Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 233 The little sister of the Xu family

Even though Jiang Ningkang had already declined, there was still an endless stream of people visiting Jiang Mansion these days.

People from various aristocratic families in Beijing, officials from various ministries in Beijing, and even old friends who had some friendship with Jiang Ningkang a long time ago also came to visit unexpectedly.

Although the purpose is not stated clearly, everything is left unsaid.

The news that Prince Lin was still alive swept the entire capital like a cold winter wind, accompanied by the heavy snow.

Even though for a long time, in the eyes of everyone, Prince Lin Wang was just a piece of shit who was ignorant and could not be helped, it almost never entered their eyes.

However, their bodies are very honest.

The life and death of Prince Lin's son tugged at their nerves and thoughts. Without being sure of this, they couldn't even sleep peacefully.

Many figures came to visit, but they could not get a convincing answer from Jiang Ningkang. Some people have even tried to break into Jiang Mansion at night, trying to find clues.

However, still found nothing.

First of all, the Jiang Mansion is unfathomable, and it is difficult to break into it. Even if you break in, it is easy to get lost.

Secondly, almost no one has actually seen Prince Lin!

Over the years, everyone has only heard of the reputation of Prince Lin, but Linzhou is thousands of miles away, and very few people have actually seen Prince Lin. Although there is a portrait of Prince Linwang in the capital, this portrait is somewhat stained with personal grudges, and coupled with slanderous remarks about Prince Linwang, the portrait is extremely abstract.

Therefore, even if Prince Lin is right in front of him, he may not be able to recognize him.

As a result, no one can say for sure whether Prince Lin Wang is still alive. As the news spread, it became a hot topic again.

Outside the Jiang Mansion, more and more informants are hiding and ambushing, keeping an eye on all figures entering and exiting the Jiang Mansion, trying to find out what's going on.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian was staying peacefully in the Jiang Mansion, waiting for tomorrow's wedding banquet.

Lu Xuan, the son of Lu Fusheng, the Minister of Civil Affairs in the capital, is about to marry the legitimate daughter of the Tao family. This marriage has caused quite a stir in the capital.

Not to mention that Lu Fusheng, the Minister of Civil Service, held a high position among the six bureaus and had a very high status. The Tao family was also considered a famous family in Beijing and had a very high reputation.

The combination of two families is a strong marriage.

It is said that almost most of the officials from the capital and numerous aristocratic families were invited to this wedding, which can be described as a grand event.

This is not only a simple wedding, but also a grand exchange banquet for officials and officials from major families in Beijing.


It is located in a large mansion in the eastern suburbs of the Imperial City.

Xu Mansion.

In the house, the scenery is beautiful.

The heavy snow had just stopped, and the eaves were covered with a thick layer of snow. A maid was stepping in the snow, leaving thick footprints, and hurried to the backyard.

In the inner courtyard, a figure stood quietly under the eaves.

"Oh, miss, why are you standing outside? Be careful of catching a cold!"

When the maid saw her young lady standing outside, she quickly stepped forward with worry on her face.

The heavy snow has just stopped, and the weather is getting cold. The cold wind is pouring in, making people shiver from the cold. But the girl under the eaves didn't seem to feel the cold. She was wrapped in a thick cotton coat, her delicate face was slightly red from the cold, and her breath condensed into heat in the air, which quickly dissipated.

But she didn't seem to feel the coldness. She waved her hand nonchalantly and asked, "How's it going? Is there any news?"

The maid sighed lightly and shook her head: "I have sent someone to inquire, but..."

Hearing this, the girl's face changed slightly and she staggered: "Is there no news yet?"

"Didn't you say he's not dead?!"

The girl's voice was obviously anxious: "Why is there no news?"

"Miss, please don't get excited..."

The maid on the side quickly spoke to comfort: "There are indeed rumors outside that Prince Lin is not dead, but... the Jiang family is tight-lipped. No one has seen Prince Lin with their own eyes so far. No one is sure that this is false news deliberately released by the Jiang family. , or there is another purpose..."

After hearing this, the girl's eyes were a little dazed, and she was stunned for a long time without coming back to her senses.

The delicate eyes seemed to have lost their energy and looked a little listless.

When the maid saw this scene, she felt a little distressed: "Miss, don't worry too much. Since the rumor that Prince Lin Wang is not dead, I guess it is not groundless. Maybe he is really alive..."

"Wait a little longer, there should be news!"

The girl had a slight reaction, but her expression was still gloomy. After a while, she sighed and waved her hand: "Forget it, I understand!"

The voice was weak, and the maid on the side became more and more worried when she saw this.

Although she didn't know what happened, she could clearly tell that her young lady's feelings for Prince Lin were... unusual!

I still remember that when the news of Prince Lin's death came back to the capital, my young lady's face changed in vain, she was anxious and angry, as if she had lost her soul, and she locked herself in the room without eating or drinking.

It wasn't until she heard that Prince Lin might still be alive that her young lady finally came to life again and couldn't wait to send someone to find out the news. But after probing around, I still found nothing.

Now it seems that my young lady is obviously very haggard and thinner. Her former look and spirit are gone, and she looks very distressed.

Good young lady, why did you become like this?

At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from outside the corridor, and then, a burly figure stepped into the courtyard.

"Second Young Master?!"

When the maid saw this, she quickly spoke respectfully.

The person who came was none other than the second young master of the house.

A young man with a good appearance, Chinese character face, and clear eyebrows walked slowly in. He saw a few people in the courtyard and a girl who was still standing under the eaves with her face slightly red from the cold. He quickly stepped forward. .

"Little sister, why are you here?"

"It's cold, go back to your room and rest!"

The young man's face was full of worry. It was freezing cold today, so don't freeze your little girl.

The girl stood there without saying a word, looking lonely and weak.

"I'm fine."

The young man took a look: "Little sister, what's wrong with you?"

After taking a closer look, he was suddenly surprised: "Little sister, you have lost a lot of weight recently. What's going on?"

As he said that, the young man turned to look at the maid aside and angrily said, "Have you not taken good care of the young lady recently?"

The maid shivered in fear and said quickly: "Second Master, please forgive me, slave, slave..."

The maid wanted to explain something, but the girl in front of her had already waved her hand: "Brother, it has nothing to do with them."

After saying that, the girl waved her hand: "You go down first."

The maid then bowed respectfully to the two of them, turned around and left.

After the maid left, the young man looked anxious and said, "Little sister, what's wrong with you? It's only been so long, why have you lost so much weight... How can I explain to my parents if this continues!"

The girl sighed: "I'm fine."

"No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you're fine!"

The young man's face was full of worry. He only had a little girl who had been staying in Linzhou. Now he finally comes to the capital. How long has it taken him to lose so much weight? His parents found out and they had to skin him!

"Oh, you talk a lot of nonsense, it's so annoying!"

The girl glared at him angrily, and then said weakly: "I'm tired, I need to rest!"

With that said, the girl turned around and went back to her room.

The young man quickly followed up: "Xiaolan, you finally came to the capital. Your parents are not here now, and your eldest brother is not at home. Only your second brother is left with you. What do you want to tell your second brother? Second brother I will definitely help you."

"You can't help."

When the young man heard this, he immediately felt that something was wrong: "How do you know that the second brother can't help if you don't tell me? You should tell the second brother!"

As soon as the girl reached the door of the room, she suddenly stopped and glanced at him: "Really?"

"When did my second brother lie to you?"

The young man vowed to do so.

The girl hesitated for a moment, then asked casually: "I heard that Lin Jiangnian came to the capital?"

Hearing the news, the young man was stunned, "Xiaolan, where did you hear about this?"

The girl pouted: "It's spread all over the capital, what do you think?"

The young man hesitated: "Indeed."

"Is he still alive?" the girl stared at him and asked.

Only then did the young man realize something and coughed slightly: "Xiaolan, are you treating him..."

The girl's delicate body tensed up and she glared at him, her tone somewhat flustered: "You, what are you talking about?"

"I, I just suddenly remembered that guy and asked him."


"if not?"

The young man breathed a sigh of relief and sighed: "Xiaolan, before you came here, your father specifically told you not to have any contact with him..."

"Hmph, you are so annoying, just like dad!"

The girl immediately became angry, waved her hands impatiently, and wanted to go back to the house.

"Hey, hey, Xiaolan, don't be like this. Second brother, stop talking. Second brother will never talk nonsense..."

The young man quickly begged for mercy, and then sighed: "There are rumors in the capital that Prince Lin has indeed died outside the city!"

The girl's heart suddenly tightened, but her face remained nonchalant: "But aren't there rumors in Beijing that he is still alive?"

"That's true."

The young man sighed softly: "I don't know where the news came from, but recently many people have gone to Jiang's house to inquire about the news. If he had not died, Beijing would be bustling!"

"How do you say this?"

"This Prince Lin has many enemies in the capital. Whether they are directed at him or Prince Lin, he has many grievances and grievances. Once he is still alive, they are bound to be unavoidable... This is also my father's advice. However, the reason why you should not have too much contact with him..."

"Dad knows that you had a good relationship with him when you were in Linzhou, but that was in Linzhou after all, and this is the capital. You..."

"Oh, you're so annoying!"

Before the young man could finish speaking, the girl had already closed the door angrily, blocking the young man out.

The young man's words stopped abruptly, and after a while he sighed helplessly.

My little sister's temperament is exactly the same as my father's.

Just as he was about to leave, he seemed to remember something: "By the way, there is a wedding banquet in Beijing tomorrow. You have been in Beijing for a while and haven't been out much. Do you want to go there with your second brother tomorrow to join in the fun?"

"Don't go!"

A firm rejection came from the door of the room.


Starting early this morning, the sound of firecrackers resounded throughout the streets and alleys of the city.

The smoke curls up, mixed with the smell of firecrackers, bringing signs of winter. The snow on the roadside streets has not yet melted, and the remains of firecrackers are still there, which is full of joy.

There is a New Year atmosphere!

Today is the wedding day for the son of the Minister of Civil Affairs!

This was a great event in Beijing, and many people in the city gathered to watch and join in the fun. People gathered around to watch, and children followed the wedding procession and picked up wedding candies.

The wedding venue is scheduled to be in a luxurious manor built by the Lu family in central Beijing. Inside and outside the manor, there were lanterns and colorful decorations, and the people were full of joy. From outside the manor, the queue to welcome the bride stretches for several miles, it can be described as luxurious and grand!

If it had been another official, this move would have been extravagant and wasteful, and I'm afraid a few copies would have been made. But the identity of the Minister of Civil Affairs is not simple, not to mention that the marriage partner is a wealthy and prestigious family like the Tao family. Even if I were to find fault, I wouldn't be able to find anything.

Naturally, no one will bring trouble to themselves.

Starting from the morning, officials and families from all over Beijing came one after another. The entire manor is luxurious and luxurious, and the garden scenery is rare in Beijing. Many officials in Beijing who rarely appear in public all year round gathered here. Compliments and conversations are enjoyable.

This is not only the marriage between the Lu family and the Tao family, but also a grand exchange banquet for the forces behind the two families. For these people, the wedding is not important. With the help of this wedding, most of the forces in Beijing have been brought together, and the meaning behind it is far more important.

Outside the manor, a carriage drove slowly.

The carriage is extremely low-key and inconspicuous. The carriage was beautifully decorated and filled with the aroma of women's body scent and rouge.

Through the car curtain, Lin Jiangnian glanced outside the car.

"The ability of this Minister of Civil Affairs is really not small."

Lin Jiang young smiled.

A wedding can invite so many officials and people from aristocratic families in the capital. This official's connections in the capital are probably astounding.

"Of course he can't do this alone. There are people behind Lu Fusheng."

A lazy voice came from inside the carriage. Jiang Yuxiang was sitting on the soft couch, her beautiful eyes looking at Lin Jiangnian softly and indifferently.

Wearing a white and cyan slim-fitting skirt and a monochrome coat, her graceful and slender figure leaned softly on the soft couch, adding a bit of lazy beauty.

Under the skirt, a pair of long legs like bright jade bamboo shoots, stepping on a pair of pure white embroidered shoes, are extremely beautiful.

Lin Jiangnian nodded. This is natural. This wedding of the Lu family is not simple. As for who is behind the Lu family, it is self-evident.

"It seems that today is really lively!" Lin Jiang young smiled.

Jiang Yuxiang's beautiful eyes fell softly on Lin Jiangnian. After looking at him for a few times, he suddenly said, "Have you really decided?"

Lin Jiangnian turned his head and saw Jiang Yuxiang staring at him unblinkingly, looking at his aunt's gentle face with a strange look, so he turned away.

"There are so many people attending the wedding today. If I show up right now, I'm afraid I will attract too much attention and lose more than I gain..."

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly: "It's better to enter this manor first and go find those 'good friends' to catch up on old times."

"Give them another surprise!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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