Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 238 My lady invites you

"Lin, Prince Lin?!"

Chen Kuaishou looked at the handsome young man with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes in front of him, and his heart skipped a beat. He had already sent greetings to Lu Fusheng's whole family.

Although he has never met Prince Lin, he also knows that Prince Lin is not someone to be trifled with. There was a murder case today, and it was actually related to Prince Lin. Isn't this Lu Fusheng obviously cheating on him?

Chen Kui's heart sank slightly, but he quickly regained his composure. Looking at the handsome young man in front of him with a calm and natural look, he cupped his hands and said, "Your Highness, Mr. Zhou's son died tragically due to poisoning. You are the only one present. Is there anyone here?" Do you need to explain anything?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Chen Kuishou. He was about thirty years old. He was dressed in a black robe and had a long knife at his waist. This man had a restrained aura and was not weak in martial arts.


Lin Jiangnian is no stranger to this organization.

An organization that disgusts and fears the officials and people in Beijing, similar to the Jinyiwei. In the beginning, it was an institution established by the emperor to strengthen his rule. As the emperor began to retreat, the power of the Mitiansi gradually fell into the hands of the eunuchs around the emperor.

Nowadays, this Mitiansi has almost become a pawn of the old eunuch in the palace, and has become a being similar to Dongchang.

"Isn't my prince's explanation clear?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him: "Could it be that you also thought that this prince killed him?"

"My subordinates dare not!"

Chief Chen's heart sank, and he suddenly felt that the case was extremely difficult.

The young master of the Zhou family was killed, and the biggest suspect turned out to be Prince Lin. Chief Chen instinctively felt that something was wrong. Why did Prince Lin kill Zhou Huiguang for no reason?

Even if he wanted to kill, how could he be so aboveboard?

Chief Chen noticed something was wrong, but he couldn't find any clues yet. Many officials in the capital and children of aristocratic families were watching helplessly, waiting for him to solve the problem.

But, how to solve this?

Arrest Prince Lin?

After all, he is His Royal Highness. If he dares to arrest him, if anything goes wrong, he will be blamed and will become the target of public criticism.

But if you don’t catch him...

There are so many eyes staring at him now. Mitiansi has offended many officials in the capital in the past few years. If this matter is not handled impartially, they will not miss this opportunity to attack Mitiansi.

Thinking of this, Chen Kuaishou was in a dilemma, and finally gritted his teeth with firm eyes.

"His Royal Highness Prince Lin, there are still many doubtful points in this case that have not yet been investigated clearly. My subordinates will definitely investigate and clear His Highness's name. However..."

"After all, Your Highness is the only person who witnessed the death of Young Master Zhou. If the murderer goes unpunished, it is very likely that His Highness will be killed and silenced. I also ask Your Highness to accompany your subordinates back to Mitiansi. By the way, I also have some details about the murder of Young Master Zhou. I would like to ask something from Your Highness.”

"Your Highness, what do you think?"

Chen Kuishou's answer can be said to be watertight. He used clever words to invite Lin Jiangnian back to Mitiansi.

On the one hand, it can silence everyone's mouth, and on the other hand, it can also give face to Prince Lin.

Everyone is happy.

Lin Jiangnian looked at Chen Kuaishou in front of him and had to say that this man did have some abilities and was a talent.

As for a trip to Mitiansi, it was of no importance to him.

"Okay, then I will follow you..."

Just when Lin Jiangnian nodded and wanted to agree, a cold voice came from outside the crowd.


At the same time, a graceful figure stepped into the room and spoke with a cold face.

Chen Kui turned around and saw a beautiful woman in his sight.

Wearing a slim-fitting white and blue underskirt, she was wrapped in a mink velvet gown, and her black hair was tied up with a delicate hairpin, revealing a beautiful face full of mature temperament.

The surrounding eyes were full of astonishment, and Chen Kuaishou was slightly moved, and he quickly recognized the woman's identity.

Jiang Yuxiang!

The fourth young lady of Jiangnan’s Jiang family!

Prince Lin’s... aunt!

At this time, this exquisite and beautiful face had a somewhat sullen look on it, and he stepped into the room with cold steps. The pace is light, but with a bit of peerless coolness, attracting everyone's attention.

She walked slowly to Lin Jiangnian. Lin Jiangnian looked at the aunt in front of him, who had a slightly lower eyebrow than him, with anxiety and solemnity on his face.

"Are you OK?"

His tone was concerned, and he looked Lin Jiangnian up and down.

"It's okay." Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly.

After confirming that Lin Jiangnian was fine, Jiang Yuxiang relaxed as if relieved.

"You can't go with them." Then Jiang Yuxiang said solemnly.

"Why?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

"You didn't kill anyone, why did you go?"

Jiang Yuxiang turned his head and glanced at Zhou Huiguang, who was lying in a pool of blood not far away, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

She turned around suddenly and looked at Chen Kuishou beside her: "Chen Changqing, do you want to arrest my Jiang Nian?"

For some reason, the aura of the woman in front of him seemed to overwhelm him. Chen Kuishou even did not dare to confront her. He lowered his head slightly and explained: "Miss Jiang misunderstood, I was just doing the usual thing..."

"What a routine!"

Jiang Yuxiang sneered: "Why did you, the Mitian Division, take my Jiang Nian back when you are handling the case? Or do you really think of him as the murderer of Young Master Zhou?"

Faced with such an aggressive question, Chen Kui-shou broke into a cold sweat on his back: "We have absolutely no intention of doing this!"

"You have no such intention, why do you want to arrest him?"

Jiang Yuxiang asked coldly: "Could it be that you want everyone in the capital to think that my Jiang Nian is the murderer of Zhou Huiguang?!"

She was filled with anger.

If Lin Jiangnian is brought back to Mitiansi today, the matter will definitely spread throughout the capital tomorrow. By then, even if he didn't kill Zhou Huiguang, not many people would believe him.

When he was brought back to Mitiansi, he almost assumed that he was the one who killed him. Once public opinion spreads in Beijing, the truth is no longer important, and the impact will be fatal!

Lin Jiang's reputation when he arrived in the capital at the beginning of the year will be completely destroyed and irreparable.

Jiang Yuxiang will never allow this to happen!

Chen Kuaishou couldn't help but sweat dripping down his face. Just when he was about to explain something, he heard someone say: "Lin Jiangnian is the murderer!"

Jiang Yuxiang suddenly turned his head and stared at the young man in the crowd expressionlessly: "What evidence do you have?"

The young man was stared at by Jiang Yuxiang and subconsciously took a step back in fear.

"Also, do you need to say more? Everyone has seen it. Who else could it be besides him?"

"Where's the evidence?"

Jiang Yuxiang looked at him coldly.

That young man is speechless, where can he get the evidence?

But does this still require evidence?

"When Mr. Zhou died, he was the only one present. Who else could be the murderer if he wasn't him?"

In the crowd, an old man from a noble family couldn't help scolding him.

Jiang Yuxiang sneered: "Since you haven't seen it with your own eyes, how can you conclude that he is the murderer?"

The old man was angry: "You are just messing around. If not him, who else could be the murderer?"

Jiang Yuxiang said expressionlessly: "I'm afraid it's you who is causing trouble. You just make casual assertions without evidence. Do you really think that my Jiang family is easy to bully?"

As he said that, Jiang Yuxiang turned his head again, glanced over everyone present, and then sneered: "I know that most of the people here today are smart people, and Zhou Huiguang's death will be decided by his own judgment. But if someone dares to speak freely and act recklessly, Slander, don’t blame me, Jiang Yuxiang, for being ungrateful!”

There was silence.

Jiang Yuxiang stood on the spot, his cold tone, expressionless look, and aura almost shocked the entire audience.

Such protective behavior can make many people very angry.

"This Jiang Yuxiang is really a crazy woman. Do you really think this is her Jiangnan?"

"As expected of Prince Lin's aunt, she is not a member of the same family..."

"She still dares to threaten us, it's just too much bullying..."


The crowd was buzzing with murmurs and indignation. But no one stood up and said a word of objection.

Nothing else.

The Jiang family has great power in Jiangnan, and its power in Beijing cannot be underestimated. This Jiang Yuxiang is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If he offends her, there will be no good consequences.

Now that Jiang Yuxiang has made it clear that he will protect Prince Lin, who dares to stand up at this time, but offending the Jiang family and the Lin family at the same time is tantamount to seeking death.

Lin Jiangnian stood there, looking at the mature and beautiful face next to him with a dazed expression.

It seemed that he didn't expect that this aunt would actually stand up at this time and stand on his side to help him almost unreasonably. She had an imposing attitude that she would fight with anyone who dared to cause trouble to Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian felt an unspeakable emotion in his heart. He sighed softly and shook his head: "Auntie, it's not necessary."

He was not worried. A trip to Mitiansi would have no impact on him. He also wanted to take this opportunity to find out the murderer of Zhou Huiguang.

But Jiang Yuxiang obviously didn't think so. She looked back at Lin Jiangnian and snorted coldly: "You are from my Jiang family. No one can bully you except your aunt and me!"

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment: "Auntie, I'm not afraid. Is it really me who killed Zhou Huiguang?"

"you will not."

Jiang Yuxiang pouted: "You don't seem to be such a stupid person."


"Even if you killed me..."

After a pause, Jiang Yuxiang snorted, still expressionless: "Kill him, just kill him!"

"As long as my aunt is here, no one of them can even think of taking you away!"

Obviously, Jiang Yuxiang is very protective.

There were some ripples in Lin Jiangnian's heart. His cheap aunt, if nothing else, was really touching.

"Lord Shangshu, look..."

At this time, Chief Chen was also in a dilemma and couldn't help but look back at Lu Fusheng.

If it were someone else, he would be caught.

But Prince Lin Wang...can't be caught!

What's more, there is still Jiang Yuxiang in the way. Not to mention the consequences of offending the Jiang family, this Jiang Yuxiang is said to be close to the empress of the dynasty behind his back. If you dare to take action, I am afraid that the palace's decree will come soon.

Lu Fusheng's brows were also furrowed and his face was gloomy, which was very ugly.

Jiang Yuxiang stood in front of Lin Jiangnian, with an attitude as if anyone dared to touch Lin Jiangnian. Under such circumstances, the atmosphere gradually became tense.

Just then, a voice came from behind the crowd, breaking the deadlock.

"Since there is no direct evidence to indicate that the murderer of Young Master Zhou is His Royal Highness Prince Lin, we should not draw a conclusion easily on this matter."

Outside the crowd, an elderly man in gray robe slowly spoke.

"Mr. Zhao?"

Lu Fusheng was startled for a moment, then said: "According to what Mr. Zhao said, what should we do?"

The old man who spoke was named Zhao Jing.

A member of the Zhao family in Beijing!

And he has another important identity.

Zhao Jing, a close confidant of Prime Minister Zhao who is highly respected in the court today, has been with Prime Minister Zhao for decades and is the closest and most trusted person to Prime Minister Zhao.

The Lu family is very happy today, and Zhao Jing came to attend the wedding on behalf of Prime Minister Zhao.

Zhao Jing's words often represent the meaning of Prime Minister Zhao. Because of this status, even Lu Fusheng had to respect him a bit.

At this time, Zhao Jing glanced at Lin Jiangnian who was not far away, and said slowly: "We don't know about this matter for the time being. It's better to wait until Mi Tiansi finds out the truth before making a decision. After all, today is a happy day for Mr. Lu. It’s better not to cause unnecessary complications..."

Lu Fusheng was silent for a moment, as if hesitating and considering something. After a while, he nodded and said, "That's fine!"

"Since Mr. Zhao has said so, we will put this matter on hold until the truth is found out."

With that said, Lu Fusheng turned back to look at Chen Kuishou. Chen Kuaishou naturally understood quickly: "According to what Lord Shangshu said, my subordinates will definitely investigate the truth and make it public!"

The people around who were originally joining in the fun looked at each other in confusion.

Just, that’s it?

No more arrests?

Li Qianlin and Gao Wenyang on the other side were extremely unwilling. Lin Jiangnian was clearly the murderer who hurt Zhou Huiguang. The evidence was conclusive, so why not arrest him?

But seeing that even Lu Shangshu and Mr. Zhao had spoken, others did not dare to speak again even if they had other ideas.

Whether it is Lu Shangshu or Mr. Zhao, the prime minister behind Mr. Zhao, they are among the best elders in the Daning Dynasty!


The crisis of a confrontation seemed to be resolved quietly as Mr. Zhao spoke.

But the matter is still far from over.

"let's go."

Seeing that the matter was over, Jiang Yuxiang finally breathed a deep sigh of relief, looked back at Lin Jiangnian, and prepared to take him away.

"That's fine."

Lin Jiangnian nodded, glanced at Lu Fusheng, and chuckled: "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your warm hospitality today. If you are free the next day, I will come and visit Mr. Shangshu again!"

Lu Fusheng glanced at Lin Jiangnian with a complicated expression, "Your Highness Prince Lin, please walk slowly."

After Lin Jiangnian and Jiang Yuxiang left, Zhao Jing on the side also raised his hand to Lu Fusheng: "Today is a happy day for Mr. Lu's family. I am here to congratulate Mr. Lu on behalf of Prime Minister Zhao. There are still important things for Prime Minister Zhao to do, so I will take my leave first. Yes, please forgive me, Mr. Lu!"

Lu Fusheng said: "Since it is the order from Prime Minister Zhao, you should take care of your official duties!"

After Zhao Jing handed over to Lu Fusheng, he said goodbye and left.

At the same time, after seeing Zhao Jing leave, some other people present also stood up to say goodbye and left one after another.

Not long after, less than half of the people around him were missing.

Lu Fusheng stood there, his expression gradually becoming extremely ugly.

outside the manor.

"You acted so recklessly that you didn't even see the Third Prince, and you were almost tricked to death!"

In the side yard, beside the carriage, Jiang Yuxiang supported his waist with one hand and pointed at Lin Jiangnian's head with the other hand, hating that iron could not become steel.

Lin Jiangnian looked honest and obedient: "Yes, yes, my aunt taught me a lesson."


Jiang Yuxiang glared at him angrily, "Let's see if you still show off your strength in the future!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "I didn't expect him to be so cruel... He even dared to kill Zhou Huiguang."

Lin Jiangnian already had a guess as to who the murderer was.

However, there was still something that made him feel shuddering.

After all, Zhou Huiguang is also the son of the official doctor, and he is his person. Unexpectedly, I would be killed by him so cruelly...

Lin Jiangnian was indeed careless!

This time I didn’t expect his methods to be so ruthless!

Still underestimated!

Jiang Yuxiang's eyes also showed a trace of worry and fear: "He is indeed ruthless, you..."

She had to worry.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly.

With this lesson learned, he will no longer take chances.

At this moment, a voice came from the side, interrupting the conversation between the two.

"His Royal Highness Prince Lin?"

Lin Jiangnian and Jiang Yuxiang turned around and saw a familiar old man standing in front of them.

"Mr. Zhao?"

Jiang Yuxiang was stunned, and it was the old Mr. Zhao who was in the manor just now who appeared in front of him.

It was precisely because of his words that Lin Jiangnian and Jiang Yuxiang left the manor smoothly.

"Old sir, is something wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian asked, vaguely realizing something.

Zhao Jing looked at Lin Jiangnian and chuckled: "I have heard for a long time that His Royal Highness Prince Lin is extraordinary. When I see him today, he is indeed a talented person..."

At this point, Zhao Jing suddenly paused: "My young lady would like to invite His Highness to a party at his residence."

"I wonder, Your Highness, can you give me a favor?"


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