Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 229 Third Prince Li Yuan

What is a gentleman?

A gentleman should remain firm in the face of difficulties and temptations, deal with them indifferently, and not lose his true heart due to temptations.

And never violate your own principles because of your greed for temporary beauty.

For example, Lin Jiangnian, faced with the impulsive temptation of beauty last night, finally resisted the invasion of beauty, successfully defended his bottom line and maintained his image as a gentleman.

It really is...

I can’t make it up anymore!

"Oh shit!"

early morning.

Under the eaves, Lin Jiangnian squatted under the edge of the stage, cursing. He looked depressed and sighed.


I was almost able to capture the paper kite last night!

Everything originally fell into place, but under Lin Jiangnian's step-by-step offensive, Zhiyuan was caught off guard. Where has Zhiyuan ever experienced such a scene? Being beaten down by Lin Jiangnian's attack, he was about to succeed further.

Zhiyuan reacted!


There's no after that!

Zhiyuan resisted fiercely and refused righteously.

Evil thoughts burst into Lin Jiangnian's mind, and he thought of cooking the rice in one step.

But when he saw the pitiful look on Zhiyuan's delicate face, with a bit of bewildered fear, the evil thoughts that had just emerged immediately disappeared.

If it were another maid and maid, Lin Jiangnian would naturally be rude. But facing Zhiyuan, he finally hesitated.

The Overlord raised his bow forcefully... He was really not a human being!

More importantly, when Zhiyuan reacted, Lin Jiangnian was no longer his opponent.

As a result, Lin Jiangnian transformed into a gentleman. He changed his strategy and no longer forced his way in. Instead, he used reason and emotion to deceive Zhiyuan psychologically.

I can’t say it was completely useless, I can only didn’t work!

Although Lin Jiangnian's nonsense may indeed have swayed Zhiyuan a little, his resistance and struggle became much weaker.

But in the end, Zhiyuan stuck to the bottom line and didn't completely believe Lin Jiangnian's lies, and he succeeded.

Of course, there may be other reasons!


Lin Jiangnian looked down at his open hand, which seemed to still have some softness in it. He thought about the beautiful scene that happened last night in his mind, and a proud smile appeared on his face.

As if remembering the last words Zhiyuan said last night, Lin Jiangnian's eyes gradually became firm and he stood up suddenly.

"Damn it, break off the engagement!"

"This marriage must be canceled!"




Zuixianju, which is usually quiet, has a few figures today.

It's in the private room on the second floor.

A richly dressed young man in brocade was lying lazily on the soft couch, casually glancing at another young man in the hall.

"Jiang Shaoan, you asked someone to deliver a letter last night, saying you had something important to say?"

The person standing in the hall is none other than Jiang Shaoan.

Last night, after being forced by Lin Jiangnian to go out to buy candied haws, Jiang Shaoan turned around and hurriedly went to the Eighth Prince to inform him.

But it was getting late last night and the Eighth Prince had already returned to the palace. It was not until this morning that I finally had the chance to see the Eighth Prince.

"That's right, His Highness the Eighth Prince, I have something very important to tell you!"

Jiang Shaoan swallowed, looking excited.

"Say it."

The young man lying on the soft couch is the eighth prince of the current emperor. He is still young and has a childish face, but he can't hide his scornful and dandy look.

Obviously, he is not a serious prince.

Jiang Shaoan looked at the two people beside the Eighth Prince and swallowed: "Eighth Prince, they..."

The Eighth Prince glanced at the two guards beside him and said calmly: "It doesn't matter, let's talk."

Jiang Shaoan breathed a sigh of relief, then lowered his voice and said cautiously: "Eighth Prince, Lin Jiangnian, he is not dead..."

The Eighth Prince didn't remember who the name was for a moment, and his expression remained disdainful: "Who? Who is Lin Jiangnian?"

"Prince Linwang."


Before the eighth prince finished speaking, he suddenly sat up from the soft couch and stared at Jiang Shaoan: "What did you say?"


"Lin, Prince Lin..."

Jiang Shaoan gritted his teeth and whispered: "He is not dead, he made it to the capital alive..."

"Is this true?!"

The Eighth Prince's eyes changed slightly, staring at Jiang Shao'an, and even his tone changed.

"It's absolutely true, he's in my house now!"

As if he was worried that the eighth prince would not believe him, Jiang Shaoan gritted his teeth, with a bit of resentment in his eyes: "My mother said it herself, saying that he is my is absolutely true!"

The Eighth Prince's expression changed slightly. Hearing the news that Prince Lin was still alive, he couldn't sit still and stood up immediately.

"Not dead, he's actually not dead?"

As he said that, he looked back at Jiang Shaoan: "You did a good job. This news is very important. It will benefit you if you look back!"

Jiang Shao'an suddenly beamed with joy: "Thank you so much, His Highness the Eighth Prince!"

The Eighth Prince waved his hands and sleeves: "Let's go!"

Then, he left with the guards around him. Jiang Shaoan was left standing there with a somewhat proud look on his face.

"Lin Jiangnian, what should I do with you?"

"If the Eighth Prince takes action, you will be dead... If you dare to hit me, let's see how I will deal with you then!"


Beijing, an ancient house.

Outside the pavilion and corridor, there are mountains and flowing water, and the scenery in the courtyard is still green. Even in the winter season, you can still feel a bit of spring.

However, the weather is still cold.

"Brother Imperial, something serious has happened..."

Not far away from the end of the pavilion, the figure of the Eighth Prince Li Ping hurried over, looking anxious.

"Prince Lin is not dead!"

"He is still alive and has arrived in the capital!"

"I'm in Jiang Mansion now..."


In the courtyard, a young man in his early twenties stood expressionlessly in the courtyard, looking at the mountains and rivers in the courtyard.

The young man's face was expressionless, and he had a cold aura all over his body. He was dressed in a brocade robe and was extremely noble, exuding the aura of a royal aristocrat.

This person is none other than the current third prince of the Daning Dynasty, Li Yuan.

Right next to the young man, there was a man in gray robe standing, about thirty years old, with the same expressionless face, hiding in the courtyard, seemingly without any sense of existence.

Not far away, the eighth prince Li Ping hurried over and reported the news to the third prince.

Although the eighth prince and the third prince are not of the same mother, they have an extremely close relationship. The eighth prince respects his elder brother very much, and he goes both ways.

Now that I got the news that Prince Lin Wang was still alive, I rushed to report it as soon as possible.

"Still alive?"

In the courtyard, after hearing the eighth prince's report, the third prince Li Yuan did not show much surprise on his face. He spoke calmly and glanced at Li Ping behind him: "Is the news true?"

"Absolutely true!"

The Eighth Prince nodded: "Jiang Shao'an told me that Prince Lin is related to Jiang Shao'an. Prince Lin is now in the Jiang Mansion. There is no mistake..."

Having said this, the Eighth Prince showed a somewhat uneasy look on his face: "Brother, what should we do now?"

"Prince Lin is not dead. What if he knew that we were the ones who assassinated him this time? Would he..."

Having said this, the Eighth Prince looked a little panicked. Although he did not participate in the assassination of Prince Lin outside the city, he was indeed inseparable from him. If the Lin family takes revenge, then...

"What are you afraid of?"

The third prince's tone was calm and without any emotion.

The Eighth Prince was a little flustered at first, but when he saw his brother being so calm, he felt slightly relieved.

Yes, the emperor's brother is still here. If something happens, the emperor's brother will take care of it. What is he afraid of?

"So, what should we do now?"

The Eighth Prince swallowed his saliva and said immediately: "He didn't die this time, he is still alive. Brother, do you want us to do it again?"

The third prince glanced at him and said nothing.

"What, what's wrong?"

"Do you think Lin Jiangnian is a fool?"

The third prince said expressionlessly: "He didn't die this time, will he give you another chance?"

"Then, what should we do?"

"There's no rush for now."

The third prince glanced at him coldly: "You go down first and keep an eye on every move of the Jiang family. If there is any situation, report it to me at any time."


The Eighth Prince nodded and left in a hurry.

After he left, the third prince suddenly turned to look at the man who had been silent for a long time: "What do you think?"

This man's name is Situ Yan, and he is the most trusted adviser around the third prince.

Situ Yan said in a deep voice: "It's not beyond the Third Prince's expectation. He is indeed not dead!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that he could survive like this."

A trace of unwillingness flashed in the third prince's eyes, but then disappeared, and he chuckled: "But, so what?"

"Even if he arrives in the capital, what kind of disturbance will he cause?"

Situ Yan said solemnly: "Your Highness, please don't be so careless."

"I know."

The third prince gradually narrowed his eyes, and the smile on his face faded slightly: "He is really like a piece of dog skin plaster, and his life is just like his father, smelly and long..."

"Your Highness, Prince Lin currently poses no threat to Your Highness, but he must be guarded against."

Situ Yan obviously saw it more clearly: "It is indeed incredible that he can survive this time. This person is not as simple as he appears. Your Highness needs to be careful."


There was a hint of sneer on the third prince's cold face: "I want to see what kind of disturbance he can cause in the capital. How long can he, the Prince Lin, survive in the capital without Lin Hengzhong?"

At this point, the third prince's eyes became more and more sneer: "There is no need to take action, I am not the only one in the capital who wants his life."

Situ Yan was silent for a moment and nodded: "There were other forces involved in the assassination of Prince Lin outside the city this time."

The third prince's eyes narrowed slightly: "Have you checked clearly?"

"It's not clear yet."


The third prince snorted coldly and said nothing more.

Lin Jiangnian was a worry for him, but he was nothing more than a dispensable character. A small son of a vassal king with a different surname could not catch his eye.

For the third prince, there are more important things at the moment.

"Li Cunning, how is the situation?" The third prince suddenly spoke.

Li Cunning is the elder brother of the third prince Li Yuan and the current crown prince of the Daning Dynasty.

Situ Yan lowered his head and said: "According to rumors in the palace, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is seriously ill and his health is not good. The imperial doctor in the palace has not found any symptoms..."

After hearing the news, a smug smile finally appeared on the third prince's face: "God is really helping me."

Situ Yan reminded: "Your Highness, don't be careless, in case there is a scam!"

The third prince half-squinted his eyes: "Of course I know, but this time is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..."

"Now that my father is in seclusion, and the power in the court is on the sidelines, if anything happens to Li Cunning, the court will be completely in chaos!"

"By the time……"

Li Yuan did not continue to speak, but Situ Yan on the side naturally understood.

Your Highness, there is only one purpose for staying in Beijing!

And now that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince suddenly fell ill, the opportunity was already right in front of him! Compared with the Prince Lin, to His Highness, the position of the Crown Prince which is very close at hand now, and even the supreme dragon chair in the imperial city, are the most important.

Now His Highness's power in Beijing is growing day by day. As long as the time is right, everything will be under control.

"However, my imperial sister is always a hidden danger!"

The third prince seemed to have thought of something, and his face darkened slightly.

Situ Yan didn't speak. His Highness the Third Prince was thoughtful and sharp, and there were many things that he didn't need to say anything about.

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the courtyard.

"Your Highness, someone has sent a letter."

"who is it?"

"My subordinate is not sure. The other party disappeared after leaving the letter, saying that it was to be handed over to His Highness!"

"Letter to me?"

A trace of doubt appeared on the third prince's face. He glanced at the ugly tree outside the courtyard and frowned: "What is the content of the letter?"

The servant outside the courtyard looked pale and did not dare to speak directly: "Your Majesty, your Majesty, you should see for yourself."

"Bring it!"

The third prince had no expression on his face as he took the letter from Situ Yan. The letter is very clean, and the content of the letter is only a short sentence.

But just this brief sentence made the third prince's pupils suddenly shrink, and his face instantly darkened.

"Li Yuan, wash your neck and prepare to die!"

The handwriting is clear, bright, and every word is heart-breaking.

Situ Yan on the side just glanced at it, and then his expression changed drastically: "Who, who wrote this?!"

The third prince's face was gloomy, and other than that, there was no signature on the letter.


This is a naked provocation.

Among the dignified third princes, who dares to be so desperate and provoke him like this? !

The extremely childish words made the third prince's expression suddenly change. He looked gloomy, and after a while, he shouted a name coldly through his teeth.

"Lin Jiangnian!"

"It's him?!"

Situ Yan raised his head in disbelief: "How dare he?"

"Who else could it be but him?"

The third prince sneered again and again. If others didn't understand, how could he?

He knew the handwriting on the letter very clearly.


"I originally wanted him to live for a few more days, but I didn't expect him to be looking for death like this!"

"Then don't blame me for being rude!"


Jiang Mansion.

back door.

A figure sneaked in from the back door. After looking around to make sure no one was there, he walked towards the yard with a guilty conscience.

Just after taking two steps, a shout came from the side.


Jiang Shaoan froze, turned his head, and saw a familiar face, his expression suddenly frightened: "You, what do you want to do?"


Not far away, Lin Jiangnian was sitting on a branch and glanced at him with a leisurely look.

"Where's my candied haws?"


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