Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 242 This marriage must be canceled

The moment he fell into Lin Jiangnian's arms, Zhiyuan's body stiffened as if it had touched some venomous snake. He subconsciously struggled to get up and took a few steps back.

Breathing rapidly, her beautiful eyes stared at him, her beautiful face full of shame and anger.

Lin Jiangnian blinked, why did she react so violently?

He lowered his head subconsciously... didn't stand up?

Looking up again, Zhiyuan was still shy and angry, with a cold expression that could not be calmed down, and her beautiful eyes stared at him with some vigilance.

As if staring at some evil thief.

Lin Jiangnian seemed to realize something later...

Could it be that it happened a few days ago?

Thinking of this, Young Lin Jiang coughed: "You're already here, don't leave yet. I have something else I want to tell you..."

His words did not dispel Zhiyuan's vigilance.

As if remembering what Lin Jiangnian did to her a few nights ago, her already red cheeks turned redder, her breathing became faster, and the shame and anger in her beautiful eyes became more intense.

There was an indescribable complex emotion filling my chest at the moment, both angry and aggrieved.

Lin Jiangnian wanted to get up and get closer, but as soon as he made a move, he heard Zhiyuan's cold refusal: "No, don't come over!"

The cold tone was slightly trembling, mixed with a touch of imperceptible fear.

Lin Jiangnian didn't move and looked at her.

Zhiyuan turned away his eyes and turned his face sideways, unable to see clearly the expression on his face. But I could tell that she seemed to be calming down. He secretly took a few deep breaths, and his breathing gradually stabilized.

Then, she spoke: "What's the matter?"

Her tone returned to a lukewarm state, as if she had returned to the cold maid.

Lin Jiangnian did not speak immediately. After staring at Zhiyuan for a while, he sighed softly: "Are you still angry with me?"

Silence, no answer.

"What happened last time was indeed my fault, I..."

"I am leaving!"

Before Lin Jiangnian could finish speaking, Zhiyuan walked towards the door expressionlessly.

"Hey, wait... I won't say it anymore... I won't say it anymore..."

Lin Jiangnian shut up. The mention of what happened a few days ago really irritated Zhiyuan, and she wanted to run away.

Zhiyuan stopped and looked at him expressionlessly.

"Why don't you come over and sit down first?"

Lin Jiangnian made a suggestion, but Zhiyuan didn't speak or move.

Lin Jiangnian sighed secretly: "Why don't you come to see me tonight?"

The lamps in the room were bright, reflecting the figure of the paper kite falling on the ground. The shadow was stretched very long, making it particularly cold.

She lowered her eyes and said nothing.

He seemed to have no intention of speaking out.

This reaction was also expected by Lin Jiangnian. Based on his understanding of Zhiyuan, if he didn't take the initiative to break the situation, this woman would remain silent for the rest of her life.

I really don’t know how she could hold it in?

After sighing secretly, Lin Jiangnian said: "Do you already know what happened today?"

Zhiyuan still didn't speak, but Lin Jiangnian got a rough idea from the reaction on her face.

You probably guessed it!

He had already noticed it since Zhiyuan took the initiative to come to the door. What's more, what happened today has probably spread throughout the world, so it's not surprising that Zhiyuan heard some rumors.

"Something did happen at the Lu family's wedding today..."

Zhiyuan said nothing, while Lin Jiangnian was busy explaining what happened at the Lu family's wedding today. From meeting Xu Zhongshan, to conflicts with Zhou Huiguang and others, to Lu Fusheng's unusually warm invitation, and to being framed...

Zhiyuan just listened quietly from beginning to end, like a quiet listener. There was no big reaction on the calm face. Only when he heard that Lin Jiangnian was framed and became the target of public criticism, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

After Lin Jiangnian finished explaining what happened today in detail, Zhiyuan was silent for a long time, and then suddenly said in a cold voice: "Who did it?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes, chuckled and asked her, "What are you asking about?"

"Zhou Huiguang!" Zhiyuan avoided his sight and said expressionlessly, "Who killed him?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "You should have guessed it."

"Third Prince Li Yuan?" There was a hint of murderous intent in Zhiyuan's tone.

"There is no definite evidence, but it is almost the same!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded.

At the Lu family's wedding, there was probably no one else but him who dared to do such crazy things.

Of course, there is another possibility... Zhou Huiguang couldn't think of it, he took poison to frame Lin Jiangnian, and wanted to die together with him.

However, although Zhou Huiguang's brain is not working well and he is a good-for-nothing dude with no independent opinions, he is definitely not mentally retarded!

When Zhou Huiguang realized that he had been poisoned, the shocked and angry reaction he showed definitely didn't look like an act.

It's more like, he was also plotted against!

As for who is plotting against him?

Come to think of it, only the people closest to him.

Is it Li Qianlin or Gao Wenyang?

Or... both?

Zhiyuan seemed to be lost in some kind of deep thought, without saying a word. Her already cold face became even more cold and charming under the deep contemplative expression at this moment.

But there seems to be a different kind of contrasting beauty that makes people want to kiss it.

Lin Jiangnian's unscrupulous gaze was quickly caught by Zhiyuan. She came back to her senses and looked at Lin Jiangnian's slightly wanton gaze, and immediately became wary.

"What are you going to do?"

"There are two ways."

Lin Jiangnian laughed: "I will go find the third prince now and give him a slap in the face to avenge today's frame-up."

"Or just stop doing it and kill Zhou Huiguang's father together to avoid future troubles."

Zhiyuan stared at him expressionlessly with a straight face, a hint of displeasure in her eyes.

Obviously, she heard that Lin Jiangnian's two bad ideas were all nonsense.

"Just a joke."

Lin Jiang young laughed and looked indifferently: "He has wasted so much effort and even killed Zhou Huiguang to frame me. It was probably the gift I gave him last time that made him anxious!"


Zhiyuan looked suspicious.

Why hasn't she heard of any gifts from Lin Jiangnian?

"I asked Lin Kong to do it last time and sent a message to the guy. I didn't expect him to react so violently. I guess he broke the defense."

Lin Jiangnian gradually narrowed his eyes again: "The third prince's temperament seems not to be as stable as expected."

"He is so eager to deal with me. It seems that he is indeed a person who will seek revenge..."

A long time ago, Lin Jiangnian had learned about the third prince from Liu Su's mouth. He had a ruthless personality, sharp methods, and was determined to retaliate.

Now it seems that it is indeed not bad.

Even though Lin Jiangnian had been on guard for a long time, he never expected that the third prince would act so decisively and forcefully drag Zhou Huiguang into the water at the cost of his life.

Even Lin Jiangnian had to admire such ruthless and decisive behavior. This third prince does have some abilities.

Unfortunately, it’s not a good thing!

"As soon as Zhou Huiguang dies today, there will probably be a lot of excitement in Beijing tomorrow."

Lin Jiangnian had already anticipated what was going to happen tomorrow.

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, then said after a while: "So, you sent someone to spy outside Zhou's house?"

"how do you know?"

Lin Jiangnian paused and then realized something, "Did Lin Kong tell you?"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes slightly and did not answer, but it was equivalent to acquiescence.

Lin Jiangnian was speechless: "I forgot, Lin Kong is yours..."

"It seems that I, Prince Lin, am still not as prestigious as you in their eyes."

Lin Jiangnian's tone was relaxed, with a bit of emotion and complaint on his lips, but he didn't have many other emotions in his heart.

If it had been before, he might have been wary. He came to the Crown Prince in a majestic manner, but what he said was not as effective as the maid around him. This was not a good sign.

But now...

Lin Jiangnian looked up and down at Zhiyuan with a slightly proud look. Now that this person was almost his, there was no need to worry about other small things.

What's more, in some aspects, Zhi Yuan, who originally commanded the prince's personal army, was more professional than him.

However, when Zhiyuan heard Lin Jiangnian's words, he inadvertently frowned and remained silent for a long time before saying, "He is not mine."

"From the day they entered Prince Lin's Mansion, they have been Your Highness's personal soldiers. I am just following the Prince's order to temporarily help Your Highness take over the handling..."

Her voice was very soft, as if she was trying to explain something.

Lin Jiangnian looked at him with a smile and said nothing.

Until Zhiyuan noticed something and looked at Lin Jiangnian. After a moment of silence, he looked away unnaturally.

Lin Jiangnian then chuckled: "It's okay. If that's the case, then you can continue to help me take over the matter... I am happy to be a dandy under your care."

If Jiang Yuxiang heard Lin Jiangnian's useless remarks, he might have to pull his ears and start teaching him a lesson.

What kind of playboy do you want to be if you don't behave like a prince?

Look, auntie, I won’t teach you a good lesson today for my sister, this worthless guy.

Zhiyuan seemed to be stunned, an unspeakable emotion emerged in her heart, and her eyes were panicked for a moment.

After a while, she said calmly: "The prince's personal army will eventually be handed over to His Highness, and His Highness needs to take over personally..."

"Isn't it okay just to have you?"

Lin Jiang young interrupted her with a smile, and took advantage of this moment to walk up to Zhiyuan.

Hearing this, Zhiyuan was startled again.

Is it okay to just have her?

For some reason, these seemingly ordinary words made Zhiyuan's calm mind ripple again. When he came back to his senses, he saw that Lin Jiangnian had walked up to her at some point and was looking at her with a smile on his face.

Those familiar eyes were as bright as a boy's, but they glanced at her with a hint of amusement.

As always, familiar.

In the past, when she saw His Highness showing such an expression, she would always feel uncomfortable and even vaguely resistant.

And now...

It seems that he has been used to it for a long time, and he even has a vague feeling in his heart.

However, despite this, her face still looked slightly unnatural, and she lowered her eyes: "I can't stay with His Highness forever, I..."

"Why not?"

Lin Jiangnian interrupted her again and stared into her eyes: "Have you forgotten what I told you a few days ago?"

Zhiyuan was silent.

Of course she didn't forget.

She could still remember everything that happened in this room that night a few days ago.

Even now, the memory is still so clear and profound.

In this room, the guy in front of her seemed to be very ordinary, talking to her as calmly as eating and drinking...

Will you get married when you return to Linzhou?

With such a calm tone and look, it seemed like a small matter.

Every time I think of this, a huge boulder falls on the calm lake surface of Zhiyuan, causing shocking waves.

It is difficult to calm down for a long time.

She was flustered, a little stunned, at a loss, and uneasy. There is a touch of unconcealable joy, but it is also accompanied by a bit of anger...

Who is getting married?

Who said she wanted to get married to him?

Why should he make decisions for himself?

Did he ask for his opinion?

...Also, are you so perfunctory in asking for marriage?

Zhiyuan was in a state of confusion, as if there were thousands of tangled and contradictory emotions intertwined in her heart. Trance, dazed, but also seemed to have a vague and imperceptible...surprise.

And the expectation and fear of some unknown territory!


She didn't know.

As soon as Lin Jiangnian spoke, he saw Zhiyuan in front of him trying to escape.

He sighed softly: "Are you just thinking about avoiding me?"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes and said nothing.

"You promised me..."

Lin Jiangnian stared at her cold face. Under such a cold and fairy-like appearance, she also had a weak heart.

Such a contrast makes it even more attractive.

"When I break off the engagement with her, will you marry me?"

Lin Jiangnian half-squinted his eyes, remembering that under his 'invasion' and 'force' that night, Zhiyuan was defeated and agreed to his rude request.

After breaking off the engagement with the eldest princess, Zhiyuan had to agree to marry him.

Of course, the wedding will have to wait until we return to Linzhou, but before we get married...

Zhiyuan also seemed to think of the unequal treaty she was forced to agree to that night. Her already red face suddenly turned red, and her eyes were filled with a hint of shame and anger.

She instinctively took a step back to avoid Lin Jiangnian's burning eyes.

When the breathing was intertwined, the breathing was already disordered.

She tried her best to calm down, but she couldn't hide the heat on her face.

Her skin is already fair, and her face becomes particularly obvious when she turns red. She looks like a ripe apple, rosy and attractive.

"Wait, wait until you break off the engagement..."

The voice was very soft, with a bit of trembling, but it gradually calmed down as if he had found some kind of excuse for peace of mind.

break off an engagement?

How can it be that easy?

Once you break off the engagement, you will face countless troubles. This is not only about Lin Jiangnian, but also about the stability of the entire Daning Dynasty and the entanglement between the court and the prince.

It is very difficult to break off an engagement.

In this way, she also had an excuse to reject Lin Jiangnian, which relieved the invisible pressure for the time being.

But on the other hand, there was a vague feeling of hesitation in my heart.

This marriage...

What if I can’t retreat?

The sigh of relief in Zhiyuan's heart suddenly tightened again.

There is a faint emotion that cannot be concealed spreading in my heart.

Not very comfortable.

The tangled emotions made her somewhat unclear.

"Don't worry, this prince will divorce her after a while."

Lin Jiangnian was relieved. Zhiyuan had no other advantages, but he never regretted it.

Of course, even if she regretted it, Lin Jiangnian would not give her this chance.

As for the eldest princess...

A few days ago, he asked his aunt to go into the palace to meet with the eldest princess in order to discuss the matter.

This marriage must be called off!

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian looked up at the paper kite in front of him again, and took a step closer, wanting to get closer to her.

"Paper Kite..."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his mouth, Zhiyuan took a cautious step back as if he had expected it.

"I, I'm going back!"

The panicked tone was obviously a little more nervous.

As soon as she finished speaking, she quietly avoided Lin Jiangnian, appeared behind Lin Jiangnian like an afterimage, and left the room.

Lin Jiangnian stood there, the smile on his face slightly stiff.

It was obvious that Zhiyuan was wary of him now.

And all this...

I had to advance a few days in advance for the misfortune I committed that night!

I'm afraid Zhiyuan will be frightened.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian sighed secretly.

Still too impatient!

A girl with a cold temperament like Zhiyuan cannot act too hastily. She needs to take her time, first wrapping her in warmth, and then slowly entering and exiting her world. Only after her coldness has melted can she go straight in and head towards Huanglong...

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and looked at the palm of his hand. The memory of that night seems to still remain in the palm of my hand, especially the memory.

"hold on."

Lin Jiangnian comforted himself, and then his eyes became firm.

"break off an engagement!"

"This marriage must be called off!"


Outside the door, in the courtyard.

Zhiyuan almost fled, leaving the room in a hurry, escaping from the courtyard and returning to the next courtyard.

She stopped under the eaves, leaning against the wall behind her, her eyes slightly closed, her breathing rapid, her face flushed, and her slightly raised chest rising and falling with her rapid breathing, as if she was being greatly stimulated.

In the dark, it's extremely cool.

It wasn't until a long time later that she seemed to come to her senses and open her eyes. In the darkness, those bright and sharp eyes were a little more tender, shy, and alluring.

Zhiyuan's face is no longer as cold and frosty as before.

Just like an ordinary woman, all kinds of emotions emerge. Her already beautiful appearance was even more stunning at this moment.

She stared blankly at the dark courtyard in front of her, as if thinking of something, she bit her lower lip lightly with her upper teeth, and there was a hint of shame on her face.

If I hadn't run out earlier, I'm afraid it would have been like what happened a few nights ago...

Thinking of this, Zhiyuan only felt an inexplicable burning sensation all over her body. Her whole body seemed to be heating up and trembling slightly.

It's obviously winter, but you can feel the burning heat coming to your face.

It wasn't until a long time later that she finally calmed down. The messy thoughts in his mind were thrown away, his eyes became clear again, and he regained his previous cold attitude.

I took a deep breath and was about to go back to my room when I suddenly remembered something.

It seems that I forgot to ask one thing...

That Miss Zhao...

What did you do with him today?

Zhiyuan's eyes were stunned.

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