learning well again, I will continue to whip you next time, do you understand?"

"I know, I know..."

Only then did Lin Jiangnian let him go with satisfaction. Jiang Shaoan, who had regained his freedom, struggled and staggered, limping away from Lin Jiangnian. When he had retreated far enough, he stared at Lin Jiangnian and gritted his teeth and said: "It is impossible for me to admit my mistake. You can just dream!"

"You wait for me, this young master, I and you are irreconcilable!"

As soon as he finished his harsh words, Jiang Shaoan turned around and ran away, fearing that Lin Jiangnian would catch up.

Lin Jiangnian naturally did not pursue him, and watched Jiang Shaoan run away. Then he stood up with satisfaction and walked to Zhiyuan aside.

The other two maids in the courtyard also went after Jiang Shaoan. Although it was great to see the usually domineering young master being taught a lesson, they were the maids of the house after all, so naturally they could not ignore the young master. After they left, only Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan were left in the yard.

Lin Jiangnian was somewhat excited when he saw Zhiyuan again after a few days. Looking at Zhiyuan's cold face, his eyes were unruffled. Very calm, yet vaguely emotional.


It was this cold temperament that made Lin Jiangnian particularly approachable.

Zhiyuan glanced at Lin Jiangnian and looked away.

"Still angry?"

Lin Jiangnian stepped forward, chuckled and spoke.

Zhiyuan didn't speak or look at him. Without saying a word, she turned around and prepared to leave. Just as he took a step forward, Lin Jiangnian grabbed his hand again.

The kite flicked lightly, to no avail.

She glanced back at him: "Let go."

The voice was neither cold nor indifferent, with a hint of anger that could not be discerned.

But seeing her reaction, Lin Jiangnian didn't know why?

Sure enough, he was still angry.


Lin Jiangnian looked down at the little hand he held in his palm. It was as soft as a bone and a bit cold and soft. He tried to break free, but the force of the break was not strong.

"I was indeed wrong this time, and I apologize to you."

Lin Jiangnian held Zhiyuan's hand, stepped forward and apologized sincerely.

Zhiyuan still didn't speak.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangyoun sighed: "I know you want to stay there with me, but I can't joke with your life!"

"Old Shen's martial arts skills are too high. Even if you stay there, you won't be his opponent, but your life will be in vain."

Zhiyuan still didn't speak, and the look on his face became colder.

At this point, Lin Jiangnian paused, raised his eyes to look at Zhiyuan, and said in a very light but serious tone: "Even if I do it again, I will still do it... No matter what, I don't want anything to happen to you!"

Zhiyuan continued to be silent.

However, perhaps Lin Jiangnian's words had some effect, and Zhiyuan's struggle seemed to be less intense.

Lin Jiangnian sighed again: "You don't know how miserable I was this time... I almost died there..."

Zhiyuan, who had been unresponsive, suddenly raised his head and glanced at him. His eyes glanced around Lin Jiangnian and then looked away again.

Vaguely, a hint of worry could be seen from the corner of Zhiyuan's eyes.

It flashed by.

Lin Jiangnian smiled, feeling confident. He held Zhiyuan's little hand. Although Zhiyuan didn't say anything, Lin Jiangnian knew that she had been listening.

It looks cool but is actually delicate.

Lin Jiang young and told Zhiyuan what happened during this period.

"Actually, before I left Linjiang City, my father told me something..."

"Although something unexpected happened, the other party still took action after all..."

"I was rescued by her, and I stayed there to recuperate during this period..."

Lin Jiangnian talked about what happened during this period, from surviving at the hands of Mr. Shen, to being rescued by the woman in white, to staying with the woman in white to recuperate...

Zhiyuan is now the person Lin Jiangnian trusts the most, so Lin Jiangnian doesn't hide anything. Of course, there was no need to mention the inconsequential matter of Miss Jinxiu asking Lin Jiangnian if he wanted to sleep with her master.

Zhiyuan listened quietly. When he heard Lin Jiangnian mention the woman in white, he frowned slightly, as if thinking about something.

His eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian and he said nothing.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian noticed something strange about her.

Zhiyuan was silent for a long time, seeming to hesitate to speak, but finally did not speak.

Lin Jiangnian shook her little hand, looked around, and seemed to think of something: "By the way, where is my aunt?"

Before coming to Jiang Mansion, Lin Jiangnian had already learned that in addition to Jiang Ningkang and Jiang's mother, Lin Jiangnian's aunt who was supposed to be in the Jiang family in Jiangnan had already arrived in the capital.

At the same time, he also lived in Jiang Mansion.

When mentioning her aunt, Zhiyuan finally reacted, glanced at Lin Jiangnian, and after a moment said, "My aunt has entered the palace."

The voice was very soft, but he finally spoke.

Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief, but was a little confused: "What is she going to do when she enters the palace?"

Zhiyuan said calmly: "My aunt was summoned to the palace by the Queen and will not come back until tomorrow."

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised. Does that aunt still have such connections in Beijing?

Thinking of that aunt, Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful. Prince Lin Wang had met that aunt before, and the aunt even lived in Prince Lin's Mansion for a while. Although it has been a long time, there was an intersection after all.

Lin Jiangnian should be careful.

While he was thinking, he saw Zhiyuan staring at him.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian looked into Zhiyuan's cold yet bright eyes and spoke.

Zhiyuan looked away and looked outside the courtyard, silent. But Lin Jiangnian saw something on her face.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

Young Lin Jiang sighed: "You were not so hesitant to speak before."

The paper kites of the past were indeed not what they are now.

Hearing this, Zhiyuan fell silent.

After a while, she looked at Lin Jiangnian again. She was silent for a long time before finally speaking: "That woman in white...she saved you?"


"Why did she save you?"

Zhiyuan asked.

His tone was calm, but his eyes were bright, staring at Lin Jiangnian as if questioning something.

"I don't know about that."

Young Lin Jiang shook his head: "I don't know what her purpose is. If rescuing Mr. Shen was a favor to my father, what she did later seemed more like she had some agenda..."

Whether it was helping Lin Jiangnian recover from his injuries or improving his strength, it was enough to see that the woman in white had a big agenda.

As for why this was done, it is not clear yet.

Zhiyuan ignored this and continued to stare at Lin Jiangnian, "Don't you know who she is?"

Facing Zhiyuan, his seemingly cold and calm eyes were vaguely scorching. It seemed like a question, but it was crystal clear.

Lin Jiangnian was startled for a moment, then sighed after a while.

"I didn't know at first, but later..."

"I probably guessed it!"


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