Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 227 Caught in the act

Quiet bedroom.

The light on the table was dim, reflecting two figures sitting close to each other.

The girl's deserted body exudes an alluring light fragrance, which smells good, is elegant, fresh and refined. And Lin Jiangnian's "criminal hand" that was silently trying to invade upward without knowing it happened to be caught.

"Let go, let go!"

Zhiyuan's voice was cold and trembling, with a bit of shame and anger that could not be concealed, accompanied by a little panic and fear.

Lin Jiangnian pretended to turn a blind eye, hoping to fish in troubled waters and take the opportunity to get closer. But before he could take action, he felt a heartbreaking pain on the back of his hand.


Lin Jiangnian felt the pain, took a deep breath, and subconsciously relaxed. The paper kite in his arms took the opportunity to escape and quickly moved away from Lin Jiangnian.

The fair and plain face was flushed with shame and anger, and the breathing was rapid, and the chest was rising and falling violently with the rapid breathing. There was infinite shame and anger in her beautiful eyes as she glared at Lin Jiangnian, biting her lower lip tightly and saying nothing.

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and looked at the back of his hand. It was fine, but it was slightly green.

"You are too cruel!"

Lin Jiangnian started to show his misery, "Look, see how badly you pinched me?"

Zhiyuan said nothing, still staring at him shyly and angrily.

Seeing that the misfortune was useless, Lin Jiangnian immediately changed his strategy, coughed lightly, stood up and walked towards Zhiyuan. After taking just two steps, I heard Zhiyuan's cold and alert voice: "Stop."

Lin Jiangnian paused in his tracks and saw Zhiyuan's red face suddenly turned away, expressionless.

"You go back!"

Although she tried her best to pretend to be calm, her appearance still revealed her guilty conscience and panic at this time.

Lin Jiangnian naturally did not take her threat seriously and walked straight to Zhiyuan. Under the dim light, he saw Zhiyuan's delicate and pretty red face up close.

The calm look disappeared, and even if he tried his best to hide it, he couldn't hide the red glow on his fair face. White and rosy, it is the most delicate appearance of a girl.

As Lin Jiangnian came closer, his face that would never fade became redder, his breathing became more rapid, and he even subconsciously took two steps back.

The panic look was clearly visible.

"Okay, this is just for fun!"

Seeing how nervous she was, Lin Jiangnian finally stopped and smiled softly.

Zhiyuan is not as easy to bully as Xiaozhu, nor is she as submissive as Xiaozhu. She can put on whatever posture she wants...

If you push too hard, it may be counterproductive.

There is no need to rush, you need to take your time and figure it out slowly.

Compared to Xiaozhu, who is charming and obedient, the stubborn little maid in front of her is obviously more challenging.

It also gives me a greater sense of accomplishment!

Zhiyuan said nothing, still looking away without saying a word. There was a hint of displeasure on the seemingly expressionless face.

"Look, you're making a fool of me again."

Young Lin Jiang sighed, and then said: "It is said that girls should not put on a face all day long, but should smile more, you will look better when you smile."

Zhiyuan remained expressionless.

"Okay, it's getting late. Since you are unwilling to take me in tonight... then I can only stay in the empty room alone!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and sighed. Before leaving, he did not forget to retreat in order to advance. He quietly kidnapped Zhiyuan morally and condemned his conscience.

However, Zhiyuan didn't react at all, and his face remained expressionless. But when Lin Jiangnian opened the door and left the room, she stared blankly at the door, seemingly hesitant to speak.

But in the end, nothing was said.

Outside the door, the cold wind howled. The few leaves left on the branches were blown loudly, and the sky and the earth were pitch black.

Lin Jiangnian wrapped up his clothes and walked along the eaves to leave. After walking only a few steps, he suddenly stopped and looked up at the dimly lit room next to him.

Subconsciously, he glanced behind him. The door of the room not far away was closed tightly, and there was no sound.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jiangnian quietly approached the door to the side, quietly pushed the door open, stepped into the room with lightning speed, closed the door, and finished in one go.

"Your Highness?"

In the warm and silent room, the fire was burning brightly, driving away the cold outside.

Xiaozhu, who had just taken off his coat and was about to lie down and rest, suddenly saw a dark shadow suddenly bursting in outside the door.

Xiaozhu was startled at first. How could someone break in so late at night? After staying in Prince Lin's Mansion for a long time, she almost didn't have the habit of locking the door. When he calmed down and took a closer look, he realized that the dark figure that broke in was actually His Highness.

Your Highness, why are you here so late at night?

Still so... sneaky?

Xiaozhu blinked in confusion at first, and then she realized something when she saw His Highness walking towards her with slightly hot eyes.

"Your Highness, you..."

Xiaozhu's pretty face suddenly turned red, her expression shy and flustered: "Why are you here?!"

Lin Jiangnian approached the edge of the bed and his eyes fell on Xiaozhu beside the bed. Xiaozhu, who was about to lie down, had just taken off his coat, leaving only the light pink lining on his body. The fire temperature in the room was very high, and the lining on the little maid's body was not thick, and it clung to her body, revealing the little maid's budding figure.

Xiaozhu's face turned red. The little maid knew very well what purpose His Highness had for barging in this late at night. On the way to the capital, His Highness had many...

As if aware of His Highness's hot gaze, Xiaozhu realized something, lowered his head and glanced, and then said "Ah", panicked and covered his chest, too shy to see others.

The little maid's face is still very thin.

Lin Jiangnian looked away, half-smiling but not smiling: "What's wrong?"

As he said that, he sat on the edge of the bed, close to the little maid. Xiaozhu seemed to realize something, and quickly raised his blushing and flustered expression, waving his hands repeatedly: "No, no... Your Highness, I can't do it tonight..."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "What?"

The little maid blushed, with a bitter look on her face: "It hurts, it still hurts..."

Apparently, the aftereffects of last night were still there.

Seeing the little maid's pitiful expression, Lin Jiangnian felt a little pity, gently touched her head, and said angrily: "What are you thinking about? I am the kind of person who only thinks about Looking at people who do bad things?”

Xiaozhu pouted, his eyes filled with resentment.

Isn’t that right, Your Highness?

Obviously every time before...

Seeing Xiaozhu's resentful eyes, Lin Jiangnian felt guilty, and coughed: "I just came here to see you tonight, with no other purpose... Since your body has not recovered yet, then take a good rest!"


Xiaozhu said obediently.

Lin Jiangnian stayed with Xiaozhu for a while, and when he saw that it was getting late, he got up and left.

Of course, Lin Jiangnian originally wanted to stay, but Xiaozhu drove him away with a blushing face. Sister Zhiyuan's room is right next to her, so she doesn't dare to do it so blatantly.

If Sister Zhiyuan finds out... Xiaozhu is trembling.

After leaving the room, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh deeply. It was really a bad start tonight. They were kicked out by Zhiyuan and Xiaozhu one after another... These two little maids were really becoming more and more lawless.

Especially the paper kite...

Lin Jiangnian sighed as he returned to his courtyard room. However, when he opened the door and stepped into the room, he stopped suddenly.

There is someone in the room.

In the quiet and dark room, a figure loomed.

"Paper Kite?!"

Lin Jiangnian was suddenly startled.

It was dark all around, but Lin Jiangnian still recognized this beautiful figure in white at a glance.

It's the paper kite.

Why is she here?

Lin Jiangnian walked into the room and lit the lights in the room. As the lights turned on, the lonely figure of the paper kite appeared in his sight.

She was standing quietly in the room, staring at Lin Jiangnian expressionlessly. For some reason, it felt like Zhiyuan's eyes were a bit aggressive at the moment.

As if examining something.

"Zhiyuan, why are you here?"

Lin Jiangnian coughed, and suddenly an ominous premonition came to his heart.

Why is

Sure enough, the next second he saw Zhiyuan's eyes staring directly at him.

"Where did you go just now?"

The tone was neither cold nor indifferent, but it seemed to carry some emotion.

Very strong!

It was so intense that Lin Jiangnian almost knew something was wrong as soon as he heard it!

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Where could he have just gone?

In an instant, Lin Jiangnian understood everything.

There was only a yard between Zhiyuan's room and his. Just now Lin Jiangnian stopped by Xiaozhu's room after leaving, and now Zhiyuan suddenly appeared in his room waiting for him...

The answer is already obvious!

And Zhiyuan's expression and reaction also explained all this.

Zhiyuan was afraid that he had discovered that he had sneaked into Xiaozhu's room, and was waiting here to catch him.

Good catch!

Lin Jiangnian felt guilty for a moment.


After a brief moment of guilt and panic, Lin Jiangnian quickly calmed down and explained calmly: "Xiaozhu hasn't been feeling well these past two days. I just stopped by to visit her... It's cold now, and Xiaozhu doesn't feel well either. Pay attention to your health, I'm afraid you may be infected with wind and cold."

Lin Jiangnian's explanation was watertight and had no flaws. Even take the initiative to confess and take the initiative. In this way, it seems magnanimous.

Zhiyuan didn't say anything, just stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes expressionlessly.

Lin Jiangnian didn't show any sign of panic, and continued to ask with a puzzled look, "What's wrong?"

"By the way, why are you here? Is there anything else you can do?"

Mainly anti-customer.

Lin Jiangnian changed the topic without leaving any trace.

Zhiyuan still stared at Lin Jiangnian, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. After a long time, she slowly withdrew her gaze and said in a cold tone: "It's okay."

After saying that, she walked towards the door.

Crisp and neat.

However, he had just taken two steps when he was pulled back by Lin Jiangnian.


Zhiyuan stopped and stared back at him.

"You're here, sit down for a while."

Young Lin Jiang coughed: "There are some things I forgot to tell you."

Lin Jiangnian naturally had nothing to tell Zhiyuan, he just wanted to find an excuse to keep her here.

It could be seen that Zhiyuan was not in high spirits. Although she did not catch him in bed, if she was allowed to go like this tonight, she would be sulky again and ignore Lin Jiangnian for a long time.

Paper Kite is very smart, so smart that it’s not easy to fool!

His explanation was watertight, but Zhiyuan obviously didn't believe it.

However, Zhiyuan didn't seem to intend to expose it.

Lin Jiangnian closed the door, locked it quietly, and turned back.

Zhiyuan still stood there, motionless. Dressed in white, he really looks like a cold and proud sculpture.

"Come and sit first."

Lin Jiangnian greeted.

The kite didn't move.

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "I finally figured it out. Now you don't take me seriously at all."

Zhiyuan remained silent, and her cold eyes moved slightly. After a moment, she walked closer, sat down, and stared at Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian approached and took her hand. Zhiyuan struggled, but Lin Jiangnian held on tightly. Zhiyuan continued to struggle, and Lin Jiangnian held on tighter.

Looking up, he saw a bit of displeasure in Zhiyuan's eyes.

Lin Jiangnian chuckled: "Are you jealous?"

Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, and there was a moment of confusion in his eyes. But the next second, it suddenly disappeared again.

She turned her eyes away and said coldly: "No."

"Really not?"


"If not, why do you need to explain?"

Lin Jiangnian half-smiled and raised his eyebrows: "From what I know about you, if it's true, you wouldn't even bother to deny it...right?"

As if she had seen through her thoughts, Zhiyuan obviously had mood swings. She glanced at Lin Jiangnian coldly, then quickly turned away, saying solemnly and expressionlessly, "No, no."

The harsh tone contained a hint of imperceptible annoyance.

"Okay, okay, if not, there won't be."

Lin Jiangnian did not continue to stimulate her, but the smile on his face became brighter. Seeing that Zhiyuan's face became colder and colder, Lin Jiangnian restrained himself.

He held Zhiyuan's bare hand tightly, interlocking his fingers tightly, not giving her a chance to break away. Staring at the cold, indifferent face in front of him that looked extremely unhappy, some unspeakable emotions welled up in Lin Jiangnian's heart.

In the beginning, Lin Jiangnian may have had some intentions of surrendering to this stubborn little maid, but from the reunion in Xunyang City to being trapped in a secret room in the back mountain, he escaped with serious injuries and rested in a small mountain village. As he entered Beijing all the way, Lin Jiangnian's thoughts had already undergone earth-shaking changes.

Zhiyuan's several rescues, even regardless of her own safety, allowed Lin Jiangnian to be sure that the proud little maid in front of him, who used to be dismissive of him, had already developed different feelings for him.

Although Zhiyuan rarely expresses it, and never even expresses it verbally. But many of her actions have already proven everything silently.

Lin Jiangnian silently stared at the face that was as cold as water, yet extremely beautiful, just as it was when they first met.

In a daze, so much time has passed.

Until he stared for so long that Zhiyuan became impatient.

"Paper Kite."

Lin Jiangnian suddenly spoke softly: "When we return to Linzhou this time, shall we get married?"

Zhiyuan's face originally had a slightly impatient expression, but when she heard Lin Jiangnian's words, she suddenly froze on the spot.

As if she suspected that she had heard wrongly, she suddenly raised her head, her cold eyes full of astonishment.


Her voice was still cold, but there was a bit of shock and confusion that could not be concealed.

"What did you say?!"


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