
Lin Jiangnian noticed the change in Zhiyuan's face: "How do you say it?"

The old eunuch, the powerful eunuch, is dangerous...

Putting these multiple relationships together, some mysterious eunuch masters with feminine faces who practiced the Sunflower Book or the Tiangang Boy Kung instantly appeared in Lin Jiangnian's mind.

In the stereotype, old eunuchs who can control the government should be top-level masters.

After all, after being castrated and with no distractions, the path to martial arts training is indeed farther than most people.

Women often only affect the speed of drawing the sword.

"Is this Chen Zhao a master?"

Zhiyuan shook her head slightly and said, "I don't know."

After a pause, Zhiyuan said again: "I heard the prince mention it once."

"The prince once said that this man has a deep heart and is by no means simple. Around him, he has secretly recruited a group of masters to do things for him. No one knows whether he knows martial arts..."

Listening to Zhiyuan's explanation, Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful.

This Chen Zhao is too low-key and mysterious. Although everyone in the capital is scolding the emperor for being fatuous and doting on castrated dogs, countless people hate this old eunuch. Lamented that the eunuchs interfered with politics and caused chaos in the world.

But even though he was scolded like this, Manager Chen remained firm and unmoving. He was favored by the emperor and lived deep in the palace. It was difficult for ordinary people to meet him.

At least that's the case!

He was scolded fiercely, but few people had seen Manager Chen.

This person is indeed smart. He clings to the emperor's lap, holds great power, and gradually occupies an extremely important right to speak in the court.

Being able to be remembered by Lin Hengzhong, he concluded that this person was very dangerous. This Chen Zhao, when you think about it, is really not a simple person.

While Lin Jiangnian was thinking, he saw Zhiyuan staring at him.

There seems to be some confusion.

After a while, "You have a conflict with him?"

"That's not true."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly and thought of something else: "This Chen Zhao must not have a good relationship with that Zhao Xiang, right?"

Zhiyuan glanced at Lin Jiangnian, pondered for a moment, and then nodded: "Yes."

Everything makes sense!

That Prime Minister Zhao had a very high reputation in the capital, and he had a very important position in the court. He also had an excellent reputation among the people and was widely supported by the people. To have such popularity is enough to show that this Prime Minister Zhao is not simple.

Given his status, it was naturally impossible for him to tolerate the court being controlled by a eunuch, and conflicts were inevitable.


The reason why Zhao Xi came to him didn't seem surprising.

"Chen Zhao relied on the emperor's favor and controlled the Mitian Division, and he had some conflicts with most officials in the capital. There are many experts in the Mitian Division and they have great power, but they inevitably become Chen Zhao's secret A weapon to eliminate dissidents..."

Zhiyuan spoke softly and explained.

When she said this, she suddenly stopped and looked up at Lin Jiangnian again.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiang smiled young, and he noticed that Zhiyuan's eyes were a little strange.

"Why do you ask this?"

Zhiyuan stared at him twice.

Lin Jiang young explained with a smile: "Isn't this the time we arrive in the capital? When the emperor summons us, we will inevitably have to deal with him. It is better to understand in advance so that we can be mentally prepared."

After Zhiyuan stared at Lin Jiangnian for a few times, he looked away and said nothing.


Zhiyuan didn't look at him anymore, her eyes fell forward, her expression still calm.

After a while, she suddenly mentioned it casually.

"Yes, that Miss Zhao told you?"



Lu family manor.

The air is cold, the manor is cold, and there is a bit of double fog in the air.

The manor, which has not yet been completely cleaned up, still retains the atmosphere of a wedding. But the cold manor gave people a heavy atmosphere.

The manor was very deserted.

Except for a few servants, there were not many people left.

In the inner courtyard, in the room.

Chen Changqing squatted on the ground and inspected the room.

This is the scene of the murder of Mr. Zhou.

After Zhou Huiguang was killed, he rushed to the scene to investigate, but failed to find anything. In addition, the suspect was Prince Lin, and people from the Zhao family came forward to persuade him to make peace. In the end, they failed to capture Prince Lin.

After the incident happened, the Zhou family was furious. The head of the Zhou family was extremely angry and wanted to avenge his son. All the evidence pointed to Prince Lin, and even the public opinion in the city was the same.

The case is almost finished here! However, because the Crown Prince Lin was involved, even Mi Tiansi paid great attention to this matter.

After Chen Changqing returned, he thought about it carefully and quickly discovered that something was wrong!

Something unusual!

Why did Prince Lin want to kill Zhou Huiguang?


Do it at the Lu family's wedding?

That's a little too stupid.

Chen Changqing, who was doubtful, returned to the crime scene again to investigate the clues and details of the case.

Zhou Huiguang's body has been taken back by the Zhou family, and only the crime scene remains here. But it seemed that it had been cleaned up and destroyed, and Chen Changqing could not find any clues.

However, Chen Changqing still found something wrong.

According to Prince Lin, there were two maids in the Lu family who were murdered and there was also a servant who was missing and whose whereabouts are unknown. But when Chen Changqing wanted to take a look at the bodies of the two maids, he was told by the Lu family that the bodies had been burned.

Even the missing servant was nowhere to be seen. When Chen Changqing wanted to ask about the list of servants of the Lu family, he was perfunctorily led by the Lu family.

This made Chen Changqing even more aware that something was wrong!

Since the Lu family couldn't find any clues, Chen Changqing came to the Zhou family instead.

The Zhou family's only son died, and the entire Zhou family fell into grief. Zhou's mother even cried to death several times. The atmosphere in the Zhou family was dull and cold, shrouded in sadness.

After Chen Changqing came to the door to explain his origin, he made a request to inspect the body, but the Zhou family flatly refused. It wasn't until he changed his mind and said that he wanted to confirm the evidence and arrest Prince Lin that he relaxed.

"Then if Lin Jiangnian kills my son, I will be at odds with him!"

In the Zhou family, Zhou Yao's expression was cold, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth: "The officials dare not arrest anyone. You Mi Tiansi obeys His Majesty's orders. Now that Lin Jiangnian has killed my son, you must arrest him. For My son wants justice!"

"My sympathies, Mr. Zhou. I think you know that Prince Lin's identity is unusual. Without conclusive evidence, it will be difficult for us to arrest him even if we come... But don't worry, if Mr. Zhou is really his victim, I, Mi Tian Si Jue, will No tolerance!”

After making some assurances, Chen Changqing successfully saw Zhou Huiguang's body, which was black and purple and obviously died of poisoning. After Chen Changqing checked it, his brows furrowed and he was frightened.

This poison is really overbearing!

He couldn't see the origin of the poison, but he could feel the vicious spread of the poison. When Zhou Huiguang was killed, he was only bleeding from his orifices. Now his body is already cold and the toxins are still spreading throughout his body.

After checking, I still couldn't find any clues. Zhou Huiguang was indeed poisoned and died. This seemed to have confirmed the fact that Prince Lin Wang poisoned Zhou Huiguang.


Chen Changqing frowned.

All the clues do point to this point. The only person who came into contact with Zhou Huiguang at that time was Prince Lin, so it is almost certain.

However, Chen Changqing was still confused.

Zhou Huiguang was indeed poisoned, and Prince Lin was indeed the most likely candidate. But...then why did Prince Lin do this?

Why did he poison Zhou Huiguang in such a high-profile manner?

There had just been a conflict, and then Zhou Huiguang died, and he was caught with his own eyes... Could it be too much of a coincidence?

What's even more strange is why Zhou Huiguang sat at the same table with Prince Wang to eat. Zhou Huiguang was poisoned through his mouth, and the source of the poison was in the wine. Not to mention that it is abnormal for Zhou Huiguang and Prince Lin to sit together, let alone Zhou Huiguang and Prince Lin drinking together?

Who set the banquet?

How was the poison administered?

That day was the wedding of the Lu family. Zhou Huiguang and Prince Lin were technically guests, so how could they set up a table in the inner courtyard?

Chen Changqing seemed to catch a flash of inspiration in his mind, but he couldn't confirm it and couldn't think clearly.

So, after bidding farewell to Zhou Yao, he returned to Mitiansi and reported the matter.

Although Chen Changqing is the leader of the Mitian Division, he is considered the nominal leader. But in fact, he is only a nominal spokesperson within Mitiansi.

Within Mitiansi, there are four guardians above him. Those four people were above him and took orders directly from Eunuch Chen in the palace.

Chen Changqing is nominally the leader, but he does not have much power.


When Chen Changqing reported what he found wrong and requested that the case continue to be thoroughly investigated, the law enforcement officer refused.

"You don't need to worry about this matter anymore. Prince Lin is the murderer of Zhou Huiguang. The evidence is conclusive!"

From the back of the hall, a cold voice came.

Chen Changqing lowered his head and said: "Sir, I think there is something fishy about this matter. Prince Lin doesn't look like a fool. He won't..."

Halfway through his words, he was coldly interrupted by the voice behind the hall: "Chen Changqing, didn't you hear what I said?"

"I said, the case has been closed a long time ago. What you said is just speculation. Everyone saw Lin Jiangnian murdering Zhou Huiguang. The evidence is conclusive!"

"Let's let this matter go, there is no need to investigate further!"

Hearing this, a look of indignation appeared on Chen Changqing's face.

But then, he thought of something again and fell silent.

"What? You seem unconvinced?"

A cold voice came.

Chen Changqing lowered his eyes and said in a reluctant but dull tone: "I don't dare!"

"It's good to know!"

A voice with a sneer and a bit of disdain came: "Others think you are the leader of Mitiansi, but in fact you are just a waste with some use value. Recognize your own identity, and don't try to transcend your identity, do you understand? "

Chen Changqing lowered his head, clenched his big hands into fists under his robe, and pinched his fingertips into his flesh, then let go.


There was no emotion in his voice.


A restaurant.

The corner by the window.

Chen Changqing sat there quietly, leaning to the side, his eyes downcast, with a somewhat dazed look.

In front of the table, there are several empty wine jars.

The air was filled with strong alcohol, and his face looked a bit drunk. Quietly looking down at the street not far away, there was a lot of traffic and it was extremely prosperous.

A trace of self-deprecation appeared on his face, and there was a hint of confusion in his eyes.

I don't know what he thought of, but a look of unwillingness emerged from his eyes. But the next moment, he laughed bitterly at himself.

He grabbed the wine jar on the table and drank it all in one gulp.

The stimulation of alcohol made him temporarily forget his troubles.

"It's quite surprising that the dignified leader of the Mitian Division is drinking alone here to get to his nerves!"

At this moment, a chuckle came from the side.

The voice was very familiar. Chen Changqing suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked up. There was a young man in his sight.

He has a handsome appearance and a good temperament. He looks at him with a smile but not a smile.

"Lin, Prince Lin?!"

Chen Changqing seemed stunned for a moment, then suddenly woke up and stared at him: "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?"

Lin Jiangnian approached slowly and glanced at him: "You're not welcome?"

Chen Changqing stared at him and said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian pulled out a stool on the side and sat down. Then he looked up at Chen Changqing opposite him and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Chief Chen to be troubled too? Let's have a drink together?"

Chen Changqing still didn't move. He stared at Lin Jiangnian, his eyes gradually getting lower: "Are you following me?"

"So be it."

Lin Jiangnian did not deny it and nodded: "I am indeed following Chief Chen."

"What is your purpose?" Chen Changqing's eyes gradually became serious and unkind.

"I want to make friends with Chen Kuishou."

A hint of surprise appeared on Chen Changqing's face, and then he realized something and narrowed his eyes: "You are here because of Young Master Zhou's affairs?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed softly: "It seems that Chief Chen is unwilling to make friends with me?"

Chen Changqing's eyes were downcast: "Prince Lin has a noble status. How can a person like me be qualified to make friends with His Highness?"

"What Chen Kuishou means is that making friends depends on your status?"

Chen Changqing asked: "Isn't it?"

"It can only be said that Chief Chen's ideological consciousness is not high!"

Lin Jiangqing shook his head lightly: "How can the friends we make based on their status be considered true friends?"

Chen Changqing was stunned and did not speak.

"have a drink?"

Lin Jiangnian picked up the wine glass on the table and toasted to Chen Changqing.

Chen Changqing did not move and stared at Lin Jiangnian with squinted eyes: "What do you want from me, Your Highness... Just tell me!"

"Since Chen Kuishou is so direct, then I will be direct as well."

Lin Jiangnian looked at Chen Changqing in front of him and suddenly said: "Chen Kuaishou must be having a hard time in Mitiansi, right?"

Chen Changqing's eyes changed slightly.

"Don't be surprised, I can still find out this bit of information."

Chen Changqing was silent. Indeed, given the identity of the other party, it is not difficult to find out this.

"Chen Kuaishou is talented and capable, and his martial arts attainments are not low. Logically speaking, he should be able to use his skills and achieve success in this part of the capital..."

"But in the end, as the leader of Mitiansi, he seems to be in a high position, but he is just a puppet. He is controlled and manipulated by others. He feels frustrated but powerless..."

Lin Jiangnian looked at Chen Changqing and shook his head slightly: "A person like Chen Kuaishou, who is as ambitious as he is to pursue his ideals, would feel extremely humiliated and depressed if he was reduced to such a state, right?"

Lin Jiangnian's words seemed to speak to his heart. Chen Changqing's already downcast eyes were even more gloomy at this moment.

The wine bottle in his hand was squeezed tightly, his face was expressionless, and his breath was cold.

Indeed, he was very unwilling!

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