Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 226 Let me tell you a story

"Paper Kite?"

Jiang Yuxiang saw the paper kite standing under the eaves, and walked up quickly. Looking at her thin clothes and cold hands, she said in a reproachful tone: "It's so late, why are you still outside? You're worried about catching a cold!"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes slightly, retracted her gaze, did not speak, and just shook her head slightly.

Jiang Yuxiang originally wanted to say something, but subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Lin Jiangnian standing in the yard behind him, and realized something.

This silly girl is probably waiting for that boy.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxiang couldn't help but feel a little distressed. At the same time, he was a little angry.

Besides being angry, I also had a weird feeling.

Zhiyuan has been with her since she was a child, and she almost watched her grow up. Jiang Yuxiang was very fond of the paper kite. When the paper kite was about to enter Prince Lin's Mansion, Jiang Yuxiang was even more worried about the journey and sent it over personally.

In addition, Jiang Yuxiang is nominally Zhiyuan's elder. Although Jiang Yuxiang is not very old, he subconsciously treats Zhiyuan as his daughter. Now I see Zhiyuan again, but I see that Zhiyuan, who had always been cold-tempered, has begun to be interested in other people.

Jiang Yuxiang suddenly felt like the cabbage he had worked so hard to watch grow was being humiliated by another pig.

And this pig is actually her nephew.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxiang felt very complicated. He looked at Zhiyuan, then at Lin Jiangnian who was not far behind him, and said angrily: "Why don't you get over here quickly?"

Lin Jiangnian walked slowly to the eaves and said, "Auntie, is there anything else?"

"I have something else to do, so I won't disturb you anymore!"

Jiang Yuxiang looked at the two of them and knew that they had finally met again and had a lot to say. Her aunt should disappear now.

However, before leaving, Jiang Yuxiang still grabbed Lin Jiangnian and whispered in his ear: "Treat Zhiyuan well and don't bully Zhiyuan. If you dare to do anything to offend Zhiyuan, aunt, I will kill you with justice and will never spare you!" "

Feeling his aunt's warm breath close at hand, Lin Jiangnian vowed and made a solid promise. Only then did Jiang Yuxiang let go of him, looked at him with complex eyes for a few more times, turned around and explained a few words to Zhiyuan, and then Left the yard.

After Jiang Yuxiang left, only Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan were left in the courtyard. The kite still stood under the eaves, saying nothing, looking at Lin Jiangnian calmly with a cold face.

Lin Jiangnian approached slowly and said softly: "Zhiyuan, do you have anything to ask me about?"

Zhiyuan still didn't speak.

His eyes fell calmly on Lin Jiangnian, wondering what he was thinking.

Seeing that Zhiyuan still didn't speak, Lin Jiangnian stepped forward and wanted to grab Zhiyuan's little hand out of habit.

However, this time, Lin Jiangnian's hand had just reached halfway and failed. Zhiyuan's bare hands, which were originally outside, were retracted under his sleeves, and Lin Jiangnian caught the empty hand.

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment, then looked up and saw that Zhiyuan's face still had no expression.


But it seems different from before.

"What, what's wrong?"

Something's wrong!

Something doesn’t seem right about Paper Kite!

At this time in the past, although her expression was cold, she was not as angry as she is today. Although he concealed it well, Lin Jiangnian could still see some emotion.

More importantly... every time Lin Jiangnian grabbed Zhiyuan's hand at this time in the past and gently touched it to gain some advantage, Zhiyuan resisted slightly but never broke away.

And this time, she actually avoided it?

This is obviously not normal!


Zhiyuan lowered her eyes slightly and her tone was neither cold nor indifferent.

Not even a hint of emotion could be seen.

Lin Jiangnian stared at the cold face so close in front of him. His skin was as white as jade, as cold as the snow in winter, and his facial features were delicate and small, completely in line with the appearance of a gentle woman from a Jiangnan water town, watery and clear. But Zhiyuan's unique character and temperament add a touch of otherworldliness to this gentle atmosphere.

More and more attractive.

"You don't act like you're okay."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "You have changed, you have learned to lie now."

Zhiyuan was slightly startled, looked up at Lin Jiangnian, and then looked away.

"It's cold outside, please go back to your room first."

Lin Jiangnian knew Zhiyuan's temperament too well, so he didn't ask any more questions. I glanced at the sky outside and saw that it was already late, and it was indeed cold late at night.

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, turned around, and returned to her room.

Lin Jiangnian followed closely and closed the door.

Zhiyuan walked to the table and sat down, picked up the unread book on the table and looked down at it. Lin Jiangnian came closer and glanced at the book Zhiyuan was reading. He was slightly startled, and then chuckled: "Do you also like reading such popular stories?"

Zhiyuan didn't raise her eyes: "Just take a look."

Although Beijing is more prosperous than Linzhou, Zhiyuan is lonely and cold-tempered. During his stay in Beijing, he basically stayed in Jiang Mansion. There were not many entertainment activities in Jiang Mansion. Except for wandering around the courtyard, Zhiyuan spent most of her time in her room reading.

Although these popular folk tales are boring, they are indeed good things to pass the time.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at it for a few times, then shook his head slightly: "It's boring, these stories are too clichéd... about encountering uneven roads, heroes drawing swords to help save beauties, beauties offering their bodies to each other... the writing is too vulgar. !”

No wonder he feels this way. No matter in any era, heroes saving beauties will always be an enduring classic story plot. In addition, for the people of this era, they have not been influenced by routine stories. Ordinary heroes saving beauties stories , coupled with the plot of a little person being admired by a lady, he will always be the most loved by ordinary people and people in the world.

After all, a refreshing story that conforms to the obscene desires of contemporary lower-class people is a good thing that the public loves to hear and see!

All in all, it’s just one sentence... I am a vulgar person, I love to watch it!

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Zhiyuan's cold expression and saw that her eyes were still on the books. He sighed, "If you like to hear this kind of story, I can tell you 1,800 stories a day without repetition."

He said it casually, but he didn't expect that not long after he finished speaking, Zhiyuan, who had been unresponsive, suddenly put down the book in his hand and raised his eyes to look at Lin Jiangnian.

"What's wrong?"

Zhiyuan didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

Only then did Lin Jiangnian realize something: "Do you really want to listen?"

Zhiyuan still didn't speak.

have to!

Really want to listen!

"Okay, then I will satisfy you!"

It was just a casual comment at first, but I didn't expect that Zhiyuan really wanted to hear it. Then Linjiang Nian naturally sat up straight, looked at Zhiyuan, and coughed lightly: "What story do you want to hear?"

Zhiyuan looked indifferent, and after a while, he said lightly: "Whatever."

"The story of a hero saving a beauty is too cliché, so let me tell you a story of a beauty saving a hero."

Lin Jiangnian collected his thoughts and spoke slowly: "The protagonist of this story is a weak scholar named Ning Caichen. It is said that one year, this weak scholar went to Beijing to take the exam, and it rained heavily in the middle of the night. I ran into a ruined temple and met a beautiful woman who took the initiative to betray me..."

In the middle of the night, Lin Jiangnian told a ghost story!

Although with Zhiyuan's temperament, he shouldn't be afraid of ghosts, but what if...

In the middle of the night, a man and a woman alone, coupled with an atmospheric ghost story, can be said to be the right time and place.

But it's a pity that Zhiyuan is really not afraid of ghosts.

In fact, he listened expressionlessly from beginning to end as Lin Jiangnian finished telling this ghost story.

Of course, the story line of A Chinese Ghost Story itself is not long, and it is not a serious rescue hero in a strict sense, but the story is exciting enough and contains many plot elements. As a popular folk supernatural story that has been handed down from ancient times to the present, it itself shows its excellence.

However, after Lin Jiangnian finished speaking, he found that Zhiyuan didn't respond much, which somewhat frustrated him.

This sensible girl had already thrown herself into his arms with a face full of fear, and was saying "How good or bad you are to scare others".

Zhiyuan remained motionless, sitting quietly at the table with a cold temperament. There was even the aura that if Grandma Nie Xiaoqian came, she could be chopped down by her sword.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian sighed deeply: "How about I tell you another story?"

Zhiyuan didn't speak, but blinked slightly.

"This story has to start from a small mountain village. It is said that in a certain year in a small place called Lijiacun, an unknown village doctor saved a seriously injured woman in white at the door of his house. s story……"

The story is very long, and Lin Jiangnian tells it very slowly. However, Zhiyuan's thoughts never seemed to be on the story.

While Lin Jiangnian was telling this wonderful story with great energy, Zhiyuan's eyes kept falling on Lin Jiangnian, watching his face quietly. After an unknown amount of time, she suddenly spoke softly: "Where have you been today?"


Lin Jiangnian felt extremely uncomfortable when the story was interrupted in the middle, but when Zhiyuan suddenly asked, he still explained: "I tricked Jiang Shao'an into going out for a walk, and I learned about the situation by the way."

Zhiyuan was silent, then spoke again after a while: "What's wrong?"

Her temperament has always been like this, and she won't ask too many nonsense questions.

"I probably have a guess..."

Lin Jiangnian did not hide anything and told Zhiyuan what had happened to scare Jiang Shaoan tonight.

"This boy is close to the eighth prince, and the eighth prince is close to the third prince. I guess he will receive the news soon. I wonder if he can still sleep at that time!"

Lin Jiangnian sneered.

Ever since he entered Prince Lin's Mansion, he had heard about the name of the third prince. It had been so long since we had even seen each other, but the third prince had already given Lin Jiangnian several great gifts.

This hatred is not a big one!

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes, but her eyes still did not leave Lin Jiangnian. She said softly: "The third prince is difficult to deal with!"

"Is this prince easy to deal with?"

Lin Jiang asked back with a young smile.

Zhiyuan shook her head slightly and looked at Lin Jiangnian, her fair and cold face seemed a little worried: "The situation in Beijing is very chaotic now. The prince in the palace is ill and the situation is not good!"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to realize something and narrowed his eyes: "What do you mean..."

"In these years, the third prince has never given up. He stayed in the capital to seize the throne..."

"The prince is seriously ill now. If anything unexpected happens, the capital may undergo drastic changes, even now..."

Zhiyuan did not continue, but Lin Jiangnian understood.

The third prince has cultivated quite a lot of influence in Beijing over the years. Now that the prince is seriously ill, the situation in Beijing is confusing. The original forces in Beijing will definitely not sit still and wait for death.

Once something unexpected happens to His Royal Highness, the third prince, the heir apparent, will naturally become the target of their attraction.

The current third prince has great power in the capital. It's not that easy for Lin Jiangnian to deal with him. His status as Prince Lin's son might be useful in Linzhou, but in the capital, not many people would buy it.

Lin Jiangnian naturally knew what Zhiyuan was worried about. He chuckled, sat close to Zhiyuan, grabbed her little hand, and held it tightly.

This time, Zhiyuan did not resist.

"He is indeed extremely powerful now, but you also said that the premise of all this is that something happens to His Highness the Crown Prince. As long as His Highness the Crown Prince is safe and sound, the third prince will not be able to change the world... let alone the emperor is still alive!"

"Even if he ignores the government affairs, as long as he lives for one day, these princes below will not be able to change the world!"

Lin Jiangnian held the soft catkin in his hand and stroked it gently, as if holding a ball of soft cotton.

"Besides, this bitch has assassinated my prince again and again. He is very angry if he doesn't say this!"

Zhiyuan said nothing, just stared at Lin Jiangnian.

"By the way, where's that Miss Shen?"

Lin Jiangnian did not continue the discussion with Zhiyuan and changed the topic.

Shen Lingjun was mentioned.

I haven't seen her since that night in Xiaocheng.

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment: "She's gone!"

"Where are you going?"

"Not sure."

Zhiyuan shook her head slightly and said softly: "After she sent me back to Jiang Mansion, she left alone."

Having said this, Zhiyuan looked at Lin Jiangnian again and paused: "She asked me to ask you a question."

"What words?"

"She said she was sorry for you."

Zhiyuan spoke softly.

Lin Jiangnian was startled, somewhat unexpected.

"She probably feels that she has no face to see you again." Zhiyuan said softly.

Although what happened this time had nothing to do with her, the person who assassinated Lin Jiangnian was her senior uncle after all. She felt sorry, maybe because she couldn't get through the test in her heart. He also felt embarrassed to see Lin Jiangnian again, so he chose to leave quietly.

After hearing the news, Lin Jiangnian was surprised and a little sad at the same time.

This heroine Shen is indeed not bad in nature, and can even be regarded as a heroine with a full sense of justice. It is indeed rare in this world.

Unfortunately, her acquaintance with Lin Jiangnian was unpleasant from the beginning, which led to this series of events.

"It's not her fault for all this."

Lin Jiangnian sighed and shook his head slightly. When he raised his eyes, he saw Zhiyuan still looking at him.


Lin Jiang young smiled and at the same time, he approached and gently put Zhiyuan into his arms. Zhiyuan's delicate body froze slightly, but there was no obvious struggle. Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian's big hand holding Zhiyuan slowly moved along the girl's back, past Zhiyuan's soft and slender waist, and slowly moved up.

"Ahem, it's getting late, let's take a rest early?"

Lin Jiangnian showed an innocent expression towards Zhiyuan, and the sinful hand that slowly moved upward was about to cling to an unexplored part of the woman.

Just when he was about to succeed, Lin Jiangnian suddenly felt pain in the back of his hand.


Lin Jiangnian took a breath and lowered his head to see a flash of panic on Zhiyuan's fair and delicate face, followed by a slightly shy and angry tone.

"You, don't... don't touch me!"


People are outside, so this chapter is a bit rough. I will go back and refine it, and let the author think about how to eat the paper kite.

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