Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 228 The prince likes you

"I said……"

Lin Jiangnian quietly stared at Zhiyuan's delicate and graceful girl's face, which looked particularly stunning because of her astonished expression. The originally calm and bright eyes were even more moved at this moment, slightly widened due to shock, and the reaction was extremely violent.

He looked slightly dazed, as if he hadn't yet reacted to Lin Jiangnian's brief but shocking words.

Lin Jiangnian held the plain hand in his arms tightly, squeezed it gently, looked into Zhiyuan's eyes, smiled slightly, and repeated it word for word.

"After we return to Linzhou this time, let's get married, right?"

"Of course, if you can't wait... you can get married in the capital."


Zhiyuan was stunned!

He stared at Lin Jiangnian blankly and didn't speak for a long time.

On the originally delicate face, the look of astonishment had not subsided, but a hint of disbelief had emerged. Looking at Lin Jiangnian, his fair and delicate skin was flushed with a hint of red.

Shortness of breath!

Very urgent!

There was silence all around, so quiet that you could almost hear your heartbeat.

The slightly red lips touched lightly, but not a word came out.

Get married?

Lin Jiangnian's words were no less than a depth bomb, instantly blasting the atmosphere to freezing point.

The paper kite was also blown up to the point where it was dizzy and stunned for a long time. Staring at Lin Jiangnian, complex expressions emerged, and at the same time... unbelievable!


Still silent!

Lin Jiangnian stared into Zhiyuan's eyes, silently watching her stunned and confused expression at this moment, and a bit at a loss.

"Why, why..."

Finally, after waiting in silence for a long time, Zhiyuan seemed to have finally come back to his senses. The shock in his eyes had faded a lot, but he became more and more confused.

The voice also contained a hint of deep confusion and uncertainty.

"what why?"

Lin Jiangnian quietly admired Zhiyuan's appearance at this moment, and said with a chuckle: "Why did I suddenly mention this matter?"

Zhiyuan was silent and didn't speak.

"Of course it's because you and I are in love, a talented man and a beautiful woman, a perfect match..."

Lin Jiangnian squeezed her little hand and chuckled: "What? You don't want to?"

Zhiyuan seemed to have been frightened, and subconsciously wanted to take out her hand, but Lin Jiangnian held her tightly, not giving her a chance to break free.

Zhiyuan couldn't break free, her delicate body was stretched straight, as if she was extremely nervous. She lowered her eyes and looked away from Lin Jiangnian.

"Let, let me go."

Zhiyuan spoke.

The voice was cold, with a hint of uneasy tension.

Lin Jiangnian did not let go. Instead, he held his hand tighter and even came closer, staring at Zhiyuan's snow-white face that could be broken by blows. There was not a single flaw on the face that looked as if it were made in heaven.

"You haven't answered me yet."

Lin Jiangnian looked into her eyes and smiled softly.

He was not surprised that Zhiyuan would react like this.

Zhiyuan looked away and remained silent for a long time. When her rapid breathing subsided slightly, she seemed to have calmed down. She suppressed the shock in her eyes and said calmly: "Stop joking!"


Lin Jiangqing shook his head lightly: "I'm not kidding!"

He stared at Zhiyuan's delicate and beautiful face and said softly: "I have always wanted to tell you, but I just didn't have the chance before..."

"After returning to Linzhou this time, if this prince does not die in the capital..."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows and half-smiled: "When the time comes, I will go and tell my father and ask him to betroth you to me!"


Lin Jiangnian still didn't wait for Zhiyuan's answer, perhaps because he was still digesting Lin Jiangnian's 'shocking' news. Lin Jiangnian was not in a hurry. This was his choice after careful consideration. Speaking out tonight also gives Zhiyuan some psychological preparation in advance.

Of course, there may be other reasons...

As for how to choose Zhiyuan, that was beyond Lin Jiangnian's consideration.

In short, if she agrees, she agrees, and if she doesn't agree, she has to agree!

Zhiyuan remained silent, facing Lin Jiangnian's burning gaze, she was a little at a loss what to do. Especially since I could handle it calmly in the past, but tonight I couldn't calm down no matter what. Lin Jiangnian's words were like seeds planted in her heart, taking root and growing vigorously.

She tried her best to calm down, but she couldn't.

"You haven't answered my prince's question yet."

Lin Jiangnian's chuckle sounded in his ears, and there was a hint of cynicism on his already handsome face.

"How about you give me a response?"

Zhiyuan was silent. After a long time, she raised her eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian. She stared at Lin Jiangnian's face for a long time and then looked away again.

"You want to marry the eldest princess."

The voice was neither cold nor indifferent, and apart from being slightly dull, no emotion could be heard. But at the same time, Lin Jiangnian could feel the plain hand held in his palm, and tried to struggle free.

As if deliberately.

Lin Jiangnian naturally would not give her this chance. While continuing to prevent Zhiyuan from breaking away in anger, he shook his head gently: "Don't worry, I won't marry her."

Zhiyuan suddenly froze on the spot and stared at Lin Jiangnian: "What did you say?!"

Looking at Zhiyuan's stunned eyes, Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly: "I forgot to tell you, from the very beginning, I had no intention of marrying her when I entered Beijing..."

"This time I come to Beijing to break off the engagement!"



Zhiyuan was shocked this time, even beyond the news that Lin Jiangnian said he wanted to marry her. His eyes were fixed on Lin Jiangnian, and he even forgot to resist.

"It would be troublesome to explain this."

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "In short, marrying her back will probably not bring any good results..."

"The emperor today is not so kind as to marry me a daughter who is very likely to be a great master in the future!"

"There must be fraud in this!"

"This eldest princess, whoever you marry is stupid..."


Zhiyuan said nothing, and his expression gradually calmed down from the shock at the beginning. The marriage between the imperial court and Prince Lin's palace had a very deep purpose.


What surprised her was Lin Jiangnian's attitude.

He actually wants to break off the engagement? !

Zhiyuan stared at him: "Do you know the consequences of breaking off the engagement?"

"Of course I know."

"Then you still dare?"

"Why don't you dare?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows, looked at Zhiyuan, and chuckled: "I don't like her, but I like you. If I want to marry, I will naturally marry you!"

As if he didn't expect Lin Jiang to suddenly speak so boldly and straightforwardly at the annual meeting, a flash of bright red crawled all the way down the snow-white neck, and Zhiyuan turned his eyes away in panic.

"You, don't talk nonsense."

"Nonsense? How could it be nonsense!"

As Lin Jiangnian spoke, he hugged her into his arms and smelled the light and pleasant fragrance on the girl's body: "Can't you still feel my prince's affection for you?"

Zhiyuan's delicate body stiffened, tighter than ever before. Especially when she felt the familiar aura of Lin Jiangnian, accompanied by a bit of aggressive heat, her spirit was tense to the extreme at this moment, and she could hardly restrain herself at all.


A majestic aura emanated from Zhiyuan's body, knocking Lin Jiangnian beside him flying away.


Lin Jiangnian screamed and was blown away by Zhiyuan's breath, lying on the ground in a panic.

"You, are you okay..."

Seeing this scene, Zhiyuan stood up in a panic and quickly stepped forward to check Lin Jiangnian's injuries.

At that moment, her body's instinctive reaction was almost uncontrollable. When she came to her senses, she immediately panicked. She was very aware of her own strength and was afraid that Lin Jiangnian would be hurt by her.

"It hurts, it hurts..."

Lin Jiangnian was lying on the ground, with a wailing and miserable expression on his face, as if he had been seriously injured. Zhiyuan was so nervous that she was completely unaware of the playful and smug smile on Lin Jiangnian's face.

Just as she approached and squatted next to Lin Jiangnian, wanting to check his injuries, Lin Jiangnian, who was still wailing, suddenly pulled hard. Caught off guard, Zhiyuan was unprepared and was pulled by Lin Jiangnian. Staggering, she fell into his arms.

Lin Jiangnian hugged Zhiyuan, hugged her slender waist tightly, turned over, and pressed her under him.

Feeling the hot breath on her body, Zhiyuan suddenly realized that she had been fooled, and a trace of shame and anger appeared on her fair face.

"Let, let me go!"

"You must first agree to my son's promise."

Holding the girl's slender waist tightly, Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and stared at the girl under him, looking at the pretty face so close in front of him, which looked particularly beautiful due to panic, shame and anger. He was breathing quickly and delicately. The nose, red lips as thin as cicada wings, and red skin like a girl in early spring.

Extremely tempting!

Zhiyuan stared at Lin Jiangnian with shameful and angry eyes, breathing rapidly: "Let go!"

"Don't let go!"

Zhiyuan stopped talking.

He turned his eyes away and bit his lower lip, seemingly with some emotion.


Are you still obsessed with him?

Sure enough, she read it right, Zhiyuan was indeed the most stubborn little maid around him.

Just when Lin Jiangnian was thinking about how to subdue this arrogant little maid, he heard Zhiyuan's emotionless voice again.

"If you don't marry her, you are disobeying the decree!"

Lin Jiangnian lowered his eyes and saw that Zhiyuan was not looking at him. His slightly messy hair covered the looming crimson side of his face.

"The marriage contract between me and her was originally a game between my father and the emperor. As for whether to resist or not, it was just a matter of thought."

Lin Jiangnian didn't speak clearly, so Zhiyuan could naturally understand. She was silent for a while, then suddenly turned to stare at Lin Jiangnian: "Is this your intention or the prince's?"

"Is it important?"

Zhiyuan didn't speak, just stared at him.

"That's what I meant."

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while, then smiled softly and spoke.

Zhiyuan's eyes slightly lowered: "Does the prince know?"

"I told him already."

Lin Jiangnian said: "Marrying her back to the palace may not necessarily be a good thing. The imperial court has been secretly plotting to marry her to the palace. If I marry her, I'm afraid it will go along with the imperial court's wishes."

"My father doesn't want this, and neither do I!"


Facing Zhiyuan's burning gaze, Lin Jiangnian smiled: "Why else?"

"My prince has always been accustomed to freedom and does not like to be restrained by others. Since I don't like the eldest princess, why should I marry her?"

Having said this, Lin Jiangnian looked at the beautiful appearance of the paper kite in his arms, half-smiling but not smiling: "My prince likes you, so of course I will marry you if I want to marry him."

Zhiyuan quickly looked away, her chest rising and falling with her rapid breathing. After a moment, she bit her lower lip and said expressionlessly: "I can't."


Zhiyuan was silent for a long time, her tone without any emotion: "I'm just your maid."

"Didn't you say that since you left Prince Lin's Mansion, you have ceased to be my eldest son's maid?"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be smiling, but Zhiyuan lowered his eyes and did not respond.

Seeing this, Young Lin Jiang sighed, held her delicate but somewhat stubborn little face, and said: "In the eyes of this prince, you are not a maid... Ask yourself, how can any maid dare to bully me? Master? How can any maid show off to her master as casually as you?"

"Reflect on it carefully. Are you a bit like my maid?"

Zhiyuan was silent, biting her lower lip, and wanted to look away, but Lin Jiangnian kept her face straight and refused to let her move. Facing Lin Jiangnian's hot questioning gaze, Zhiyuan was discouraged and simply closed her eyes.

No response!

"Besides, what about the maid? As long as I like you, I will marry you."

Lin Jiangnian's tone was a little unreasonable, and he stared quietly at the blushing face in front of him, as if he was thinking of something, and said, "Don't forget, you promised me something back then..."

"You said, as long as my father agrees, you will be fine... You won't cheat now, right?"

Zhiyuan's delicate body trembled, as if she had also remembered this matter. The heartbeat that had just been gentle began to beat uncontrollably. My head is in chaos and my thoughts are hard to calm down.

In the dead of night, the two of them were lying on the carpet in the room, intertwined.

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian suddenly became silent.

Zhiyuan was confused and subconsciously opened her eyes, but suddenly she saw Lin Jiangnian's very familiar handsome face, showing a proud look towards her. Before Zhiyuan could react, he suddenly came closer and kissed her thin face with precision. Red lips like cicada wings.

"Uh... no..."

Zhiyuan's pupils suddenly opened wide, her expression was panicked and shy, and her delicate body became tense and stiff instantly. My mind went blank and I even forgot to resist. She lost her mind and allowed Lin Jiangnian to invade. The hot and majestic familiar aura was vaguely about to wrap around her and melt her.

By the time she realized something was wrong, it was too late. The hot breath gradually overwhelmed her, and her rationality faded away bit by bit.

Until a certain moment, when it is about to take a step closer.

"No, no..."

A trembling voice came, and Zhiyuan held her chest firmly.

The pair of fiery eyes met each other, the delicate body trembled, and the beautiful face no longer lost half of its cold expression.

"I, I'm not ready yet..."

The trembling voice was like a frightened little white rabbit.

In the darkness, Lin Jiangnian stared passionately at the pitiful-looking paper kite in front of him. Never thought that she, who used to be cold and arrogant, would look so flustered and shy.

Cold and deeply panicked, accompanied by indescribable shyness, the long eyelashes trembled slightly, and his eyes were evasive.

Young Lin Jiang bent down gently, came close to the girl's crystal-clear earlobe, and whispered softly.

"Don't worry, this prince is a gentleman..."

"Just rub it..."


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