Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 222 Not planning to marry the eldest princess

On a late winter night, Lin Jiangnian was ruthlessly kicked out of the room.

Standing in the courtyard, looking back at the faintly lit lights in the room. Jiang Yuxiang kicked him out, obviously intending to whisper something to Zhiyuan.

The content of the whisper was not intended for Lin Jiangnian to hear.

Lin Jiangnian was not curious, but just a little regretful. He originally wanted to have a good relationship with Zhiyuan tonight, but after being apart for a long time, he felt a little strange about missing her.

As a result, the aunt suddenly appeared and interfered, disrupting Lin Jiangnian's plan, so he had to give up.

Standing in the courtyard, Lin Jiang young sighed and prepared to go back to his room. Just as I walked to the entrance of the courtyard, I suddenly heard a cute voice in the dark night: "Your Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian stopped and turned his head. In the dark night, under the eaves not far away, stood a handsome figure.


Xiaozhu, who was wearing a light-colored skirt, was standing under the eaves. She seemed to have just taken a bath. Her skin was glowing with a delicate white color and was slightly steaming. Her hair, which had not yet been completely dried, was wet and fell down, making her look particularly attractive. Like a delicate and plump apple, people can’t help but want to take a bite.

"Why are you here?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised.

Xiaozhu then explained that it was Sister Zhiyuan who asked her to move here today. Xiaozhu's room happened to be not far from Zhiyuan.

Xiaozhu also felt a little strange. She was His Highness's maid. Logically speaking, she should stay with His Highness to serve His Highness, but for some reason, Sister Zhiyuan did not let her serve His Highness. Instead, she left the maid idle.

Lin Jiangnian was also surprised, but he didn't think too much about it. Looking at the pretty Xiaozhu in front of him, his eyes moved slightly.

"Xiao Zhu."


"Let's go to my prince's room..."


early morning.

It's not yet dark.

It wasn't until the sky lit up outside the window that the girl on the bed sat up alertly. As well as the sweet sleeping man beside him, he subconsciously wanted to bury himself in the bed.

But after taking a look at the sky outside the window, she immediately panicked. She carefully picked up the scattered clothes, put them on slowly, and then tiptoed out of bed. She looked back at His Highness, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed. The girl bit her lip gently. Then he opened the door and walked out.

After carefully scanning the surroundings to make sure that no one was around, Xiaozhu tightly wrapped his clothes, sneaked back to the small courtyard next to him, and slipped back to his room.

After running into the room and closing the door, she breathed a deep sigh of relief. She spent the night in His Highness's room last night. If Sister Zhiyuan discovers this...

For some reason, Xiaozhu always felt that Sister Zhiyuan was very strange during this period, and the way she looked at her was strange, especially since Sister Zhiyuan had said some inexplicable words to her before. Although Xiaozhu didn't understand, he was vaguely aware of something.

If Sister Zhiyuan knew that she secretly spent the night in His Highness's room last night... Xiaozhu didn't know what he thought of, and a little uneasiness appeared on his delicate face.


She glanced outside the door. Fortunately, it wasn't completely dawn yet. Sister Zhiyuan probably hadn't gotten up yet...

It shouldn't be discovered, right?

Thinking of this, Xiaozhu breathed a deep sigh of relief, and seemed to feel a little uncomfortable. He lowered his head and felt it, and his fair face turned red again.

When Lin Jiangnian woke up, it was already bright outside the window. The place next to her was empty, leaving a bit of girlish fragrance. Lying on the bed, stretched out. The whole body is relaxed and extremely comfortable.

In the morning, Xiaozhu sneaked back quietly. Lin Jiangnian naturally noticed it and did not stop him. The little maid is thin-skinned, and it's okay to do bad things in the dark, but if her little tricks are discovered by the public, she may be extremely shy and avoid him for days.

Besides, who doesn’t want to have a sensible little maid who can handle the aftermath on her own?

Lin Jiangnian obviously felt that his body was clearer. The majestic aura that had been accumulated in his body seemed to have found an outlet, and the internal energy in his body obviously felt purer.

On the other hand, there was no weakness or discomfort at all. The Xuanyang mental method in the body is circulating, and the breath is still long and thick, majestic and vigorous.

This Xuanyang mind method is indeed the most pure and pure mind method in the world!

After lying on the bed, feeling the softness of the quilt and the lingering fragrance of the girl for a long time, Lin Jiangnian slowly got up and got dressed.

Just after putting on clothes, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door was pushed open, and a gentle figure appeared at the door. As soon as he entered the room, he seemed to notice something. His beautiful eyes looked around, and his delicate nose sniffed slightly. When his eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian again, there was a more meaningful sneer.

Lin Jiangnian originally thought it was a maid, but when he saw that the other party didn't say anything, he raised his eyes.


Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised. He didn't expect his aunt to come to the door suddenly so early in the morning.

Today, Jiang Yuxiang is wearing a simple and elegant gown with a traditional skirt. The gown is embroidered with many white plum blossoms. It is elegant and highlights her otherworldly appearance. The skirt is close to the body, and the proud figure is looming. Even if it is covered by the mink velvet dress, it still cannot be blocked, but it adds a bit of allure.

Although her figure was so proud, her face was delicate and beautiful, dignified and elegant, especially those beautiful eyes, with a mature temperament that seemed natural, as she stared at him with a smile but not a smile.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed by his aunt's inexplicable smile, "Auntie, why are you looking at me like this?"

Jiang Yuxiang didn't say anything and slowly approached Lin Jiangnian until he came to Lin Jiangnian with a half-smile but not a smile. "I didn't realize it. Last night, your kid was actually...a hidden beauty in a golden house?"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian subconsciously froze.



Being caught red-handed, I was still a little embarrassed and nervous. Young Lin Jiang coughed: "Auntie is really smart, she can spot this!"

A subtle compliment.

Jiang Yuxiang sneered: "It's true, you kid is still stubborn!"

Lin Jiangnian just coughed and smiled awkwardly, saying nothing. After all, my aunt is an elder, so it's better not to talk too much at this time.

However, Jiang Yuxiang seemed to have no intention of letting him go. He squinted at Lin Jiangnian's face, trying to see something on his face.

Although Lin Jiangnian said he was calm, he still felt somewhat guilty after being stared at like this. He looked into his aunt's eyes, but for some reason, he saw a strange, unexplained look in her eyes.

What's this?

Before Lin Jiangnian had time to think about it, Jiang Yuxiang looked away again, with a playful sneer on his face: "Tell me, who were you hanging out with here last night?"

The tone was like that of an elder interrogating a junior, but also a bit like the scrutiny of a rape scene.

"Auntie, what you said, how can you call me a gangster?"

Lin Jiangnian coughed slightly again.

"if not?"

Jiang Yuxiang glanced at him coldly: "I'm not married yet, and the relationship between men and women is so confusing. I'm afraid that the girls in Linjiang City have been attacked by you in recent years, right?"

"That's absolutely not the case!"

Lin Jiangnian denied it.


Jiang Yuxiang half-squinted his eyes and sneered: "How can you be worthy of Zhiyuan?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned, "Auntie, what do you mean by this?"

Jiang Yuxiang seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "Zhiyuan lives next to her, but you went behind her back to hang out with other women in the room last night. Are you worthy of her?"

What a moral kidnapping!

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Did aunt come here to condemn me today?"

"Of course not. The whole world has already known about your bad deeds, why do I need to condemn you?"

Jiang Yuxiang's eyes were indifferent and disdainful. She turned around and slowly sat down at the table behind the screen. Under the hem of her underskirt and gown, a pair of long legs like bright jade bamboo shoots were slightly raised.

The stunning and cold face adds a bit of arrogance and gentleness. In terms of appearance and temperament, Jiang Yuxiang deserves to be the fourth young lady of the Jiang family. She is not only proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, but the temperament cultivated by this wealthy family is difficult for ordinary people to compare with.

Even just sitting there casually is extremely pleasing to the eye.

She sat there, casually glanced at Lin Jiangnian, and slightly suppressed the smile on her face: "It doesn't matter who you hang out with, but don't break Zhiyuan's heart. If I know that you have failed Zhiyuan, I will forgive you. Can’t help you.”

Although his tone was light, he was very serious.

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment, stood up, came to the table, sat down as well, and said, "Don't worry, aunt, I will definitely live up to Zhiyuan."

"Do not believe!"

Just when Lin Jiangnian promised to speak, Jiang Yuxiang curled her lips in disdain.

However, she said so, but she didn't say anything else. She just glanced at the room and inadvertently landed on the messy bed not far away. As if thinking of something, she secretly spat and glared at him. .

This guy is really...

"Next time you do... bad things, remember to handle the scene well. If it's not me but Zhiyuan comes today, it depends on how you end it!"

"Thank you, auntie, for reminding me." Lin Jiangnian looked like he had learned a lesson.

Jiang Yuxiang's words did remind him that although Zhiyuan didn't have the habit of looking for him early in the morning, he still had to be on guard. What if Zhiyuan comes home early in the morning for the first time and gets bumped into...

That’s hard to explain!

"By the way, auntie, come see me early in the morning. What's the matter?"

"Of course there are important things."

Jiang Yuxiang glared at him lightly, but when this guy interrupted her, she almost forgot about her business. She looked Lin Jiangnian up and down and half-squinted her eyes: "You came to Beijing this time for your engagement with the eldest princess, right?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded, not surprised that his aunt would ask about this.

"Auntie asks you..."

Jiang Yuxiang stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes: "Are you planning to marry her?"

Seeing Jiang Yuxiang's serious look, Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised: "Why do aunties ask that?"

"Don't worry, answer me!"

Jiang Yuxiang stared at him: "Is your father asking you to come to the capital this time to marry her back, or is there some other purpose?"

Faced with his aunt's aggressive questions, Lin Jiangnian fell silent for a moment and sighed: "My father hopes that I can marry the eldest princess back."


Jiang Yuxiang asked.

"She's awesome."

Jiang Yuxiang was stunned: "That's it?"

"That's it."

Lin Jiangnian nodded, unable to help but think of what Lin Hengzhong had mentioned to him before.

"The eldest princess is a rare martial arts genius in this world for a hundred years. Her talent is extremely high, and her martial arts foundation is unfathomable. If nothing unexpected happens, she will be able to become a master sooner or later, and even... a grand master. !”

"If I can marry her back and guard the gate of Prince Lin's Mansion, no one in the world will dare to come to the Prince's Mansion to act wild again."

A great master may not be able to change the world, but he can definitely change the fate of some people easily! The grand master's reputation is far more powerful than himself.

When Leng Buding heard these words, Jiang Yuxiang looked strange: "Marry her back to guard the gate of your palace?"

"Is it your intention or your father's?"

"Is there a difference?"

"If she hears it, she will definitely break your legs!" Jiang Yuxiang said angrily.

Do these father and son really dare to say that?

Is this the purpose of the eldest princess just now in their eyes?

Lin Jiangnian was naturally not afraid: "Didn't she threaten before that she would break my legs if I dared to come to the capital? Now that I have arrived in the capital, I haven't seen any reaction from her."

He looked relaxed, eyes narrowed, and confident. The eldest princess, thinking about it, was just talking fast.

"how about you?"

Jiang Yuxiang thought of something else and looked at Lin Jiangnian: "Are you planning to marry her?"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "Is this something I can decide?"

"Stop making jokes for me and tell the truth."

Jiang Yuxiang stared at him: "Are you really planning to marry her when you come to the capital this time? Or do you have other purposes?"

Lin Jiangnian originally wanted to say something to fool him, but he saw Jiang Yuxiang staring at him unblinkingly, with a serious look on his face.

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Auntie, why do you need to ask so carefully?"

Auntie, I'm afraid I already know something.

"How can you hide this little thought from me?"

Jiang Yuxiang sneered.

"Auntie is really the smartest person in the world!"

"Stop talking nonsense."

Jiang Yuxiang slapped him angrily, and then stared at Lin Jiangnian seriously: "So, you really don't plan to marry her?"

Now that he was discovered, Lin Jiangnian did not deny it anymore and nodded.

He had no intention of marrying the eldest princess, not from the beginning. Entering the capital to marry the eldest princess has always been just a pretense. His real purpose was just to marry the princess and give him a legitimate reason to enter the capital.

He never mentioned this secret to anyone, not even Zhiyuan.

But the aunt in front of me saw the essence of this at a glance.


Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Auntie, do you have to ask so clearly?"

"What else?" Jiang Yuxiang sneered: "The engagement between you and her was made that day. If you regret it now, do you know what the consequences will be?"

Lin Jiangnian was not worried, and shook his head: "I'm not the only one who wants to regret the marriage."

"What's the meaning?"

"The eldest princess is not willing to marry me either. I think she wants to regret the marriage more than me!"


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