Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 246 Chen Zhao and the Third Prince

Chen Changqing was born in an ordinary family in Beizhou of the Daning Dynasty. He was talented and talented since he was a child and had outstanding martial arts talents. He was a typical representative of children from other families according to other parents.

At the age of five, he joined a prestigious sect in the martial arts world. He quickly rose to prominence in the sect and showed extremely extraordinary martial arts talent. At the age of only seventeen, he was already among the top five masters in the world.

The leader regards him as his successor and plans to hand over the sect to his hands in the future. But Chen Changqing has had great ambitions since he was a child, and he is not willing to be limited to the mountain gate and the world.

Therefore, when he was eighteen years old, he resolutely chose to leave the army and go down the mountain to the capital in order to pursue a greater ambitious future.

Chen Changqing, who is proud and ambitious, is full of brightness for the future of life. The facts did go as he expected. When he first arrived in the capital, he quickly gained the favor of Mitiansi with his excellent martial arts and successfully joined Mitiansi.

Within Mitiansi, he showed great ability and cracked many cases one after another. He was in the limelight for a while. His status in Mitiansi increased with each passing day, and he was promoted all the way. He successfully climbed up to Mitian before he was thirty years old. The position of leader has reached the pinnacle of life.

He originally thought that was the beginning of his life!

Become the leader of the Mitian Division and a sharp sword in the hands of the emperor. He can rely on his own ability and means to clear away the darkness of the government, rectify the injustices in the world, and create a prosperous age for the Daning Dynasty.

However, as the old saying goes, all the gifts given by fate have secretly been marked with a price.

Chen Changqing was able to become the leader of Mitiansi at the age of less than thirty years old, and the political game involved behind it was far beyond what he could have expected and endured.

In the end, Chen Changqing suddenly discovered that even if he became the leader of Mi Tiansi, there were still four guardians above his head.

Among the four guardians, there was also a eunuch who was favored by the emperor.

They are the ones who truly hold the power of Mitiansi.

And he, Chen Changqing, was just a puppet they valued and elected. Although he seems to be doing well, he actually doesn't have much power in his hands. He is just a pawn for them to do things secretly, a person who can take the blame at any time.

Chen Changqing was very angry when he realized this. He was unwilling to give in and wanted to change everything. But after being hit by reality again and again, he finally gave up in despair!

He can't change anything!

He is just an ordinary person with good martial arts talent, some brains, and a lot of passion.

There may not be many 'ordinary people' like him in the world, but there are definitely many. His passion alone, without power and power, can't change anything.

He can become the leader of Mitiansi, but he is just one of the chosen ones. This person can be him or not. His utilization value is not irreplaceable.

Chen Changqing is naturally unwilling to give in, but even if he is unwilling to give in, what can be changed?

His eyes were downcast and gloomy. He grabbed the wine bottle in his hand, raised his head and took a deep sip. Then he raised his eyes and glanced at Lin Jiangnian opposite: "His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, did you come here specifically to laugh at me today?"

"Does this prince seem to be such a leisurely person?"

His voice was low: "Then why did Your Highness come to see me today?"

"Didn't you tell me? I want to make friends with Chen Kui-shou."

Lin Jiangnian's tone was calm and he looked at him with a smile.

Chen Changqing was silent for a moment and said in a cold tone: "Your Highness is a smart man, so there is no need to beat around the bush. Just say what you have to say."

"My prince really wants to make friends with Chen Kuishou."

Lin Jiangnian spoke calmly and looked at the man in front of him with a haggard face and dull eyes, always smiling.

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, he tapped the table: "Of course, apart from that, there is indeed another thing to do with Chen Kuishou..."

As he said that, he paused: "Chen Kuishou hasn't answered my question yet?"

Chen Changqing raised his eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian: "What do you want to say, His Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian also looked into his eyes and chuckled: "Chief Chen, are you really willing to do this?"

They looked at each other calmly, but they seemed to be able to see through something, directly touching his soul.

Chen Changqing clenched his fists and said in a low voice: "So what if you are willing? So what if you are not willing?"

"If Chief Chen is willing to stay in Mitiansi and join in the evil, and become a puppet controlled by others, my prince will naturally have nothing to say, and will even send blessings..."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian paused: "But if Chen Kui-shou is unwilling to give in, I can give Chen Kui-shou a chance..."

Lin Jiangnian stared into his eyes, still smiling softly, and spoke softly every word: "Give Chen Kuaishou a chance to display his ambitions, take revenge, and make a name for himself..."


When Lin Jiangnian's words came out, Chen Changqing froze on the spot, and something seemed to jump in his heart.

He raised his eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian's eyes, those deep pupils seemed to be shining with something. After a while, his voice became hoarse: "Your Highness, what do you mean by this?"

"Whatever Chen Kuishou thinks it means, that's what it means!"

Lin Jiangnian still chuckled.

Chen Changqing fell silent, his eyes slightly lowered.

He is a smart man, how could he not realize the meaning of the words of Prince Lin in front of him?

His presence here today already means something.

But Chen Changqing didn't expect that he actually wanted to... win over him?

Chen Changqing was silent for a long time, and then said expressionlessly: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness, but I have no such idea."

"Is Chief Chen serious?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and half-smiled: "Chen Kuaishou had great ambitions when he was young and wanted to create a career in this world..."

"In the Mitian Division, Chief Chen is one of the few good agents who is willing to think about the people and redress their grievances..."

"It can be seen from all of this that Chief Chen is different from Mi Tiansi's gang of people who exploited everything and brought trouble to Chao Gang... But what's the result?"

"The faction struggle within Mitiansi was serious. Chen Zhao relied on the favor of the emperor to exclude dissidents in the court and created unjust and false cases. Chief Chen was angry, but he was powerless. In the end, he could only become an accomplice of Chen's castrated dog, facing Those innocent people waved their butcher knives..."

"Could it be that this is what Chief Chen wants to pursue?"

Chen Changqing looked embarrassed, his expression was livid, there was a faint red light between his eyes, and the veins between his arms slightly emerged under his anger.

However, Lin Jiangnian still chuckled and said: "Come to think of it, Chief Chen's hands have already been stained with the blood of countless innocent people. His so-called ambition is just a lackey in the end..."

"I'm not a lackey!"

Chen Changqing suddenly raised his head and stared at Lin Jiangnian with a gloomy look, slightly ferocious. He stared at Lin Jiangnian with a red eye and gritted his teeth every word: "I have never killed any innocent people!"

Faced with Chen Changqing's cold gaze, Lin Jiangnian remained calm: "Chief Chen may indeed have never killed innocent people, but can Chief Chen guarantee that those innocent people who were wronged did not die indirectly because of Chief Chen? "

Chen Changqing froze on the spot as if he had been stabbed, and all the breath in his body seemed to be released in an instant.

His eyes were blank, and he sat aside, muttering to himself, but unable to say a word. He lowered his head, as if he had some emotions that he wanted to vent, but he couldn't say a word.

Lin Jiangnian stared at him quietly. When he first met Chen Changqing at the Lu family's wedding, Lin Jiangnian felt that this person was not simple.

He sent someone to check, and it was not difficult to check Chen Changqing's resume in the first half of his life. After checking, he realized that this person might be a talent.

He is young and emerging, has outstanding abilities, has ambitions and pursuits, but is frustrated. For this kind of person, it can be said to be a huge blow.

This person's talents and identity were exactly what Lin Jiangnian needed.

"There is no need for Mr. Chen to blame himself too much. People can't help themselves in the world. However, Mr. Chen can choose his own life."

"Choose life?"

Chen Changqing's eyes were blank, he murmured to himself, looked up at Lin Jiangnian, and laughed miserably: "Do I have the right to choose?"

"Why not?"

Lin Jiangnian's tone was understated, as if he could see Chen Changqing's hesitation, he sneered: "If Chief Chen wants it, I will give it to you!"

Hearing the young man in front of me speak in such a casual, yet arrogant and even slightly arrogant tone.

Chen Kuishou was stunned!

He stared at the young man in front of him, with his handsome appearance, good temperament, and the confidence lingering in his eyebrows.

Young, confident, energetic...

At this moment, he seemed to vaguely see himself back then!

Back then, I was just as confident and proud. But in the end, reality slapped him hard!

What about the young man in front of me?

Yeah, he's different.

Chen Changqing suddenly realized something...

The young man in front of me is Prince Lin!

He is the only son of Prince Lin, who has a distinguished reputation, great achievements, and is famous all over the world!

He has a noble status and a prominent position, and his family has hundreds of thousands of troops...

At this moment, Chen Changqing's heart skipped a beat.

His eyes slowly lowered and he said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, why do you want to help me?"

"Of course there are many reasons. I like you very much and want to make friends with you! I also see that Chen Kuishou is a talent. It would be a waste of talent to stay in Mitiansi, so I have a love for talents. As for the last reason... …”

Lin Jiangnian paused: "Of course I want to use Chen Kuaishou to find out some intelligence information."

Chen Changqing was silent.

It seems that he did not expect that the Prince Lin in front of him would be so straightforward.

He was silent for a while: "Your Highness is here because of Zhou Huiguang's affairs?"

"That's right!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded and glanced out the window: "There is a rumor circulating in the capital that it was my son who killed Zhou Huiguang. What do Chen Kui-shou think?"

Chen Changqing stared at Lin Jiangnian, then shook his head after a moment: "His Highness did not kill him."

"Oh?" Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked at him: "Did Chief Chen find the evidence?"

Chen Changqing shook his head and said in a deep voice: "I was just suspicious at first, but after meeting His Highness today, I have confirmed this..."

He had no evidence, but when he met Prince Lin today and talked with him, he found out that Prince Lin was confident, intelligent and restrained, and acted calmly. He did not seem to be an impulsive and reckless person.

Well, the answer is already there!

"Chen Kuaishou hasn't found any clues yet?"

When mentioning this matter, Chen Changqing's face darkened slightly, and he said gloomily: "Zhou Huiguang's death is indeed full of doubts. I'm afraid there is someone else who killed him, but..."

Speaking of this, Chen Changqing glanced at Lin Jiangnian and hesitated to speak.

"Chief Chen, just say whatever you want."

Chen Changqing was silent, and finally said in a deep voice: "I reported the matter, but was blocked by the superiors... The guardian above demanded that the case be closed immediately, so that I, Mi Tiansi, would no longer be involved in the case, and the murderer was confirmed to be His Royal Highness Prince Lin. …”

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes suddenly: "Dharma protector?"

"Which of your Mitiansi protectors is there?"

Chen Changqing was silent for a moment: "Chen Feiyang!"

"Chen Feiyang?"

Lin Jiangnian searched for this name in his mind, but had no impression.

"He is one of the four guardians of Mitiansi, and he is also... the confidant of that man in the palace." When Chen Kuaishou mentioned this person, his eyes were full of anger that could not be concealed.

"Chen Zhao?"

Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes.

The news that Mi Tiansi wanted to close the case quickly was beyond his expectation.

Logically speaking, this was a conflict between Lin Jiangnian, the Zhou family, and the third prince. Mi Tiansi did not belong to any of the forces, so he should be neutral.

But this Mi Tiansi is in a hurry to close the case. In this way, it seems that he wants to pin the crime of killing Zhou Huiguang completely on Lin Jiangnian?

Why did Mitiansi do this?

Lin Jiangnian had no grudges against Mi Tiansi, or... was this the emperor's intention?

Mitiansi is nominally directly under the command and control of the emperor. If that is the emperor's intention, it is worth discussing.

However, now that the emperor is in seclusion, the actual power of Mitiansi is in the hands of the old eunuch...

Chen Zhao? !

If it is not the will of the emperor, then it may only be the will of the old eunuch in the palace...

Why did he do this?

Lin Jiangnian and he had never met before and had no grudges.

What is the purpose of his move?


What is the connection between him and the third prince?

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Jiangnian's eyes suddenly froze.

Now the situation in the palace is dangerous, and the three forces were originally fighting against each other. The situation changed after His Royal Highness the Crown Prince fell ill. This old eunuch has great influence in the court, and he has almost a tendency to speak out. Even Prime Minister Zhao was completely unable to compete.

In the capital, the third prince also secretly cultivated a considerable force, and his intentions were already obvious.

Now that the prince is ill, the situation is in danger. If these two people collude...

Lin Jiangnian's pupils shrank.

It is almost impossible for the third prince or the old eunuch to succeed alone. But if these two people collude together, the situation will be completely different...

The old eunuch has so much power in the palace that he can almost rule the sky with one hand. If he and the third prince cooperate inside and outside...

Lin Jiangnian's eyes became more solemn.

The chaos in the capital was indeed a good thing for Prince Lin's Mansion. But if the third prince becomes the final winner, it will not be a good thing for Lin Jiangnian!

Even, it can be regarded as a catastrophe!

...(End of chapter)

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