Jiang Zhiyuan looked slightly stunned and said nothing.

Jiang Yuxiang sighed softly. Zhiyuan grew up beside her. How could she not understand this girl's temperament?

After staying in Prince Lin's Mansion for several years, Zhiyuan has changed a lot, but...

Jiang Yuxiang was slightly worried. She didn't know whether this change was good or bad.

At this time, Zhiyuan turned to look at Jiang Yuxiang beside her. She was silent for a moment, but stopped talking.

"Whatever you want to say, just say it."

Jiang Yuxiang took her little hand and spoke softly.

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes for a moment, and then spoke after a long time: "Auntie, did you enter the palace today?"


Jiang Yuxiang looked at Zhiyuan's appearance and realized something: "I want to ask what my aunt did in the palace today?"

Zhiyuan looked away, said nothing, and gently shook his head.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuxiang felt a little distressed. He squeezed her hand tightly and sighed: "You girl, you need to be more careful."

Zhiyuan pursed her lips slightly and said nothing.

"I went into the palace to see the Queen today."

At this point, Jiang Yuxiang paused and looked into Zhiyuan's eyes: "I also met the eldest princess."

When Jiang Yuxiang finished speaking, he could clearly detect the flash of strange color on Zhiyuan's face.

But then, nothing happened again.

Jiang Yuxiang sighed secretly: "That boy told me that he would not marry a princess... It is indeed not necessarily a good thing for the Lin family to marry that princess."

"You don't have to worry too much."

Zhiyuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was in a daze for a moment. After a long time, he nodded silently.


There was no emotion on his face, but Jiang Yuxiang could still feel that Zhiyuan was a little disappointed. After sighing, he grabbed her little hand again and said seriously: "Don't worry, if that kid dares to feel sorry for you and let you down, I will kill him personally... I will never spare him!"


The atmosphere in Beijing was changing quietly.

In the early morning, after Lin Jiangnian woke up, it snowed heavily outside the window again.

It was covered with heavy snow, the outside was completely white, and the cold air seeped into the room through the window. Lin Jiangnian was wrapped in a quilt, feeling the warmth of winter.

There was still a faint lingering fragrance of a girl in the quilt, and the warmth was raging.

Lin Jiangnian lay on the bed for a long time without getting up, until there was a knock on the door and Jiang Yuxiang opened the door and broke in.

A mink velvet robe wrapped her body tightly, and there were some snowflakes faintly falling on her long green hair. As soon as the door was opened, a chill poured into the room.

"Why haven't you gotten up yet..."

Jiang Yuxiang, who had just stepped into the room, saw Lin Jiangnian who was still sitting on the bed. He was just halfway through speaking when he subconsciously sniffed the air in the room and suddenly realized something. A blush appeared on his fair face, and he immediately She glared at him angrily: "Can't you restrain yourself?"

The familiar smell in the air, with a bit of malaise, lingers, it is obviously...

Lin Jiangnian was wrapped in quilt, sat on the bed, and sighed: "Auntie, can you knock on the door before you come in next time?"

"I knocked."

"I haven't agreed yet."

"What, you still don't agree with me coming in?"

Jiang Yuxiang approached the bed with a sneer on his face: "Don't you welcome me?"

"It's not that you're not welcome..."

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "It's just that it's not good for you to barge in suddenly..."

Jiang Yuxiang sneered: "What's wrong? What? Are you worried that I will catch you?"

As she spoke, her beautiful eyes fell on the bed behind Lin Jiangnian. Seeing the messy bed, she seemed to think of something, her face turned redder, and she spat lightly.

Lin Jiangnian wanted to say that men and women were not allowed to have sex, but if his aunt came in one day and he was still undressed, it would be embarrassing. Although Jiang Yuxiang is his aunt in name, the two are not related by blood, not to mention that they are almost the same age...

Although Jiang Yuxiang acted like an elder every time in front of Lin Jiangnian, it was difficult for Lin Jiangnian to treat the woman in front of him, who was only a few years older than him, as his aunt.

Can't do it!

However, seeing Jiang Yuxiang's aggressive attitude, Lin Jiangnian still held back... It would be better to do less than to do more.

Be sure to lock the door next time!

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian didn't speak, Jiang Yuxiang thought that he had a guilty conscience, snorted softly, and tapped Lin Jiangnian's head angrily: "Did you not listen to a word of what I said last time? I told you to restrain yourself in the house. Point, you are really not polite at all!"

Lin Jiangnian blinked: "Auntie, what do you mean by this?"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian still pretending to be stupid with her, Jiang Yuxiang was very angry. She immediately reached out and grabbed his ears, and said angrily: "Are you still pretending to be stupid with me? I asked you to pretend, keep pretending..."

Lin Jiangnian's ears were grabbed, and he immediately grinned in cooperation.

"No, don't pinch me... I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I don't dare anymore..."

Jiang Yuxiang didn't use any force. Seeing Lin Jiangnian's exaggerated and pretentious gesture, something strange flashed in his heart. He used force angrily, then let go of him and glanced at the room again.

"Is she the maid next to you named Xiaozhu?"

Lin Jiangnian still blinked: "What are you talking about?"

"Still pretending to be with me!"

Jiang Yuxiang sneered: "I have long seen that your relationship with that maid is unusual... How old is she, and you can do it?!"

Lin Jiangnian wanted to explain that Xiaozhu was actually not young anymore...

Jiang Yuxiang was obviously very unhappy with Lin Jiangnian's behavior, and catching him would be a lesson. Lin Jiangnian naturally accepted the scolding honestly and seemed to have listened.

After scolding Lin Jiangnian, Jiang Yuxiang glared at him: "You'd better take it easy. If Zhiyuan finds out, I won't be able to save you."

"Don't think Zhiyuan is easy to bully. If she really cares about her, even I can't do anything about her."

"That's not the case..."

"Not that much?"

Jiang Yuxiang stood beside the bed, folded his arms and sneered.

"If Zhiyuan really cares about it, I'll see what you will do then!"


The courtyard next door.

In the quiet room, Xiaozhu sat carefully on the edge of the bed, biting her lower lip. There was a bit of spring between her delicate and tender eyebrows, adding a bit of the charm of a young girl when she first grew up.

It looks so appealing that you can't help but want to take a bite.

At this time, Xiaozhu was wearing a green skirt, and the girl's delicate body was looming.

As if remembering something, her pretty face turned red, and she had a shy look that couldn't go away for a long time.

It seemed that something had been touched by accident. Xiaozhu couldn't help but take a breath. Thinking of what happened last night, he couldn't help but blush again, his heart beat fast, and his breathing became rapid.

Her delicate body seemed to be a little softer.

"Your Highness, you scoundrel!"

Xiaozhu's resentful voice came from the cold room.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door, which startled Xiaozhu.

"Who, who?"


A cold voice came from outside the door.

Paper, sister Zhiyuan? !

Hearing the sound outside the door, Xiaozhu suddenly panicked. She couldn't explain it, it just felt like she had done something to feel sorry for Sister Zhiyuan.

Xiaozhu was very nervous. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down: "Come in, come in!"


The door opened and Zhiyuan slowly stepped into the room.

As a gust of cold wind blew in, the cold Xiaozhu shivered slightly and looked up at the door with a guilty look in his eyes.

Today, Sister Zhiyuan is wearing white, which makes the already cold temperature seem even colder. The cold breath made Xiaozhu feel uneasy.

Zhiyuan slowly stepped into the room and her eyes fell on Xiaozhu beside the bed.

"Zhi, Sister Zhiyuan..."

Xiaozhu's voice was very soft, and he felt inexplicably guilty: "Yes, do you have any instructions?"

Zhiyuan stepped into the room, stopped, her cold beautiful eyes fell on Xiaozhu, looked at her for a few times, and then slowly withdrew her eyes.


Her voice was neither cold nor indifferent, and no emotion could be heard.

"oh oh……"

Xiaozhu lowered his head, feeling increasingly panicked. Seeing Sister Zhiyuan standing in the room without moving, she got up in a panic and walked to the table beside her.

"Sister Zhiyuan, please sit down!"

While asking Zhiyuan to sit down, Xiaozhu diligently poured tea for Sister Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan didn't say anything, but his eyes fell on Xiaozhu's busy figure, seeing that she was slightly uncomfortable but pretending to be calm. He stared for a long time without saying anything.

Xiaozhu carefully poured a cup of hot tea for Sister Zhiyuan and handed it to Zhiyuan: "Sister Zhiyuan, drink tea!"

Zhiyuan remained silent and glanced at Xiaozhu. Seeing that she looked uneasy, her delicate little face was full of uneasiness. Although he hid it well, he still felt uneasy.

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and took the tea from Xiaozhu's hand. He took a sip of tea and remained silent.

Xiaozhu stood aside, feeling increasingly uneasy. What's wrong with Sister Zhiyuan?

Why did you suddenly come to look for her?

Why do you feel guilty?

Xiaozhu lowered his head and intertwined his little hands, feeling anxious. The cold and quiet room was particularly deserted.

Also extremely depressing.

It wasn't until a long time later that Zhiyuan suddenly spoke.

"Xiao Zhu."


Xiaozhu raised his eyes.

"You last night..."

Zhiyuan paused for a moment, his tone still without any emotion, as if he asked casually.

"Where have you gone?"

Xiaozhu trembled all over, and his head went blank, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Sister Zhiyuan, have you discovered it? !

early morning.

Lin Jiangnian stood up and opened the door. Outside, the cold wind was blowing wildly and snowflakes were dancing in the courtyard.

Snow is falling all over the sky.

The courtyard was completely white, covered with frost and snow.

It snowed all night again, and the weather became colder. The corners of the eaves and tiles were covered with snow and frost.

Between heaven and earth, there is a sea of ​​snow.

It is not surprising that heavy snowfalls are common in the north every year. But for people in the south, it’s rare to see snow for several years.

Many of the people who followed Lin Jiangnian to Beijing this time saw snow for the first time in their lives. The eyes of several maids were bright and they were extremely excited.

On a snowy day, the city became quite quiet.

However, Jiang Mansion has been lively these past two days!

Since a few days ago, there have been many strange and sneaky figures outside Jiang Mansion, staring at Jiang Mansion openly or covertly.

The purpose of these people is self-evident.

Since the past two days, many more people have come to visit Jiang Mansion.

Although Jiang Ningkang is a member of the Six Ministries in Beijing, he is rarely involved in the struggles in Beijing. He rarely has any interest exchanges with people in Beijing. On weekdays, the Jiang Mansion can be considered indifferent.

But since the past two days, people from various aristocratic families in Beijing have been visiting for various reasons, including many officials from the DPRK and China.

When Jiang Yuxiang told Lin Jiangnian about this, he was not surprised at all.

"Aren't you worried at all?" Jiang Yuxiang looked at Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows and said casually: "Why are you worried?"

Jiang Yuxiang's face was slightly solemn: "They all came to Jiang Mansion to inquire about your whereabouts!"

These people were nominally here to visit Jiang Ningkang, but their words and actions, overtly and covertly, were all trying to find out about Lin Jiangnian.

Some people who were close to Jiang Ningkang had even come to inquire about Lin Jiangnian's whereabouts.

However, Jiang Ningkang was well prepared. When faced with these people's visits, he answered the question in a flawless manner. He did not give them a definite answer, nor did he reveal any information about Lin Jiangnian.

Everyone who visited left disappointed.

But thinking about it, I can’t hide it for much longer!

"You should make plans early."

Jiang Yuxiang looked at Lin Jiangnian, sighed and spoke.

Lin Jiangnian walked into the courtyard slowly, letting the snowflakes fall from the sky on his clothes, stepping on the courtyard, leaving a line of footprints in the snow.

He glanced sideways slightly, chuckled and asked, "Auntie, what do you mean by this?"

"As Prince Lin's eldest son, everything you say and do in the capital represents your Lin family. No matter what, you cannot be looked down upon by others!"

Lin Jiang young smiled: "That's natural."

"Now, it's time to let them know your existence!"

Jiang Yuxiang's face was slightly solemn, and his eyes were a little colder: "You almost died outside the city this time. You should settle this account with them!"

Lin Jiangnian turned around and looked at Jiang Yuxiang's fair and delicate face, wrapped in a long robe. The woman's charming temperament was natural, and her graceful figure was mature and elegant.

Her eyes were falling on Lin Jiangnian, with a cold look on her face.

Lin Jiangnian was startled and chuckled: "Auntie, what are your plans?"

Jiang Yuxiang was silent for a moment before speaking: "Tomorrow, there will be a grand wedding banquet in Beijing."

"At that time, Lu Xuan, the son of the Minister of Rites, will marry the daughter of the Tao family in the capital. The son of the Minister will get married. At that time, all the prominent figures in the capital will attend, and there will be a grand banquet."

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly: "Auntie means..."

"I'm invited to attend the wedding tomorrow. You go with me."

Jiang Yuxiang spoke slowly: "This is a good opportunity for you to show your face!"

Lin Jiangnian was surprised and chuckled: "I wasn't invited to their wedding, so it wouldn't be appropriate for me to go, right?"

"Why is it inappropriate?"

Jiang Yuxiang glanced at him: "You are also a member of my Jiang family, why can't you go?"

"Besides, if you, the Crown Prince, are going to attend a wedding, who would dare to stop you without being wise?"

Does this seem to be the case?

"Auntie, have you already planned it?"

Jiang Yuxiang was noncommittal and said calmly: "If nothing else happens, the third prince will most likely attend tomorrow."

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian was slightly startled.

Immediately, an inexplicable sneer appeared on his face.

"He will go too?"

"That feeling is so good..."


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