Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 244 Who taught you to do this?

Early in the morning, Jiang Shaoan heard from Beijing what happened yesterday.

There was no way, the news spread too fast. When he learned that Lin Jiangnian had killed Zhou Huiguang, Jiang Shaoan was stunned and extremely surprised at first. Immediately, there was ecstasy!

Is he crazy? !

Do you think this is Linzhou and you can kill people at will?

Kill Zhou Huiguang in public, he is really dead now!

Although he didn't know exactly what happened yesterday, Jiang Shaoan couldn't help but be overjoyed.

That Zhou Huiguang was the son of the Zhou family, a well-known young master in the capital. Now that he is killed, how can we let it go?

Now, Lin Jiangnian cannot escape disaster!

A feeling of comfort that a great revenge was avenged came to his heart, and Jiang Shaoan breathed out from all the pores in his body!

So cool!

This bitch finally got his comeuppance!

His death has come!

Jiang Shaoan couldn't wait and ran over excitedly, wanting to gloat in front of Lin Jiangnian to avenge himself for the past few days!

He wanted to take this opportunity to humiliate Lin Jiangnian severely and vent his anger.

At the moment, Jiang Shaoan stared at Lin Jiangnian with great joy and satisfaction, and sneered again and again: "I advise you to go to the government and surrender now. Maybe you can get a lighter charge and survive. Otherwise..."

"You are really dead this time!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the extremely arrogant and proud young man in front of him with strange eyes, as if he was mentally retarded.

"You look happy?"

"That's natural!"

"Why are you so happy?"

"Because you're going to be in trouble!"

Jiang Shaoan sneered and said proudly: "You have finally received retribution, of course I am happy. After you go to jail, I will go to the city to set off fireworks to celebrate!"

At this moment, Jiang Shaoan fully demonstrated the arrogant attitude of a villain who has succeeded.

The exhilarating feeling of getting revenge had already gone to his head. Now he just wants to humiliate Lin Jiangnian severely and take advantage of his face.

Facing Jiang Shaoan's ridicule, Lin Jiangnian seemed very indifferent, but there was a hint of meaning in his eyes: "Why should I be unlucky?"

"If you kill Zhou Huiguang, the Zhou family will not let you go. You will naturally die!"

Jiang Shaoan still had a smug smile on his face: "You really have a brain problem, you actually dare to kill Zhou Huiguang, hahaha..."

Jiang Shaoan smiled wildly, and Lin Jiangnian looked more and more amused. He nodded gently: "Yes, I dare to kill even Zhou Huiguang..."

With a light tone, he nodded in agreement.

Jiang Shaoan's laughter suddenly stopped as if someone had choked his neck.

When Lin Jiangnian's playful eyes fell on him, he suddenly had an ominous premonition: "You, what are you going to do?!"

The next second, as if he realized something, Jiang Shaoan's expression suddenly changed, and he turned around and ran away!

He suddenly realized...this guy even dared to kill Zhou Huiguang. If he stayed here now, wouldn't he be seeking death? !

Jiang Shaoan, who realized this, immediately panicked and turned around to run away. However, as soon as he took two steps, someone grabbed him by the collar from behind, and then a strong force pulled him back. He stumbled two steps and fell on his butt. Fell to the ground.

Looking up, he saw Lin Jiangnian's playful eyes close at hand.

"I didn't plan to talk to you at first, but you sent it to your door yourself?"

Jiang Shaoan was horrified, and the arrogance he had just felt disappeared in an instant: "You, what do you want to do...don't, don't come here..."

Horror rose in my heart, remembering that Lin Jiangnian dared to kill even Zhou Huiguang. He was a madman. Could that be...

Fear suddenly emerged from his heart, and his voice trembled: "Don't, don't kill me..."

"What did you say?"

Lin Jiangnian squatted in front of him and looked at him condescendingly: "Didn't I hear you clearly?"

"Don't, don't kill me..."

Jiang Shaoan was frightened and his voice trembled: "I, I am your cousin...don't, don't kill me..."

"I, I was wrong..."


I have to say that Jiang Shaoan's attitude in admitting his mistakes is indeed very upright, very quickly!

Quite a bit of masculinity that can bend and stretch!

Lin Jiangnian admired him very much, so after giving him a beating, he let him go.

Jiang Shaoan's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he covered his buttocks and left in embarrassment, crying.

Judging from the direction he left, he should have gone to complain to his mother!

Lin Jiangnian felt refreshed after some exercise. When he got up, Lin Kong had already returned home and was standing not far away.

"How is the Zhou family?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Lin Kong said in a deep voice: "It's not beyond His Majesty's expectation. There is indeed someone behind the Zhou family's back..."

"My subordinates have found that there are many people coming in and out of the Zhou family today, including many officials from the capital, and..."

"The third prince's people."

Lin Jiangnian was not surprised by this result and chuckled: "It seems that he borrowed this knife from the Zhou family?"

Lin Kong didn't say anything. Since yesterday's incident, there has been an undercurrent in the capital. The Zhou family's influence in the capital is not small. After Zhou Huiguang's death, Zhou Yao began to activate his connections in the capital.

Zhou Yao knelt outside the palace gate all night before entering the palace, but his face was extremely ugly when he came out.

"It seems that Zhou Yao has not seen His Majesty."

Lin Kong said: "After Zhou Yao left the palace, he came here to make trouble. Thinking about it, no one in the palace can make the decision for him."

Lin Jiangnian didn't say anything. He didn't expect Zhou Yao to miss the day today. The emperor stayed in seclusion and ignored the affairs of the government, not even seeing Lin Jiangnian. The death of the son of a small official doctor was even less likely to alarm him.

In Zhou Yao's hands, there is no definite evidence that Lin Jiangnian killed his son. With Lin Jiangnian's identity here, apart from the current emperor, there are only a few people who can make decisions for him.

And those few don't necessarily want to get involved.

For Zhou Yao, this was naturally a huge blow. His son is dead, and the murderer has been identified, but he cannot be brought to justice. No wonder he lost his mind and went to the Jiang Mansion to cause trouble today!

"How could he dare to act in such a high-profile manner without the instructions of the third prince behind him?"

Lin Jiangnian looked calmly and glanced at Lin Kong: "Continue to keep an eye on the Zhou family and the third prince, and report to me any situation at any time."


After Lin Kong retired, Lin Jiangnian was the only one left in the courtyard.

He stood there for a while, seemed to feel something, turned his head, and saw a vague figure flashing past in the pavilion not far away.

"You're already here, why are you avoiding me?"

Lin Jiangnian walked closer and saw the beautiful green figure in the pavilion.

A girl in a light green dress is standing in the pavilion. Her temperament is extremely cold, her beautiful eyes are bright, her expression is calm, and she has a quiet temperament that has passed through time.

And the delicately contoured cheeks have an air of immature youthfulness. The two temperaments are mixed together, making this cold girl seem a little more cute.

"How did you come?"

Lin Jiangnian looked happy when he saw the girl in the pavilion. He walked closer slowly and saw the girl's beautiful eyes staring at him quietly: "Did you hear everything?"

The girl in the pavilion did not answer him, her beautiful eyes remained calm.

"I originally planned to look for you later, but now that you're here, I can go there later."

Lin Jiang young laughed and said: "It's cold here, why don't you go back to your room first?"

Zhiyuan did not move, still standing in the pavilion, staring into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, and after a moment he said, "Is it the third prince?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment, then shook his head slightly: "Probably so."

Zhiyuan's face was expressionless: "Should?"

"No surprise, it's him."

Lin Jiangnian naturally knew what Zhiyuan wanted to ask, "Other than him, probably no one would dare to do such a thing at the Lu family's wedding..."

At this point, he narrowed his eyes again, seeming to realize something: "The relationship between Lu Fusheng and the third prince is unusual. This wedding of the Lu family has almost made it clear... I wonder if Lu Fusheng was also involved in Zhou Huiguang's death. ?”

"Did they jointly set up a trap for me?"

Zhiyuan didn't speak, and there was a hint of coldness on her cold face.

"As expected, the third prince's handiwork is probably indispensable for this assassination outside the city..."

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "He really hates me!"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes, and a sharp killing intent flashed through her.

Lin Jiangnian noticed this and looked back at Zhiyuan's frosty face. He was very cold and seemed to realize something: "Zhiyuan, do you... want to do something?"

Zhiyuan didn't answer, but he didn't deny it either.

"Don't be impulsive..."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "Don't do anything stupid!"

Zhiyuan glanced at him and said expressionlessly: "I never do stupid things."

"Then what are you going to do?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

Zhiyuan didn't answer.

"Could it be that you...want to assassinate the third prince?"

Lin Jiangnian looked into Zhiyuan's eyes. Zhiyuan did not speak and pursed his lips slightly.

"Are you serious?!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyelids twitched: "I was just joking yesterday, did you take it seriously?"

Zhiyuan's eyes were clear and calm. After a moment of silence, he said: "Getting rid of him is the best way to solve the problem."

The tone was very soft, but decisive.

"Who taught you this?"

"Your Majesty!"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

He suddenly remembered that when he first met Zhiyuan, Zhiyuan was so decisive and even a little... cruel!

Thinking about it, her ability to gain a foothold in Prince Lin's palace as a maid was not only due to Prince Lin's trust and delegation of power to her, but also to her decisive, calm but somewhat ruthless temperament.

But after becoming familiar with Lin Jiangnian, or perhaps since leaving Prince Lin's Mansion, she gradually put away her fierce aura. In front of Lin Jiangnian, although she was still cold-tempered, she no longer had the resolute temperament she had before.

And her personality was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, so Lin Jiangnian sometimes ignored her original identity...a ruthless maid with countless blood on her hands.

Gee, why does it sound cute?

"The Third Prince is not a fool. How can it be so easy to kill him?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. Just as he was not easy to kill, there were so many experts around the third prince, so naturally it was not that easy.

Getting rid of the third prince is indeed the best way to solve the problem, but it is also the most difficult way.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes to look at Zhiyuan and warned: "You must not mess around..."

Based on his understanding of Zhiyuan, he was very worried about this stupid woman trying to show off her strength.

Zhiyuan pursed her lips, seeming a little unhappy.

After a while, he said expressionlessly: "I know what's going on."

She is not stupid, so she will not kill the third prince rashly.

"What number do you have?"

Lin Jiangnian didn't believe it at all, and was about to teach her a lesson when he saw a hint of displeasure on Zhiyuan's pretty little face.

Keep a straight face, expressionless.

Seems unconvinced.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian's tone softened a bit, walked to her side, and gently grabbed her little hand. Zhiyuan struggled out of habit, but couldn't get rid of it.

Of course, her willingness to struggle was not that strong.

Lin Jiangnian grabbed her soft and small bare hand, squeezed the handle and played with it, feeling the soft and delicate touch on his palm, and his tone became much softer: "This is not Linjiang City. Our palace in Beijing does not cover the sky with one hand. It is very irrational to act rashly..."

"Now those people in the capital are waiting to see our jokes. They are eager for us to cause trouble in the palace. Not to mention the emperor in the palace. Although he did not show up, I don't believe that he will not do this in the capital. focus on……"

Hearing this, Zhiyuan raised her eyes slightly and looked at Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and chuckled: "The current emperor was quite talented when he was young. Even if he is greedy for pleasure now, he will not really become a fool..."

Zhiyuan was thoughtful.

"He must be watching secretly, and even...most likely still acquiescing to something."

Lin Jiangnian said: "Since the third prince can still stay in the capital, we can already tell something."

According to the practice of the Daning Dynasty, the prince who reaches adulthood must go to his own fiefdom. The third prince is still able to stay in the capital even after becoming an adult. His purpose has long been known to everyone.

But the emperor did not stop him, and even allowed the third prince to secretly cultivate power in the capital. Come to think of it, the purpose is not simple.

Raise Gu?

Or is there another reason?

Zhiyuan frowned slightly, then relaxed: "Prince?"

"That's right!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "The problem should lie with the Crown Prince..."

"If you have the chance, you have to pay a visit. In any case, His Highness the Crown Prince can be regarded as the future prince in name only..."

As soon as Lin Jiangnian said this, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Turning his head, he saw Zhiyuan looking away from his face with an expressionless expression.

Lin Jiangnian cursed himself secretly for being so proud that he almost got into trouble. Seeing that Zhiyuan looked wrong, he quickly changed the subject: "By the way, do you know Chen Zhao?"

Zhiyuan's face was expressionless: "His Royal Highness, what is your name?"

"I don't know, I don't know him, I'm not familiar with him, I have nothing to do with him..."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head without changing his expression: "Do you know Chen Zhao? That eunuch in the palace..."

Zhiyuan said nothing, staring at him with a cold face.

Eye to eye, stalemate!

After a moment, Zhiyuan turned away and said coldly: "I don't know him either."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."


Lin Jiangnian didn't know much about Chen Zhao. He only knew that this man was favored by the emperor of the day and that he was the kind of old castrated dog who would bring trouble to the imperial court. There were three pillars in the Daning Dynasty, and Chen Zhao was one of them.

He was in charge of Mitiansi and had great power in the government and the public. Even His Highness the Crown Prince had to be a little afraid of him. It was quite a sign that the eunuchs would interfere in politics and the world would be in chaos.

"This person is very dangerous!"

From the side, Zhi Yuan's slightly solemn voice came.

"..." (End of this chapter)

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