Faced with his aunt's sudden questioning, Lin Jiangnian's reaction was calm.

"Auntie, what do you mean...?"

"What do you think?"

Jiang Yuxiang's beautiful eyes were fixed on Lin Jiangnian, looking up and down, and finally stopped on Lin Jiangnian's face, half-squinting his eyes, half-smiling.

"Do you still want to hide it from me?"

"That's absolutely not the case."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head, "How could I hide this from my aunt?"

"If you can believe what you said, there really is something wrong with you!"

Jiang Yuxiang sneered. She naturally knew what kind of character Lin Jiangnian was. This kid's words must not be taken lightly.

"Go on, tell the truth."

Lin Jiangnian blinked: "What do you want me to tell you?"

"Your relationship with Zhiyuan."

Jiang Yuxiang stared at him and asked.

"Auntie, what do you mean by what you said? What kind of relationship can Zhiyuan and I have?"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand, his face full of innocence.

However, Jiang Yuxiang didn't believe it. She squinted her eyes and sneered: "This is Zhiyuan's room. Did you just mistake me for Zhiyuan?"

Speaking of this, Jiang Yuxiang's tone felt a little strange, and he seemed a little more angry, and his gaze on Lin Jiangnian was slightly unkind.


Lin Jiangnian instinctively felt that something was not good, and was just thinking about finding an excuse to fool him. Footsteps approached the door behind him.

Outside the door of the room, Zhiyuan, dressed in a blue shirt and cloud skirt, appeared at the door without knowing when. She looked at Lin Jiangnian and then at Jiang Yuxiang. She seemed a little surprised, and a trace of inexplicable panic flashed across her face.


She spoke subconsciously, her eyes falling on the two of them, as if she wanted to see something. When nothing unusual was found, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Zhiyuan, come here."

Seeing Zhiyuan, Jiang Yuxiang's eyes gradually lit up and he waved towards Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan walked lightly into the room and walked to Jiang Yuxiang. Jiang Yuxiang held her hand enthusiastically. As soon as he held it, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Zhiyuan, why are your hands so cold? Don't catch a cold."

Zhiyuan shook her head slightly, then raised her eyes and glanced at Lin Jiangnian: "Why are you here?"

For some reason, Lin Jiangnian felt that Zhiyuan was a little strange, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He said softly: "I wanted to come over and see you, but I didn't expect my aunt to be here too."

He really didn't expect to meet his aunt under such circumstances.

So embarrassing!

Thinking that he accidentally kissed his aunt just now, Lin Jiangnian was a little frightened... Although there was no blood relationship between him and his aunt, this behavior made Lin Jiangnian feel a bit taboo.

"What, you don't want aunt here?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yuxiang raised his eyes and glanced at him, smiling.

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and said with a smile: "How could it be...I'm so happy to see my aunt again!"

"It's been so long since I last saw you, I miss you so much."

Lin Jiangnian's face was full of sincerity, and Jiang Yuxiang's eyes were a little more playful. She looked Lin Jiangnian up and down, and after a moment she turned to Zhiyuan beside her and said, "We haven't seen each other in a few years. This kid's ability to talk nonsense is getting better and better." It’s getting bigger!”

"I don't know who wanted me to leave Prince Lin's Mansion as soon as possible so as not to cause trouble for him. Now, after a few years, you have the nerve to say that you miss me?"

Jiang Yuxiang sneered continuously, obviously holding a grudge and still remembering what happened a few years ago.

A few years ago, Jiang Yuxiang personally delivered the kite to Prince Lin's Mansion. He lived in Prince Lin's Mansion for a while, but not long after, he was angered by Prince Lin and left.

Of course, getting angry is just an excuse. The real reason is probably only known to Jiang Yuxiang.

However, when Jiang Yuxiang came to Prince Lin's Mansion, he did use his status as aunt to cause trouble for Lin Jiangnian, so much so that Lin Jiangnian was extremely fed up with this aunt. When Jiang Yuxiang left Prince Lin's Mansion, he almost didn't set off firecrackers. As for missing it, it is obviously impossible.

Zhiyuan raised her eyes slightly, glanced at Lin Jiangnian, and then glanced at her aunt inadvertently, but said nothing.

In this regard, Lin Jiangnian could only sigh secretly.

Prince Lin's aunt is indeed difficult to deal with. If not, she wouldn't have gotten married until now!

Jiang Yuxiang's name is well-known throughout Jiangnan. It is rare for someone to be nearly twenty-six and still unmarried, especially in a wealthy family like the Jiang family.

Although Jiang Yuxiang is not the biological daughter of Mr. Jiang of the Jiang family, as the fourth young lady of the Jiang family, Mr. Jiang has introduced many young talents to her over the years, but she has not taken a liking to any of them.

When getting along with those young talents, it's not that they are pedantic and prudish. She just angrily scolded people for looking at her wrongly, and started to hit them...

Just because of this matter, Mr. Jiang didn't know how many times he had licked his face and apologized to other families. However, Jiang Yuxiang still went her own way, and her reputation gradually became famous in Jiangnan. Few people dared to provoke this little witch.

After such a delay, we are now...

It seems that if it drags on any longer, I may not be able to get married. This time Mr. Jiang was really cruel. He would no longer pamper her and would tie her up and marry her.

When Jiang Yuxiang saw something was wrong, he immediately packed up his things and ran away overnight. After escaping from Jiang's house, he quickly ran to his second brother's house in Beijing to seek refuge.

At the moment, Jiang Yuxiang was holding Zhiyuan, glanced at Lin Jiangnian, shook his head and sighed: "Zhiyuan, you just spoil him too much and let him be too unscrupulous..."

"You should have listened to me in the first place. If this kid is disobedient, just slap him... If he dares to have any objections, go and complain to his father!"

"Don't forget, you are the one who was invited by his father to Prince Lin's Mansion to teach this boy a lesson..."


Lin Jiangnian on the side was frightened when he heard this. Good guy, his aunt taught Zhiyuan the stupid tricks in front of him without any concealment.

Now Lin Jiangnian probably understood why Zhiyuan's attitude towards Prince Lin Wang was so bad in the past. Come to think of it, it is inevitable that this aunt would come up with bad ideas behind the scenes.

Zhiyuan on the side did not speak, but quietly listened to her aunt's 'teachings'. She raised her eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian. There seemed to be a bit of joy in her cold eyes.

"I told you, did you hear it?"

Zhiyuan said nothing, looked at her aunt's eyes, hesitated, and finally nodded.

Jiang Yuxiang was now satisfied, and turned to look at Lin Jiangnian, seeing Lin Jiangnian looking at her with a complicated expression.

"What are you looking at?"

Jiang Yuxiang snorted coldly: "If I don't teach you a lesson, what will happen to you when you grow up?"

Lin Jiangnian was helpless and sighed: "Auntie, I'm already very old!"


Hearing this, Jiang Yuxiang raised his eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian seriously. Only then did he notice that Lin Jiangnian was indeed not the same person he was a few years ago.

A few years ago, Lin Jiangnian was still a teenager, and his face still had the tenderness of a child. Now that we meet again, Lin Jiangnian is much taller than her, and his face that was originally young and immature has become handsome. The facial features are sharp and angular, delicate yet somewhat handsome. His appearance almost perfectly inherited the advantages of Lin Hengzhong and Jiang Wan, and Jiang Yuxiang couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Although she recognized Lin Jiangnian at first sight, she was still slightly stunned when she saw the handsome young man in front of her.

In the blink of an eye, have you grown so big?

As if he thought of something, a look of astonishment appeared on Jiang Yuxiang's originally calm face, and then he looked slightly unnatural.

"Where's the big one?"

Jiang Yuxiang looked away and glanced at Lin Jiangnian with a slight disdain: "I haven't seen anything much bigger."


Lin Jiangnian thought for a while, but still didn't speak.

Although this aunt said something unforgiving, you could still see a hint of joy flashing in her eyes.

She looked Lin Jiangnian up and down again: "I heard that you were assassinated outside the city?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded and explained to his aunt again what he had told Jiang Ningkang before. After Jiang Yuxiang heard this, his eyes gradually turned cold and he snorted: "They are so brave, they dare to touch even members of my Jiang family!"

Obviously, Jiang Yuxiang was extremely angry about Lin Jiangnian's assassination. In any case, Lin Jiangnian has half of the blood of the Jiang family. Lin Jiangnian's accident is also a provocation to the Jiang family.

What's more, Lin Jiangnian is the only child left by sister Jiang Yuxiang. How can she not be angry?

"I have informed the Queen about this matter. She will make it clear to Your Majesty that she will find out the matter and give you and the Jiang family an explanation!"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned, but he didn't expect that his aunt had already reported this matter to the palace. He shook his head gently: "I have already anticipated this matter, auntie, don't worry too much!"

"You had expected it, and how could you have almost lost your life?"

Jiang Yuxiang said angrily.

Lin Jiangnian was silent, there was no way to refute this.

"Lin Hengzhong is so cruel, asking you to come to the capital like this? What if you die on the road?"

Mentioning this matter, Jiang Yuxiang's tone became more angry: "Is this how Lin Hengzhong protects his children?"

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment: "Father, he also has something unspeakable."

Jiang Yuxiang sneered: "If there is any unspeakable secret, you are also his only child. How can he explain to my sister what accident happened to you?"

"Back then, he promised to take good care of you, and the Jiang family asked him to take you back... But what about now?"

When he said this, Jiang Yuxiang's tone couldn't help but be a little excited and a little more emotional: "Has he done what a father should do?!"

Facing Jiang Yuxiang's aggressive questioning, Lin Jiangnian felt a bit of indescribable warmth in his heart. This aunt who met for the first time was indeed unforgiving, but although she was condemning Lin Hengzhong, her words were full of concern for Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't speak.

Lin Hengzhong did this out of necessity. On the other hand, it was also the result requested by Lin Jiangnian. As the eldest son of Prince Lin, he could not always live under Lin Hengzhong's careful care. He must break away from Lin Hengzhong's wings and grow up alone in the world.

But obviously, something unexpected happened on the way to the world!

Zhiyuan on the side saw her aunt's excitement, hesitated for a moment, and softly persuaded: "Auntie, don't be angry."

"How can I not be angry?!"

Jiang Yuxiang's delicate and elegant face was full of anger, but in the end, she took a deep breath and waved her hand: "Forget it."

He looked at Zhiyuan with a bit more pity in his eyes: "Thank you for your hard work this time."

Zhiyuan remained silent and just shook his head slightly.

"If I had known that this would be the case, I would never have let you go to Prince Lin's Mansion."

As if thinking of something, Jiang Yuxiang looked hateful. But when he saw Lin Jiangnian, he sighed deeply. She couldn't stop many things.

Zhiyuan still said nothing and raised her eyes to look at Lin Jiangnian, but this did not escape Jiang Yuxiang's eye.

Jiang Yuxiang looked at Lin Jiangnian and then at Zhiyuan.

"Paper Kite?"

She held Zhiyuan's hand.

Zhiyuan raised her eyes, puzzled.

"You and him..."

Jiang Yuxiang pointed at Lin Jiangnian and said, "What is your relationship now?"

As soon as these words came out, a trace of panic suddenly appeared on Zhiyuan's calm face. Caught off guard, a blush flashed across his fair side face.

This reaction fell into Jiang Yuxiang's eyes.

has a problem!

"Auntie, you ask again..."

Lin Jiangnian on the side was about to speak, but Jiang Yuxiang turned around and glared at him angrily: "What does it have to do with you?"

"Why are you still here? It's so late, why don't you go out quickly?"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

You turned your back on me and didn’t recognize anyone!

"Go back to bed quickly and I'll settle the score with you tomorrow!"

Jiang Yuxiang waved his hand impatiently.

Lin Jiangnian sighed and glanced at Zhiyuan again: "Then, should I go back and rest first?"

After speaking, no one paid any attention to him. Lin Jiangnian sighed, turned and left the room.

Only Jiang Yuxiang and Zhiyuan were left in the room.

Jiang Yuxiang took Zhiyuan's little hand and sighed softly: "So, you are already..."

After a brief moment of panic, Zhiyuan gradually calmed down. There was still a hint of red on her cold face. When she heard her aunt's question, she was startled. She quickly realized something and shook her head quickly: "No..."



Jiang Yuxiang was a little surprised when he got the exact answer: "That shouldn't be the case. Can that kid let you go? Is he going to eat you all along the way?"

Zhiyuan just lowered his head, his face flushed, and said nothing.

Jiang Yuxiang sighed softly, and then the smile on her face gradually faded. She stared at Zhiyuan, and after a while, she suddenly said: "Do you already know his identity?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhiyuan, who was still blushing, suddenly seemed to be stunned. She raised her eyes and looked at the calm and serious look on her aunt's face, "Auntie, you..."

"How would I know?"

Zhiyuan didn't speak, but still nodded.

"This matter is very hidden. Very few people knew the truth back then, but I still found out the clues..."

Jiang Yuxiang sneered: "I accidentally found the daughter of the midwife who delivered my sister's baby, and got some clues from her. Following these clues, I gradually found out some past events. Combined with what happened before, I guessed it Some truths. However, I am still not convinced..."

"It wasn't until I saw this kid today that I was really sure... he's not Lin Jiangnian, right?"

Faced with her aunt's question, Zhiyuan was silent for a long time and finally nodded.

"As expected!"

Jiang Yuxiang sneered and looked at Zhiyuan again: "How did you know?"



Jiang Yuxiang was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized something: "That's right, you've been with him for so long, how could you not notice... That guy was pretending to me just now, and let alone, he was pretending to be..."


Jiang Yuxiang looked at Zhiyuan again, was silent for a moment, and asked in a deep voice: "In that case, where is the original Lin Jiangnian?"

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and glanced at Jiang Yuxiang, then lowered her eyes again. Her tone was neither cold nor indifferent, and no emotion could be heard.



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