Outside Zhao Mansion.

"Your Highness, please."

Outside the door, a servant was bending down to respectfully escort Lin Jiangnian to the carriage.

Lin Jiangnian, who was about to get on the carriage, inadvertently caught a glimpse of a beautiful figure not far away from the corner of his eye, standing quietly under a tree.

The cold wind blew in, and the thin figure stood tall in the wind.


Lin Jiangnian rejected the Zhao family's offer to send him back, and turned around and walked towards the tree not far away.

As we get closer, the beautiful shadows under the trees gradually become clearer.

"Auntie, why are you here?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the woman standing in front of him. The cold wind blew her hair a little messy, her face was slightly red, and the hot breath she exhaled was instantly blown away by the cold wind. Even so, it still couldn't stop her beautiful face, as bright as the autumn moon and as bright as spring flowers.

Under the thin clothes, the snow-white mink velvet could not resist the invasion of the cold wind. The cold wind penetrated the clothes and stimulated her skin, giving her a somewhat delicate aura, which made her heart ache.

Jiang Yuxiang's beautiful eyes stared at Lin Jiangnian and looked him up and down. After making sure that he was intact, he breathed a deep sigh of relief and then said angrily: "What do you think?"

"You entered the Zhao Mansion without any conscience, how can I, the aunt, rest assured?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little moved: "Auntie, don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

"You said the same thing before, but what happened?" Jiang Yuxiang glared.

Lin Jiangnian was speechless.

He does seem a bit brave when he says this now.


Jiang Yuxiang snorted and looked at Lin Jiangnian in front of him with complicated eyes. After a while, he sighed softly: "You are my sister's only child. If something happens to you, how will I explain to your mother? "

The tone was regretful and seemed to be a bit sad.

Lin Jiangnian didn't know how to answer the question. He saw Jiang Yuxiang's frozen body in front of him trembling slightly. His thin clothes couldn't block the cold wind. He kept pacing in place until he felt a little warmer. He took off his coat and put it on Jiang Yuxiang.

"Auntie, it's cold, let's go back."

Jiang Yuxiang was stunned for a moment, watching in a daze as Lin Jiangnian put his coat on her body, and stared blankly at Lin Jiangnian's delicate and bright eyes.

Feeling the breath of the warm coat wrapped around her body, she came back to her senses. Her face, which was already slightly flushed by the cold wind, seemed to be even redder. She turned her face away unnaturally and hummed softly: "Forget it. The boy still has some conscience."

But soon, she seemed to smell something, her pretty eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and her delicate nose gently sniffed the coat on her body. Then, as if she realized something, her face suddenly changed slightly, and she raised her eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian: "What did you do with that Miss Zhao?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised by his aunt's sudden question, and wondered: "Is it nothing?"

"Why do you ask, auntie?"

Jiang Yuxiang narrowed her eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian with her beautiful eyes. Then, she suddenly approached Lin Jiangnian and sniffed him gently.

Then he asked, "Why does your body smell like rouge?"

"Then what did Miss Zhao do to you? During this time... what happened to you?"

Although the appearance and fragrance were very light, Jiang Yuxiang could still smell it.

Why does Lin Jiangnian have the scent of rouge on his body? Didn't he go to see that Miss Zhao?

Could it be that this rouge comes from the Miss Zhao family?

...What did he do with that Miss Zhao family?

Lin Jiangnian was startled and then realized something. Perhaps he had entered Miss Zhao's boudoir before, and the fragrance was overflowing in the boudoir. He accidentally got some rouge fragrance on his body, but it hadn't completely dissipated, so his aunt discovered him?

Auntie's nose is also very sensitive.

Lin Jiangnian smiled bitterly: "Auntie, you misunderstood. I and that Miss Zhao are innocent..."

But Lin Jiangnian's explanation was a bit weak.

"Are you saying that Miss Zhao, who has never met you, invited a man like you into her boudoir when they first met?"

Jiang Yuxiang stared at Lin Jiangnian. The more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

Although she was not familiar with the young lady from the Zhao family, she also knew that the young lady from the Zhao family was extraordinary. She had been smart since she was a child and had both talent and beauty. He usually lives in the privacy of his boudoir, rarely showing up in public and few people know about him.

I had never heard that Miss Zhao had ever been close to a man, but now she suddenly invited Prince Lin, whom she met for the first time, into her boudoir... This felt wrong.

In fact, Lin Jiangnian also felt that something was wrong.

He told his aunt what happened today, but hid the fact that Zhao Xi asked him to kill Chen Zhao at the end. He only said that Zhao Xi was a good friend of the eldest princess and wanted to meet him.

Jiang Yuxiang fell into deep thought after hearing this. After thinking for a moment, he stared at Lin Jiangnian with a solemn expression: "Does this Miss Zhao... have any thoughts about you?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "I also have this suspicion."

Jiang Yuxiang glanced at him: "Are you quite proud?"

"No." Lin Jiangnian denied it.

"Stop pretending!"

Jiang Yuxiang poked his head: "Then Miss Zhao's appearance can be regarded as stunning, rare in Beijing, will you not be tempted?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Auntie, do you think I am such a vulgar person?"

"Who knows?"

Jiang Yuxiang glanced at him and snorted softly. Then he stared at Lin Jiangnian seriously and said, "But please take it easy!"


"Zhao Xi is no better than others. She has a special status. Don't provoke her..."

Jiang Yuxiang stared at Lin Jiangnian and said with a serious expression: "You are engaged to the eldest princess, and the engagement has not been cancelled. If you get into trouble at this time and cause trouble, I can't help you!"

Jiang Yuxiang had to worry.

There's something wrong with that Miss Zhao family, I don't know what her purpose is. Whether he fell in love with Lin Jiangnian's beauty or had other motives, it didn't matter.

Lin Jiangnian is still engaged to the eldest princess, so it is naturally impossible for Prime Minister Zhao to let his most beloved daughter be Lin Jiangnian's concubine. When the incident comes to light, the consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxiang had to warn Lin Jiangnian in advance.

Although this guy can do whatever he wants in Linzhou, after all, the mountains are high and the roads are far away, but this is the capital, and he cannot be allowed to do so again.

"Don't worry, auntie, I know what's going on."

Lin Jiangnian spoke softly, but Zhao Xi's previous reaction and those meaningful words came to mind, and he sighed.

He is really a gentleman!

He righteously rejected the ambiguous demands of the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao and resolutely resisted this unhealthy temptation!

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were clear and he felt proud that he was not tempted by beauty.

But then again...this Miss Zhao's legs are indeed white.

Xu Mansion.

"Second Young Master, are you back?"

As soon as Xu Zhongshan got off the carriage, there were servants outside the door to welcome him into the mansion.

Xu Zhongshan nodded: "Where is my grandfather?"

"The master is very busy today and has not returned home yet."

Xu Zhongshan was not surprised. Although the old man did not have much power among the six departments, he would still be very busy once there were some special and important days.

"Second Young Master, is it okay to attend the Lu family's wedding today?" the servant asked in a low voice while following Xu Zhongshan.


Recalling what happened at the Lu family's wedding today, Xu Zhongshan's eyes were complicated and he couldn't help but sigh: "It's hard to describe in words..."

What happened today will probably spread throughout the capital soon.


Xu Zhongshan seemed to have thought of something: "Where is Xiaolan?"

The servant replied: "The lady has been staying in the room."

"Okay, I get it."

Xu Zhongshan waved his hand, drove the servants away, and stepped into the inner courtyard. As soon as I stepped into the courtyard, I saw under the eaves not far away, the window edge was slightly open, and a young girl was lying on the table with her face bored, looking a little depressed.

"Xiaolan, why are you here?"

Xu Zhongshan approached and said worriedly: "It's so cold outside. You open the window and worry about catching cold."

The girl didn't seem to take his words seriously at all, she was still lying on the window edge in boredom, feeling weak.

"Why are you back so soon?"

"It's not too early."

Xu Zhongshan glanced at the sky and said, "Something unexpected happened, so I came back early."

When he said this, Xu Zhongshan's expression was obviously complicated. He looked at the little girl in front of him and said hesitantly: "Xiaolan, do you know who I met at the Lu family's wedding today?"


The girl didn't even raise her eyes, as if she wasn't interested at all.


Xu Zhongshan subconsciously wanted to speak and tell his younger sister what happened at the wedding today.

But when the words came to his lips, he held them back forcibly.

What happened today was too shocking!

Who would have thought that the young man who lied to him about calling him Lin Kong was actually Prince Lin? !

The Prince Lin's silent appearance at the Lu family's wedding was beyond everyone's expectations. Xu Zhongshan also didn't expect that he had already met Prince Lin, whom his younger sister had always mentioned.

Before the younger sister came to the capital, her father who was far away in Linzhou had given him instructions. In Linzhou, although the Xu family and the Lin family have a deep connection and friendship, the two families are family friends.

But now, with the changes in the court situation, the Xu family has also been pushed to the forefront. Although Xu Zhongshan didn't know what his father's purpose was, he could vaguely guess it.

Before coming to the capital, my father had specifically warned my little sister not to have anything to do with Prince Lin.

Xu Zhongshan also heard that his little sister was very close to Prince Lin when he was in Linzhou. It is unknown what the relationship between the two is, but since the younger sister arrived in the capital, she was still inquiring about the Prince Lin. I am afraid that the relationship is not simple...

Especially when he realized that Prince Lin was in big trouble, Xu Zhongshan's heart sank even more. He hesitated for a long time, but finally did not speak.

"It's nothing, I just met an acquaintance..."

Xu Zhongshan sighed secretly, feeling slightly guilty.

Looking at the little girl who was getting thinner by the window, a smile appeared on her face: "Xiaolan, the weather has been nice these two days, would you like me to go out with you?"

"Not going."


The carriage slowly stopped at the back door of Jiang Mansion. In the carriage, Lin Jiangnian and Jiang Yuxiang got out one after another. Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and glanced outside the wall. He vaguely saw several figures hidden in the darkness, passing by in a flash.

He didn't care. These people squatted outside Jiang Mansion for several days, and finally got results. However, by the time they returned, the news of Lin Jiangnian's appearance in the capital had probably already spread throughout the city.

"Go back first."

Jiang Yuxiang also looked away and glanced at Lin Jiangnian: "What are you going to do next?"

"Not ready yet……"

Just as he opened his mouth, he saw Jiang Yuxiang glaring at him slightly angrily, and then he said seriously: "Let's take a look first, there will always be a way."

Jiang Yuxiang was silent for a moment and then said: "They will not let it go. They will definitely make a big fuss about Zhou Huiguang... You have to be careful."

"I know."

Lin Jiangnian nodded.

Jiang Yuxiang looked at Lin Jiangnian deeply for a few more times, warned him again, and then turned and left.

When Jiang Yuxiang disappeared, Lin Jiangnian turned around and returned to the courtyard.

In the courtyard, there were two figures waiting for a long time. Lin Kong, and Lin Qingqing, whose injuries were much better.

"Your Highness."

The two spoke respectfully.

"You came just in time, I have something to ask you."

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly and looked at Lin Kong: "Help me check two people."

"I wonder who your Highness wants to investigate?"

"Li Qianlin, Gao Wenyang."

Lin Jiangnian ordered: "Check the connection between them and the third prince, and..."

"Check up Zhou Yao, the doctor in the official department, and all the connections and social networks of the Zhou family. The sooner the better."


A doctor in the official department was not worthy of Lin Jiangnian's investigation. However, after Zhou Huiguang was killed, Lin Jiangnian had to pay attention. He was not wary of the Zhou family, but worried that someone would follow the Zhou family's line and attack him.

Have to guard against it.


Lin Jiangnian turned to look at Lin Qingqing on the side: "How is your injury?"

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness, everything is fine!"

Lin Qingqing spoke.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Lin Qingqing, who was still a little weak and had not fully recovered, and shook his head gently: "You should have a good rest for now."

Lin Qingqing raised her eyes and insisted: "My subordinate has recovered."

Recognizing the meaning in Lin Qingqing's tone, Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment and sighed: "Then you can also help me check someone out."

"Who does Your Highness want to investigate?"

"Xu Zhongshan."



The Lu family's wedding, the Zhou family's son was killed, and such things happened, casting a shadow over the wedding.

The Zhou family members rushed to the scene after learning the news. When they saw the tragic death of their only son, Zhou's father was furious and grief-stricken. Zhou's mother turned pale and fainted on the spot.

The person with the ugliest face was none other than Lu Fusheng, the Minister of Civil Service.

"Third Prince, is this a good thing you did?"

Attic, room.

Lu Fusheng's face was calm, he stared at the man sitting on the soft couch not far away with a gloomy expression, and asked coldly.

When he saw Zhou Huiguang was killed and Lin Jiangnian was at the scene, Lu Fusheng had already realized what the third prince meant by the great gift.

"Lord Lu, why are you so angry?"

The man on the soft couch said calmly.

"Today is my son's wedding day, why would Your Highness do such a thing?"

How could Lu Fusheng not be angry?

He had warned the Third Prince countless times not to mess around. But what's the result? Not only did he act recklessly, he also caused such a big incident.

Kill Zhou Huiguang and blame Prince Lin?

Is he really crazy?

"This is an excellent opportunity!"

The third prince did not regret it. He half-squinted his eyes and sighed: "It's a pity that the people in Mitiansi are too timid..."

"It would be interesting if we caught him."

Lu Fusheng's face was expressionless: "Is this what His Highness told me?"

The third prince raised his eyes and said calmly: "I was indeed a little reckless in what happened today, and I would like to apologize to Mr. Lu. However, this is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..."

"Once Zhou Huiguang died, he, Lin Jiangnian, could not defend himself. When today's incident unfolds, he, Lin Jiangnian, will be convinced that he killed Zhou Huiguang. By then, even if Lin Jiangnian is not dead, he will still have to shed several layers of skin!"

There were a few meaningful and proud smiles on the third prince's face.

With just a flick of his finger, he could put Prince Lin into extremely passive danger.

What does he use to fight against himself?

Lu Fusheng's face was gloomy. He naturally knew what the third prince wanted to do?

But what happened today almost made his Lu family lose face. This was the day when the Lu family was proud of its ancestors and gained fame and prestige, but it became a joke in the capital.

There was also the trouble with the Zhou family. After all, Zhou Huiguang died on the territory of his Lu family, and dealing with the Zhou family also made him miserable.

"What happened today, my prince will naturally not forget Mr. Lu's help."

The third prince stood up, walked towards Lu Fusheng, cupped his hands and said: "Whenever this prince gains power, Mr. Lu will definitely be the number one hero, and I will definitely not treat Mr. Lu badly. You can rest assured, Mr. Lu."

Lu Fusheng was silent, his face a little better, and he reminded with an expressionless face: "Your Highness, please don't forget your and my plans because of personal grudges."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I know for sure."

The corners of the third prince's mouth raised slightly, and there was a hint of disdain in his eyes.

How could a young Prince Lin be qualified to be his enemy?

It's just an insignificant, small role in his grand plan to seize the throne.

Lin Kong and Lin Qingqing left in a hurry after receiving Lin Jiangnian's order.

Today I attended the Lu family's wedding and was invited to the Zhao family. When I returned to the Jiang Mansion, it was already dark. Lin Jiangnian called the maid in the courtyard and ordered him to prepare hot water for bathing and changing clothes. After taking a shower and changing clothes, I returned to my room feeling refreshed.

As soon as he returned to the room, Lin Jiangnian paused.

There was an additional figure in the room.

It seems like a long wait.

"Paper Kite?"

In the dim room, a graceful figure was vaguely visible, and Lin Jiangnian's eyes were slightly bright.

Who else could it be but Paper Kite?

Light the lamp, and the figure of the paper kite is reflected in the bright room. Sitting quietly at the table, looking at him coldly.

"Zhiyuan, why are you here?"

Lin Jiangnian approached, and Zhiyuan came to the door. What an unexpected surprise!

Since that night a few days ago, Zhiyuan has been avoiding him in the past few days. Even if he meets him, he treats him as a stranger. He almost completely ignores Lin Jiangnian's initiative to strike up a conversation.

Thinking about it, what happened that night must have had a big impact on her.

Lin Jiangnian went too far, so it was normal for her to be angry!

Of course, apart from anger, there may be other reasons...

Now that Zhiyuan took the initiative to find him, Lin Jiangnian was indeed unexpected.

What a surprise!

Looking at Lin Jiangnian's surprised look, Zhiyuan turned her head unnaturally.

Still sitting there with a cold expression.

Still didn't speak.

The cold appearance also gives people a feeling of anger.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian sat naturally next to Zhiyuan and reached out to grab her hand, but Zhiyuan dodged it.

Lin Jiangnian did not give up and continued to pursue, while Zhiyuan continued to hide. After several rounds, Zhiyuan finally responded.

She glared at Lin Jiangnian with some embarrassment: "What are you doing?"

"Long time no see, I miss you a little."

Lin Jiang young smiled and spoke.

Zhiyuan's face turned slightly red, she subconsciously stood up and walked out the door.

Just as he was about to take a step, Lin Jiangnian stopped him: "Where are you going?"

"go back."

Zhiyuan spoke expressionlessly, but her tone seemed to have some emotion.

How could Lin Jiangnian give her this opportunity?

Seeing that Zhiyuan wanted to leave, he stopped her slender waist and hugged her back again.

Zhiyuan didn't seem to expect that Lin Jiangnian would take action directly. He staggered a step and fell into Lin Jiangnian's arms off guard.

"You're here now, let's sit down again."


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