Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 230 Pulling Each Other

"Tang, Tanghulu?!"

When Jiang Shaoan saw Lin Jiangnian, he suddenly showed panic, and then heard him suddenly mention candied haws, and then he remembered something.

Last night, it seemed that he had promised to go to the west of the city to buy candied haws for Lin Jiangnian?

But after Jiang Shaoan left Jiang Mansion, he rushed to report the news and completely forgot about the matter. Besides, let him, the eldest son of the Jiang family, go buy candied haws?

Doesn't this humiliate him? !

Jiang Shaoan was naturally willing to die rather than give in. Especially after informing the Eighth Prince, he believed that Lin Jiangnian's good days were coming to an end, and his original fear weakened a lot.

He straightened his back slightly and snorted: "What candied haws? When did I promise to buy you candied haws?"

In the courtyard, Lin Jiangnian was sitting on a tree with dense branches, leaning against the trunk of the tree, and unexpectedly looked at Jiang Shaoan not far under the tree.

This little brat suddenly dared to talk to him like this?

As soon as I thought about it, I quickly realized where Jiang Shaoan's confidence lay... Could this guy think that he was good enough just to report the news?

"It seems that you didn't say a word of what you said yesterday?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him and spoke slowly.

Jiang Shao'an felt panicked and took a step back in fright at Lin Jiangnian's half-smiling eyes. But he soon realized that he couldn't be so cowardly, so he forced himself to stop and glared at Lin Jiangnian fiercely.

"Don't bully others too much...don't think that with my mother's help, you can do whatever you want!"

Having said this, Jiang Shaoan sneered again, with a somewhat proud look on his eyebrows: "Your good days are numbered!"


Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "How do you say that?"

Jiang Shaoan noticed the slip of his tongue, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and then he sneered: "Don't worry...your good days are coming to an end anyway. When the time comes, I will settle the accounts with you!"

In the past few days, he has suffered losses at the hands of Lin Jiangnian one after another. It is a great insult to him, the eldest son of the Jiang family, who has been pampered since childhood. What's more, he didn't expect that this guy was his cousin!

It was his cousin from Linzhou who he had always looked down upon!

This makes Jiang Shaoan feel extremely aggrieved, and new and old hatreds well up in his heart!

Now, with the support of the Eighth Prince behind him, Jiang Shaoan naturally no longer fears Lin Jiangnian. All he had to do now was wait for the Eighth Prince to take action and teach Lin Jiangnian a lesson. Then he will be able to feel proud and pay back all the insults he has suffered these days.

Jiang Shaoan's wishful thinking was loud and clear, and he no longer concealed the proud look in his eyes.

Lin Jiangnian, who was still sitting on the tree, suddenly turned over and fell steadily from the tree to the ground.

"You said you want to settle accounts, but I want to settle accounts with you first!"

"You, what are you going to do?!"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian suddenly walking towards him, Jiang Shaoan immediately realized that something was wrong. With the previous lessons learned, he turned around and ran to the back room without looking back!

But just after running a few steps, someone suddenly grabbed him by the collar behind him, and then a force of gravity pulled him back. He staggered a few steps and fell to the ground.

His butt, which had not fully recovered, was hit so hard that he almost burst into tears from the pain. But the next second, when Lin Jiangnian's malicious smile appeared in front of him, he was scared to hold back his tears.

"You, don't come, what do you want to do?!"


Lin Jiangnian smiled and stared at the frightened Jiang Shaoan in front of him, "Didn't you say you wanted to settle the score? Didn't I come to settle the score with you?"

"You...don't, don't come, help!"

Jiang Shaoan was so frightened that he shouted at the top of his lungs. As soon as he shouted, several guards appeared outside the hospital. Jiang Shaoan was grasping at straws, "Quick, come and save this young master... Come on, hurry up..."

Several guards heard the young master calling for help and quickly approached. But when he got closer and saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned again.

This, this is not...

"It's none of your business, get down!"

Lin Jiangnian half-squinted his eyes, holding Jiang Shaoan's collar with one hand, and waving at them with the other: "Your young master is disobedient, and your wife specially asked me to discipline this boy well. There is nothing wrong with you, so go down." Let’s play.”

Several guards looked at each other in confusion. They also knew Lin Jiangnian's identity. Some of them were actually present yesterday when they heard Madam asking the Prince Lin to discipline his young master.

In addition, Prince Lin has a distinguished status, he is also the nephew of the master and his wife, and the cousin of his own young master, they are all part of the same family!

Thinking of this, several guards hesitated and chose to retreat.

Jiang Shaoan was completely panicked!

its not right!

Why did his own bodyguard suddenly run away?

"Don't go...stop, hurry, save me..."

Jiang Shaoan was horrified and struggled desperately, but he couldn't get away. When he saw Lin Jiangnian's increasingly playful smile falling on him, Jiang Shaoan shuddered.

After these two days of painful lessons, coupled with the fact that even his own bodyguards now refused to help him, Jiang Shaoan, who was completely desperate, suddenly regretted extremely. Why did he provoke Lin Jiangnian?

Why bother with this guy!

Frightened, angry, frightened and desperate, Jiang Shaoan was frightened and cried!

"No, don't hit me..."

Jiang Shaoan's voice trembled and he was already frightened.

"Do you know you're wrong?"

"I know, I know!"

"Do you dare to do it next time?"

"No, I don't dare anymore..."


"Children can be taught."

Seeing that Jiang Shaoan was so understanding, Lin Jiangnian finally nodded with satisfaction and patted his head: "In that case, I won't slap you today, get out of here."

Hearing this, Jiang Shaoan felt relieved, climbed up from the ground, and fled away from Lin Jiangnian in embarrassment. He turned around and stared at Lin Jiangnian fiercely. He wanted to say a few harsh words, but in the end he didn't dare to say it and ran away!


From another place in the courtyard, a chuckle suddenly came.

Lin Jiangnian looked sideways, and there was a beautiful figure in his sight, slowly approaching. Wearing a Yunluo skirt and a green shirt with a shawl, a mature and beautiful face was revealed under her bunted hair, looking at Lin Jiangnian with a smile but not a smile.

She walked softly, unhurriedly, and walked to Lin Jiangnian's side. She looked at the direction where Jiang Shaoan fled, with a bit of emotion in her beautiful eyes.

"Look at him like this, I'm afraid you'll scare him out of his wits!"

"Sure enough, to deal with a dandy like him, it takes an even bigger dandy like you to take action!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced sideways at his aunt who appeared next to him, "Auntie, are you praising me or hurting me?"

"Of course I'm complimenting you."

Jiang Yuxiang looked at Lin Jiangnian with a smile, half-smiling but not smiling.

Lin Jiangnian sighed, and he couldn't hear the tone of praise. What kind of technical content is needed to teach an ignorant dandy a lesson?

No need at all!

To deal with a dandy like Jiang Shaoan who only knows how to chew the old, one only needs to attack the aspects he is most proud of and attack and destroy his self-confidence.

The asset that Jiang Shaoan was most proud of had no advantage over Lin Jiangnian.

Not to mention that Lin Jiangnian was still his cousin and his elder brother. As the saying goes, an elder brother is like a father. Rounding things off, Lin Jiangnian can be considered half of his father.

It is natural for a father to beat his son!

Jiang Yuxiang slowly withdrew his gaze and landed on Lin Jiangnian: "Aren't you afraid that he will completely hate you?"

"Why be afraid?"

"He is your cousin after all, the second brother's child..."

At this point, Jiang Yuxiang sighed softly: "Sister-in-law doesn't want your relationship to be too tense!"

"Don't worry, I know it."

Lin Jiang young smiled, if it were not for the sake of his uncle and aunt, this boy would not be able to escape the beating today.

As for whether Jiang Shaoan will completely hate him, it is not within Lin Jiangnian's consideration. On the contrary, he now hates Lin Jiangnian and can be exploited by Lin Jiangnian even more.

Jiang Yuxiang put away the emotion on his face and glanced outside the hospital: "He has already gone to inform?"

"No accident, it should be." Lin Jiangnian nodded.

When Jiang Shaoan came back, his face was full of pride and he dared to talk back to him. He obviously had someone to rely on.

"and you……"

Jiang Yuxiang glanced at him: "Be careful next!"

"Early this morning, many traces were found outside Jiang's Mansion."

Jiang Yuxiang's face turned slightly solemn: "I think they have noticed something."

"Sooner or later the news that I am still alive will be hidden."

Lin Jiangnian nodded, not surprised by this, and chuckled: "Let them test it, it doesn't hurt."

Jiang Yuxiang frowned and stared at Lin Jiangnian, wanting to say something, but finally held back.

"I will go to the palace later."

Jiang Yuxiang spoke softly.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and realized the meaning of his aunt's words.

"Then please, aunt?"

"It may not work."

Jiang Yuxiang shook his head slightly and sighed: "I may not be able to see the eldest princess, so I can only do my best."

Lin Jiangnian said: "Auntie, there's no need to force it. It's okay if it doesn't work out."

Jiang Yuxiang nodded and started walking towards the door. After taking two steps, he seemed to think of something again, stopped and stared at Lin Jiangnian for a few times.

"By the way, did you...did you do anything to Zhiyuan last night?"

The words mentioned casually made Lin Jiangnian's heart skip a beat.

last night?

What did Auntie find?

Lin Jiangnian's expression did not change: "What do you mean, auntie?"

"you answer me first?"

Jiang Yuxiang stared at Lin Jiangnian, half-smiling but not smiling: "What did you do to the paper kite last night?"

"Did not do anything……"

Although Lin Jiangnian felt a little guilty, his expression remained unchanged.

After all, he didn't succeed, and rounding it off really meant he didn't do anything.

"Really not?"

Jiang Yuxiang stared at Lin Jiangnian's eyes, as if he wanted to see something. But Lin Jiangnian's calm reaction was flawless.

"Auntie, why do you suddenly ask this?"

Lin Jiangnian was insinuating.

Jiang Yuxiang looked away and said thoughtfully: "When I saw Zhiyuan this morning, she was a little strange!"


"There's something wrong with her, she's a little distracted, she's in a bad state..."

At this point, Jiang Yuxiang glanced at Lin Jiangnian thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "You'd better not bully Zhiyuan, otherwise I won't be able to spare you."

"This is absolutely not the case!" Lin Jiangnian promised.


Jiang Yuxiang snorted, rolled his eyes at Lin Jiangnian, and turned to leave.

After Jiang Yuxiang left, Lin Jiangnian sighed. Could he not know why Zhiyuan was so distraught?

Obviously last night...

Last night's behavior scared Zhiyuan. Lin Jiangnian went to find her this morning, but failed as expected.

Zhiyuan is deliberately avoiding him!

Lin Jiangnian didn't force him. Zhiyuan didn't want to see him because he needed some time to digest and accept what happened last night.

Lin Jiangnian was not in a hurry and would not continue to irritate Zhiyuan at this time. Right now, he has more important things to do.

Not long after Jiang Yuxiang entered the palace, Lin Jiangnian also disguised himself and left the Jiang Mansion. Walking through the long alley, shaking off the little tail following behind, we came to a deep alley.

The familiar alley, a few walls away, is the bustling street.

Lin Jiangnian walked into the door and knocked on the door. For a long time, there was still no response. He took two steps back, then touched the ground with his toes, jumped up, and landed in the courtyard.

In the courtyard, it is cold and quiet.

There was no one around.

Not only was there no one in the front yard, there seemed to be no one in the entire huge house, and the buildings were deserted. There is still a breath of life in the courtyard building, but no one is inhabited.

Lin Jiangnian followed a familiar route and slowly arrived at the courtyard where he had lived a few days ago. The courtyard was clean and tidy, and the rooms were equally tidy.


Still no one!

Lin Jiangnian stood in the room, glanced around, and confirmed what he was thinking. After a while, he narrowed his eyes and left a letter in the room.

Then, turned around and left.

Half an hour after Lin Jiangnian left, a figure quietly landed in the courtyard, walked into the room where Lin Jiangnian had been, and saw the letter on the table.

He took a closer look, and then his eyes became solemn.

Not long after, the figure hurriedly left the room courtyard and disappeared deep into the alley.

Imperial City.

Weiyang Palace.

Under the eaves of the imperial city, a maid in light-colored palace clothes was sitting boredly under the eaves, looking at the gray sky and sighing.

"so boring!"

There was silence and no one answered her.

"Can you stop acting like a mute and say something instead?"

There were complaints.

"Forget it!"

The maid in palace clothes sighed repeatedly and waved her hands. He held his little face up in boredom, looked at the sky, and muttered to himself.

"It was fun to leave the palace a few days ago. The princess asked me to leave the palace to take care of Prince Lin..."

"You may not believe it, but Prince Lin is actually very handsome and talented..."

Muttering to herself, a touch of bright red appeared on the delicate face of the maid in palace attire, and her beautiful eyes became more and more full.

"But it's a pity..."

Seemingly thinking of something again, she sighed softly.

At this moment, there were rapid footsteps outside the door.

"Urgent report outside the palace!"

Hearing this voice, the maid in palace attire immediately lit up: "Is there any information from outside the palace?"

She walked quickly to the door with cheerful steps.

A dark figure knelt down on one knee outside and handed over a letter: "News from outside the palace, the previous young master left a letter in the room!"


The maid in palace clothes was stunned for a moment, and then she realized who it was.

The young man outside the palace?

Isn't he Prince Lin? !

The maid in palace clothes quickly took the letter, looked at it twice, her face changed slightly, turned around and left in a hurry.

"Princess, it's not good!"

In the quiet and cold courtyard.

Li Miaomiao, dressed in white, looked at the contents of the letter expressionlessly and said nothing.

Beside her, the maid Jinxiu, who was wearing a light blue palace dress, opened her eyes slightly, her beautiful eyes were astonished.

"He, he...already knows your identity, princess?!"

"Then, what should we do?"


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