Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 225 Deliberately doing it

"Cousin, cousin?!"

The excited smile on Jiang Shaoan's face stopped abruptly at this moment.

His eyes were at a loss, even a little dull, and he stared blankly at Lin Jiangnian, who was standing in front of him with a smile on his face.

Listen, did you hear it wrong?

Mother, what did mother say?


Jiang Shaoan turned his head stiffly and looked at Mother Jiang: "Who are you talking about?"

"He He……"

Jiang Shaoan pointed at Lin Jiangnian and said with a stiff expression: "Who is he?"

"Your cousin!"

Jiang's mother didn't notice Jiang Shao'an's strange and stiff look, and happily pulled Lin Jiangnian to introduce to Jiang Shao'an: "This is your cousin who is far away in Linzhou, Lin Jiangnian! He just arrived these two days. Jingcheng, I haven’t had time to introduce it to you yet…”

Mother Jiang's face was full of joy, and she said babbled: "I wanted to introduce it to you yesterday, but you didn't know where you ran away... Why are you still standing there, why don't you call me cousin?"

"Cousin, cousin?!"

Jiang's mother's words completely cut off Jiang Shaoan's last chance. The smile on his face completely froze, and his face turned pale and lost half of its color. He turned to look at Lin Jiangnian, his eyes almost popped out of his head in shock.

"You, you are Lin Jiangnian?!"

The voice was a little more trembling. This news was too shocking for him!

"Are you surprised? Cousin!"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be smiling but not smiling.


Jiang Shaoan's head seemed to explode. The explosion made him dizzy. He took two steps back and almost fell to the ground.

He looked at Lin Jiangnian in horror and took a breath.

He, he is Lin Jiangnian?

Prince Lin? ! !

Then, before that...

Jiang Shaoan's face turned pale, and then he remembered that he had spoken ill of Prince Lin not long ago. No wonder, no wonder... he would suddenly take action? !

"You kid, why don't you have any manners?"

Jiang's mother noticed Jiang Shaoan's movements and said angrily: "Your cousin is here, why do you look like this? You are neither big nor small!"

Jiang Shao'an looked horrified and was about to say something when Lin Jiangnian on the side spoke first: "Aunt, maybe my cousin is too excited to see me for the first time. It's okay. I will get along well with him later."

Hearing this, Mother Jiang was happy and said with a smile: "Jiang Nian, you are still sensible. In the future, you must give more advice to your cousin. This child has been spoiled by me since he was a child. He has been ignorant all day long. You have to take good care of me."

"Don't worry, aunt, I will discipline you well!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded and turned back to Jiang Shaoan with a harmless smile.

Jiang Shaoan, who was smiling with a surprised smile, had cold hands and feet. He waved his hands repeatedly, and the financial controller said: "No, I don't want it!"

"I, I don't want his discipline. Mother, mother, it's him..."

Jiang Shaoan's face was full of panic, and he wanted to complain to his mother angrily.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly took a step forward, walked up to Jiang Shaoan, leaned into his ear and sneered softly: "You don't want your mother to know about the things you were hanging out with outside, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Shaoan's pupils widened and he stared angrily at Lin Jiangnian, horrified and angry: "You, you are despicable!!"

Only then did he remember that today, in order to show off in front of Lin Jiangnian, he had told all the things he had done in Beijing in detail. Now, it has become a handle for Lin Jiangnian to blackmail him? !

Jiang Shaoan is so regretful!

Seeing the playful sneer on Lin Jiangnian's face, a chill ran down his back.

Although most of the things shown today are bragging. But if his parents find out about this, even if he doesn't have to peel off a layer of skin, he may still have to be served by the family.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shaoan turned pale and frightened.

At this time, Jiang's mother also noticed something strange: "Shao'an, what's wrong?"

She looked at Jiang Shao'an and then at Lin Jiangnian next to her. She felt something strange about the two of them for some reason. Then she looked at Jiang Shao'an's face and saw that something was wrong with his face.

"Mom, I, I'm fine..."

Jiang Shaoan felt aggrieved, but in the end, under the threat of Lin Jiangnian, he could only grit his teeth unwillingly.

Bear it!

"It's okay."

Mother Jiang remembered something again: "By the way, you just said someone in your house beat you. Who was it?"

"No, no..."

Jiang Shao'an looked at Lin Jiangnian's half-smiling eyes, shuddered subconsciously, and shook his head repeatedly: "Yes, I am talking nonsense, no, no one hit me!"

When Jiang's mother heard this, she looked at him suspiciously: "No?"

"Yes, yes..."

"Jiang Shaoan, are you itchy again?"

Jiang's mother was angry. This unlucky traitor came to lie to her again?

Mother Jiang's face changed slightly with anger, and she immediately stood up to teach him a lesson. Jiang Shaoan was frightened and quickly backed away, his face full of grievances. Although he had pretended to be miserable and deceived his mother before, he really didn't do it this time.

Lin Jiangnian on the side quickly stopped Jiang's mother: "Auntie, don't be angry. Just calm down and I'll help you teach him a lesson."

Under Lin Jiangnian's comfort, Jiang's mother glared at Jiang Shaoan fiercely, turned to Lin Jiangnian and said, "I've been too spoiled to him these years. This traitor is usually uneducated and incompetent. You have to do a good job for me." Discipline him!"

"Don't worry, aunt, I will help you educate him well so that my cousin can change his mind and take the right path!"

Lin Jiangnian vowed and walked up to Jiang Shaoan. Jiang Shaoan backed away in horror: "You, what do you want to do?"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Jiangnian picked up his collar and said with a smile: "Let's go, cousin, it's our first time to meet brothers. Cousin wants to communicate with you and express our feelings."

"I, I don't want, let go, let me go... don't, save... my life, mother, please save me..."

Jiang Shaoan made a miserable cry for help and struggled desperately. However, no one helped, and everyone present watched helplessly as the young master was carried away by Lin Jiangnian like a little chicken.

Jiang Mansion, corner of the backyard.

Lin Jiangnian carried Jiang Shaoan here. Jiang Shaoan, who had just gained freedom in life, backed away in horror: "You, what do you want to do, you, don't mess around..."

Lin Jiangnian half-squinted his eyes and glanced at him: "Don't worry, I won't hit you today!"

Jiang Shaoan didn't believe it at all: "You said the same thing this morning!"

The result was not just a beating!

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "Why don't we look at what you said?"

If it wasn't for his bad words, how about whipping him?

Jiang Shaoan's face changed slightly, and he stared at Lin Jiangnian in disbelief: "You, are you really the Prince Lin?!"

"if not?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him.

"No, it's not like that!"

Jiang Shaoan was still in disbelief and muttered to himself.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "Have you seen me before?"

"No, no..."

Jiang Shaoan shook his head. Of course he had never met Lin Jiangnian, but...

"But isn't Prince Lin ugly?"

Jiang Shaoan stared at Lin Jiangnian's face. Why didn't it have anything to do with ugliness?

Lin Jiangnian was happy: "Who told you that this prince is ugly?"

"Everyone says so!"

"Do you believe it when I say that?"

Jiang Shaoan's eyes were blank. This kind of question was a bit advanced for him and he probably couldn't answer it.

"You, are you really Prince Lin?"

Jiang Shaoan was still unsure and looked horrified, but he still stared at Lin Jiangnian and asked again uncertainly.

"If you ask me again, I'll slap you."

Lin Jiangnian said angrily.

Jiang Shaoan took two steps back in horror, "You, you said you wouldn't hit me today!"

"It's good to know."

Lin Jiangnian smiled and looked him up and down: "Your mother also said just now, let me discipline you in the future. As for how to discipline..."

Jiang Shaoan's face showed a look of horror: "You, what do you want to do?!"

"Then it depends on your performance!"

Lin Jiangnian half-squinted his eyes: "Go, go to the west of the city and buy me two bunches of candied haws."

Hearing this, Jiang Shaoan's eyes suddenly widened: "What did you say?!"

He remembered, wasn't this what he ordered Lin Jiangnian to do yesterday when he first met Lin Jiangnian?

Now, he lets himself go?

Isn't this revenge against him?

Avenging a private vendetta? !

"What? Is there a problem?" Lin Jiangnian glanced at him.

"My majestic eldest son of the Jiang family, you want me to buy you candied haws on a stick?" Jiang Shaoan's eyes widened in disbelief.

"going or not?"

Lin Jiangnian sneered and raised his legs.

Jiang Shaoan backed away in fright. He glared at Lin Jiangnian angrily, but Lin Jiangnian said unhurriedly: "If you don't buy it, then I will tell your mother about you hanging out with those women in the capital." It’s about Ye Shengge!”

Jiang Shaoan was furious: "You, are you threatening me?"

"are you going?"


In the end, Jiang Shaoan gritted his teeth unwillingly, glared at Lin Jiangnian fiercely, and left unwillingly.

"Remember, I need you to buy it in person, don't let me find out that you are ordering everyone in the house!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Jiang Shaoan's back and waited until he completely disappeared. Then he put away the smile on his face, turned around and prepared to leave leisurely, but saw a figure standing quietly at the door of the yard not far behind him.

Wrapped in a snow-white velvet jacket and a light-colored skirt close to the body, she looks elegant and beautiful. The figure is generous and well-proportioned, and the plump breasts rise and fall gently with the snow-white velvet clothes.

Her thick black hair is coiled and decorated with exquisite hairpins. There was a smile on that exquisite and beautiful face, looking at Lin Jiangnian with a half-smile but not a smile.

His mature and graceful temperament was fully revealed at this moment.


Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised and looked up at his aunt in front of him: "Why are you here?"

Jiang Yuxiang did not answer the question, but glanced in the direction Jiang Shaoan left: "Why did you bully him?"


Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "When did I bully him?"

Jiang Yuxiang smiled brightly, and her beautiful eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian. After looking at him for a few times, he sighed softly: "This boy has been spoiled since he was a child. His sister-in-law pampered him too much. As a result, he has such a personality now. I can’t control him either…”

At this point, Jiang Yuxiang's beautiful eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian again: "It seems that he, a dandy in the capital, will be punished by you, a dandy in Linjiang City."

"I am his cousin. Isn't it right for an elder brother to teach his younger brother a lesson?"

Lin Jiangnian didn't take it seriously. It was easy for him to teach a fool like this who only bullied others.

Jiang Yuxiang sighed: "That's true, probably only you can cure him... I hope he can restrain himself. This place in the capital is not another place after all. If his character continues like this, he will have to eat it sooner or later. Big loss.”

“It’s not a bad thing to suffer a little loss!”

Jiang Yuxiang looked a little worried and sighed: "I'm worried that if he gets into some big trouble, he will cause trouble to his brother, sister-in-law, and the rest."

Lin Jiangnian was silent, that was true.

There is nothing wrong with Jiang Shaoan, a young boy, but he is very close to the eighth prince in the palace, which is very dangerous. Once he gets involved with the royal family in the palace, if something unexpected happens in the future, the entire Jiang family will be implicated.

"Then when he comes back, I'll whip him twice more."

This naughty kid is disobedient. If he gets in trouble with his uncle and aunt, just in case, let him be strangled to death in the cradle first.

Jiang Yuxiang withdrew his gaze, and his beautiful eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian. He looked at Lin Jiangnian for a few times and seemed a little worried: "I'm afraid the news of your return to Beijing won't be kept secret for long. People who are interested may have already discovered the clues. When do you plan to show up?" ?”


Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and then spoke.

He couldn't escape the spy when he entered the Jiang Mansion, and anyone who was interested would be able to find out the clues, which meant that the news that Lin Jiangnian was still alive would soon spread.


Jiang Yuxiang looked puzzled and stared at Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian smiled at his aunt: "Aren't you curious why I asked Jiang Shao'an to buy candied haws?"

Jiang Yuxiang's expression was slightly condensed, puzzled: "Why?"

"This kid was beaten twice by me, and now he probably hates me more."

Lin Jiang young laughed: "He was dissatisfied with me as my cousin before. Now that he knows my identity, he is afraid that he will report it to the public as soon as possible..."

Jiang Yuxiang was stunned for a moment, and then realized something after a while: "So, you did it on purpose?"

"That's right!"

Lin Jiangyoun smiled: "In that case, I will give him this opportunity...and let the people behind him be wary."

They were so afraid of Lin Jiangnian coming to Beijing. Now that the news came out that Lin Jiangnian was still alive, how could they sleep peacefully?

And this is what Lin Jiangnian hopes to see.

All accounts outside the city must be settled with them.

Jiang Yuxiang was thoughtful and wanted to say something, but when he saw Lin Jiangnian's confident look, he suppressed it all.

"If something happens, you must tell my aunt!" Jiang Yuxiang stared into his eyes and said word by word.

Lin Jiangnian was not used to his aunt's sudden reaction. He hesitated and nodded: "Aunt, it's cold outside. Let's go back first."

Jiang Yuxiang withdrew his gaze, said nothing, and nodded lightly.

Lin Jiangnian and his aunt walked into the courtyard side by side. When they were about to return to their own yard, Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and saw a figure standing quietly under the eaves not far away.

"Paper Kite?!"

Under the eaves, there are beautiful figures in white clothes, as white as jade.

The cold posture, the green aura, and the face as delicate as jade always showed a bit of nonchalance.

Her beautiful eyes fell on the courtyard. When she saw Lin Jiangnian walking into the courtyard, it was obvious that his calm eyes were slightly brighter.

But then, he saw his aunt walking in side by side with Lin Jiangnian. Her eyes were slightly startled and she looked at the two people in the courtyard.

No words were spoken.

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