Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 247 It’s time to kill

In the evening, the city is bustling with lights and the streets are lively.

Across an alley, the sky was getting dark. Chen Changqing slowly returned to Mitiansi's Yamen with a somewhat drunken pace.

Mitiansi was established by the emperor of the day and recruited a large number of experts, who were secretly used by the emperor to supervise officials, eradicate hidden dangers among the people, and handle some shameful things for his majesty.

In order to facilitate the transmission of intelligence information, there were service offices inside and outside the palace. The offices outside the palace were located in the most prosperous areas of Beijing. This is enough to show the importance that the emperor today attaches to Mi Tiansi.

But now, with the emperor's alienation from the government, Mitiansi has gradually lost power, and the original intention of Mitiansi since its creation has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

When Chen Changqing stepped into Mitiansi, he encountered a dark shadow.

"Chen Kuishou?"

A man about the same age as Chen Changqing looked at him expressionlessly: "Where have you been today?"

The voice was cold, with a somewhat domineering and oppressive air.

This person is one of the four protectors of Mitiansi, Chen Feiyang.

Chen Changqing lowered his eyes and said in a calm tone: "I went out for a trip."

"As the leader of Mitiansi, you left your post without permission. If something unexpected happens, can you bear the responsibility?!"

Chen Feiyang's eyes were cold and dissatisfied, as if he had noticed something. He stared at Chen Changqing up and down: "You actually ran away to drink?!"

Chen Changqing was expressionless: "There is no rule in Mitiansi that you can't drink in bars?"

Hearing that Chen Changqing dared to contradict him, Chen Feiyang's eyes became sharper: "Chen Changqing, how dare you contradict this protector?"

Chen Changqing didn't speak, but the fists hidden under his sleeves clenched tighter.

Finally let go again.

"Oh, this protector knows that you are dissatisfied!"

Chen Feiyang stared at him and sneered: "You hold a grudge against this protector, don't you?"

Chen Changqing's face was expressionless: "Dharma protector misunderstood, I didn't think so?"


Chen Feiyang sneered and stared at Chen Changqing for a few times. His face became colder and his voice became more sinister: "Chen Changqing, you must recognize your identity. In the eyes of others, you are Mi Tiansi The leader. In the eyes of this protector, he is just a dog that is still valuable..."

"The fact that you have survived to this day and have the status and achievements you have today is all given to you by your father-in-law... As a dog, you must be loyal as a dog. Don't think about having second thoughts."

Chen Changqing stared at him coldly, as if there was some anger brewing in his eyes.

"What? Are you still not convinced?"

Chen Feiyang sneered: "If my father-in-law hadn't taken a fancy to you, you would have died countless times. You have no power in the capital, but you don't know how to offend the powerful. Do you really think that you are outstanding in ability? What kind of savior do you want to be? "

"Without father-in-law, you are nothing... This protector wants to crush you to death, just like crushing an ant to death..."

Chen Feiyang walked up to Chen Changqing and looked at him with a sneer: "I know you have second thoughts, but you'd better put those thoughts away. If there is another time, I can't guarantee that you will still be alive. stand right here!"

Chen Changqing still stood there without saying a word.

It was as if there was a layer of haze covering his whole body, and it was so cold that it made people feel frightened.

He lowered his head, with no emotion in his eyes. It wasn't until a long time later that he spoke calmly.

"Thank you, protector, for reminding me."

"Those who know the current affairs are heroes. If you are obedient and obedient, this protector will naturally not make things difficult for you."

Seeing Chen Changqing's attitude, Chen Feiyang nodded with satisfaction and threw another file to Chen Changqing.

"Xu Zheng, the minister of the Ministry of War, attempted to commit rebellion and was executed by his entire family. However, there were some unscrupulous people who secretly rescued the Xu family members and have been found out by this protector. Go and deal with them all!"

Chen Changqing lowered his head and looked at the file on the ground and the approval letter with bright red characters.

"Kill without mercy!"

That night.

Outside the capital.

In the mountain path, the fire is wanton.

"Go quickly, you guys go quickly!"

"No, I won't leave, I want to stay with you... gelding, I will fight with you!"

"Chen Yigou, you are causing trouble to Chao Gang. You deserve to die. Sooner or later, there will be thunder and lightning..."

"Mom, mother, what's wrong with you? Woohoo..."

The sound of rapid footsteps was accompanied by the cold collision of swords and the pitiful screams.

Under the night, countless figures hiding in the darkness and wearing black fish robes gathered on the mountain trail, surrounding a group of people.

Blackfish Robe is a master of Mitiansi.

At this moment, among the people who were surrounded, there were women, children, and even some guards who were filled with indignation. They were struggling to hold on under the siege of Mitiansi masters.

However, it was all in vain.

Faced with the encirclement and suppression by Mitiansi masters, these guards could not resist for long before they fell into a one-sided massacre.

Under the light of the sword, bright red lives were taken away one after another.

Scarlet blood stained the cold night!

On both sides of the path, corpses were lying densely, and the blood dyed the ground red, and also dyed the bushes and grass on both sides red.

The disgusting bloody smell in the air has not dissipated for a long time.

Chen Changqing stood outside the path, watching this scene with an expressionless face.

"Leader, all the rebels have been wiped out!"

A Mitiansi master appeared next to Chen Changqing and spoke respectfully.

Chen Changqing said nothing and stepped into the path.

On the trail, surrounded by dense jungles, were densely packed with Mitiansi masters. Surrounded by corpses all over the ground.


Among the crowd, a young woman was holding a little girl in her arms, shivering.

Her clothes were messy, she looked embarrassed, and her face and body were stained with a lot of blood, but she held the little girl in her arms tightly and stared at Chen Changqing with fierce eyes.

See death as home!

But underneath that feeling of death, there was also some deep fear and uneasiness.

Chen Changqing looked into her eyes and frowned slightly, "How come you're still alive?"

A Mitiansi guard on the side came close to Chen Changqing's ear and spoke softly: "Master Chief, this person is the concubine of Xu Zheng, the traitor and traitor. She looks like a water spirit. Look... hehe..."

The voice was very soft, but a bit lewd.

Chen Changqing's pupils shrank, and when he raised his eyes, he could indeed see that the surrounding Mitiansi masters looked a little more lewdly when their eyes fell on this woman.

In the wilderness, a beautiful woman is also the concubine of a criminal...

Chen Changqing instantly realized their purpose, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

How come he doesn't know?

This isn't the first time they've done something like this.

With Mi Tiansi serving the emperor's will, this kind of thing has long been customary.

Once the officials, ministers, or businessmen arrested by Mitiansi are found guilty, the pretty family members and girls will probably not be able to escape their clutches.

There is only one final outcome, life is worse than death!

At this moment, in this silent wilderness, the lustful eyes all around had already explained everything.

A strange anger arose in Chen Changqing's heart.

But it was accompanied by deep helplessness.

His face was expressionless and he took a step forward.

At the same time, the woman holding the little girl in her arms trembled slightly.

But her expression was still fierce, and she stared at Chen Changqing: "You are a castrated lackey, you have to die a good death, kill me if you can!"

"Okay, I'll make it happen for you."

Chen Changqing spoke expressionlessly.

The next second, the long knife in his hand was unsheathed.

A cold light flashed.

The woman's pupils in front of her shrank, and a thin line of blood flashed on her neck.

His body suddenly went limp and he fell down.

However, before she fell, there was a rare hint of... gratitude in her fierce eyes.

"Chief, how did you kill her? Kill her?!"

Behind him, a shocked and somewhat angry voice came.

Chen Changqing suddenly turned his head: "Is there a problem?"

Looking at Chen Changqing's calm but extremely indifferent eyes, the Mitiansi guard behind him shrank his neck and immediately shook his head: "No, no problem... This person is the concubine of the guilty minister and deserves to be killed!"

"Mother, mother..."

The little girl in her arms saw that her mother was not breathing, her little face was full of panic, and the next second, she burst into tears. He raised his head and stared at Chen Changqing, his small eyes seemed to reveal endless resentment.

"You killed my mother, I'll kill you, I'll kill you!!"

The little girl stood up and rushed towards Chen Changqing. She slapped him on the thigh and bit him viciously.

Chen Changqing's face was expressionless, and with a gentle pat, the little girl's body fell limply to the ground.

"Take her back and imprison her first."

Chen Changqing sheathed the sword, turned around and prepared to leave.

Just after taking two steps, he heard a cold light flash behind him.

He turned his head suddenly, and a black shadow appeared where he was originally standing. He was holding a long knife, and there was fierce blood on the long knife. Under the knife, the little girl's head was cut off silently.

At this moment, Chen Changqing felt chills all over his body, and the majestic anger almost rushed out from the back of his head.

He suddenly raised his head and looked into a pair of cold eyes, smiling ferociously at him: "This little girl is Xu Zheng's little daughter. After she became a traitor to the party, she must be killed... Chief Chen will not forget Alright?!"

Looking at this cold face, Chen Changqing felt like his whole body was trembling. Qi and blood surged up, and while trembling, the hand holding the knife seemed to be about to take action...

He stared at the other party, his eyes were reddish, and his cold breath was particularly obvious in the cold night sky.

"It deserves to be killed!"

He spoke expressionlessly.

"Chen Feiyang, one of the guardians of Mi Tiansi, his martial arts is not weak, he should be around the phaseless realm. This person's methods are ruthless, but his origin is mysterious. No origin has been found yet, so he must have been deliberately concealed..."

In the cold courtyard, Lin Jiangnian listened quietly to Lin Kong's report.

"Your Highness, there is very little information about this person, but this person is indeed not an ordinary person in Mitiansi. It seems that he must have a deep connection with Eunuch Chen in the palace..."

"As for Eunuch Chen in the palace, his subordinates have not found any connection with the third prince..."

After Lin Kong finished his farewell report, Lin Jiangnian was still standing under the eaves, thinking about something.

Chen Changqing is a puppet of Mitiansi, so why not Chen Feiyang? The people behind them are all Eunuch Chen in the palace.

Zhiyuan is right, this Eunuch Chen is probably not simple!

From all the clues and information investigated in Beijing, no interaction between Chen Zhao and the third prince was found. Even in the court, Mi Tiansi had always been at odds with the third prince.

Not long ago, even the third prince's subordinates had a big conflict with Mitiansi.

Various signs indicate that it is unlikely that the third prince has any intersection with Chen Zhao. But the more this happened, the more strange Lin Jiangnian felt.

It shouldn't be!

The third prince had been in the capital for many years. As Chen Zhao was a favorite of the emperor and wielded power in both the government and the public, it was impossible for the third prince not to think of ways to win over him.

Even if he couldn't win over him, it was absolutely impossible for the third prince to have an enemy with Chen Zhao. This would not do him any good.


Lin Jiangnian's eyes were profound.

At this time, a gust of breeze came along with an elegant fragrance.

Lin Jiangnian glanced sideways at the figure not far away: "Auntie? Why are you here?"

Jiang Yuxiang appeared under the eaves and approached slowly.

As he got closer, the elegant fragrance became stronger. Lin Jiangnian looked carefully and realized that his aunt was wearing a light blue waist-length dress today. It was elegant and indifferent. , revealing that figure, and his temperament became more and more earthly.

A belt engraved with several elegant flowers hangs down from the skirt, and is wrapped in a plush coat, covering up her proud figure. A face with delicate features, mature and somewhat gorgeous, was glaring at Lin Jiangnian.

"What? I can't come?"

The tone was very light, with a hint of dissatisfaction.

"Of course not. Of course I welcome auntie to come."

Lin Jiangnian spoke.


Jiang Yuxiang snorted lightly and became angry when he saw Lin Jiangnian smiling: "Can you still laugh?"

Lin Jiangnian was startled: "Why can't I laugh?"

"Everyone is furious outside, but you still have the nerve to say it?"

When this matter was mentioned, Jiang Yuxiang was worried.

The situation outside cannot be underestimated.

Although Zhou Yao could not see the emperor, he did not give up. In the past few days, there have been as many memorials to impeach Lin Jiangnian as snowflakes, and there are endless voices of scolding and cursing at Lin Jiangnian in Beijing.

Zhou Yao even united with many friends and forces in Beijing and began to put pressure on the government. As a result, the situation became increasingly critical.

Lin Jiangnian was the eldest son of Prince Lin, so the government naturally did not want to get involved, but as the situation gradually got out of control, they could not withstand the pressure.

"Don't worry, aunt, the matter hasn't reached the point where it can't end yet." Lin Jiangnian comforted her.

Jiang Yuxiang glared: "Aren't you worried? How could I not be worried? What will you do now? Are you really waiting to be convicted of killing Zhou Huiguang?!"

"In that case, you will be ruined!"

Killing the son of an official doctor was nothing. What was terrible was that everyone knew this.

Once things get serious, even if the emperor wants to protect it, he can't.

"Don't worry, aunt, I have my own plan." Lin Jiangnian said.

Jiang Yuxiang asked: "What are your plans?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while, "I can't say for the time being..."

"Okay, you can't even hide it from my aunt? Are you too brave?"

When Jiang Yuxiang heard this, he immediately became angry.

This was the situation outside, and she was almost worried to death. Why was this guy hiding it from her?

Unable to get angry, he immediately stepped forward and pulled Lin Jiangnian's ears: "See if I don't teach you a lesson."

Lin Jiangnian took a step back and barely escaped.

This time, Jiang Yuxiang was even more angry!

"How dare you hide?!"

"You brat, you want to go to heaven, don't you?"

"Today I must teach you a lesson for my sister... don't run away!"


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