Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 236 The Lu family’s attitude

More and more people gathered around to watch, and all kinds of complicated eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian with different thoughts.

Prior to this, Prince Lin's name had long been famous in the capital, and countless people were curious about this figure who had never been masked but was always there.

Now, when Lin Jiangnian really appeared in front of everyone's sight, there was a sense of trance and unreality.

Why is Prince Lin so different from the description?

Such a handsome young man, with clear features, bright eyes and white teeth, has nothing to do with that vulgar southern barbarian.

Could it be a fake?

This is almost the first thought that comes to most people's minds.

Prince Lin was so good-looking, and they were unwilling to accept this fact from the bottom of their hearts.

At this time, the smug sneer on Gao Wenyang's face completely froze, and his eyes were full of horror. Even Zhou Huiguang, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, almost collapsed from the ground.

Lin, Prince Lin? !

This little-known person, whom he only thought was a small character brought by Xu Zhongshan, turned out to be Prince Lin? !

Zhou Huiguang didn't even care about the humiliation of being humiliated in public. His eyes widened and he stared at Lin Jiangnian in disbelief. His voice trembled and he said in shock: "You, you are Prince Lin?!"

"What? Doesn't it look like it?"

Lin Jiangnian approached slowly, squatted in front of Zhou Huiguang, and gave him a harmless smile.

Zhou Huiguang was so shocked that he almost bit off his tongue. A chill ran down his back. He subconsciously took a few steps back and stared at Lin Jiangnian in horror.

Of course he didn't want to believe that the guy in front of him was the Prince Lin whom he had been mocking and belittling behind his back. He was even more unwilling to accept that he would be slapped in the face by Prince Lin, whom he despised.

More importantly...if the other party is really Prince Lin, then his loss today will be in vain.

And the fact that he was slapped in the face by Prince Lin in public will inevitably spread in the capital, just like Li Qianlin's mistakes, he became a laughing stock in the capital!

But the identity of the person in front of him was admitted by Li Qianlin himself, how could it be false?

Among those present, only Li Qianlin had gone to Linzhou half a year ago and met Prince Lin. It was also that time that Li Qianlin was beaten in public by Prince Lin and became a laughing stock in the capital.

Many people still remember this incident vividly.

Now, even if you can't believe what Li Qianlin said personally, you still have to believe it.

Thinking of this, Zhou Huiguang was shocked and angry: "What do you want to do?!"

"What do you want to do?"

Lin Jiang young smiled: "Shouldn't I ask you this?"

"You just stopped me from letting him go, and you want to hit me, right?"

Zhou Huiguang's face instantly turned pale, and his voice became a little trembling: "I, I..."

He wanted to refute, but couldn't say a word.

Because these are all facts...

Perhaps he was stunned by those slaps just now, or perhaps he was shocked by the identity of Prince Lin. When facing Lin Jiangnian, Zhou Huiguang looked subconsciously afraid, and even had the urge to escape in panic.

He no longer had half of his previous domineering momentum!

This scene fell on the surrounding crowd, and their expressions suddenly varied. Someone in the crowd seemed to sneer: "This week Hui Guang has spoken ill of Prince Lin a lot before. He even threatened in public many times that when Prince Lin arrives in the capital, he will be humiliated and taught a lesson."

"Now Prince Lin is right in front of him, but he doesn't even dare to fart!"

"I'm afraid you've wet your pants because of the fright?"

"Who says it's not the case? I didn't expect him to be nothing more than a talkative loser."

"Not to mention, you see, Prince Lin's son is really good-looking. He looks like my favorite husband. I don't know if he is married..."

In the crowd, a few wealthy ladies who were watching the show were whispering.

"Not married."

"how do you know?"

"Stop being a nymphomaniac and use your brain more. What do you think Prince Lin is doing in the capital this time?"


When the atmosphere around him was frozen, Butler Lu, who had been dazed for a long time next to him, finally came back to his senses.

His expression changed quickly, and he whispered something to the nurse beside him, who left in a hurry.

Butler Lu collected his emotions, and the original expressionless look on his face disappeared, replaced by a slightly cautious smile on the old face.

"I don't know that this old servant is His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, who is arriving. Please forgive me for missing the welcome from afar!"

Butler Lu appeared next to Lin Jiangnian, bowing slightly.

The wrinkled and old face was filled with smiles, which was in sharp contrast to the one just now.

Lin Jiangnian looked back and chuckled: "You old guy, your face changes very quickly!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone around him was surprised.

When Prince Lin opened his mouth to speak, he really showed no face at all!

Many people sneered in their hearts. He was indeed from the land of the Southern Barbarians. Even though he looked handsome, his speech and temperament still couldn't lose the vulgarity of the Southern Barbarians.

Butler Lu's expression also suddenly changed, but he quickly returned to normal and said calmly: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is here. I offended you just now. Please forgive me if I have offended you in any way!"

Lin Jiangnian said interestingly: "What if I don't forgive you?"

As soon as these words came out, Butler Lu's expression changed even more.

It seems that he didn't expect that Prince Lin Wang would be so ignorant of compliments. He was just saying polite words, but he still held on to him?

Is it intentional?

Or is Prince Lin really that stupid?

A flash of displeasure flashed across Butler Lu's face, and then quickly disappeared: "His Royal Highness Prince Lin, what do you mean by this?"

Lin Jiangnian stood up slowly, glanced at Zhou Huiguang, who was on the ground with an embarrassed expression, and half-smiled: "Steward Lu must have heard it too... He personally admitted that he was the one who beat my son first, and he did it first, but Steward Lu just now But he didn't even ask, he just wanted to arrest me and hold him accountable..."

"Is it that Housekeeper Lu looks down on others, or is it that the Lu family is in the same league as them and working together in collusion?"

Butler Lu looked completely embarrassed.

It seems that he did not expect that the Prince Lin would actually say it in public, without giving the Lu family any face.

There is indeed some contact between the Zhou family and the Lu family. Butler Lu just looked at the young man in front of him and wanted to give the Zhou family a smooth favor. But he didn't expect that this young man was actually the legendary Prince Lin.

I didn't expect that the other party would hold on tightly!

The eyes of many people around me have changed!

Prince Lin's words were tantamount to offending the Lu family in public.

Are you going to break up with the Lu family?

People from the southern barbarian land are really fierce!

Facing Lin Jiangnian's questioning, Butler Lu looked gloomy and embarrassed. He suddenly realized that Prince Lin was probably not pretending to be stupid.

Is he here for the Lu family? !

When this thought came to mind, Butler Lu immediately broke into a cold sweat.

Looking at the half-smiling gaze of Prince Lin in front of him, Butler Lu turned pale, took a deep breath, lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "His Royal Highness Prince Lin... you misunderstood!"

"Today is the day of my young master's wedding. I was careful to spoil the young master's wedding, so I just made a decisive decision. Offending His Highness was the fault of this slave alone and has nothing to do with the Lu family!"

"If Your Highness is to blame, I am willing to bear the responsibility alone. Please punish Your Highness!"

Butler Lu's words had already blocked all responsibilities.

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "Steward Lu is serious, you are the steward of the Lu family, how can I, the prince, have the right to punish you?"

As he said that, Lin Jiangnian turned his head and scanned the crowd, and chuckled: "Today the young master of the Lu family is getting married. I wanted to send you a blessing. Unexpectedly, the Lu family didn't seem to welcome me. In this case , that’s too disturbing, so I’ll say goodbye!”

After saying that, Lin Jiangnian turned around and walked towards the door.

After walking a few steps, I heard a steady voice behind me.

"Your Highness Prince Lin, please stay!"

In the courtyard of the crowd, several figures were approaching quickly.

The leader of the crowd was a middle-aged man with a calm breath, who was approaching quickly.

Lin Jiangnian stopped and glanced up.

The leading middle-aged man is the head of the Lu family and the current Minister of the Ministry of Personnel.

Lu Fusheng.

Lu Fusheng glanced around the crowd, and quickly fixed on Lin Jiangnian. He quickly approached and said, "You must be His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, right? I have heard about His Highness for a long time, and when I saw him today, he was really talented and extraordinary. !”

"Lv Shangshu's words are serious!"

Lin Jiangnian smiled a little, cupped his hands and said, "This junior has met Master Shangshu!"

Lu Fusheng waved his hand quickly: "Your Highness, there is no need to be polite, I've been stabbed!"

"I have heard for a long time that His Royal Highness Prince Lin is about to enter the capital, and now I finally meet him in person. It is an honor for me, Lu, that His Highness is willing to attend Quanzi's wedding today!"

As he said that, Lu Fusheng paused and glanced back at Butler Lu behind him: "It was Lu's lax discipline that caused a few unsighted servants to offend His Highness. Please don't take it to heart."

"Don't worry, Lord Lu, I won't take such trivial matters to heart." Lin Jiangnian said calmly.

"That's good!"

Lu Fusheng looked relieved, and said with a smile on his face: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is here, and we haven't even had time to welcome him from afar. Please come into the inner palace and allow Lu to entertain His Highness well!"

Lin Jiangnian stared at Lu Fusheng for a few times, then chuckled and said: "Since Lu Shangshu warmly invited you, I will not be respectful!"



It was quiet all around.

Many people looked at this scene in astonishment.

What's going on?

The dignified official minister actually came to receive Prince Lin in person?

When did Prince Lin gain such dignity?

What on earth is going on? !

The ones with the most embarrassed expressions were Li Qianlin, Gao Wenyang, Zhou Huiguang and others on the other side.

"Brother Li, what on earth is going on?"

Gao Wenyang turned to look at Li Qianlin with disbelief on his face: "No, I'm not saying..."

Li Qianlin stared at Lin Jiangnian's leaving figure with gloomy eyes and gritted his teeth: "I don't know either."

Gao Wenyang's eyes were in disbelief: "The Lu family, are you trying to curry favor..."


Li Qianlin's eyes were gloomy, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I will never be done with him for today's shame!"

Zhou Huiguang stared at Lin Jiangnian's leaving back, gritting his teeth, his face full of gloom.

The manor is very lively!

This banquet will last until late at night.

The news that Prince Lin was still alive and had appeared in the manor also spread like wildfire.

"Have you heard? Prince Lin is not dead, he is still alive!"

"It's true. I just confirmed it with Sister Yangyang!"

"I heard that Prince Lin has a white face and a handsome scholar appearance, but he is so fierce that he even punched the housekeeper of the Lu family and showed his sharpness as soon as he showed up!"

"Lü Shangshu was not angry at all, and even warmly entertained Prince Lin..."

The news of Prince Lin's appearance attracted almost everyone's attention. Especially the attitude of the Lu family surprised and surprised many people.

As a result, not many people cared about the wedding of the son of the Lu family, which should have attracted attention.

at the same time.

In the manor, there is a small courtyard and a private room on the third floor.

There was a faint scent of sandalwood floating in the air. On the elegant seat, a young man was sitting quietly on the futon. His eyes were indifferent. He followed the window and fell into the courtyard. Some vague discussions could be heard.

He remained expressionless.

A moment later, Lu Fusheng's figure slowly appeared in the private room and walked up to the young man.

"Third Prince."

Lu Fusheng slowly sat down on the other side.

The young man raised his eyes, and a ray of haze seemed to flash through his eyes, and then disappeared.

"I heard that Prince Lin is here?"

"Does the Third Prince also know?"

"It's coming from outside the window." The third prince's voice was neither cold nor indifferent, as if he asked casually.

Lu Fusheng glanced at him and didn't hide anything. He nodded: "He is indeed here... I didn't expect that he is really not dead!"

The third prince moved his hands for a moment, and after a while, he said expressionlessly: "He will die."

Lu Fusheng gave him a meaningful look: "Now that the situation in the capital is turbulent, the third prince must not be impulsive."

"I know it myself."

The third prince spoke slowly and then asked: "Where is he?"

"I invited him to my house."

The third prince was silent and did not speak.

Lu Fusheng glanced at him: "The third prince wants to ask, why don't I just kick him out?"

The third prince said nothing.

An indescribable smile appeared on Lu Fusheng's face: "His Royal Highness Prince Lin came all the way, and his first appearance was at my son's wedding. If I drive him away, I'm afraid the news will spread throughout the world tomorrow. Capital..."

The third prince's face was expressionless: "Is Lu Shangshu afraid of offending Lin Hengzhong?"

Lu Fusheng glanced at him: "What is the third prince worried about?"

The third prince tapped his fingers on the table and said calmly: "Now the situation in Beijing has reached its most critical moment. Uncle Lu and I are both grasshoppers on a rope, and there is no way out."

"Keep him here, there will be endless trouble!"

Hearing this, Lu Fusheng's pupils suddenly shrank: "Does the third prince want to take action today?"

"Uncle Lu is too worried. Now that he is alive in the capital, it will not be so easy to touch him."

The third prince shook his head slightly, a coldness flashing through his eyes.

Prince Lin is nothing more than an old enemy to him, so there is nothing to fear.

But the previous provocation made him angry.

The third prince tapped his fingers lightly on the table and glanced out the window. He could still vaguely hear the discussion outside the window.

After a while, the third prince suddenly chuckled: "Now, everyone outside should know that Prince Lin has arrived, right?"

Lu Fusheng frowned slightly: "What do you mean, Third Prince?"

"In that case."

The third prince suddenly stopped tapping his fingers on the table, and a meaningful sneer appeared.

"When we meet for the first time, give him a big gift!"


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