Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 239 Miss Zhao’s love

Zhao Mansion.

A carriage slowly stopped at the gate, and outside the door, several maids and maids from the house came forward.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, is here!"

Lin Jiangnian got off the carriage and looked up ahead. Not far away, a majestic and luxurious mansion appeared in his sight. The courtyard walls are mainly dark red and are cleverly decorated. On the dark black door plaque, the two gold-edged characters "Zhao Mansion" look extremely solemn and awe-inspiring.

At the door, Zhao Jing, dressed in gray robe, was already waiting outside the carriage.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao."

Lin Jiangnian spoke loudly, and under the guidance of the people in the mansion, he stepped into the Zhao mansion.

The decoration of the entire Zhao Mansion is extremely grand, simple and elegant, and there is an aura of calmness and luxury all around. The courtyard not far ahead is lined with green trees, quiet and charming. People from the mansion passed by from time to time, and the entire mansion had an indescribable sense of tranquility and relaxation.

Under the guidance of his subordinates, Lin Jiangnian came to the outside of an inner courtyard of the mansion.

"My young lady has been waiting for His Highness for a long time. Please come, Your Highness."

A maid from the residence stood outside the inner courtyard, bowed her head slightly and spoke respectfully.


Lin Jiang young laughed and stepped into the inner courtyard.

The maid at the door seemed a little dazed, staring blankly at the back of the Prince Lin. She recalled the elegant and handsome sunny smile when His Highness smiled at her just now, and she felt a little dazed for a moment.

This Prince Lin is really good-looking.

And... very gentle!

Unexpectedly, the little maid's face suddenly turned red, and then she turned around and ran away shyly.

The cold and quiet inner courtyard was silent, with not a single figure around. Lin Jiangnian stepped on the withered yellow leaves, making a crisp sound.

Throughout the courtyard, yellow maple leaves were falling everywhere. In a corner not far away, you could vaguely see some snow that had not been completely cleared. There was a small bridge in front of you.

When Lin Jiangnian got closer, he saw that the small bridge was exquisitely decorated, and there were some elegant poems carved on the stone bridge. They seemed to be poems about women's love, but they were not very obvious.

Under the bridge, there is a river that runs through the entire inner courtyard, dividing the courtyard into two. The small river flows slowly with clear water, the surface of the river is crystal clear, and the pebbles of various colors and sizes at the bottom of the river have been washed as smooth as jade.

On one side under the bridge, there is a cobblestone path that leads directly to a piece of grass in another part of the courtyard. On the grass, a swing hangs quietly. On the vines wrapped around the swing, several flowers that have withstood the severe cold are blooming tenaciously and brightly.

Lin Jiangnian stood on the bridge, watching this scene quietly, thoughtfully.

It seems that this young lady from the Zhao family is still a talented woman who is passionate about romance and literature?

From the decorations in the courtyard, it can be seen that this young lady from the Zhao family should be like those women in Beijing who have lived in the boudoir all year round and have not yet left the court. She is young, lively, simple and romantic, and loves life...

It’s a good lie!

When leaving the manor, Zhao Jing approached Lin Jiangnian.

From Jiang Yuxiang's mouth, Lin Jiangnian learned the identity of Zhao Jing... a close confidant of Prime Minister Zhao of the current dynasty, with a very high status.

Zhao Jing opened his mouth and invited Lin Jiangnian into the house.

The eldest lady of his family wants to meet him!

The eldest lady of the Zhao family?

Zhao Xi?

Lin Jiangnian had heard of this name, the youngest daughter of the current Zhao Prime Minister. Zhao Xianglai had a daughter, and he doted on this little girl very much. However, this young lady from the Zhao family seldom appears in public, and little is known about her deeds.

Now that she suddenly wanted to see Lin Jiangnian by name, it was indeed surprising.

Of course, what surprised Lin Jiangnian even more was that Mr. Zhao helped him in the manor today, which allowed the attack on Lin Jiangnian to be resolved quietly.

Zhao Jing then approached Lin Jiangnian alone, apparently with a plan in mind. After Lin Jiangnian hesitated for a moment, he agreed.

For now, everything is still quiet. Except for the water flowing under the bridge, there was no movement. Lin Jiangnian glanced around the courtyard. Under the eaves not far away, the door was slightly closed.

Lin Jiangnian stood there for a while before speaking softly: "Miss Zhao made an appointment with me, why didn't she show up?"

"It's cold in the courtyard. It's inconvenient for me to greet His Highness in person. Please invite His Highness into the room to talk in detail."

The voice is very soft, crisp and pleasant, and seems to have a bit of joy in it, which touches the ears and makes people feel itchy in their hearts.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the door of the room not far away and he approached slowly. Under the eaves, the door that was not completely closed showed a slight gap, and the warm atmosphere in the room was overflowing.

Lin Jiangnian stood at the door and did not move forward.

At this time, another voice came from the room: "What? Your Highness doesn't want to see my little girl?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment and said, "Miss Zhao should already know how Zhou Huiguang died, right?"

There was a moment of confusion inside the door, and then a clear laughter came: "Your Highness, Prince Lin, are you worried that I will also frame His Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "The world is dangerous and we have to be careful!"


A woman chuckled softly from the door, and then said in a pleasant tone: "Your Highness Prince Lin, please rest assured that my daughter is not Zhou Huiguang, and she doesn't want to die... Since I have invited His Highness into the palace, I will not do such despicable things as frame up His Highness. "

"Why, Your Highness is still afraid of me as a weak woman?"

Lin Jiangnian said nothing, a weak woman?

The weaker a woman is, the more she must be on guard.

How many people have fallen on so-called weak women and never recovered and died in peace?

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian outside the door did not speak, the voice inside the door became more teasing: "Your Highness, Prince Lin, is so afraid of my little girl plotting against His Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "It's better to be careful when you go out... Just tell me why Miss Zhao came to me today."

He didn't intend to enter this door.

There was a brief silence at the door of the room, and then there were footsteps approaching. Then, the door was slowly pushed open.

A warm breath surged from the room, driving away the chill around him. Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and saw a young woman in his sight.

He was about the same age as Lin Jiangnian, standing at the door, looking at Lin Jiangnian with a smile.

The woman's face was fair, her eyes were bright, her nose was high, her thin red lips were pursed, and her beautiful eyes looked up and down at Lin Jiangnian curiously.

The tall and graceful figure is almost the same height as Lin Jiangnian. Their eyes are parallel to each other. The woman is wrapped in a skirt with a green background and white flowers. The skirt is not thick, and can even be considered thin, but it makes the woman's looming waist appear. The figure is fully revealed.

Under the hem of the skirt, which fell on the woman's white ankles, a pair of crystal clear jade feet were stepping on the soft blanket, exposed to the air.

It was obviously winter, but the woman in front of her was wearing thin clothes, and her bare feet were stepping on the ground under her skirt, which was extremely attractive and beautiful.

Small and exquisite, the graceful curves are as clear as a small crescent moon, and the thin blood veins under the snow-white skin can be vaguely seen. It is delicate and delicate, as smooth as jade.

Lin Jiangnian was slightly startled when Miss Zhao dressed so boldly in front of her. After being stunned for a moment, his eyes fell from the elegant and tranquil face to the smooth jade feet under the woman's skirt. After a few casual glances, he returned to the woman's face. Their eyes met, and they seemed to see a hint of amusement in the other's eyes.

"Miss Zhao?"

"His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, is really very arrogant. Do you have to ask your daughter to come to the door to greet you in person?"

A slightly resentful and melodious voice came out, very soft, making people feel a little numb in their hearts.

This Miss Zhao... something is wrong!

Lin Jiangnian remained calm and looked at the woman in front of him.

Her beautiful eyes were very bright, as if she had seen some rare treasure. She stared at Lin Jiangnian without blinking, looking up and down, as if she was extremely surprised.

Just when she was about to say something, a cold wind rushed in from outside the door, and the woman's delicate body trembled slightly. How can such thin clothing resist the cold wind outside?

She took a few steps back, wrapped herself in the warmth of the room again, and glanced at Lin Jiangnian standing outside the door, her beautiful eyes slightly resentful: "My little girl has already appeared in front of His Highness, is Your Highness still worried?"

Seeing the cool-dressed Miss Zhao in front of him, Lin Jiangnian became even more silent.

"Ms. Zhao, is this... not very convenient?"

"What's the inconvenience?"

Zhao Xi chuckled softly: "Could it be that His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, was so frightened when he entered the capital that he even feared a weak and defenseless woman like me?"

Lin Jiangnian wondered how to explain.

The atmosphere in front of me is obviously not right...

This is the boudoir of the Miss Zhao family. The Miss Zhao in front of her is even more thinly dressed and her snow-white skin is looming. It was very wrong to invite him into the boudoir at this time.

Lin Jiangnian was familiar with this situation.

It feels like visiting a brothel.

There is a man and a woman alone, and the atmosphere is even more subtle. If this Miss Zhao suddenly yells indecency later, Lin Jiangnian will really be unable to clear up his grievances.

As if sensing some of Lin Jiangnian's worries, Zhao Xi raised her pretty eyebrows slightly: "Could it be that Prince Lin is still worried that I'm framing you?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "I'm just worried about damaging Miss Zhao's reputation."

"That's true."

Zhao Xi nodded in agreement, but then chuckled: "But, I'm not afraid, so why should Your Highness be afraid?"

Lin Jiangnian was silent!

Indeed, for this Miss Zhao, her reputation seems to be more important. As for Lin Jiangnian... his reputation is not worth mentioning.

Not even afraid of her, Lin Jiangnian naturally had nothing to fear.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian said: "In that case, excuse me!"

After that, he stepped into the room and closed the door.

In the room, the fire was burning brightly, and the whole room was extremely warm. At the same time, there was a light and elegant fragrance, which was very unique. It smells like rouge, but also seems to be the unique body fragrance of a woman.

There is an indescribable feeling of relaxation and joy.

Lin Jiangnian glanced around casually. The room was large and the decoration was extremely elegant. There were simple tables and chairs outside the screen, and there were some books piled on the bookshelves not far away. There are several pots of flowers placed beside the bed in the far corner.

It's a very simple and clear decoration, not the kind of decoration that you would imagine for a rich girl or a lady. The surrounding area gives people an elegant and clear feeling, which is very comfortable.

"Your Highness, please take a seat."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and saw the woman sitting sideways on a soft couch not far away. She was wrapped in a thin dress. Her snow-white jade feet were looming under the skirt, and her smooth jade-like calves were vaguely exposed. , so unscrupulously exposed to Lin Jiangnian's sight.

It is said that women's feet in this era are like sensitive private parts, but this Miss Zhao...

How generous!

At this time, Zhao Xi was looking at Lin Jiangnian with interest.

Lin Jiangnian walked forward slowly, sat down opposite her, and looked into each other's eyes. He was slightly confused when he saw the excitement in Zhao Xi's eyes.

"I have heard about the name of Prince Lin for a long time, and I have long wanted to meet him. Unexpectedly, His Highness exceeded my expectations."

Zhao Xi looked Lin Jiangnian up and down, half-smiling but not smiling.

"Why did Miss Zhao say this?"

"There are many slanderous words against His Highness in the capital. The little girl thought that His Highness should be ordinary in appearance, but she did not expect to be so handsome. He is no worse than those talented scholars in the capital who claim to be beautiful men. In terms of temperament, he must be even better. Quite... Your Highness, you gave me quite a surprise!"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and said modestly: "The appearance is just skin, not worth mentioning..."

"But who doesn't like a good-looking skin?"

Zhao Xi asked with a chuckle.

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment: "Miss Zhao, are you looking at your face?"

"What's the problem?"

Zhao Xi raised his eyebrows lightly and said calmly: "How many people in this world don't like beautiful skins? Beautiful skins are like beautiful things and scenery. When I see them, it is pleasing to the eye and makes me happy. Why can't I like them?"

Lin Jiangnian was silent, as if he didn't expect that Miss Zhao would be so straightforward.

Dress boldly and so do your words.

Zhao Xi half-smiled but said, "Don't His Highness Prince Lin like it?"


Lin Jiangnian nodded honestly.

"Then what's the problem?"

Zhao Xi raised his eyebrows and said meaningfully: "If His Highness looks ugly, he probably won't have the chance to sit here."

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Miss Zhao... it's so realistic!"

"That's not the case."

Zhao Xi blinked: "Not everyone can enter my girl's boudoir."

"Then this prince is considered an honor?"

"I can't say that...His Royal Highness Prince Lin Wang has a distinguished status. How can he lack a confidante around him? He may not necessarily be able to like my little girl even if he thinks about it."

"Miss Zhao has a beautiful country and a beautiful appearance. It is difficult to find one or two in the world. There are countless suitors in the capital, but Miss Zhao is unmoved. I think she has a very high vision. It should be that Miss Zhao does not look down on my son."

Zhao Xi leaned lightly on the soft couch, leaning back slightly, turning sideways in an elegant posture, tilting his head slightly, looking at Lin Jiangnian, as if thinking of something, his eyes narrowed slightly: "What if the little lady likes him?"

Lin Jiangnian: "???"

"Why is Miss Zhao so testing?"

Lin Jiang young sighed.

"I'm curious!"

Zhao Xi smiled half-heartedly: "Can I ask His Highness a question?"

"Miss Zhao, please speak!"

"How do I compare with your fiancée?" Zhao Xi looked at Lin Jiangnian with interest.

"What aspect is Miss Zhao asking about?"

"What about your appearance?"

"Not sure."

"Not sure?" Zhao Xi raised his eyes in confusion.

"I first arrived in the capital and haven't met the eldest princess yet, so naturally I can't compare with Miss Zhao."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian paused for a moment and then spoke again: "But thinking about it, Miss Zhao should be the one who is better!"

Zhao Xi's eyes brightened slightly, as if he was interested, and asked: "Why?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment and said, "Because the eldest princess is not here."

"..." (End of this chapter)

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