Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 237 A great gift from the third prince

In the manor, there was still joy and constant discussion.

The people who had witnessed the previous scene were in high spirits, bragging vividly to others.

He described in detail what the legendary Prince Lin looked like, and how he slapped Young Master Zhou in the face in public, without giving any face to the housekeeper of the Lu family. Everyone around him listened with great interest and marveled.

And some smarter people have already begun to think of ways to see the true face of Prince Lin with their own eyes so as to join in the fun.

Manor, inner courtyard.

In the quiet long hall.

Lin Jiangnian sat quietly on the sandalwood chair with steaming tea beside him. Not far away, outside the courtyard, some faint noises could be heard. It seemed that some people wanted to break in, but were blocked from the door.

In the long hall, except for the two maids and servants of the mansion, there was no one else.

It’s extremely cold in early winter.

Lin Jiangnian has been sitting here for half an hour.

Except for the two servants, there was no one to entertain him, and Lu Fusheng was nowhere to be seen.

"Is this the way the Lu family treats guests?"

Lin Jiangnian murmured to himself and glanced at the two maids not far away. Then he stood up and was about to leave when a servant in gray clothes walked in, bowed to Lin Jiangnian and said respectfully: "His Royal Highness, you have been waiting for a long time!"

"My master is waiting for you in the back hall to take care of His Highness, and I have something important to discuss with you!"

Discuss important matters?

What is Lu Fusheng’s purpose?

Lin Jiangnian's expression remained unchanged and he said calmly: "Lead the way."

The servant lowered his head and said: "Your Highness, please follow me."

With that said, the servant took Lin Jiangnian out of the backyard, walked through the back hall corridor, and came all the way to the outside of the back hall.

There was no one on the road along the way. This place seems to be a residence, and it is silent at this time.

The servant led Lin Jiangnian outside the inner room, "Your Highness, the master is waiting for you in the room, please come!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the room not far away, then at the servant with his head lowered beside him, and suddenly chuckled: "Your master, are you really waiting for me in the room?"

As soon as these words came out, I could clearly feel the servant trembling, and a trace of panic flashed through his eyes: "Your Highness, what does this mean? My master has been waiting in the room for a long time..."

"Can you deceive me into thinking that I am a fool?"

Lin Jiangnian sneered. There was no one here and the surroundings were quiet. It definitely didn't look like a place for guests.

If Lu Fusheng could see him in a place like this, it would be a ghost.

A casual lie, and now the person's chicken feet are exposed.

"Tell me, who ordered you to come?"

Lin Jiangnian took a step closer and narrowed his eyes: "What's the purpose?"

The servant looked obviously flustered: "I, I don't know anything, Your Highness, Your Highness..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the servant turned around and wanted to run away. However, Lin Jiangnian grabbed him with one hand and pressed him against the wall.

"Spare your life, Your Highness, spare your life, I, I said, I said..."

The servant was frightened and confessed with horror on his face: "Yes, it's Master Zhou..."

"Master Zhou?"

"Zhou, Master Zhou Huiguang..."

The servant was so frightened that he confessed everything at once: "You beat Master Zhou before. Master Zhou had a grudge against you, so he set up the Hongmen Banquet to teach you a lesson..."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "You mean, the person in the room is Zhou Huiguang?"


Lin Jiangnian stared at the frightened servant in front of him, as if he was lying, and then glanced at the room not far away, and then urged: "You, go over and open the door!"

The servant was forced to walk ahead tremblingly. Lin Jiangnian followed him to the door of the room. The servant knocked on the door fearfully.

"Come in."

The voice coming from the room belonged to Zhou Huiguang.

The servant opened the door carefully, and the aroma of food and wine came from the room. The table that caught his eye was filled with beautiful and delicious food. A young man in brocade clothes with a red and swollen face and a funny and embarrassed appearance appeared. In sight.

It was Zhou Huiguang.

The moment Zhou Huiguang sat at the table and looked up to see Lin Jiangnian outside the door, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared.

Lin Jiangnian stood outside the door and looked at Zhou Huiguang in the room, somewhat stunned.

This guy surnamed Zhou, what kind of fun do you want to play with him?

True Hongmen Banquet?

However, Lin Jiangnian did not notice the presence of any master's presence around the courtyard.

"Zhou Huiguang, what are you doing?"

Lin Jiangnian looked him over.

Zhou Huiguang snorted coldly: "What? Don't you dare to come in?"

Although he didn't know what this kid was up to, Lin Jiangnian had no time to deal with him.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Lin Jiangnian turned around to leave, but heard Zhou Huiguang's deep voice behind him: "Don't you want to know why the third prince is trying every possible means to kill you?"

Lin Jiangnian paused for a moment and looked back at Zhou Huiguang: "If I remember correctly, you are the third prince's son, right?"

Zhou Huiguang sneered: "Li Qianlin is, but I am not."

"So?" Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows.

"I have something very important to tell you dare to listen?"

Faced with Zhou Huiguang's extremely low-level and childish provocation, Lin Jiangnian remained silent. He really didn't want to communicate with such a mentally retarded playboy, but the Zhou Huiguang in front of him was indeed a little strange.

Lin Jiangnian glanced into the room again, still unaware of the presence of other people, and looked at Zhou Huiguang's slightly proud and provocative expression. The redness and swelling from those slaps were still visible to the naked eye.

"Okay, then I'll just listen to what you have to say."

After making sure there was no ambush in the room, Lin Jiangnian also wanted to hear what Zhou Huiguang had to say.

Could this kid just endure the humiliation and bear the burden and want to be a kid?

Stepping into the room, Lin Jiangnian glanced around, sat down at the table, and glanced, "Are these all prepared for me?"

"That's right."

Lin Jiangnian's eyes became even stranger: "Is there anything wrong with your brain?"

Zhou Huiguang glared angrily.

"I slapped you a few times, and you still invited me to dinner? Do you have a special habit?"

The anger on Zhou Huiguang's face was obviously unable to be hidden, but it quickly disappeared and was replaced by an indescribable sneer.

"I never expected that you are Prince Lin!"

Lin Jiangnian was too lazy to listen to his useless nonsense: "Tell me, you tried every possible means to deceive me, what is your purpose?"

"Don't worry, of course I have my purpose..."

Zhou Huiguang said, inadvertently glancing at the door behind Lin Jiangnian. This glance did not escape Lin Jiangnian's capture.

He immediately realized that something was wrong. Was this guy plotting against him? !

But for a moment, I couldn't think of what tricks this kid could do?

"It seems like you, kid, are not very honest!"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly, stood up and prepared to leave.

Not knowing what this guy wanted to do, Lin Jiangnian prepared to escape first.

But I heard Zhou Huiguang's ferocious laughing voice: "Do you think you can still leave?"

Lin Jiangnian frowned: "What do you mean?"

Except for Zhou Huiguang, there was no one in the room, and no one was hiding outside the hospital... What kind of arrogance did this kid say?

At this moment, a rush of footsteps suddenly came from outside the courtyard not far away, as if someone was walking towards here.

Hearing this voice, Zhou Huiguang's eyes lit up instantly, and he no longer concealed the hatred in his eyes: "Lin Jiangnian, your death has come!"

"What nonsense, Prince Lin, today I must..."

Just when Zhou Huiguang was looking proud, his expression suddenly changed, he subconsciously covered his neck, and then a mouthful of black blood spurted out.

Immediately, the seven orifices began to overflow with black blood almost simultaneously, which was extremely terrifying.

"W-what's going on?!"

Zhou Huiguang's expression suddenly became panicked, as if he had realized something, and his eyes were horrified, and finally frightened. He stared at Lin Jiangnian unwillingly, and reached out to catch him.

"You, it's you..."

In the end, he failed to do it. He took two steps forward and fell to the ground with a thud, losing his breath.

I will never die with my eyes in peace.

Lin Jiangnian was a little dazed looking at the scene in front of him.

Things happened so fast that he was even a little confused.

Zhou Huiguang, what are you doing?

Suicide in front of someone? !

Do you want to scare him to death?

The next second, there were rapid footsteps outside the door, and several figures appeared outside the door.

There was a sound of panic.

"Zhou, Mr. Zhou? You, what's wrong with you?"

"W-What the hell is going on?!"

"Kill, kill someone!!"

A piercing scream brought Lin Jiangnian back from his brief trance.

He glanced at Zhou Huiguang, who was lying in a pool of blood, and then at the several figures appearing at the door. Li Qianlin and Gao Wenyang were among them.

I understood everything in an instant!

This is a well-planned frame-up!

A frame-up at the cost of Zhou Huiguang’s life!

"Brother Zhou?!"

Li Qianlin quickly stepped into the room. When he saw Zhou Huiguang lying on the ground not breathing, he couldn't believe it. When he came to his senses, he suddenly turned his head and stared at Lin Jiangnian in the room. He was shocked and said angrily: "You , you actually killed Master Zhou?!"

Gao Wenyang came in shortly after. He glanced at Zhou Huiguang, who was on the ground in a miserable state, and stared at Lin Jiangnian in shock and anger: "You are so cruel, you actually killed her."

Lin Jiangnian looked at the two people in front of him. Both of them had expressions of shock and anger on their faces, and they couldn't see any flaws.

He shook his head lightly: "I didn't kill him."

"You are the only one in this room, who else is it?!"

Li Qianlin stared at Lin Jiangnian, feeling shocked and angry, and at the same time he felt a chilling feeling of fear all over his body!

He had known that Prince Lin Wang had a flamboyant personality and never considered the consequences of doing things, but he did not expect that he would act so wantonly.

In public, he actually killed Zhou Huiguang at the Lu family's wedding!

Such cruel methods and wanton behavior are simply appalling.

"Master Zhou, I just offended you with my previous words, but I didn't expect you to kill them all and kill them... This move is unforgivable in heaven!"

Gao Wenyang stared at Lin Jiangnian with a face full of grief and anger, and spoke angrily.

"Whoever murdered him knows exactly who he was."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the two men and ignored them. He turned around and walked to Zhou Huiguang, who was lying in a pool of blood, frowning and examining the body.

Black blood flowed from the seven orifices, accompanied by a strong fishy smell. It was obvious that he died of poisoning.

This poison is so vicious!

When he first came into contact with it, Lin Jiangnian realized how powerful this poison was, which was rare in the world.

Lin Jiangnian stared at Zhou Huiguang's unblinking eyes without saying a word.

So, who?

On the other side, the people who had just arrived at the door with Li Qianlin and Gao Wenyang also realized what had happened.

Looking at Zhou Huiguang, who was dying in a pool of blood, their faces were full of disbelief?

Zhou Huiguang, dead? !

Yes, who killed it?

Prince Lin? !

When they arrived just now, there were only Zhou Huiguang and Prince Lin in the room, and the same was true for the dishes and chopsticks on the table. Although I don’t know why Prince Lin is sitting with Zhou Huiguang for dinner, the scene in front of him explains everything...

Zhou Huiguang was killed by Prince Lin?



The news quickly spread throughout the manor as if it had wings.

By the time Lin Jiangnian finished the autopsy, countless figures had already gathered in the yard outside the room. The crowd parted, and a solemn-looking Lu Fusheng hurriedly stepped into the room. When he saw Zhou Huiguang lying in a pool of blood, his expression changed. He quickly stepped forward and after confirming that Zhou Huiguang was completely dead, his expression finally became extremely ugly.

Today was a happy day for his Lu family, but he didn't expect that such a murder would happen!

Not only is it unlucky to be stained with evil blood on a special day, it is also tantamount to a slap in the face of the Lu family!

"What exactly is going on?!"

Lu Fusheng's face was gloomy and terrifying, he glanced around and spoke coldly. A servant had already come forward and explained something to Lu Fusheng in a low voice.

After he finished speaking, Lu Fusheng's expression completely changed.

He turned to look at Lin Jiangnian in the room, a complicated look flashed in his eyes. After a while, he said in a deep voice: "His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, do you want to give me a reasonable explanation?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the gloomy Lu Fusheng and said calmly: "What explanation does Lu Shangshu want?"

"Why is His Royal Highness Prince Lin here? What does Prince Zhou's death have to do with His Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian said: "Lord Lu Shangshu, do you think it was this prince who killed Zhou Huiguang?"

Lu Fusheng was silent for a moment: "Of course I don't want to believe it, but I hope His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, will give you a reasonable explanation. Otherwise, it will be difficult to convince everyone with the presence of many colleagues and seniors in the capital today."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head casually: "He was not killed by this prince. As for why my prince is here..."

"You have to ask Master Shangshu!"

Lu Fusheng's eyes narrowed: "Me?"

"Not long ago, someone from the palace came to report that Master Shangshu invited my son to come over."

"When I arrived, I met Zhou Huiguang here... I would like to ask, why did Master Shangshu deceive me?"

"Did I lie to His Highness?"

Lu Fusheng was stunned for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "I have never invited His Highness to come over."

Someone in the crowd behind him also spoke up to testify: "Yes, Lord Shangshu has been waiting with me all the time, and I have never heard of him mentioning this matter!"

Lu Fusheng stared at Lin Jiangnian suspiciously, but saw Lin Jiangnian laugh: "If you want to know whether it is true or not, go find the maids in the previous hall and ask."

Lu Fusheng was silent for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Go and bring them here!"

Someone immediately left in a hurry.

Lin Jiangnian stood there with an indifferent look. There was obviously something wrong with the servant who brought him here. Now he has disappeared, and he may not be found.

As for the two maids who had witnessed everything in the hall earlier, Lin Jiangnian probably had a guess, maybe...

Not long after, there were rapid footsteps outside the door.

"Sir, what's wrong, the two maids in the inner courtyard hall... are dead!"

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings were noisy.

Lin Jiangnian felt calm, as expected!

"Lin Jiangnian, what else do you have to say?!"

At this time, Li Qianlin's angry voice came from the side: "You killed people to silence them. You killed Mr. Zhou. In order to cover up the crime, you didn't even let the maids of Lu Mansion go..."

"Do you really think this is your Linzhou and there is no royal law?!"

As soon as Li Qianlin started speaking like this, it immediately aroused the resonance of everyone around him!

Yes, the evidence is almost conclusive at the moment.

Zhou Huiguang died here, and the only suspect of the murder was Prince Lin. Prince Lin's excuse has no logical evidence, and even the only maid and servant who can prove it have been silenced...

Once a person dies, shouldn’t he just be free to talk nonsense and say whatever he wants?

Besides, Prince Lin was used to being arrogant in Linzhou and cost countless lives. Zhou Huiguang had already had conflicts with him, so it was completely reasonable for him to kill him now.

For a time, the crowd was excited.

Those who had some friendship or no friendship with Zhou Huiguang were filled with indignation and pointed their fingers at Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian stood where he was, still unmoved.

What happened today was obviously a well-planned frame-up!

This frame-up was full of loopholes, but Lin Jiangnian failed to predict that Zhou Huiguang would die and fell into the trap accidentally. What's more important is that at the moment he can't explain himself to clear himself of suspicion.

How could he have thought that Zhou Huiguang would use his own death to force Lin Jiangnian to take the blame?

Of course, maybe Zhou Huiguang was also the unlucky guy who was taken advantage of.

"Your Highness, what other explanation do you have?"

At this time, Lu Fusheng looked at Lin Jiangnian expressionlessly.

Now, all the truth is before our eyes.

All the evidence and the motive for the murder all point to Lin Jiangnian. The Lu family is getting married today, and many famous families in the capital and important officials in the court are here to congratulate.

If today's matter cannot be properly handled, the reputation of his Lu family may be severely damaged. It may even cause a lot of trouble!

"My prince said, I didn't kill him."

Lin Jiangnian's expression remained calm, and there was no trace of panic on his face. He glanced at everyone present and said, "As for who killed Zhou Huiguang, it is up to Sir Shangshu to investigate clearly and restore my son's innocence."

The tone was neither cold nor indifferent, and there was no trace of panic in his eyebrows. Many people present had different thoughts when they saw this scene.

The aura of Prince Lin was extraordinary. Even when facing the official minister of the dynasty, he still did not fall behind. He was calm and calm, neither humble nor arrogant. His words were reasonable and well-founded, without any fear or anxiety.

Is this really the same person as the rumored Prince Lin?

Many people were thoughtful.

But at the same time, some people still sneered.

"You killed Mr. Zhou. The evidence is conclusive. What else do you want to quibble with?"

Lin Jiangnian turned his head and glanced at Li Qianlin: "You said that this prince killed him? Did you see it with your own eyes?"

Li Qianlin sneered: "When I and others arrived, Master Zhou happened to be lying in a pool of blood. You were the only one in the room. Who else could have been killed if you hadn't killed him?"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "Then you saw it with your own eyes?"

Li Qianlin was speechless. Gao Wenyang on the side immediately answered: "Master Zhou was poisoned and died. Of course we didn't see you poisoning him, but besides you, who else could poison him?"

"Since you didn't see it, how can you be sure it was my son?" Lin Jiangnian remained indifferent.

"You, you are using strong words and making nonsense!"

However, Lin Jiangnian was not in a hurry and sneered: "As for whether this prince is arrogant, I would like to ask... Zhou Huiguang just died this week, and you guys happened to be here and saw this scene. Do you think this will happen?" What a coincidence?"

As soon as these words came out, many people around him were stunned and thought for a moment.

Indeed, this seems to be a bit of a coincidence?

"That's because Master Zhou sent someone to invite us over, saying that he wanted to meet us after not seeing each other for a long time. When we arrived, we happened to see you murdering Master Zhou..."

These words received nods of approval from those who arrived immediately.

"On the contrary, it's you. Everyone knows that you have a grudge against Mr. Zhou. You suddenly appeared here and said that Mr. Zhou invited you here. Who believes it? It's obvious that you are lying and trying to cover up the truth!"

Gao Wenyang glared: "Don't think that as the prince of Prince Lin, you can disregard human lives. This is the foot of the emperor, within the imperial city, and you must kill someone to pay for your life. Don't even think about trying to get away with it!"

This righteous statement immediately aroused the response of many people.

"That's right, even if you are Prince Lin, you will have to die if you kill someone!"

"This is the capital, not Linzhou. I will never let you trample on the laws of the Daning Dynasty!"

"I didn't expect that Prince Lin would still be fierce and untamable when he arrived in the capital, and he would be so contemptuous of the king's laws. I will definitely report to Your Majesty tomorrow to seek justice for Mr. Zhou!"

"I second the proposal!"

"plus one!"

For a time, all the ministers present spoke out, and the situation was almost one-sided. All fingers were pointed at Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were indifferent. This was not a clever frame-up. If you think about it carefully, you can find many loopholes.

But to these people, the truth doesn't seem to matter.

They didn't know the truth and didn't want to delve into it. They were more willing to see Lin Jiangnian, the outsider's prince, be charged with murder and become a laughing stock in the capital.

Or... die in Beijing!

At this moment, someone outside the door suddenly shouted.

"Mitiansi is here!"

The people who were still in a state of excitement seemed to be mute in an instant. The crowd quickly separated into a lane, and no one was able to avoid it.

Several figures wearing black fish robes filed in. The leader was a middle-aged man in his thirties. He stepped into the room, glanced around, his eyes were slightly startled, and then he cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Lu, I heard that a murder occurred in the house?"

When Lu Fusheng saw the middle-aged man, a strange color flashed in his eyes: "It turns out to be Chen Kui-Shou. Why is Chen Kui-Shou here?"

"Today I learned that Mr. Lu is going to be happy. We were specially ordered to patrol the streets. Suddenly we heard that a murder occurred in the mansion and we came here to learn about the situation." Chen Kuaishou explained.

"I see."

Lu Fusheng frowned, Mi Tiansi had always been at odds with their officials in the capital, and they might have other agendas when they appeared here today.


As if he thought of something, a smile suddenly appeared on Lu Fusheng's face: "Master Zhou was killed. Since Chen Kui is here, the case will be handled by Chen Kui. I also ask Chen Kui to enforce the law impartially and find the murderer as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, Lord Shangshu, handling the case is my official duty in Mitian Division, and I am bound to do so!"

Chen Kuishou spoke calmly, his expression indifferent.

Taking over the Jingzhong case is their duty.

However, Beijing officials had always had grudges with them, so it was a bit strange that Lu Fusheng suddenly handed over the case to Mi Tiansi so readily today.

But soon, Chen Kuishou was no longer surprised.

"Lin, Prince Lin?!"

Chen Kuishou raised his eyes and looked at the handsome young man in front of him, with a restrained aura and a good aura, and the expression on his face gradually became stiff.

The suspected murderer is... Prince Linwang?

After learning this, Chief Chen no longer had any smile on his face.

He suddenly realized what was going on with the faint smile on Lu Fusheng's face just now.

This old guy actually tricked him? ! !

...(End of chapter)

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