Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 243 Public opinion fermentation

In the early morning, Lin Jiangnian was awakened by the howling north wind outside the window.

The cold wind from the north was raging and freezing, rustling the trees in the courtyard. The cold wind passed through the courtyard and slapped on the window paper.

When Lin Jiangnian woke up, he habitually sat on the bed and dazed for a while. After a good night's sleep, the Xuanyang mind in the body circulates for a week, and the expression and eyesight are clear.

When he was still in Linjiang City, with the help of Liu Su, Lin Jiangnian's Xuanyang Mental Technique entered the first level. As he practiced on the way to Beijing, Lin Jiangnian did not slack off.

Now, we have vaguely touched the second threshold.

This somewhat surprised Lin Jiangnian. According to original speculation, it was extremely difficult to enter the first level of Xuanyang Mind Technique. It would probably take a long time to reach the second level.

But right now...

Lin Jiangnian half-squinted his eyes. I'm afraid that all of this is inseparable from the decoction that the Jinxiu girl fed him not long ago.

With the help of the beautiful girl, Lin Jiangnian's strength improved by leaps and bounds.


Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and glanced at his palms. There was a breath in his palms, as if there was a steady flow of strong strength.

Just a little closer!

A little closer, and Lin Jiangnian would be able to step into the fifth rank.

Completely enter the ranks of the world's masters!

To be able to achieve such an achievement at a young age is already extremely powerful. Especially since Lin Jiangnian started practicing martial arts until now, it has only been only half a year.

It is rare in the world to achieve such results in half a year.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help feeling a little proud, but after thinking about it, he quickly sighed.

He has made rapid progress, but compared with Zhiyuan... he is still far behind!

Not to mention Zhiyuan, Liu Su, or the eldest princess...

Their strength is far greater than that of Lin Jiangnian.

What's more, Lin Jiangnian was able to achieve his current achievements because of the guidance of famous teachers, the assistance of rich martial arts and medicinal materials, and a combination of chance and coincidence.

This made Lin Jiangnian's glimmer of pride disappear in an instant.

Sighing, Lin Jiangnian looked at the door and called the maid outside.

The maids outside the door had been waiting for a long time. They opened the door and filed in. Two petite and graceful maids came to Lin Jiangnian to help His Highness dress and wash.

One maid helped His Highness tidy up his clothes, while the other helped His Highness tidy up his hair. These two maids were both maids who followed Lin Jiangnian to the capital from Prince Lin's Mansion, and specialized in taking care of His Highness's daily life.

"Where's Xiaozhu?"

Lin Jiangnian asked, Xiaozhu had not been seen in the past two days.

Ever since he went to see Xiaozhu that night and was caught by Zhiyuan, Xiaozhu seemed to be avoiding him, and Xiaozhu had not been seen in the past two days.

"Sister Xiaozhu, Miss Zhiyuan, do you need a slave to call over?"

"Forget it, no need!"

Lin Jiangnian hesitated and shook his head slightly.

At this time, footsteps were heard outside the door, and Jiang Yuxiang walked in not long after.

"Miss Jiang!"

The two maids bowed their heads and spoke respectfully.

"You all should go out first."

Jiang Yuxiang spoke calmly, and the two maids nodded immediately and exited the room.

Lin Jiangnian stood in front of the bronze mirror and looked at himself. Then he raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Yuxiang who came into the room: "Auntie, what's the matter?"

Jiang Yuxiang, who was wearing a spruce skirt and a snow-white mink velvet coat, had a ladylike air. She glared at Lin Jiangnian angrily: "Of course something happened."

"What's the matter?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little confused. When had he offended his aunt again?

"People are coming to your door soon, and you don't know yet?" Jiang Yuxiang stared at him.

"Come to your door?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned. He had just woken up. He really didn't know what happened?

"Auntie, what do you mean by this?"

Lin Jiangnian vaguely realized something.

Jiang Yuxiang sighed softly, with slightly worried eyes. He stared at Lin Jiangnian's familiar and delicate face. He seemed to have thought of something, and said angrily: "It's not because of you..."

"It's spread all over the capital!"

"What about Zhou Huiguang?"

"Otherwise, what's the matter?" Jiang Yuxiang looked at Lin Jiangnian, who still looked calm, and said angrily, "Are you not in a hurry?"

"Is there any use in being anxious?"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "Auntie, please be patient."

"What you said is very light. Do you know what is being said outside now?"

Jiang Yuxiang frowned, worry lingering on his beautiful face: "I went out in the morning, and even the people on the street were discussing this matter... They were all saying that Prince Lin killed the Zhou family yesterday. Young Master’s business!”

"Then what?"

Lin Jiangnian was still not worried.

"You ask what happens next?"

Jiang Yuxiang stared: "Do you know that you got into big trouble?"

"Auntie, don't get excited!"

Seeing Jiang Yuxiang's moved expression, Lin Jiangnian spoke to comfort him.

"Calm down for a while."

"How do you want me to calm down?"

Jiang Yuxiang couldn't help but stepped forward and poked Lin Jiangnian in the head: "I told you to listen to me, but you didn't listen, so you had to act on your own. It's okay now, you have become a murderer... Now the people in Beijing are waiting to see joke!"

"Do you know that you have caused a big disaster?"

Can Jiang Yuxiang not be anxious?

This big blame falls on Lin Jiangnian. If this is not handled well, the situation will be very serious.

Once the public opinion in Beijing ferments, how can we stop the public opinion in the world? How can he, the Prince of Lin, give an explanation to the world?

Jiang Yuxiang, who was anxious and worried, grabbed Lin Jiangnian and scolded him. Faced with his aunt's responsibilities, Lin Jiangnian did not refute.

Just after I settled in with my aunt, Jiang Ningkang also came.


Lin Jiangnian spoke.

Jiang Ningkang's expression was obviously serious. He looked at Lin Jiangnian and said, "Jiang Nian, this young master of the Zhou family, is it you..."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "His death has nothing to do with me."

Hearing this, Jiang Ningkang's heart relaxed slightly.

When he learned the news, he was shocked and worried. Jiang Nian killed Zhou Huiguang?

Still in full view of the public, this is the person who has made his way into the world.

Now that he learned from Lin Jiangnian that Zhou Huiguang's death had nothing to do with him, Jiang Ningkang breathed a sigh of relief. In any case, Lin Jiangnian is his sister's only child, so Jiang Ningkang naturally doesn't want him to get into such trouble.

After confirming that Lin Jiangnian did not kill anyone, Jiang Ningkang quickly realized something: "So, someone put the blame on Jiangnian?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly.

Jiang Ningkang's expression suddenly darkened: "How can this be unreasonable? Do you really think that my Jiang family is easy to bully?"

"Don't worry, Jiang Nian, uncle will definitely make the decision for you!"

Jiang Ningkang was about to turn around and leave when he was stopped by Lin Jiangnian: "Uncle, don't be impulsive. Right now public opinion outside the city is fermenting, and there is no evidence to prove my innocence. Taking rash actions will be counterproductive."

Under Lin Jiangnian's obstruction, Jiang Ningkang gradually calmed down and realized the seriousness of the matter. He looked slightly embarrassed: "But the public opinion in the city is currently very unfavorable to you, Jiang Nian. I heard that people from the Zhou family have entered the palace and want to report you to His Majesty..."

Lin Jiangnian was not surprised by this. He shook his head gently: "Let him sue."

The emperor is in retreat, and even if the Zhou family goes to complain, no one may take notice.

"However, I'm afraid I need to ask my uncle for a favor!"

"Jiang Nian, whatever you say, uncle will do his best to help you..."


Not long after Jiang Ningkang left in a hurry, Jiang's mother also came to the door. She was extremely nervous, holding Lin Jiangnian and asking worried questions for a long time. Finally, with the help of Jiang Yuxiang, she was able to comfort Jiang's mother.

After persuading Mother Jiang, Lin Jiangnian got up and left the room and walked into the yard.

Outside the hospital, Lin Kong had been waiting for a long time.

"How's it going?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him.

Only then did Lin Kong tell the story of his investigation.

After Zhou Huiguang was killed at the Lu family's wedding yesterday, the Zhou family arrived quickly. Then Zhou Yao, just such a son, died there for no reason. Zhou Yao was extremely angry.

Zhou Yao was shocked and angry when he learned that the person who killed his son was Prince Lin. But in the end, the pain of losing his son suppressed his shock. He immediately expressed that he and Lin Jiangnian were sworn in and would sue the emperor and make him pay for Lin Jiangnian's blood debt!

After hurriedly taking back Zhou Huiguang's body, Zhou Yao rushed to the palace overnight, knelt down outside the palace gate and begged to see His Majesty. However, it was too late last night and the palace gate had long been closed. Zhou Yao knelt outside the palace gate all night and was not taken into the palace until this morning.

As for what happened next, it is unknown.

However, from last night to this morning, countless officials who witnessed the scene yesterday made memorials. The memorials contained sharp words and pointed the finger at Lin Jiangnian, asking His Majesty to investigate the murderer strictly and never tolerate it.

It feels like being pushed down by a wall!

Almost overnight, the news of Lin Jiangnian's murder of the Zhou family's son spread throughout the capital. Everyone from the upper class to the common people knew about it and talked about it with great enthusiasm.

A few days ago, everyone was still talking about Prince Lin's death outside the city. Unexpectedly, the trend changed overnight. Not only did Prince Lin not die, but he even came to the capital alive and killed Young Master Zhou?

Just this morning, in many popular places in the city, including teahouses and restaurants, many people could be heard openly and righteously criticizing Prince Lin. As for whether it's just for show, that's a matter of opinion.

In short, Lin Jiangnian's reputation became infamous in Beijing almost overnight! Of course, Lin Jiangnian's reputation in Beijing was not good. But this time, it completely angered everyone.

In the past, no matter how bad Prince Lin was, in everyone's eyes, he was in Linzhou and had nothing to do with them. Now that Prince Lin has come to the capital to kill people, this is completely different!

Of course, among the comments criticizing Lin Jiangnian, there were also many people who had something wrong with their character. The first thing Prince Lin Wang did when he arrived in the capital alive was to kill the Zhou family's son. Could it be that... the assassin who assassinated Prince Lin outside the city earlier was related to the Zhou family?

As soon as this statement came out, the city quickly fell into a new round of discussion. All in all, Lin Jiangnian once again became a hot topic in Beijing overnight.

Reached the top!

And just as this situation intensified, in the afternoon, Jiang Mansion also received uninvited guests.

Countless figures swarmed outside the Jiang Mansion from all directions, with fierce expressions indicating that they were coming with bad intentions.

The servants of Jiang Mansion noticed this and immediately went to report in panic. The master guards in the mansion immediately set out to confront these people outside the mansion.

"Hand over the murderer!"

"Hand over the murderer who killed my son!"

"Lin Jiangnian, get out!"


There was a huge noise outside the door, alarming the entire Jiang Mansion.

Lin Jiangnian was also a little surprised when he heard the news from his family.

"Coming to cause trouble?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "Who is causing trouble?"

"Zhou Yao!"

After hearing the news, Lin Jiangnian knew what was going on: "Let's go and have a look."

When Lin Jiangnian arrived outside Jiang's Mansion, Jiang's Mansion was in a mess and tense.

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man with white hair and red eyes was standing in the alley outside the house. His expression was gloomy, his eyes were red, and the sadness of losing his son was still on his face.

This person is none other than Zhou Yao, Zhou Huiguang’s father.

At the door of Jiang Mansion, Jiang Ningkang and his guards were blocking the door, his expression equally ugly.

"Jiang Ningkang, Lin Jiangnian killed my son, are you still trying to protect him now?"

Zhou Yao stared at Jiang Ningkang with a cold voice.

Jiang Ningkang's face was expressionless: "Master Zhou, you and I are colleagues in the capital. You said Jiang Nian killed your young master. Is there any evidence now?"

"It has been spread throughout Beijing. So many people saw it with their own eyes yesterday. The evidence is conclusive. You still want to deny it?"

Zhou Yao's eyes were red at the moment, and although his expression was haggard, his eyes were extremely fierce.

His only son was gone.

At this moment, he has already lost his mind!

Jiang Ningkang sighed: "I can understand Mr. Zhou's mood, but now the case is still under investigation by Mitian Secretary. It is not good for Mr. Zhou to be so arbitrary..."

"So, you want to protect him?!" Zhou Yao stared at him.

Jiang Ningkang's expression was still cold and indifferent: "Master Zhou, why do you need to make trouble unreasonably?"

As he spoke, his tone became colder: "If Mr. Zhou has any grievances, he can complain to His Majesty, but now he comes to my Jiang family to act wild. Do you really think that my Jiang family is easy to bully?!"

As soon as these words came out, the guards in the surrounding Jiang Mansion drew their swords.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense!

Zhou Yao's face was extremely ugly. He stared at Jiang Ningkang: "Okay, very good..."

He came to Jiang's house today just to seek justice!

Not being able to see His Majesty in the palace, he was so angry that he led his people to the Jiang family. Unexpectedly, Jiang Ningkang would protect Lin Jiangnian?

At present, there are many masters of the Zhou family's bodyguards, and if they fight, they will probably suffer a big loss. Thinking of this, Zhou Yao became more and more angry, pointed at Jiang Ningkang, and said coldly: "I, Zhou Yao, will not avenge this, and I swear I will not be a human being!"

After saying these harsh words, Zhou Yao left with his men.

The place was a mess.

Not far away, Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes and watched this scene quietly, thoughtfully.

Zhou Yao dares to come here and act wild?

With his status as a doctor in the official department, how could he dare to speak so brazenly?

There may be someone guiding him behind him.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian felt like a mirror.

At this moment, a proud sneer came from not far away.

"Oh, you have today too!"

Lin Jiangnian turned around and saw Young Master Jiang, whom he hadn't seen for a few days, standing under the pavilion not far away, looking at Lin Jiangnian proudly.

He has naturally heard about what happened in the city. When Jiang Shaoan learned that Lin Jiangnian had killed Zhou Huiguang, he was in disbelief at first, and then overjoyed!

"Your death has come, and you dare to kill Zhou Huiguang... No one can save you now."

The pride on Jiang Shaoan's face grew stronger and stronger, and he almost had the words "revenge" written on his face!


So cool!

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